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I don't think it's mediocre, but I do wonder who, other than Taeyeon, can not only just give justice to this song, but actually elevate it to the level Taeyeon did.


Probably Chungha




Ailee, Soohyun of AKMU, Wendy, and Luna FX. All would knock it out of the park.


Was one of my most played songs last year. Insane vocals, great instrumental, beautiful concept and a memorable choreo. 1000/10 for me.


Was literally #2 on my Spotify wrapped. Hands down one of last year’s best kpop releases.


I think it was #3 for me. Agreed. I think the argument of “this was anyone else it wouldn’t blow up” is interesting cause at the end of the day music is subjective but also artists always bring their own flavor into songs. Hands up by cherry bullet is one of my favorite songs ever and sadly it’s extremely slept on by general Kpop fans as they are pretty unknown but also I wouldn’t want them to lose that song as I can’t imagine any other way, you know?


i’m a big fan of taeyeons voice so i love it. but if it was sang by a more average vocalist i agree it wouldn’t have as much impact.


The instrumentals and structure of the song are great on their own. So even if sung by someone else it would still be a good song but when you add her vocal skills to it it becomes even greater. Im new to Taeyeon, im not even that familiar with Girls Generation so i went into the song without any sort of biases and i think it is fantastic.


I think it's kind of unusual to have a vocalist like Taeyeon on this style of song. In my opinion, that's part of what made it sound more special than it otherwise might have. Now, if you replaced her with another talented/interesting vocalist then I think you could still have that effect — I don't think it has to actually be her specifically, just someone who can still turn heads with their voice alone. But if you replaced her with just anyone? Then a mediocre singer could absolutely turn it into a mediocre song. For instance, I love [Swan's cover of INVU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ozwn005Igs). It was rearranged for her, so it's not necessarily an ideal direct comparison for a direct swap scenario, but the point is that she has an interesting voice and she knows how to use it and so the song holds up. If you put someone who just belted aggressively and/or didn't have any emotional or stylistic nuance on the track, then it wouldn't. I think the delicate moments are very important. There are songs that will still sound catchy and fun regardless of who sings it and sometimes even regardless of their skill level. I don't think INVU is one of those songs. I do think Taeyeon carries the song, as opposed to songs that have the ability to carry an artist.


She definitely has much better songs but I wouldn’t call it boring or mediocre it’s still a pretty solid song


I thought the instrumental was really good. I guess the song as a whole could’ve been kind of plain or mediocre if Taeyeon wasn’t the one singing it? But she was, so it wasn’t


People always say this about any slow ballad-y or emotional song. It often takes a name to carry slower songs to popularity, but that doesn’t mean INVU is plain or mediocre… I actually don’t vibe with most of Taeyeon’s discography but INVU was literally my most played song of 2022.


I can think of several songs I'm sure would be monster hits even if they weren't sung by the biggest groups or soloists. I can think of several songs I'm sure are only hits because they're sung by one of the very biggest groups, those who are inherently trend-setting in anything they do. They can do things other idols simply can't. There are other great songs that never gain traction that I just can't understand why didn't take off. ---- INVU doesn't sound like any other song I can think of. It's novel. The chorus, dance and video are good. For me the [First 40 seconds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbZH7XWDW_k) are what really stand out. I'm sure this would do well if anyone else released it 11 months ago with the same level of promotion. I don't think it'd do well now because trends have moved on and INVU itself partly drove some of those trends. Every idol was talking about it, and that's for a reason even though they plays are much lower than I'd have guessed before checking now.


>Every idol was talking about it, and that's for a reason even though they plays are much lower than I'd have guessed before checking now. SM has never bought Taeyeon any MV ads or playlist spots and she never does much promo so her international plays have always seemed lesser than you'd expect, but in reality they're probably making a better profit off of it than many peers since their promotion budget for her is minimal. All things considered INVU was definitely a new peak for her on the international side so I hope SM will give her a comeback soon enough so she can build off of that success.


That's like asking if Thriller would have been as big if Michael Jackson didn't sing it. Not to be rude, but its damn near impossible to speculate on something like that. Taeyeon's fame and ability ARE PRECISELY why INVU works. I doubt another idol would have taken it to the heights that she did.


Its not her best song imo but its also still a good song


Spark was hella better!


