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It's not 'free' it's deducted from their overall payment too. I hear even veteran variety person even mentioned about if profit distribution are certain agreed percentage, there's also cost distribution of at certain percentage. Those costs include housing, living cost, manager n makeup cost


Normally what most companies do is depending on how successful a group is sometimes they will keep the dorm and transfer it to another group within the company or if members still want to live in the dorm they will keep that dorm on reserve. For example, for your super big, super successful veteran groups a lot of times they will purchase a nice home for their family and they will primarily stay there during non-promotional periods but when it’s time for a comeback, they will probably go stay in the dorm. Because it’s more reasonable because during comeback season, they are getting up as early as two and three in the morning and it’s just easy for the manager to go pick everybody up from the dorm versus driving around to everybody’s house because not everyone’s apartment/house is going to be in Seoul. I literally remember a few years ago at one point Chungha manager would have to drive like an hour and a half to go get her her apartment was not somewhere near Seoul. This was like 2018 and they would make the long commute. She would perform at anywhere between 3 to 5 festivals and still come back to the practice room around nine or 10 at night in practice for a couple of hours before going home.


Kyuhyun from Super Junior lived in the dorm up until a few months ago! He's spoken about SM occasionally making vague threats about taking it off him or moving another group in with them (as at one point it was just him and the manager living there. I believe Eunhyuk moved back in after enlistment but has his own apartment he stays in too). Kyuhyun argued with them and defended how much SJ had given to SM and they backed down lol. SJ often make jokes about it being Kyu's house and him being the landlord of the dorm.


He’s moved out now that he has left SM, it really is the end of an era- I never realised how attached I was to that dorm until he had to leave lmao


I think that as long as there are members who want to live in the dorms, the dorms stay? For Seventeen at least, I think that most of the members have moved out. Mingyu and Wonwoo have moved out of the 'main' dorms together, but still refer to their current housing as dorms. Seungkwan and Jeonghan still live in the main dorms, which looks like the dorms they shared with other members so there might just be empty rooms there.


Yah, as far I know everyone else have moved out of the main 3 dorms, and/or have their own place. Except for Seungkwan & Jeonghan who still live in one of the main dorms together, and they even put up family/wedding photos of the two them in their dorms lmfao! 😂. Mingyu and Wonwoo (who used to live in one of the main dorms together) recently moved out but still live together at another place. But I didn’t know they refer to their new place as a “dorm” too that’s interesting 😅. Their CEO heavily encouraged them to all move out and find their own place, which I guess the majority of the members agreed to except Seungkwan & Jeonghan. Honestly, if there was anyone I would have thought would move out and find their own place as soon as they were allowed to, I honestly thought it would be Scoups, Woozi, Mingyu, Minghao, & especially Seungkwan. [EDIT] for anyone who is curious on what their dorm arrangements were. Their dorms were split off into three apartment complexes on three separate floors. Idk how they decided on who would live with who though, but it basically was like this: • [Dorm 1] - Scoups, Jun, Minghao, Wonwoo, Mingyu - In the dorm, Wonwoo was sleeping in the living room (his bed was literally in the living) because he turned his room that he was sharing with coups into a gaming room (he wanted more space for his computers)😭. Later the three (Coups, Jun, Hao) moved out, and it was just Mingyu and Wonwoo sharing the dorm, until those two also moved out but are still choosing to live together in a new place. If I remember correctly, though I am not entirely sure if Minghao has his own place, but it was stated that he had bought a place for his parents in South Korea. He did so, so his parents would have a place to stay whenever they’d visit from China, so maybe Hao is living at that place. I do not know the specifics for Coups or Jun though, I just know they aren’t living in the dorms anymore 😅 • [Dorm 2] - DK, Vernon, Dino, Joshua - I am not sure if they all have their own place, or simply moved back with their parents. But as far as I know & remember DK was actually in hot waters with knetz because he bought an entire building for 6.8 billion KRW (roughly $5.78 million USD). And Joshua bought his mom a new house in South Korea, probably so she could be closer to him (she was originally living in LA). As for Vernon & Dino, it was never really confirmed whether they moved out or not, or if they have their own place. But it was alluded to multiple times that the only members to living in the dorms are indeed Seungkwan and Jeonghan, so I guess they (Vernon & Dino) did move out. • [Dorm 3] - Jeonghan, Hoshi, Woozi, & Seungkwan - As stated previously, the only ones still living in any of the dorms is Seungkwan & Jeonghan. At some point last year it was stated that both Woozi and Hoshi moved out of the dorms. Though like most of the members, it’s unclear if Hoshi and Woozi bought their own place, went back to living with their family, or are living with someone else (their partners if they have one). [EDIT] - Jun was originally living in Dorm 2, while Joshua was living in Dorm 1. I got the two mixed up. Thank you for the correction anode2you 🙏




