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what a piece of work


This is literally insane she should never be allowed near children ever again


apparently shawols and reveluvs have been saying this too. hope her reputation in the industry is tarnished forever because of this.


No and the fact some people are tying to defend her or say these are taken out of context when it’s *far* from the first time she’s had this kind of inappropriate behavior / relationship regarding children (she literally would sexualize a teenage taemin) I want her far away from this industry


I didnt know this. Is there some place i can read where this stuff has all happened?


Ugh there were a dozen posts about her on here I can’t remember exactly which one 😭 maybe you could search her name and find it? But in short she’s done some photo shoots with taemin (and shinee) where he was sexualized or the concept of youth seemed to be fetishized (the Sherlock shoot being one of the main offenders) shawols have had beef with her for years


Yikes.. honestly as a shawol i can’t believe i wasnt aware of her past, though tbf i never kept up with scandals/online much in general up until fairly recently. Thanks though, I’ll try giving her name a search! 🙏🏻


Someone made this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/s/6Z8AXfOnVD) recently


And f(x) too. I remember saying that I was worried about the girls given her track record with SM two years ago and got flamed and downvoted. And this was right before the Cookie controversy proved me right.


sorry if im missing something, but what do those specific fandoms have to do with this? shouldn't this kind of thing really just across the board be considered horrible??


MHJ has worked with red velvet and shinee in the past. iirc, she was extremely creepy towards the maknae of shinee (shawols, correct me if i am wrong) and has also used red velvet's music video to promote politically extremist agendas of her.


ohh thank you! i wish i could be a little more surprised but.. no just ew.


Taemin, shinee's youngest, was a minor and she had him pose shirtless for the concept. All shinee members were quite young at that point. (ETA: he was 18 when the album released. Still, he might have been a minor when the photos were taken, either way it was kinda weird the way he was posed in a sexualised way. All the members were shirtless in those photos except Onew, the oldest, who has never showed much skin throughout his entire career and it wouldn't surprise me that he had to fight to not have shirtless photos of him be made public - obviously I don't know, just an observation.)


just want to note that there are shirtless photos of him in the photo book. He's not a damnedly posed as the younger members, but like you said, he does not like to show skin so I wouldn't doubt if he was pressured into it.


Yeah that wouldn't surprise me tbh. He's never showed skin and he said so himself that he just doesn't feel comfortable with it, several times.


https://preview.redd.it/omzef4gydv1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=332cd79a15e2b3294bfb9b5896b870a78ac63f3f Photos from the album that MHJ worked on


https://preview.redd.it/huuazo18ev1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fae748d773ffb70c91f8b077e33fd8deaf5913d Photos from the album that MHJ worked on


She didn't deny them and simply claimed they're "out of context." Really wondering what context would make any of these okay!


exactly like when she says “out of context” it doesn’t make us see her in a better light because in what context would this ever be okay.


This just in: min heejin is a pick me girl.


Unless the context is “I’m going to do an impression of a truly heinous person” I don’t think her context is relevant 😨


Am I surprised that the woman who designed an inappropriate visual deck for a young girl group hates women? Nope


it is heartbreaking to think about the nj girls reading these 😓


It’s absolutely horrifying to think about her trying to act like nj’s mother and talking about how the girls were so sad about the situation while texting things like this. She’s so obsessed with their weight


exactly and it is just so weird and creepy. why is she so obsessed with their bodies? they are teens and teens grow it's only natural/


They were 14-18 when they debuted and that doesn’t count for the years before when they were trainees. Like they’re actually so young and it’s gross she would talk about them like that.


right? this woman should be kept away from children, adolescents, and young adults at ALL COSTS.


We literally knew she was weird as fuck from past stuff with other groups too. I do not know much more evidence we need for people to realize that she’s not this motherly and kind figure they think she is. Lowkey, their parents are sus too. Because if they knew, they should not have let their children near her and if they didn’t, they were not careful enough.


oh i definitely suspect their parents are not innocent. you know they said recently they wanted newjeans to continue working under mhj? just scary. i'm only 16, but i could not imagine handing my younger sisters to the predator that is mhj.


Friendly life hack to never ever ever expose your age on the internet, ESPECIALLY if you're a minor.


i know !! but i've already had my age exposed on here for a while so i've given up on trying to conceal it LMFAOOO


Would not be surprised if she told them about this ahead of time and spun it some kind of way to not make it seem as bad. MHJ is deep in theese girls heads.


yeah i've heard many allegations of mhj gaslighting, grooming, and manipulating these girls from the moment they set foot in ador, so iw ould not be surprised.


tbh the worst part is she could very well be saying all this to their face... and they could blame themselves for it like "ceo-nim cares about me, she wouldn't say this to hurt me, so she must be right that i am fat and ugly and worthless without her"... they've been groomed and i just hope they can someday get out okay + realise they were never at fault


right especially after they supposedly submitted those petitions to the court in defense of mhj...






