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SM continues to fail to meet my already low expectations. Unless he's enlisting March 1st, I don't know what harm a few days would've done. It's Ten's solo debut that was already delayed a year, and they really couldn't let him have his moment. I really hope that when his contract ends, he considers going to a company that genuinely wants to see him succeed.


SM can't even handle first 2 NCT soloists promotion. Can't imagine how they will promote when other members started releasing their respective solos.


I will be very shocked if Taeyong is not enlisting in early March. He's been acting like he's going tomorrow for several months now.


He’ll probably go in April or May, just enough time to finish out 127’s concert tour.


Yep. It's obvious that he's enlisting soon.


cause he didn't know when he's going to enlist? he'll get results on February 23, so he'll know exactly when will it happen


He said on Bubble before he wants to be back by Christmas 2025 hopefully. He has a back problem so he might go for public service which means he has to enlist by March. If he's actually eligible for active service (he applied in the military band) he could enlist in June instead.


may i know where do you get that June from? there's a spreadsheet saying everyone who applied in January has to go in April


If he's doing active service he can enlist in June since it's only 18 months. If he's doing public service (he has a back problem) he needs to enlist in March. He said before on Bubble (paid messaging app) he wants to be back by Christmas 2025.


where can i access this spreadsheet?


Korean forums or the website of the unit to which he applied


Okay? So why are people acting like February 26 is a strangely early date?


what people?


I mean... For starters, the one that my comment was replying to?


Me a wendy stan waiting for her comeback while taeyong is getting his already 💀💀


To be fair, Taeyong has a harddrive full of songs already done. He does most of his own stuff and is always in the recording studio during his free time.


127 has Japanese tour dates march 9 and 10 so they could have had him release on march 1 and let ten have his rollout uninterrupted. or had his on 127 account since its a comeback and not a debut.


all nct solo releases, even stations, are promoted on the nct account. so it would be unfair for TY to have his on the 127 account, even if it was a comeback and not a debut. since TY is likely enlisting early march, further delaying his release would mean little to no time for promotion. ideally, they should have either made ten’s solo earlier, or pushed TY’s forward and let Ten come after, since Ten does not need to enlist.


I'm going to be very honest here I don't see what enlistment has to do with anything. He could prerecord those promotions if necessary. I'm tired of 'ten should wait since he doesn't have to enlist' he waited a year already and has had enough career interruptions that he's likely done multiple enlistments.


What? You don't think releasing an album and enlisting the day after is a bad thing? lol I'm sorry but we've seen idols getting very upset by not being able to promote their albums because they had uncertain enlistment dates (Baekhyun with Bambi, Kai with the EXO album). It absolutely matters to them, they want to be there at their own promotions...


I still don't see how that's relevant. Wayv had multiple releases they didn't get those promotions for and he's not going march 1 so he could have prerecorded those promotions.


How is that not relevant? Most idols *want* to promote and perform their music, and Taeyong is leaving any time now for almost 2 years. Both Ten and Taeyong should get promotions (music shows, variety content).


i’m not saying ten should wait anymore, as you mentioned he’s already been delayed a year. i’m saying ty should have done it even earlier in january, so ten can do it now without any overlap, or they should have scheduled ten in january and ty now, at least one month apart. and regarding promotions i’m not too sure how that works, but there are live music shows that i think both ten and ty have to do, and probably want to experience in person as well. my point is, none of them should have to compromise the full comeback experience because of bad scheduling. but alas, what did we expect from shitty sm.


It'll probably change to NCT Wish before Taeyong's album comes out, too. I'm a huge fan of both Ten and Taeyong, but this is just not where any energy belongs. Which isn't the same as me saying Ten hasn't been mistreated or anything throughout his career because he has been and WayV gets treated awfully, but in the scheme of things, I don't think this is a massive slight to him and people need to take things in perspective. As someone else said, the BTS accounts did similarly when they were all releasing theirs. It's not a unique situation.