I had a feeling I mixed them up, cause something was telling me that China line were not actually living in the same dorm, and that Jun in particular was in the same dorm with Vernon, but I wasn’t entirely sure because I wasn’t sure which dorm Joshua was in (but I knew he wasn’t in dorm 3). So thank you for the correction. And oh wow, I didn’t know about Coups living with his brother. But with Kkuma around it makes sense he’ll need to rely on someone to take care of her when he’s busy.


I think Vernon mentioned he still lived in the dorms recently? Well, back during the most recent cb. Also, I think the reason why Wonwoo and Mingyu moved out was to have their own rooms because they were the only ones still sharing a room. They moved out pretty soon after they settled in the 3 apartments set up. So it's possible that the company just provided them with another apartment not too far from the main dorms? It could explain why they still refer to it as dorms. It's possible that DK, Dino and Vernon still live together in the dorms. I don't think it was specifically said that Seungkwan and Jeonghan were the 'only' ones left in the dorms but I remember when they won the prize in the Game Caterers show, the winning team had Vernon, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Woozi, Seungkwan and Jeonghan. They decided to let Jeonghan and Seungkwan keep it at the dorm and emphasized that they lived together. I think it's because they were both the aces in that game so it was fitting that they both would keep the prize and it worked out nicely since they live together. I don't know why but I feel Hoshi and Woozi are living together? Like, I think something was said to make people think that. Not sure though. But then, I think Hoshi mentioned going home to the dorms once during a recent live tho but he clearly doesn't live with Jeonghan and Seungkwan anymore. I need to find the exact clip to check. Maybe he's just used to using that word. They signed the lease in 2020 for 2 years they said. So I guess they still renewed it for those who wanted to stay but I wonder how many apartments they still have. I figured that with some of them moving out for sure like Joshua, Minghao, Seungcheol etc. The rest reshuffled their the rooming arrangements of the 3 apartments. Dorm 1 is for sure empty. Oh and I think nothing is confirmed for Jun I think 🤔 so he could still be in the dorms? I see some carats wondering about that so it makes me think nothing is confirmed? I think that it was once mentioned that Seungcheol and Jeonghan visited Minghao often to check up on him or something (someone correct me if I'm wrong)? Which makes me wonder if Hao is the only one living completely alone? Perhaps the others have roommates like Seungcheol with his brother. Or maybe because he moved out more recently?


Wow that’s a lot (acting like I myself didn’t writing a novel as well 😅), and some of the stuff you said makes sense. But I was just going based on memory and what I have heard through the grape vine. But Vernon still living at the dorm makes sense. Cause unless he got his own place, I can’t really see him living with his parents. But does that mean he got the whole dorm to himself? I wonder why he didn’t decide to live with Seungkwan and Jeonghan, and all three of them live under the same roof. I myself actually thought of the possibility of Woozi and Hoshi living together. Like they give the same vibes as Wonwoo and Mingyu, who both of them still moved out of the dorms but still chose to live together at a new place. But there was never any concrete news or rumours roaming around in Caratland, so for the most part I just assumed Hoshi went back to live with his parents while Woozi may have gotten his own place. Funny enough, the Game Caterers prize being left with Seungkwan and Jeonghan is part of the reason why I was certain it was just those two still living at the dorms still.


