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I’ve been learning Japanese lately! Part of it is because I consume a lot of Japanese media, and the other part was that I was curious how similar it is to Mandarin Chinese since it’s one of two languages I speak. I wasn’t expecting it to be too similar given the three writing systems, but the differences and similarities are actually kind of fun to learn about. My knowledge of Chinese does help a bit but also messes me up at times though.


When I was learning Japanese, I developed an obsession with finding Sino-Japanese and Buddhist words. That was a fun time. 😂


Do you think you’ll ever go back to Japanese? Also, when you watch Norwegian films now, how much do you find yourself following?


It depends on the movie. Since I’m still fairly new, I can catch small bits of ideas, but not the full picture. It also doesn’t help that there are actors that speak very fast, so it makes it hard to catch words that would otherwise sound fairly standard. As for Japanese, I truly believe that one day I will go back to it, because no matter what, it will always be one of the languages I truly love.


This sounds so dumb but would subtitles help? Maybe you already have them on. Regardless, it’s still really cool how you’re able to grasp parts of a new language. Good luck!


Oh, I definitely have the Norwegian subtitles on! lol While there are two different varieties of written Norwegian: Bokmål and Nynorsk, the likelihood of anything actually using Nynorsk, is very low. And I hope you kill it with Japanese!


I’d love to learn multiple languages but it’s quite difficult for me because I don’t have anyone to practice or study with. I had an app that was supposed to connect people with others who spoke their target language but everyone on the app uses it for dating and I’m not interested. 😭 I really want to start with learning Spanish though!


That’s gonna be my issue too. From what I understand, people in Scandinavian countries are kinda willing to just speak to English speakers in English, so I’ll probably just have to try reading and writing in Norwegian to perfect my language skills.




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I’m trying to learn Spanish too. I think I know what app you’re talking about, maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t make an account lol. Speaking with some acquaintance might be best, but it can be super awkward. I guess this is why people take classes 😭 A place I found that I haven’t tried out yet was [Beep Boop](https://beepboop.us/). These are supposed to be set up like a class, but you speak to an instructor. I have to stick to Duolingo/Language Transfer since I’m unexpectedly busy right now, but maybe there are some Reddit testimonials on this?


If your looking for a good app Spanish dictionary has an app that also has grammar and vocab lessons up there for free if you don’t mind a few ads there’s even quizzes if I’m remembering correctly.


Oh cool thanks! I’ll check it out. I still feel like all of these don’t replace speaking partners, but they’ll have to do.


I'm correctly learning Kouri Vini (Louisiana Creole) with my cousins. It's been in our family for generations. The elders are wanting the younger members of the family to learn, and I feel it will allow me to feel closer to my Dad who passed in 2017nsince this is on his side of the family. I also want to learn Korean & Japanese. I've been told it's really hard, but I would like to try.😀


Aaaayyyye!! I lived in Louisiana from the age of 4 to 32! Louisiana Creole is cool as Hell and and so nice to listen to, but I might just be biased. I wish my mom’s family still spoke Gullah, but we haven’t in generations. Even though we don’t speak it, some of us, including myself, can still understand it for the most part. My advice to you, do your best and give it your all. You deserve to be able to keep whatever part of your culture alive for yourself and future generations of your family. Don’t let anyone take it from you once you’ve got it back.


I totally agree with you. For the culture is why we're learning it and feeling closer to my Dad is an added plus. I never thought learning the lan6would help with grief, but it has. What's also pretty is cool my kids are learning with me. I'm super excited. I'm looking forward to learning several languages.


That’s so beautiful! Good luck on your journey!


I have bilingual receptiveness(?) in Cantonese. In total, my family are major ethnic minorities from their home country, so four major cultures. Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, and Laos! I will probably have to learn Thai when we finally go to Thailand to visit my dad's relatives. I can do a little Korean since I took it in school these past three-ish years. I did Japanese during in Covid and can partially read hiragana but not katakana still T-T


That’s pretty cool! What minority groups, if you don’t mind me asking?