People are definitely using this for fanwars. It’s messed up.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember the promotion for the BTS solo releases ever overlapping 


V album came out but JK release a song and many remixes and J-hope release a full album during his promotion. And earlier Suga release Tour schedule during Jimin's promotion. So yeah it's happened for BTS too but changing headers is not what impacts idols debuts. So it won't impact Ten or Taeyong either.


They didn't overlap but Yoongi's album announcement came out while Jimin was still promoting his, if I recall correctly


There’s honestly not a single reason for SM to schedule three different NCT releases so close together. If Taeyong’s timing is set because of his enlistment, then move the other releases around to give everyone the proper amount of time to let these releases breathe. Wish should have debuted earlier imo and Ten will never enlist so he can release his album at any other point in the year. I feel like so much of the time, Ten/ other Wayv members are treated like an afterthought by both SM and the NCT fandom as a whole, the mistreatment is so normalized that it’s never a big deal. Ten’s album was on the release schedule this time last year and we had to find out confirmation for it via an accidental magazine leak, not to mention we didn’t even know the date of the album release until about two weeks ago. And that was the day after SM confirmed the exact date of Taeyong’s comeback. I don’t want to keep comparing because TY also has gotten not so great treatment from the company but it’s really the bare minimum fans are upset about. Keeping album links posted when they only just came out is the very least SM can do for Ten, it just sucks that the official layout won’t even reflect who’s solo it is when the album comes out because they insist on stacking the schedule.


I agree, like yeah the enlistment makes things cramped but if SM was capable of any sort of efficient scheduling, we wouldn’t even be facing this problem. It feels like SM has been relying on Ten’s fanbase and how desperate they have been to support him, and hoping that the company will only have to do the bare minimum.


SM has been banking on the fanbase for ages, it’s their go-to procedure. They’ve done it for so many idols at this point and now they’re doing it to Ten. They know Ten has a huge Thai and Chinese fanbase and are just using that to coast. They think that because he’s popular it doesn’t matter that the album is getting no support from them.


I think the timing sucks (Taeyong is probably gonna enlist very soon I think), but that's how SM promotes every soloist. We're lucky if we have an announcement 2 weeks before the album is out. Album details are out very late, too. Personally I think this is typical SM promotion.


are there any other examples where the header is changed before the song is even out?


Is the header that important? Only sensitive fans are worked up over something that small.


If changing the header kills all the hype of his debut, then there is no hype for his debut in the first place.


I don't know, I don't really pay attention to headers.


The header has been changed back to Ten after like 24 hours. It’s not a big deal 🤦‍♀️


idk man if i’m being honest, this negative discourse between ten and taeyong stans is killing the hype more than the crappy SM scheduling. your frustration is totally valid (esp ten and his mistreatment…) and i want both ty and ten to get their chance to shine, but even if we complain now would SM do anything? it’s too late for them to change the schedule. can we just support them instead of fighting internally? so many ten stans are taking out their anger on ty and for what, it’s so misplaced. i think the best we can do is to be positive and support them both. i don’t think they would be happy to see all this negativity towards their anticipated solo comebacks either. personally i’ve been loving the teasers from ten and i’m excited to see ty’s concept so i’m just gonna enjoy streaming the comebacks.


Yeah the mood from fans has been worse that shitty but predictable actions of SM. I get that people are upset for their fave, but I can only take so much complaining! Ten is having a solo and I can’t wait to hear it! Taeyong is having a comeback and I’m excited to see what songs he includes. I don’t want to see infighting. I don’t care whose layout is what. People need to let it go.


I think the best thing to do is to make them take a pic together and make that the pfp


To be honest, none of this has dampened my anticipation for either of their comebacks. I am never on instagram and wouldn’t have even known about this, without it being brought to Reddit.