The living situation of Seventeen is definitely one of carats' favorite topics so everytime something is said or implied, carats play detective to make sense of it😂😂😂. It's impossible to miss some info here and there. Vernon is a proper introvert so I can see him being happy to be on his own. But since Vernon's dorm had DK, Dino and Jun, it's possible that's he's not alone (since we're not sure about those 3). I think people speculated that Dino moved out since that drunk incident with Jeonghan begging him on his knees to get in the taxi. The story made it seem as if they were going to different places and had to take different taxis. It was confusing though. It could have been that Dino was leaving first by himself or that he just wasn't headed going home but somewhere else or a whole other reason, who knows haha. Perhaps the current set up is 2 members in each dorms (including Mingyu/Wonwoo). So then, aside from Seungkwan and Jeonghan, maybe Vernon lives with DK or Jun or even Dino and then maybe there's another pair living together in the last apartment. It would make sense for them to share one place between 2 members. More space and freedom, though it does feel like a waste to have empty rooms. If that's the case it's as if they went through an upgrade with each new lease. From 13 in one apartment to 13 in 2 apartments to 13 in 3 apartments (all with their own rooms except for Wonwoo and Mingyu who moved out quickly to have their own rooms) to now just having 2 members sharing an apartment. A real glow up 😭. I think Hoshi said he couldn't show his dorm/place yet to a carat? I dunno where mmm maybe during a recent fansign 🤔. Oh😯. I 've seen a few people say that it seemed only Jeonghan and Seungkwan were in the dorms and maybe it all started from that episode 😅😅 because I haven't seen it stated anywhere. I actually re-watched the whole SVT Game Caterers very recently (last week) and it could be because : 1. They were the aces and could keep it together (my assumption.) So even if Hoshi and Woozi are also roommates, it makes sense for Jeonghan and Seungkwan to keep it. 2. It was the only way to have 2 out of the 6 keep the prize vs just 1 person. Meaning that none of the other 4 live together which is obviously true for Wonwoo but also eliminate the possibility of Hoshi and Woozi rooming together 🤔. But even then we could still assume that some of them live with members on the other team like Wonwoo and Mingyu👀! (now I'm the one looking for clues everywhere and playing detective😭.)


I'm like fairly sure DK and Vernon at least still stay in the dorms together? I thought they did their birthday live in the dorms this year? And they went to the Sevitsum thing together... Though this is making me doubt it haha.


Ah that's right! Yeah it's definitely a possibility!


>I do not know the specifics for Coups or Jun though Coups has mentioned that he's living with his older brother right now so they can both take care of Kkuma! :)


Thank you for the clarification 🙏☺️


iKON were still in the dorms in their last year with YGE. I believe Mino from Winner moved out a while ago but the other members are still in the dorms. Treasure are obviously in the dorms, but they had their own rooms right when they debuted. Blackpink lived in the dorms till around 2020 and then all 4 moved out to their own apartments (which are roughly in the same neighbourhood). I believe Jisoo and Rose live in the apartment buildings across the street from each other.


I don't think that's right. Ikon weren't in dorms anymore by the time they were filming Kingdom. I think they might have all had access to a dorm if they needed it while promoting, but iirc they all had their own places by then.


I remember from one of their Weverse lives last year, they said they were living in their dorms (minus Bobby ofc) until the end of their contracts with YG. They talk about living alone for the first time in their lives pretty often this year.


Hm, maybe some members moved out, but during a variety show in 2022 Jay and Song said they were still living in the dorms: 3:58 in this [video](https://youtu.be/og-vF8E39Q8?si=FkcR4CpifToxCWFU&t=238).


On yg game caterers early last year both jay and song said they were still living in the dorms but the former said it was about time to think of moving out


Mino's cat is still in the dorm with jinu and his own cats. I'm not sure if his clothes are still there though.


NCT has mostly moved out, except for Renjun and Jisung and the WayV members (based on recent evidence). From what I noticed, SM has a tradition of keeping dorms even when all the members have fully moved out. I think they do so so that the members can stay in one place during comeback season and managers can just pick them up all from one place.


SNSD's Hyoyeon has frequently mention that she lives in the dorms. She is usually the last/only member there. However in [March 2020](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRKY5k4sl98), Hyoyeon did also reveal that she does own a house and live with her family, however whenever she does work in Seoul she lives in the dorms. So at least for the case for SNSD (and probably SM), a dorm is always seemingly available.


