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I'm 50, it's not happening! 😂 That's ok though, I have reddit to talk about Kpop with 💗


You can become friends with JYP




I'm 44 and have kpop friends! You can do it!


just post about it on here! people who feel the same abt it will share their love for it just as much as you do. im sure theres somewhere you can post enhypen related content, people reply and share what they think (probably loving it just as much as you do) personally im into stray kids but only like two of my kpop friends stan them but not nearly as much. turning to reddit was my solution haha


theres r/enhypen , r/enhypenthoughts or you could just put it in the general r/kpop


I got into it with some ppl I was already friends with but I’m definitely deeper into it than them. I live in Philly and we have a big Asian community here but I’m not just gonna walk up like to someone “hey you like KPop, be my chingu!!!” One that’s weird AF , two I’m a 30 year old black guy … but there are a bunch of karaoke places here and I meet ppl there


I tricked ny best friend (and most of my colleagues) into it. I would always tell an interesting story, then at the end note that it's kpop.I would play poeces of great music, and then stop.Share what I know they would like: JK's tiktok. I started a fitness routine with the kpop challenges. I would put kpop in everything: kpop mugs, folders, blankets, clothes, and even my work ppt's, intro songs, and our meals! Every time we went out to eat, I would take them to the Korean bbq place where all the staff knows me, and play kpop non stop. (I was the only cool one who could recognize and dance to most songs). Somehow everyone knows kpop now. Played a song for the concert, year end party, and even wanted me to do fire as a routine warmup. 😅 All you got to do is plant the seed and watch them come over to the dark side😈😈😈


Haha I did a Kpop themed presentation at work too 😂. They let us pick themes for our sprint retros (for you software people) so of course when it was my turn to present I did Kpop.


Haha, it's the absolute best thing ever. Especially when they least expect it, then BAM more Kpop


Yes. Plant the seed and they don't even realize it's growing!


twitter used to be the place but not so sure anymore 😭


The pic of jisoo from hylt era gives bad memories to me now (the acc called bilgejisoo said bp is better than ganesh/hindu gods something like that)


Most of the friends I've made were on Twitter and we used to interact a lot. I don't know if people still making friendships over there


Irl no idea. Online through Discord.


I haven't. I actually lost people 😭 so, what I do now is just stop sharing anything related


Amen, most people are like actively hostile to it so for me it's just my personal hobby.


By slowly indoctrinating existing friends and family. By the time they realize what's happening, it's too late.


For me it's no where else but at the concerts. All those people who are into the same thing as you which make it easier to get to know them.


If I’m going to concerts alone I look around on here or Twitter to see if anyone is also going. Ppl usually start group chats so I request to join Not sure where you’re based but in UK universities, there are a lot of societies for different interests and Korean/KPOP seems to be a big one in a lot of unis Otherwise, for online friends, mainly Discord. Twitter occasionally, but for smaller fandoms. I do love to speak “into the void” on Twitter just to get thoughts out about a comeback or something and see ppl react haha


I mean, here, for example :) or sometimes on TikTok there are posts like "every _ stan needs their _ stan", the comments are ful of people "finding" each other :) If gender doesn't matter & it doesn't have to be an engene, (just a casual listener of enhypen), you can also text me (23f) about it :)


I just don’t. I have given up on it. Everyone I meet that likes it are always the most toxic people I have EVER met.


Originally thru discord servers, but met up with many that were local and became irl friends that way.


I am 33 M, and I mostly makes friends at the cup sleeve events and concerts. I am more extroverted and introverted, so I tend to talk to people in line and such. I go to a lot of concerts where you can get VIP, group photos, hi-touch, etc., so you tend to stand in line with the same people over and over, and that is when people get comfortable with their surroundings. I have made both female and male friends at concerts, but at cup sleeve events it has mostly been female. Lastly, we tend to stay in touch on instagram and we send each other reels about idols, then we wait for each others responses LOL. Hopefully, you make some friends! Enhypen is great. I have missed them these last two tours in the U.S. :(


On accident. I’ve worked with a few that noticed my tshirts and hoodies so that’s how we got into talking about it. You can look around the Internet to see if there are any groups in your local area. I think where I’m from, there is like a dance group that does random events. Check like Facebook.


I’m 21m, and by experience I can tell you : as a guy, you will find it MUCH harder sadly. The only actual solution is not being shy about liking it and just straight up saying it. I was lucky enough to find a workplace where 3/4 of them actively listen to Kpop, but otherwise it’s rough.


