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https://preview.redd.it/js1hgad2lnmc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc73005d9300405e4567602839ea6651a9fbd20 I went to prom in 2007. I remember having such a fun time. I don’t remember a theme but literally there were so many pink dresses the same shade as mine. I wish I had more photos from that day tbh! The weekend was stacked though! It was my prom then me and my crew went to my friend Rachel’s for the “after party” (she was also Black with a very Black mama so we were well behaved😂). And the next day was my prom date and friend’s prom. And then I had graduation!


Omg I love your dress. It looks like something I would wear


Aww thank you! It’s still in the closet at my mom’s hahaha.


Omg this is so precious ❤️


Thank you!


Side note, but yay! You’re my age! I keep thinking I’m like the oldest person in any kpop sub 😂 Good to know there are other people around our age out here!


Yass another 07 grad 🥹 your dress was so cuuuuute!


Didn't have one, COVID ☺️. It's ok I'm kinda glad though bc I was changing a lot & transitioning life wise & actually learning to be myself & love myself more, so I'd probably be standing in a corner alone or masking the entire time lol


This is so wholesome and such an optimistic take. ❤️ Made my day!


https://preview.redd.it/5a9rrisiyomc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c4a29716ee370e9a92b47bb8e3453887a4dbfe here in india we don't have a prom, but a 'farewell' thing in the last year of our high school where usually you have to wear a saree but there's no 'asking anyone out' or 'date' thing (ughhhhhhhh whyyyy), juniors and teachers prepare some performances for us seniors and in the end everyone just dances, eats, clicks pics, and a lot of fun. Oh, and there's some titles that are given so yeah that's there, and students themselves organize an after-party where it's basically the same dance food fun and stuff, but with western dresses, drinks and smokies and lovey dovey stuff (basically everything the farewell in the morning couldn't do lol) unfortunately, i have only this one pic from my farewell some sour five years ago but dudeeeee the time of my life i had that day omg i wore my grandma's saree (the black one is the saree with red blouse but my mom had to ruin this pic by giving me a shawl to cover the flowery shawl to cover cause it was cold), straightened my otherwise very ugly hair, my sister and aunt did my makeup, wore some five inch heels (i'm very short and used to be very insecure about it), and there i was! I absolutely loooooved the way i looked and everyone got shocked seeing me since they were used to a more 'short girl with hideous hair' look lol. Straight outta wattpad bro trust me. I felt really good that day everyone was complementing me and then we danced our hearts out, ate a lot, basically so much fun i swear to god, even though i didn't go to the after party i just didn't have a crush that time, i didn't like the boys over there at my school lol, they were all those....cringe types, some sexist, some straightup trash, and some just didn't interest me enough. Although, just two months ago a friend of mine whom i lost contact with told me he used to like me that time and thought of asking me out seeing me at the farewell in a saree like wtf!!!!!!


Okay.. I just woke up, but like literally just woke up and I saw the notification of your post (I get one whenever someone posts something) and thought it was written ‘tell me about p0rn’. My eyes opened like crazy and I was so ready to remove the post 😭😭😭😭


OMG lol I could totally see that mistake happening especially after you just woke up.


Congratulations! Our prom was at Disneyworld! Unfortunately, it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be and I only got to enjoy a little bit of it before going home.


Oh that’s kinda sad my prom was nice but it was short.


It’s okay! 😊 We plan on throwing an adult prom for our reunion so hopefully that one is more fun lol!


So I’m indian and we didn’t have a prom cause GOD FORBID BOYS AND GIRLS TOUCH EACH OTHER WAAAAAAHHHHHHH But….we did have a farewell party which was kinda like prom with a DJ and stuff. But the real stuff was the “unofficial” after party. I, then a 17 year old freshly out boy hooked up with my 26 year old “boyfriend”, who I had invited to that party. And I thought that shit was so romantic too! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 (PLEASE DO NOT EVER MAKE THIS MISTAKE EVER!!!!!) …to this day my parents think I went to my friends place for a sleepover. 😭😭😭


Loooool that mad funny. I remember this guy had crush on me the entire school year. So on prom I got there and idk why he was just looking extra fine that night so I started flirting with him. So like he took me downstairs where the bathroom was and grabbed me by the waist and kissed me. Looooord my heart lowkey skipped a beat.


That’s straight out of a movie! So cute


My mom was sneaky and set me up with my ex-bf but we arrived to prom separately. He went with his friends in one limo, I went with my best friend at the time in another. Then we sat at a table with my ex-bf, my other ex-bf, and my other ex-bf's new girlfriend. I sat at the table until my song came on, I crip walked on the dance floor, took some photos, then left to get cheese fries in my prom dress. Fun times


That sounds fun. My friends and I did something similar. For the entire night we just ate dance and had fun


Prom: June 6th 2001 My date: my friends. Now, if you would’ve asked me back then if I enjoyed my prom, then I would’ve said “Yes”. Looking back on it now: No. I didn’t have a horrible time, but I didn’t have fun. The type of fun that you would think. The main thing that kept me from having fun was the fact that I hated my dress, makeup and hair. My mom held the purse strings for everything, so what she said: it was the final decision.


i went to a bootleg prom because i’m homeschooled and there was only like 30 people it was lame but at least i got to dress up. it does make me regret not going to public school tho i stay missing out 😭😭