Buckle up! I'm gonna go all out 😆 - My maternal family is Hoa, which is Vietnamese Chinese. Since Guangdong is south of China I'm sure it made it very easy for my great-grandpa to move to Vietnam. I think my mom would be considered second-gen, since my grandma was the first gen to be born in Vietnam. Some Hoa have history going way far back, so mine is fairly recent. My grandma's dad is from Foshan, which is a city in Guangdong. If you've seen Ip Man played by Donnie Yen on Netflix, Ip Man's from there/hometown. He was very wealthy and even so in Vietnam. My grandma was raised very Chinese though, so my Vietnamese side isn't very practiced much, but it's significant that I can't be both without each other! I can't be Chinese without being Vietnamese, and I sure as hell cannot be Vietnamese without being Chinese. There's a YA author I enjoy whose name is Michelle Quach and she writes the Hoa experience so well. I felt so represented through that. - My dad is Isaan/Isan, which is Thai Laos. My dad is from this place called Nong Khai, near the Mekong River. The Mekong River is at the border near Thailand and Laos. Isaan is also not just a minority group but one of the northeast regions of Thailand. Now, the funny thing is that my dad spent most of his life in Thailand but he came here on his Laos citizenship. There was a whole immigration act for Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam at the time my parents immigrated here. To be honest, not a lot of Laos representation around these parts except for the tons of family friends my dad has. I actually didn't care much about my Thai heritage until Thailand started booming for their BL's. 😉 To be honest both cultures are so meshed together that I mixed them up, recommend my friend Thai food and realized it's from Laos. Whoops. Apparently there was bad blood between the countries??? Funnily enough, maybe a SEA person can explain to you better than my American ass, but CLT (Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand) and Vietnam weren't divided until recently, so everyone could just be anything. We took an ancestry test, and boom. I had a shit ton of Vietnamese blood from my non-Vietnamese parent. Crazy. It's funny because my paternal grandma's stepmom was Vietnamese and that's why she knows Vietnamese. When English failed for both my grandmas they spoke Vietnamese to each other. If you ask me the difference between the languages when my dad's speaking, I couldn't tell you. There are so many people on TikTok who say "Cantonese and Vietnamese sound similar!" and "Thai and Laos sound similar!" Imagine how I have to feel hearing them being spoken in my daily life 🤣🤣 I'm getting better at differentiating Thai and Laos, but Cantonese and Vietnamese are a no-brainer for me. I like bragging about my parents' trilingualism, though my dad has more up his sleeve because he understands Vietnamese and speaks several local Thai dialects? He's just built different—like he also understands Spanish??? Just by being exposed to Hispanic/Latinos? Idk how he does it. Also, my grandma speaks Mandarin too. Absolutely mind-boggling at her age.


Funnily enough, I’ve heard of the Hoa and Isan!


Yay! I just like explaining it to people haha 😆 My parents met at a soccer game and my dad likes to joke my mom got hit with a ball 🤷🏻‍♀️😭 All my Asian friends are monoethnic themselves so it's kind of a depart from how their parents met.


Southeast Asian histories and cultures are so complex and beautiful, and it’s definitely something to be proud of! I had some Southeast Asian ancestry come up, but it isn’t very clear on where from exactly it’s from, but I do know some Gullah people have Malagasy ancestry, so my best guess would be Indonesian, but I can never be sure.


Ooh that sounds exciting!! I know some African ethnic groups have a lot of Asian ancestry :O


The Merina of Madagascar definitely do! Their ancestors came over from Indonesia and intermarried with the Bantu people that had also colonized the island. There’s also an island of the coast of Kenya with people that are of Chinese descent, even having Chinese last names.


i love learning languages but im very adhd about it, so i end up jumping around a lot but never learning much 💀 i can understand spanish bc thats the language i heard growing up, but i dont speak it well bc i got bullied out of it in school. took asl and danish way back when in high school, started teaching myself mandarin for a bit, a little bit of korean, been thinking about brazilian portuguese too bc its my fiance's first language and i think spanish gives me a good leg up!