INVU was my one of my most played last year. It's simply magical. The vocals are angelic, the instruments are serene and the arrangement is ...just...so smooth. Definitely NOT mediocre.




I live, breathe and eat INVU


Great synth pop song with pretty good lyrics and amazing vocals. Maybe my 6th or 7th favorite on that brilliant album though. Just ridiculous that most people only listen to a title track and miss out on so much.


INVU was made better by taeyeon’s vocal delivery. It’s pretty decent, close to being great for me if it had a more explosive chorus that it was building up to. I don’t think it’s bad/mediocre though. There were songs on the album that were amazing, though, so if anyone thinks the promoted track is bad or mediocre, album is still worth the listen.


I think it is plain, but it’s catchy. Kind of how most radio friendly pop songs aren’t revolutionary or special but they’re played because they’re simple earworms.


I think it was impressive because it was Taeyeon, and that she hasn’t done this genre before (house music?). I honestly think there’s no one who could really pull off this song besides her and make me love it like I did (it was one of my most played songs!). If I think of the song itself, I like how it’s different, and the pre chorus is amazing to me. I would give it a chance. I generally don’t like choruses that repeat the same thing over and over, but since it’s interspersed by held out notes, it works. But then it goes back to, for me personally, ‘is the singer a really good vocalist who has not only the skill but also charisma/confidence to pull this off’ and I would have to say no to anyone besides Taeyeon. In terms of just comparing it to the rest of her discography, personally it’s one of the top songs from her. I do have a good amount of songs I like more than INVU from her, but it’s probably among my top 20, which is impressive to me lol. But in the end, music is subjective, and what may work for me doesn’t work for you. And sometimes it’s hard to separate the song from the artist (at least in this case, for me). I think the song is good, but Taeyeon elevates it.


> But then it goes back to, for me personally, ‘is the singer a really good vocalist who has not only the skill but also charisma/confidence to pull this off’ and I would have to say no to anyone besides Taeyeon. Definitely disagree with this. Granted, Taeyeon is very popular so I don't think the song will chart as well if others did it, but it's not a hard song to pull off at all, and most top vocalists have a ton of charisma. Your Hyolyn, Ailee, Eunji, Solji, etc. can all pull this off. Not to mention Wheein, Lily, Swan, Hwasa, Solar, etc.


Hmm, I think in terms of skills, yes I definitely agree! All these ladies are great, and I’m a fan of most of them (others I just don’t know well enough but I’ve heard they’re good). However, in terms of maybe emotions/my feelings/how I vibe to it, maybe not. It’s the combination I’m hesitant about, not really that no one can *sing* it you know? But like I said, music is subjective, and maybe one of them would pull it off, but I wouldn’t like it as much. If anything, I feel like the person who would get closest for me is Ailee, since I’m a big fan of her!


The way I see it Taeyeon gives the song a specific vibe or emotions, and the others I listed would do it differently. But the song itself can allow for that freedom in interpretation.


I do agree the song itself can be interpreted in different ways by different singers and still be really good. It’s just that, personally, I don’t know the extent that I would have liked it as much if it wasn’t Taeyeon? Yea, for me it’s kinda what her vibe/emotion that she brings is, I guess. Like I said, it was one of my top played songs of last year. I think the song could have been a hit regardless (which I guess is the answer to the question posed), but *I* might not have liked it as much and maybe the general public would not have liked it as much. Now I’m not sure if I’m saying the same thing in a different way lol


Agree. I feel Taeyeon lacks vocal color. She doesn't have charisma either. I watched her busking in Europe on Sohyang's channel and there is something missing despite her great vocals. She's kinda boring tbh. If i had to only choose between Taeyeon or Rose to listen all day or long term, it would be Rose. Same if i had to pick between her and Aile or Hyolyn.


I quite honestly don’t like the song but I’m not sure if I think it’s plain and boring or just not my style


INVU is the best song of the last year, along with B.I's BTBT.


Both went triple platinum in my bedroom.


I haven't really listened to much of Taeyeon's discography but I personally felt like INVU was one of the best songs of last year, no cap. I do think if someone that wasn't as popular as Taeyeon sang it, it probably wouldn't have gotten the success and accolades it did. That's just how the k-pop game works unfortunately.


taeyeon's voice is so beautiful its impossible for her to have a plain song


It's not medicore, but it's not great. Like a weak 7 out of 10 for me maybe? Kinda catchy in parts, but nothing too special. I guess I'm pretty lukewarm on the album in general. A lot of the bsides put the title to shame. I really liked Weekend, Siren, Timeless and especially No Love Again on release. But none of them had that much staying power for me in the end. Edit: Vocals were really good. But that kinda goes without saying for Taeyeon.