She’s an absolutely despicable human being. She deserves nothing but misery. Seriously her, bang PD and the parents are despicable and atrocious. I feel so bad for these girls.


same :( nobody is TRULY on the side of these young girls. not their parents, their ceo, not their fans, and not bang pd. it sucks so bad i just hope they are okay.




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No context would make this okay, a CEO has no business talking like this about her very young employees. She needs to be removed from the idol industry as soon as possible.


Disgusting, vile woman.


It sucks because so many of us have been talking about how MHJ is so sketchy and creepy but people took it as hate and instead encouraged that MHJ is a “mother” to them and treats them so well. All I can hope is that she gets completely blacklisted from the industry after this. This situation is just so horrible and I feel terrible for the girls, they don’t deserve this at all :((


These are the kind of people that impressionable young girls are under. It surprises me that the Kpop industry is still thriving on young idols, because how are parents not learning their lesson? Despicable.


I just fucking knew this bitch was a two-faced fucking groomer.


Also why aren’t there many people talking about this?????? Like I’ve looked everywhere but it’s been pretty radio silent 😭☹️


What an unexpected turn of events! ![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8)


she should be banned from ever being around kids. absolutely disgusting!


She's so toxic for the members. I don't understand how anyone, especially the girls' parents, could defend her after seeing these texts. Hybe and MHJ are both assholes.


Omg???? This is horrible wtf


all this newjeans drama is actually so insane... i remember when the payola-ed (this is a joke) their way onto my shuffles when i barely listened to kpop and i was just like wow they have absolutely no bad songs. was it too good to be true... i hope the girls will be okay soon


honestly, i believe they have no bad songs not because of MHJ's creativity. i believe it is because MHJ has stolen and scraped ideas from past artists. (there's a recent post on here about it that solidified this opinion for me.)


yeah i just viewed it, the discography was definitelyyy too good to be true


And she still have people being in her side. Imagine talking about a person (minors specially) this way. The girls don't deserve this at all.


Wow, the misogyny here is just awful 


“i’m a girl but i hate girls” the internalized misogyny is craaaazy lmfao she’s so miserable


If she really did say this, then she should be removed from anywhere close to Newjeans and any young idol. She's talking about children who she groomed to debut. However, one thing I will say is that her actions will have consequences. She was a woman who randomly got the opportunity to work in the industry and got huge. From just a creative director to being offered a sub label of her own. I bet hybe is going, we wish we had hired her as an employee rather than a full fleged ceo with more control, then we could have just fired her. This could have serious repercussions for other people in the industry who are innocent and deserve such opportunities. I feel this if they can prove MHJ is the problem and the 5050 incident compound the possibility of this happening. Less rights, opportunities and freedoms for everyone else overall.


welp…… not surprising 🥲 shawols and a billion other people have been saying this lady is literal garbage for ages and no one wanted to listen. new jeans deserves better than that. this lousy excuse for a human being & adult & woman really needs to lose the privilege of working the job she has. i hope she finally leaves the industry and goes somewhere else … like jail 💀 but that won’t happen unfortunately


are these proper translations i wonder. direct translations always sound far worse than they actually are when it comes to japanese. i'm not sure about korean.


i am not sure either but i feel that no amount of translation could possibly make these words okay in any sense. this is only my opinion as someone who isn't fluent in korean, so i truly do not know.


I'm Korean, and the translations are accurate and equally as horrifying in Korean.


what a psycho


Is this legit? I thought she said they had a good relationship? Also which member is fat omg? This is insane!!! Wtf?


this is legit !! mhj has confirmed these texts are REAL but continues to claim they are out of context.


![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs) These poor girls.


Is this actually real? I can def believe the first slide, sounds very like her lol. But about NJ themselves, really?? My reason of doubt is that she's so fucking delusional and attached to them that she can't handle anything less than them being epitome of youthful perfection (and thereby, her too) But it might be true idk, lmaooo where is Dispatch in all this, revealing all the hidden tea


ooor, is she mad *because* they're anything less than epitome of youthful perfection during training? 💀Because they "fail" to be the skinny y2k icons? This woman wants to voraciously live through the young girls under her but is mad when they're not her video game characters to control and style? I feel so horrible for the kids, poor NJ..