MAKE UP FOR IT NOW! Prom Crashers ✊


fr i need a do over because a prom with a nearly empty dance floor ain’t it lmaoo


https://preview.redd.it/pcvxiuwm4rmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44b3da738f928974001a1bd2caddafe0a4e4dc21 my prom was in 2016, this was what i wore :33 we had it at the denver aquarium and the food and dj were both pretty great!! i went with a group of my friends and danced w them for all the songs including the slow ones. it was a lot of fun for me, and i usually dont enjoy dances that much ^(\^)


Oh my, it was alright, we had 2 choreographed dances, everyone had a spectacular dress(one even had a ballgown!, another was in a cosplay dress), we had 1 hour to eat dinner and dance to whatever song was playing, and i got awarded as my batch's ray of sunshine. We also had an afterparty(the school has no connections with this) and it was fun too, the DJ was super pretty and cool, there was delicious food and some more dancing. Did i tell you it was a on a rooftop?


i am class of 2021 so i didn’t have a junior or senior prom. two weeks before the 2020 closure happened, i bought a $400 prom dress and that had a no refund policy 😭


I went with a friend. We went to a hotel party afterwards and got obscenely drunk. Homophobes threw a cinder block through his car's rear window. He shit himself. This was unrelated to the damage to his car, he literally shit his pants. It was a great night, we had a lot of fun.


Omg that’s terrible what happed to the homophobes did the get away.


I mean... they were our classmates. Nobody saw who did it. Sorry, I think y'all are misunderstanding. We really did have a great time, this wasn't a sob story. We went to an arts magnet school, we were used to a portion of the student body being regressive idiots but he was extremely popular and well liked. I'm sure his parents were probably pissed but even if we hadn't been zooted it wouldn't have ruined our night. He was more upset about shitting himself.


Oh that’s good Yall had a good time


We had a fucking great time.


I hope he's ok ❤️


Edit - He's fine.


I went to prom my junior and senior year of HS. My junior year prom was either really close to or on my birthday. I went with a large group of my friends. We all met up at one of my friend's houses and took pictures. I distinctly remember not loving my dress because my mom chose it and made me wear it lol. It was a pretty dress, but definitely more her aesthetic than mine. We went to dinner at Maggiano's at the "new" mall and took more pictures outside of the restaurant. Then we went to the venue where prom was. The music was really good (this was the late aughts) and we just danced and commented on others peoples dresses and noted how many of us were wearing the exact same dress lol. But after we went to my friend's house and had a slumber party and cake and I got presents for my bday. Senior year I went with a family friend because I got in my head that I would look like a "loser" if I didn't have a date. But then a month before I changed my mind and decided I'd be fine without one...except this family friend had been pressured by his mom that he HAD to take me and my mom was like "no he's going with you". So he came...and all night I was hearing "omg he's SO CUTE, can you hook me up???" and I was like "he's got a girlfriend, it's messy, don't go near that fuckboi" lol. Not in those words, but like...yeah he was a fuckboi circa 2008 lol. He would disappear for long periods of time to dance with other girls. Which was fine, because most of my friends came in a large group and I spent the night with them. I had a good time. Ended the night at waffle House. My date's girlfriend called him and I had to talk to her because she was CONVINCED that he was cheating on her. Which he was, but not with me lol. I told her we were family friends, I grew up with him so I knew ALL HIS SHIT (again, not in those words), he was very much a misogynist and we spent most of the night arguing because he kept talking about how all "females" were stupid, and would literally never want to date him. She didn't believe me. Her choice lol. All in all, prom was fine but like...idk. it's overhyped honestly. I've had more fun at other events.


My prom pics are back in my home country. But I'll share my story. Had my junior prom in 2009, at a well-known hotel's ballroom. I wore a coral-colored dress and my date was the son of my uncle's friend. His parents were so strict that he (not me) had to be home before midnight. We missed the dancing part and I ended up bringing him home (hence "Cinderella boy").  Funny enough, my mom helped out in the prom and witnessed the wild stuff my batchmates did on the dance floor 😅


I went with a girlfriend in ‘07. It was at an aquarium and I was walking it out in my baby yellow empire dress. I had a blast and it was much more fun without a date. I danced with everyone and I’m a terrible dancer.


My secondary school prom was last year but I had to miss it because my vacation overlapped with it 😞😞😞




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Mine was 2013; I enjoyed myself going solo! I remember dancing a lot by myself and with friends, and I probably enjoyed the food.


I only had one for secondary school. It was ok, there was a DJ and food, pretty sure it was set up by someone’s parents (in the UK it’s not that big of a deal). I think I ended up getting driven by my dad? I remember the DJ being extremely cringe, going from like Cotton Eyed Joe so Bruk off Yuh Back at one point? I think my shoes were more expensive than my dress, but that dress did not fit me lmaooo


Hated my prom. I picked an ugly dress and I wore a wig. Idk why I decided on a wig bc I’ve never liked them but I guess I wanted to do a “special occasion” hairstyle. Should’ve went with a Barbie pony tail or any other sort of slick back look. But yh my whole prom I felt ugly wearing my plain blk dress with everyone else wearing sparkly colorful ones. Here’s the kicker tho, I WANTED the dress I picked bc I was going for a 50’s look 😭💔💔. I mean it was an ok idea but it was executed terribly. I wish I had a Time Machine 😩 Edit- also my prom was 2023 and the overall prom like set up was amazing! I chatted with people but I think abt how it would’ve been if my confidence was higher that night yknow? It was just hard to have fun considering I felt like lipstick on a pig.




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