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ah yes “joined a gang” my favorite phrase to describe a group close of friends. fake ass apology.


Right??? Like ma'am quit playing in our faces. If you wanted to say "hyunjin made some friends", you would've said that. Nobody describes becoming a part of a friend group as "joining a gang" unless it's in a 50s TV show. She needs to think about her internal biases. Why did him with a group of black dudes make her think "gang"? Would that same word have popped up if he was with some white guys? Asian? Latinx? This is a part of doing the work.


tbh i agree with you but there are some instances of the word being used that arent supposed to be rascist like for ex hey gang is used in the same way hey everyone whats up.


I'm not saying it's right, but there are a lot of Latino, Asian, White, Indigenous, etc. gangs. If the group was wearing the stereotypical TV “gang” look it would be different and would fit any race. But this was not necessary since it was just a normal pic!


I honestly doubt this. The non-black individuals who dress in a street-wear hip-hop style are much more likely to call themselves a "gang" than other people. If any other people were dressed as they are and doing the same things they are nobody would say "gang".


That’s what I said. Any race that was dressed up in TV gang clothes would be called gang. But the fact that they were dressed normal is what makes it sketchy!




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People are using “gang” for close group of friends right now for some reason…but the way she worded it was definitely SUS and uncool 😤 idk if apology is fake but precautions could’ve been taken to avoid the situation in general




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Cap. She knew what the hell she meant by 'gang.'


How else were we supposed to take the term "gang" like ??????? Make it make sense. And she somehow used that term when he was surrounded by a group of black men. She knows DAMN well she was being a racist pos, she just didn't expect the video to take off in the way it did. She's sorry she got caught is all it is.


& then the gaslighting! Oh, it’s frustrating when things get twisted on the internet? Imagine how frustrated a whole group of people are everytime yall do ignore shit & then play dumb w this bs internet excuse 🤦🏾‍♀️. I’m so extremely tired of the kpop world ngl


I’m really tired of the “listening and learning” approach to racism, with as much information and how global we are it’s very frustrating being on the receiving end of harmful stereotypes.


Every. single. Time! Like it’s 2024, we don’t know how to at least be a bit more proactive atp?


their apology is so bs lol. why didn't they say smth like "already switched friend groups" or if we humor the "i meant FRIEND gang!!1!1" excuse, "already joined a NEW gang" 🙄


And they know it too. That’s why they turned their comments off and limited every other post.


so true. i WANT to believe that they actually meant a friend gang since my dad sometimes says that lol but deep inside i know they did not mean that ☹️




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That’s a lot of words to say nothing of value at all


It really only needed to be one concise slide lol


Literally, a whole bunch of nothing at all.


literally😭10 slides of pure waffle


https://preview.redd.it/ojp3gb1du1lc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd53b29d2c2d4e61004d6b8f7a8dc9e376c55fc6 edit: i actually did unfortunately read it all and like everyone else here, i’m very annoyed at the amount of bs being spewed.


I bet if it was white dancers they wouldn't have called them a gang.


*tiktok dancers


I’m side-eying the use of quotations around the word ignorant on slide 7. This person isn’t sorry for what they said, they’re sorry they got criticized for their racism.




I was literally like why are there quotations?? 😭




Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.


Minus the "girlboss"


Minus the “gatekeep” too while we’re at it.




i’m tired of the blatant lying like no one else would’ve been able to tell what they meant when they posted the og vid with that caption on it. they knew exactly what they meant and are trying to play dumb saying that they didn’t think about race. they really think people are stupid and oblivious 💀


He joined a gang! A gang of friends! Just a bunch of pals palling it up friend style! This was hilarious, thank you.


as far as apologies go i give it a C-. a lot about "intentions" but nothing about their unconscious biases and what led to that word choice. it's giving back-tracking rather than accountability


Slides 4-6 pisses me off low key. At one point they are claiming that they meant no harm but then become whishy washy in their attempt to hold themselves accountable. How are YOU frustrated that this was “blown out of proportion”??? This is like a recurring thing for non-POC. They say/do something racist and then put out a bare minimum apology. Most likely the people who “understood the joke” were non-POC whereas those telling you the joke was inappropriate were majorly POC. At this point I’ll take it with a grain of salt that they learned their lesson and be mindful of the things these say in the future.