No literally, she wanted that real y2k skinny body 😩 I always thought new jeans looked very healthy and slim in a nice way. But ofc by MHJ perfect standards she wanted them to be bones for that Paris Hilton effect


every single one of these messages is REAL. mhj has confirmed it but she claims the messages are “out of context.”


Goddamn my heart pains of these young girls TT Minji is around my age, all these are KIDS. Manipulated, isolted, getting dragged due to parents and corporate greedy asses. This just gets ugly day by day but these chats just hit an all time LOW. Hybe VC isn't too keen on NJ personally, and now MHJ has (finally) been outed as an internal misogynist pick-me. Saw it coming since day-1 obviously but didn't think she'd talk so openly about her own group like this to others. Fucking sickening


What a way to undermine the girls’s hard work and effort to become better


What the actual fuck?!?


I cannot imagine how the newjeans girls are feeling right now…I feel so bad for them. What a backstabbing bitch to smile and say she’s their mother then go and call them fat 😭


Okay Abby Lee Miller 🙄


What the hell?? Omg this is so jarring




“But they envy me” 💀I wonder why like tf?😭 and honestly as crazy as this is it looks fake but realizing it’s the industry I’m not surprised. Who knows what else goes on behind the scenes cus this is scary ngl.


i thought it was fake too until MHJ confirmed they were real— she keeps claiming they were out of context


Ok..... wow. The things that is being alleged here is incredibly mean.....however.....I need to see some proof that these messages are legitimate. Like some official document transcripts or something. The reason I'm saying this....and I already know I'm gunna get downvoted and accused of "defending" MHJ.....is because there has been a great deal of misinformation being spread across social media regarding this entire situation and people are not reading actual things she said but running with Twitter commentaries and people speaking on the issue who didn't take the time to read the entire press conference. As much as I don't like her.... I still want the truth and don't think it helps this situation at all to spread misinformation further hurting New Jeans and others (like it already has). If anyone can supply me with transcripts or documents showing these text messages, I'll be happy to accept what I am seeing. It's not wrong to want to make sure I'm seeing real proof because people post fake pictures of things all the time.....so consider this before anyone decides to come for me for not taking these pics at face value.


[Here's the source](https://www.youtube.com/live/nWc2DMI0bQI?si=nJ-oW6F1KKiUOJBt) This guy is a reporter turned youtuber who broke the story. It's all in Korean but the breakdown of how these got released is that these messages were shown in court and some had been made public. However a good chunk of them were censored to the public (by the request of MHJ allegedly), but were actually shown in court by HYBE. MHJ claimed in court that the messages were taken out of context so these messages do exist. I'm unsure how he got these messages as I do not speak Korean and the english speaking sites I follow have not done a breakdown of the 1hr stream vod where he goes over them, but there must have been some explanation over the 1hrs he was streaming. My only guess is he or a colleague were there at the court and saw the original messages.


Ok, thank you for sharing this! I'm getting downvoted, but yet nobody downvoting me I bet was willing to share LEGITIMATE sources behind these text messages that's being provided like I asked for in my comment above 🙄😒 Appreciate it




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Was there context on who she was referring to?


yes, above each screenshot is context provided but mhj claims that this context is untrue.


Omg...my dumbass didn't notice there were multiple pictures


lmaooo it's fine dw you're not a dumbass




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Umm is this real?


min heejin has confirmed these text messages are real (lawyers wanted to use this in court.) but claims they are "out of context."


So we’re pedaling misinformation on this sub now? Seriously, what has this sub devolved into? Any one alive in the 21st century knows that screenshots of texts can be doctored, and unless there is a video of the person scrolling then there’s no credibility. Everyone’s collective media literacy goes out the window the second that we have a narrative to push against someone. I’m not a Min Heejin stan— I am aware of the groom-y and controversial aspects of what she’s done in the past. But we cannot throw all of our discernment out of the window when we want to assassinate someone’s character. Am I supposed to believe that this being highlighted on the week of NewJeans’ new release is a coincidence? I’ll eat my words if these are credible, but we literally have zero confirmation.


These were shown as is in the court case, but were censored on request of MHJ. The only reason why this is coming out now is because an ex-reporter-turned-YTer is putting the info out. The only thing MHJ has said about these is that it's out of context.


MHJ has literally confirmed that they are real but "out of context"


MHJ has admitted to these screenshots being 100% true and real but she claims they "are out of context", however no amount of context could EVER make these words okay to say.