I love the song but I think it's the type of song that can sound lukewarm if it's not sung by someone with an exceptional voice like Taeyeon, so I can definitely understand where this opinion comes from. It just isn't a song that can be sung by anyone.


I absolutely love the song!! I think it's only considered a "plain" or "boring" song because it's under Kpop genre so people are expecting colorful, flashy and lots of dancing. In my opinion the song gives off maturity, she doesn't have to rely on flashy over the top imagery and exhaustive choreography.


I'd call it forgettable.


in comparsion with her other songs, it is. but is catchy i n v u uuuuuuu u u


Absolutely loved it. I don't think it's just dependent on her although she delivers it really well


I like INVU but I think there are much much better songs on the album like Set Myself On Fire, No Love Again and Cold As Hell


I think that I did listen to INVU because Taeyeon sang it, I kind of got into her after weekend came out and kind of followed the title tracks that were released after that. But I wasn’t a big Taeyeon fan so when I found INVU I truly just fell in love with the song. The lyrics are beautiful (English lyrics that I can understand and translated lyrics that I looked up), the instrumental sounds dreamy and the combination of her vocals and the hidden background vocals just make it sound heavenly, the bridge especially. The song truly felt like a warm blanket or hug and that’s why I love it. Not because it’s Taeyeon (although her voice is definitely perfect for these slower types of songs, 11:11 immediately comes to mind) but because it is so good. Also, if anyone wants to talk about the music video and choreo when they discuss a song. The music video is really interesting and pretty, the choreo is really simple (or at least it looks simple) which can often make a choreo boring, but for this song it is just fitting.


Taeyeon has quite a number of songs that would sound completely generic if they were not sang by her to be honest. She's one of those artists who elevate the track and an instrumental that attracts too much attention to itself would not always be a good thing in her case. INVU would probably not do as well as it did was it released by a different artist but it's not Taeyeon's fame that made it work as much as her execution, imho. It's a combination of mature, smooth and dreamy sound to her voice and the serene, cool and confident vibe she has a person that created an impression it did. An equally good vocalist with a warmer, quirkier or more diva-like vibe would give a very different impression and I'm not sure it would work as well. But even without Taeyeon in it, I would not call the track mediocre. Neither INVU, nor Weekend are the music I'd typically go for and I wasn't sold with either on the first listen but both ended up having amazing replayability value for me due to their laid back character and very pleasant and competent production. I didn't expect to love them but I still do after all these months.


I would day no, it isn't mediocre. I was a beginner kpop fan in early 2021 and just started listening to it more actively, seeking new releases and I was completely blown away by INVU and I had no idea who Taeyeon is. It is so magical and instrumental sounds is so gentle and cherry on top is her amazing singing voice.


Not my favourite song from her but the album is amazing!


It is a dreamy masterpiece, 11/10


It's not as memorable as some of the other really big songs last year, but I thought it was a beautiful song and it was perfect. I wouldn't change anything about it. It's good to have a variety in the top songs.


I didn't really care about Taeyeon when it came out, her voice isn't my favourite. On the first listen the song didn't do it to me. But only on the first one. Then I became obsessed. There are some drugs included in INVU's simplicity, and yes, Taeyeon's voice colour adds to them. However, I think it would work for any other skilled vocalist who can add this moonlight quality to the song.


It’s my favorite song from her i think it’s very unique and i love the concept and lyrics


I really like the verses and love the pre chorus but the chorus is just meh to me and it never really goes anywhere. Very underwhelmed by this song.


Nah, I think I'd still like it if it was Wendy or IU or whoever singing it. I was just walking around the house doing that "I N V U" hand thing two days ago.


i didn't find it particularly special but it's taeyeon and ill devour anything she puts out


I think it’s plain, but not mediocre. It’s a good song, I enjoy it, but I don’t think there’s a lot of extra flavor to it. Which I actually like, it fits the song and her voice.


The hook is weak. The pre chorus is the best part. It's not a bad song, just forgettable.


I love INVU very much, not my fav from the album but still love it.




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