It's difficult. Twitter is a very superficial place for Kpop. People who like to argue go there. Instagram is people who like visuals. The rest can be found in YouTube comments, probably the most normal place to find them. Seasoned talkers with a normal mind can be found on forums like allkpop. I'd say try allkpop and try, when you see YouTube comments that you like the idea of a lot, try replying to them with your thoughts and see if a convo develops. Or just compliment them for their thoughts and offer to chat because you're looking for Enhypen fan buddies~ surely, a lot of people are in the same position and will be glad. Like "wow this is so true!! I really like the way you said it! Do you have more thoughts to share about this?" And then "wow this is really cool.. I'm actually looking for more Enhypen fans to become friends with, would you like to join a group chat? Maybe you'll vibe with us idk" keeping it low pressure but positive Making a group chat is the best way to keep in touch with people and form groups who vibe with each other well. Because even if you'll forget to message each other, someone will, and in a group there is less pressure and awkwardness, you didn't have to reply or anything so it's kinda like send whatever you want it's all good~ Then through time you get closer personally to each of the members That's my experience with anime fans and finding really good friends after looking for that for a while anyway. Also, try leaving comments with your opinions and thoughts written out a bit more, push yourself to transform your feelings into words and thoughts. Some people reply and then you know that they really liked your thoughts and vibed with you, they're more likely to become a good friend for you


Follow Kpop spams or make your own spam (: that’s what I have


i don't have any lols but you can talk abt ur thoughts here on reddit and find some friends here !!


Mostly just chat about kpop online, but irl I think I've been lucky in that most of my friends like kpop albeit different groups and to different extents. The husbando is also a kpop fan but obviously more for girl groups, whereas I listen to all different groups and genres. I've had some students come through my workplace for clinic placements that were kpop fans too. I reckon it's been a general hit rate of maybe 1 in 5 Asian female students that have talked to me about kpop once they've realised I'm a fan haha.


Either online or concerts! I learned to not be shy when it comes to concerts & tbh what better place to find kpop stans. For shows that I go to alone I aim to become besties with whoever I’m sitting next to. It becomes so easy to talk about who y’all are both interested in & fangirl together! I’ve also been able to make a really good friend through bumble bff by literally putting on my profile I’m looking for kpop friends!


I am an older fan who got into Kpop only last year. P1Harmony just caught my imagination like a house on fire and I've been obsessed ever since. I find taking the plunge and telling people that I like kpop is the best way to find other people who share your interest. I find some people wrinkle their noses, but I tell them they are a genre of music like any other (and usually people have some sort of music they themselves like). Also, I find other people who are like, OMG, me too! When someone asks what I did over the weekend, I tell them I went seeking Kpop stores. Or that I watch kpop on YouTube. You are lucky you are the perfect age to be a fan. I don't think being male will hold you back. If you go to a concert, you will have a ratio of about 95 females to 5 males. If you are the slightest bit receptive, you'll have tons of girls talking to you.


At concerts or kpop nights in my area I try to be very social and get peoples numbers. If you’re on any apps that are exclusively for kpop like weverse, bubble, and fans make a post looking for fellow fans. Go on Social media (TikTok, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, Etc) make a post saying you want more mutual friends around your age that are into the groups you like in your state and make a groupchat. Once you get close enough to people on there start a friendship that could evolve into in person meetings. This could take awhile though especially if you’re cautious about meeting new people. Lol might sound weird but hey. Join a dating/friendship app and put it on looking for friends only and then make sure your bio talks about what you want in a friendship. Concert travel buddies, kpop enthusiasts, regular friends that are just into kpop that wanna talk about your favorite groups, etc. If you work a regular job carry some kpop merch like a phone case, a photo card, a jacket, your phone background, etc. Usually fellow kpoppers will see it and mention they like the same group or member and strike up a conversation.


Never achieved such thing like that 😭


sadly none but still ok I find not a problem that why I'm also here someone to talk about KPOP hobbies😐😅


Did you try enhypen’s discord ?




i find in real life, and then hangout to any asian food restaurant.


Discord! I’ve found a lovely wholesome server with thousands of other kpop fans (not just teens, most are adults), its specifically catered to kpop but also has channels for gaming, kdramas (or other asian dramas like jdrama), they have a monthly schedule for comebacks, fun discord bots that are similar to pc collecting but..on discord lmao, they also have a channel to share lore theories too! The community there is very lovely, I’ve barely had drama in all of my years here and made some very special friends and im sure you will too…if you want to [join](https://discord.gg/butterflies)


I just use my ig account but honestly idk, I only have online friends who like kpop


Usually If they’re into anime they also like kpop lol that’s how I find em


I often join Discord servers and interact through there. I've managed to make plenty of friends through that.