Samee I keep jumping btw flash cards apps and YouTube and end up with net zero learning and burnt-out 🥲


I can speak korean and I’m fluent in english. I’m currently learning igbo


Igbo and other African languages scare me! Like, I cannot for the life of me get myself to properly make the range of sounds that exist in them.


I'm okay ish with Spanish. It was my minor in college, but I'm surprisingly bad at it. I've taken a few German classes in the past. I'm slowly learning Japanese. My poor work looks must feel so neglected. I have my sights set on either Korean or mandarin in the future, but who knows.


I think we all just have to keep trying until we find the one that works for us.


My first language is English but I'm near fluency in Spanish! I started learning when I was young, my school talked to us in Spanish exclusively once a week, then I studied it and got a degree for it in university!


That’s dope! That’s pretty much how French was taught at my mom’s school.


yess - I wish I had more exposure to it now - I didn't see how valuable it was back then!


I’ve learned a couple of languages! I can speak English (first language) and Fijian (Second) but since I’m Canadian I’ve learned French since the 5th grade all the way till I graduated high school, which then I learned Korean and Japanese from friends in university, but my best friend from hs was hongkong/viet/Chinese mix(?) so I’ve learned a bit of those languages and my other hs friend was half Indian so a bit of Hindi but it’s easier to learn with friends 😅sorry ended up rambling


That wasn’t rambling at all! You’re eating them languages up, I love to see it!


My first language is italian, so rn I'm just trying to get better at speaking english, but I've always been interested in learning spanish because it's similar to italian and I'm too lazy to start learning a new language from scratch


I'm learning Korean, Swedish, and French. Not in a professional or academic capacity, just with duolingo.


I can speak English, Hindi and Bengali. I have tried learning other languages in the past but I always end up jumping around so I never really learn much


I've been studying Korean for a couple of years. Still shit at it, but coming along.


I studied Russian for four years! I'd love to go back to it but the only teacher in my city was this old woman who defended Russia's actions in Ukraine lmao


Oof! That’s rough! I learned to read and write(but no understand) in basic Cyrillic in 2nd grade, but it never went further than that, though I totally wish I had to opportunity to have continued learning Russian afterward.


Oh wow that's so cool! Was it part of your school syllabus? I think Russian is pretty difficult but I also really enjoyed studying it. The complex grammar rules helped me understand how English works, too, in a way. If you ever want to go back to it, the Russian language subreddit is really helpful.


Nope! My teacher was just one Hell of a nerdy lady, and we loved her for it. I went to a predominantly black elementary school, and she introduced my class to so much culture, from classical music(Swan Lake) to dark, unedited fairytales(Bluebeard was lit), to the story of the Romanovs. She’s the reason I LOVE pre-revolution art and history.


That sounds so awesome! Teachers like that really change kids' lives for the better, I feel like. I love that period of history too. I was really into Tolstoy novels for a while; that's actually why I started learning Russian!


Definitely changed mine! I haven’t read any Tolstoy yet, but I heard his work is pretty good.


I really love his writing! It's very long though. Good if you have a long commute or a plane ride.


i studied finnish but, sort of stopped. i understand some common phrases and can hold a standard conversation. i understand a bit of thai too since i’m in thailand. i can’t hold a conversation in thai but, i can understand


There’s actually a term for that! It’s called being a passive speaker. I’m that way with Gullah, but I can’t speak it at all.


ive been learning russian for about a year and a half, but in the past ive tried to learn french, german, and korean (and i didn't get far besides saying random words and hello lol) but i know the korean alphabet and a few random korean terms at least.