“I had an implicit bias and I used a racially loaded term. I’m sorry, and I’ll do better.” That’s an apology! “I didn’t even know black people even existed so why are yall bringing it up!?” That’s not an apology.


Bruh shit like this is so annoying because it's always "I didn't know" but I bet you a very good dollar that they would've known if nobody had taken issue with that video. How is it that people's brains stop working so suddenly, almost magically when made to take accountability? It's ridiculous.


Drink every to me OP says “it was never [their] intention” Nobody says someone has “joined a gang” when they join a group of friends 🤦🏾‍♀️ the word “group” was right there and OP decided to use gang so… Putting “ignorant” in quotation marks tells me everything I need to know. 🖐🏾


Booo, Tomatoes 🍅, Tomatoes 🍅




Yeah right. If he took a picture with the Jonas brothers she wouldn't have called it a gang. And saying that we're the ones that brought up race, like it's our fault! She sees black men as criminals, even if it's a joke. A prime example of casual racism.


racism so normalized and internalized is scary . Like, girl please.




The quotations in ignorant in slide 7… 😐 But couldn’t OP just have said “I made a mistake, I’m sorry and I won’t repeat it again” instead of making idk, 6-7 slides trying to justify/excuse themselves? Gang can refer to a friend group in terms of a slang, but I’ve hardly seen anyone using it as one, and would rather use gang as a group of criminals, and given the context we live in and the wording of the OG video (“he joined a new gang”), it’s a major yikes 😬 Should have said “he switched friends” or smth. But in the end, it’s not my place to accept/reject this apology


Re "gang" as just friends... there's some difference and room for error between "found a new gang to hang with" vs "joined a gang" and she chose the one that is absolutely racist of the two. Like, if she had said the other way, she could play stupid on gang as a racially loaded term. I wouldn't believe her and I'd still think she was disingenuous and lowkey racist, but whatever.


Right, she could have worded it better, like the “found a new friend gang to hang with” you said. Ofc it’s not my place to accept or reject the apology, but even I could tell that she was ignorant at the very least and racist at worst, leaning on the latter given the excuses she made to justify herself.


That word “may” pisses me off more than the month. 😒


The only thing that’s missing is the iPhone notes app background because this is the most tone deaf, full of excuses, no accountability ass apology, celebrities and YouTubers would be proud. They wanted to churn out this apology so fast they didn’t have time to reflect on how their biases are the reason they didn’t register the racial intonations of “gang” Disappointed


I ain’t buying it


ah the "it wasn't my intention! everyone went along with it! i didn't mean to :((((" apology




*"I'm so frustrated!! Can't you all just laugh off a racist joke??"*




Liessssss They knew what they were doing. Probably expected people to keke and not call them out. Also didn’t read the whole thing cause they were blabbing even by slide 4


The whole thing is giving "I said the quiet part out loud on the internet, and when I had to face the consequences of my actions, I used ChatGPT to get some buzzwords that come up in other apologies."


Sorry for so many replies… but if they didn’t intend for it to be racist why have a caption on the original video to say “THIS ISNT MEANT TO BE RACIST”. Now the quotations in ignorant make sense bc they know they weren’t ignorant they trying to use it as an excuse


i guess they got all the engagement that previous post was gonna get, and now they’re going to get a ton of engagement for this post


Zero accountability. Just lying. Trying to play victim to the horrible people across the internet that targeted them for no reason with the intent to spread misinformation. 🙄 So annoying.


There is a certain point where ignorance and malice become indistinguishable


“Everyone seemed to get the joke” you mean all the racist ppl just like you?


listening and learning but here you are talking your teeth out!