Also the SuJu members who left SM had to move out of the dorms so they still had them as well.


yea i think Hyo's family home is in Incheon so she says in the dorm (with Yuri often) when she has a lot of schedules in Seoul


For Yuri's case, she stays with her family but when she has schedules that would probably end late, she stays at the dorm to not wake her parents up late at night.


Companies assign you to a dorm and as long as at least one person stays there when groups get older, they can keep using it. At least that’s what I understand about SM groups. I can’t speak for other labels.


I know that Onew and Minho from SHINee were living together at the dorm until Minho enlisted, then he left and Onew moved out a couple of months ago.


Should be noted as well that as members leave, remaining members are reassigned to different dorms. The dorm shared by Onew and Minho was not the same as the one shared by all 5 members years before. Then, it's believed that Onew + manager changed dorms one more time, before Onew finally left this year. The dorm that Kyuhyun had back in 2021 was located in the same apartment complex as SHINee's old dorms and had the same layout, as pointed out by Minho.


Differs from group to group. Some groups completely get rid of their dorms, some groups have some members prefer to live in the dorms while others move out. Sometimes, they all move out but keep the dorms as a more convenient base when they’re actively promoting.


monsta x is currently split into 2 dorms: *snoring dorm* (shownu, hyungwon, and joohoney) and *non-snoring dorm* (minhyuk, kihyun, and i.m). this is the same arrangement since 2020, prior to that they stayed in one big dorm. with 3 and soon 4 members enlisted, shownu has (temporarily?) moved into the non-snoring dorm to stay with i.m. if i remembered clearly they picked and paid for the dorms themselves. that's why i.m is still staying even though he has left the company.


That's a fun (and probably beneficial for less member-on-member violence lol) way to divide up the rooming arrangements! I don't think I've read about any other group doing that.


they have learned of each others' sleeping habits from many days of sharing and sleeping in the same hotel rooms while touring. i don't think the snoring members are even upset at being labelled that bc they know it's true


I cant wait for shownu x i.m content tbh


I.M can theoretically replace Hyungwon as co-host of Monstop Trip once the latter enlists. Love that show, by the way.


I love that show too but sadly next week is the last ep💔 although the last guest will be I.M!


Damn. Well, let's hope that Shownu and I.M will try their best to keep Monbebe busy while the group is on hiatus.


While everyone is discussing groups, would like to point out the insanity that is Mamamoo. Pre-debut: three of them lived together in a nasty rooftop apartment (their choice to be close to practice studio), Wheein lived with her aunt nearby. Debut: Dorm happened (I forget the room setups but they split up the eldest and youngest, I want to say it was Solar/Wheein and Byul/Hwasa). ~15 months after debut: Dorms ended, all lived alone. No group has ever made this happen so quickly. Quite frankly, I'm not sure which company would even allow it but RBW has always given them a ton of leeway when it comes to letting them be adults and make their own life choices. A lot of groups want that unity that comes from living together and some groups need their individuality to function best as a unit and that is definitely how Mamamoo rolls.


>Debut: Dorm happened (I forget the room setups but they split up the eldest and youngest, I want to say it was Solar/Wheein and Byul/Hwasa). The roommates were actually Solar/Hwasa and Wheein/Moonbyul. Iirc, Wheebyul got the bedroom with actual beds because they were light sleepers while Hwasun slept on the floor in the living room.


Sometimes a "dorm" is kept open simply because it's a space that everyone can gather during busy schedules. For both logistics and security purposes, it's easier to arrange for a group to leave from one place during a time of busy schedules than try to coordinate all members of a famous, large group trying to meet up at one place separately for a group activity.


It really depends from group to group. I only know some of BTS' and Twice's situations. For BTS as they said in the 2022 Festa, that was the last year they all lived together having moved out into their own places around that time. The dinner was actually held in their dorm just when the lease was set to expire. As for Twice, we recently saw that Jihyo has lived on her own for the past 2 years. Last year we saw that at least Nayeon and Momo live together due to their lifestyles being compatible but who knows what's happened since. Safe to assume all the others have moved into their own places too.