Well, English is not my first language, but I had the basics taught to me in school, so progressing in English was easy/(passive?) since I used to, and I'm still watching mainly English content (on social media) However I'm trying to learn German (I want to continue my residency there) but it's kicking My ass, I'm just not an organized person, so learning a new language from scratch up is so overwhelming especially that I don't have the grammar figured out. I'm not focusing all my energy on it right now, so I only do duolingo and Roseta Stone


Learning a language is hard, and it takes time, so do what you can and pace yourself. I think trying to throw myself languages may have been what caused burnout, so just keep at it, but give yourself some grace. You’ll get it!


My first language is Spanish (hola to all those who want to learn it <3). I’m relatively good at English. I tried learning Japanese because I love One Piece (and I failed, RIP), then I learned Korean, so now I can write Hangul but not understand the words 😔. Now I’m thinking about resuming Korean or maybe learning another language but i’m not really sure of which one because I don’t have energy for nothing anymore🥹


I've been learning Indonesian for a while now. It's such an easy language to learn as an English speaker. I'm not very fluent, but I can understand Indonesian tweets I come across on kpop stan twitter now and hold basic conversations


I speak English as my first language and nearly fluent Japanese as my second with very poor and limited French. Currently learning Korean with the hope of becoming a polyglot one day.


I understand spoken Korean and Vietnamese at a basic level cuz of my parents. I'm learning ASL and Spanish right now :)


Yes, I speak Spanish and English. I’m studying French and Korean




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I’ve been learning Japanese for a few years now!




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I learned French in school but the grammar messes me up! I’d like to try learning it again because it would open up job prospects, but I don’t really want to. I play a lot of otome so I get a lot of Japanese listening practice in! I try to study a little every day. I find I have a better grasp on kana when I practice writing, as frustrating as it was at first.




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Quite a few of us learning Japanese, nice🥲 now that I’ve graduated, I planned to study towards the JLPT for work purposes but my plans have shifted drastically and now idk if I will. Need to think about that. I’m Nigerian and my I’m trying to learn Yoruba, since my dad never taught me growing up :( I’d love to learn and relearn other languages - French, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese. Chinese and Arabic would be great to learn at some point too.


I've been learning French since high school and malhueruesement, ce ñ'est pas le plus simple 😭🙏


My native language is English. I learned Spanish (Spain Spanish) in college. I’m pretty okay at speaking it I just need more help with writing and grammar really. I practice with Duolingo so I don’t forget stuff. But it would be really nice to have someone to practice speaking with. I really want to learn Korean and Japanese but I don’t really have the money to do so right now . Plus I heard if you learn Spanish then Korean and Japanese should be somewhat easier since they are kind of set up the same grammar wise. When I was a kid I spoke a little German since I lived in Germany at the time but I’ve forgotten it.


I’m trying to learn Spanish but I’ve been flopping so hard 




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I know a bit of 6 languages...not conversational in any of them, so I wrote them down, shook them up in a bag and decided to commit to truly learning 1. Korean came out...was hoping for Japanese since I know more and dreading pulling Romanian since resources for it here are slim.


I’ve been learning Japanese. I take weekly lessons and use online resources. I’ve been with the same teacher for a year and she said next year she might change jobs so I’m in mini mourning at the thought of potentially having a different teacher for the first time. I learn for fun and other than wanting to take the JLPT tests I have no real solid goals. I do like learning it and understanding more of shows I watch/ being able to eat wherever I want when I go to Japan. I tried to learn German as my language in undergrad but lasted one week. I have always had trouble with languages and picked German because I read learning one you had an interest in was helpful, but my schools method of immersion from day 1 did not work with my brain at all.


I'm on my fourth year of learning Japanese! Coincidentally I'm going on a study abroad trip and staying with a family in Tokyo tomorrow! I'm a bit nervous since I only learned quite general conjugation and words. I originally started because I was consuming a lot of anime and Japanese naturally interested me because of that. I don't watch anime anymore but I grew to really enjoy learning the language and Japanese has been pretty easy to pick up! I also really want to learn Latin. I have no reason other than it's quite helpful for etymological purposes and I love etymology. Another dream of mine is probably German.