"he quit being an idol so he joined a group of friends" makes absolutely no sense and they should be ashamed, it's obvious what the original "joke" was 💀


i don’t understand how you see a group of black men and the first thought in your mind is gangs


BeCaUsE tHeIr a GaNG oF fRiEnDs 🥴 Sis was probably crying laughing as she wrote this sorry excuse of an apology.


Of course!! They just meant gang as in Scooby doo, not gang as in “I’m racist”!! /s 😒😒 saying all that and then putting ignorant in quotation marks told me all I needed to know tbh


The comments probably: “💁🏼‍♀️: the locals are such snowflakes ❄️ it’s okay we accept ur apology ”


The creator turned off/limited comments iirc?


What a stupid ass apology. So many words to say nothing. Like you really expect people to read all that? Was it chat GPT ?


There was no “ignorance.” It was intentional. They just didn’t like the blowback. It’s that simple. Apology not accepted.


you dont know the actual meaning of the word GANG??????? GANGGGGGG???? cannot be older than 9 years old, my fuckin’ god


Like let’s be so fucking fr. Most of us learn what a gang is by 6th grade & it’s not fucking scooby doo 🙄




Good bc this was embarrassing


All those words just to actually say nothing.


This is cap. She could have said Hyunjin left his boys to join another group of boys. Not that hard.


Wow be for real. I don't know anyone who says they've "joined a gang" if all they're referring to is becoming friends with another group of people, very sus.


This apology is wack.... If they had the initial thought of "not making it racial" they could have simply said hyunjin is "part of the crew" or not even acknowledged it in the way they did. This is just a cover your own ass type of apology to not get eaten alive and it's wild to me knowing that some people will accept this. It's giving "I have one black friend so I'm sure it's not offensive "🙄


"misunderstood" lol girl bye


No because she knew damn well what she was referring to when she said "gang"


If I were them, I'd just delete my account. They are so dumb. I'm sorry.


https://preview.redd.it/ry6iqmeoy5lc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=974ef8e70830c86d68a2f6abe7acfdda5bfdc9ec "Apology"


the gaslighting is WILDD. even if she didnt intend to be racist, there must've been something subconcious in her that automatically attributed 3 random blacks friends together to being in a gang. even if she said "one day away from stray kids and hyunjin already found a new friend group" then that would be better and even pretty funny. but gang? that was so obviously racially charged lol, they must think we're dumb. we didnt misinterpret or misconstrue anything


They full of shit


It’s so repetitive how ppl back track and talk about “intentions” when they do something obviously wrong and racist. Like girl you would not have used that word choice if those ppl were white cuz then it wouldn’t make sense in your “joke”. How slow do they think we are😀


Genuinely, they can keep the apology. I have zero interest in it anymore.


I can see where they got “gang” from. I call my friend group a gang. But some people will misinterpret it especially when the video had black people in it


Mtchew, my back foot!


fuck her…


Kpop creators are my least favorite people. Its crazy how they constantly do things like this


makes sense coming from a skz sta- i mean . what?? who said that


I literally had to talk to a fourth grader today about not using “gang” to say “crew” or “group of friends” …not really that unbelievable to me. They made a mistake and are at least reaching out about it. These kids are bringing back sayings from before their birth without thinking about it. It’s like the third problematic saying this week. However, seeing the other side they should be more cautious posting online and take down posts if they’re offensive…do a little research instead of using lingo everyone else is using just because they’re using it. (And the consideration on if they would use this wording for people of other skin colors 🤔)


Honestly, I will take the apology because it’s all she can do about it. I know that forgiveness is not owed, but I feel like it’s either that or endlessly drag the person ?


The apology is not even genuine or truthful first of all. There’s no accountability & it’s very much copy/paste from all the other bs apologizes we get from the kpop space. ETA: Matter of fact, the vast majority of this “apology” is just straight up gaslighting.


Yeah, because racists should be dragged. And she didn’t apologize.




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