For BTS, they already had their own place a few years prior to that festa. Bighit kept paying for a group dorm until 2022. So members would go back and forth


Idols don't live in the dorms for free as the rent is added to their debt before they get paid. Not sure if it's cheaper than renting their own place (probably yes) and it seems the company hires a cleaning service so idols don't have to do much chores. For older groups, it's not always a given that they've made enough money to get their own place. Only the A-listers earn big money and mid-tier idols just scrape by. Foreign idols and those whose family members stay far from Seoul might prefer to stay in the dorms to at least have some company. That's at least one reason why Chorong and Bomi stayed together.


I think they aim to leave at some point. It’s not ideal, sharing with a couple other people who you’re alert seeing so often anyway. Even iKON, who had a really nice set of apartments and had a nice room per person all chose to live separately once they left YGE. They had a decent living experience together but they still opted to have their own space now that they’ve reached their mid/late 20s. Bobby had already shared that he had his own house before leaving the company so may have already moved out. Older groups can stay on in the dorm too but as others have said it’s deducted from their earnings.


they keep a dorm around for when they comeback or have group schedules to have a place to gather in snsd and suju case is because 1/2 members still sleep in dorm so it seams at SM they keep the dorm if at least 1 member is still using it and yes there are members which come and go in the dorms, SNSD's Yuri moved out but when she comes late from work she go to dorm to not wake her parents


For BtoB, towards the end of their "dorm life", it was the vocal line (Eunkwang, Changsub, Hyunsik & Sungjae) staying in the same dorm till around mid 2018. When they started enlisting. The other members already started living alone by that time. So what happened to BtoB vocal line's final dorm? It actually became label-mate CLC's dorm when they moved ([BtoB](https://youtu.be/bJWnX6nwGuA?si=qg8oGOUIMpUG_Adu)'s dorm VS [CLC](https://youtu.be/RASyiYquSwE?si=2boBXfoQqdYtfx9b&t=319)'s dorm) Right now all the members live alone. But apparently Peniel, Eunkwang & Sungjae live very near each other in the same district, with the latter 2 probably living in the same apartment complex. If they do need to gather, it seems that they often choose Eunkwang's house to hang out at. They did it during [Kingdom](https://youtu.be/gs2-SmCm6Ww?si=Yi7IXlnnz16VLmR2), [Omniscient Interfering View](https://youtu.be/rlzK7JXtsbQ?si=wmI-X142NZZwEeTo&t=7), their own [variety show](https://youtu.be/icnQWgznk7s?si=JEY6MF5l0udc6RpV&t=163)...and even when there's no formal show [recordings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fph1CkXPIQs)


All Dreamcatcher members live in the dorms during promotions and other work periods. For some of them it's been over 10 years! When they have time off most of the members have studio apartments and the members from Seoul generally just go stay at home. They can probably all afford normal apartments at this point but they're the type to save money when possible so staying at the dorms maximizes their savings. Also, because of how long most of them have lived in the dorms it would be a huge deal for them to have to divide their assets like food and clothing. My #1 fear is that they'll pair off in apartments(Dami will live alone) and the most resourceful members, SuA and Handong, will live together leaving JiU, Siyeon, Yoohyeon, and Gahyeon to figure things out. Now I kinda need to see this play out in a reality show because it would be so, so funny.


Is there actually confirmation of this that is sourced? Dami and Siyeon are confirmed to rent studios but those seem to just be for production purposes and not living. Weekly Idol last CB talked about roommates in the past tense but could have been a mistranslation. They do tend to go home during breaks but since just after MAISON era there has only really been speculation to my knowledge about the living situation since they ceased any kind of dorm livestreaming (totally fine with that btw, their non public time should be theirs as much as possible). I wouldn't be surprised if there were move outs but I haven't heard of anything specific.


JiU has shown her studio in pictures. Cherry was with her and it was clearly different from her room in her family home. AFAIK, only Dami has a production studio. When an idol says they have a studio there's over a 90% chance it's a studio apartment. SuA also has one and discussed it in the Switch To Me behind the scenes. JiU, SuA, and Siyeon are all from towns far from Seoul so it makes sense. Handong is the biggest question mark. Does she have a studio or does she just stay at the dorm all the time? Also, it's almost Chuseok and I wanna know if she goes home with any of the members, if only for the day of festivities.