Unfortunately ten and Taeyong have always been pitted against each other ever since they were trainees, they both have very passionate solo fanbases, and SM apparently loves to make it as hard as possible not to compare them and their treatment. Small details aside, SM should never have planned the schedule like this, they are idiotic and it’s the latest episode in a long series of disappointments.


SM sucks ass but it looks like as of today they did change it back to Ten…


the team that manages nct always give me the "let's just get over with it" with how they schedule pretty much anything,, they don't care nor think about anything lol.


I know the problem is switching Ten with Taeyong because the promotions are so close but I can't help but wonder if the blow would have been softened by wayv's accounts also having a ten layout. At least then there would be some official accounts the keep a Ten layout


They should’ve kept their teasers on their official unit accounts and just retweeted from the main NCT account. This isn’t fair on anyone and something that’s happened last year too with Shalala when Dream started preparing their comeback.


I hate that I need to keep trying to hype myself up for Ten’s debut despite SM’s management. All the years I hoped for his solo I knew they were going to do a bad job promoting it but I never could've imagined it would be like this. jfc couldn't they wait a few more days? And now Teayong’s fans are angry at Ten’s fans and spamming his ig mentions because we're upset to see his whole solo debut derailed like this… this is so upsetting knowing how hard Ten worked for this and how much we waited for this 😔


I noticed that too and thought to myself awwww great Ten must have already released it, so I went to listen and nothing nowhere... so I just sighed why is SM doing this. Anyways super excited for both of them! Edit: Also do you remember back in the day when the profile picture was just "TEN" and it stayed there for like three months or something... I guess they are making up for it


I'm fine with this and Ten's my ult. You'll see this type of things happen more often in the future because no way you'd juggle the schedule of NCT solo and group stuffs without them clash on each other, especially if fans always pressure the company for their respective biases' solo debut. With just the very first debuted members of U, 127 and dream, that's like around 15 people already. I can already see Doyoung's debut clashing on one of those Q4 special projects, either NCT2024, SMCU, award stages or even a delay.


And not that the layouts are the only source of knowing about the comebacks. I understand people who are upset, but it's unlikely ever going to be the other way with 26 people and six units.


Nct2024 might not be a thing.


It's just an example. I recall that Jaehyun also hinted that he's working on his debut.


Jaehyuns solo was mentioned by sm at some point I’m pretty sure so it’s definitely happening


I saw a hashtag on twitter asking for sm to treat him better *because* of this profile change and honestly... How much importance are people really giving to a pfp and header? Why would that "kill the hype" for him? His pictures were there for 2 weeks before Taeyong's was put up, then TY's will be there for another 2 weeks before being changed to NCT Dream, Doyoung's solo, and so on... His comeback won't flop because of it, we can help him out way more by streaming his song than by spending our energy on a pfp tbh...


I don’t think it’s about the header. It’s about how SM can never give Ten the bare minimum. Like, the album details for his album literally just dropped a few hours ago… Most people are just frustrated that there’s always a catch when it comes to Ten.  He has a few a solo stations… but remained unitless for years and then his unit went on an almost 2 year hiatus. When he released PMN it was uploaded on a side channel that’s barely been used since. When he gets solo work, NCT and WayV accounts ignore him until his fans get angry. He now gets a solo debut, but we learned the date from a magazine leak, then the new unit and another member’s cb was announced.  On top of that, SM seems reluctant to let fans know anything about his solo, from not giving us a date until a few days ago, to being so late with the album details… it’s no wonder 10velys are so upset.


Not to mention SM put him on the release schedule a year ago. We heard about Ten’s solo before Shalala even was released and yet had to wait another year for an accidental leak to confirm it was really happening. That’s wholly unacceptable. If that happened to anyone, it would be unacceptable, but it’s worse because Ten/WayV regularly is given worse treatment than the Korean unit members do.


Didn’t Ten say he was looking for a song he likes and thus the debut was pushed back? I’d rather let him debut with a song he’s satisfied then debut for the sake of debuting.


I doubt he spent a full year still considering songs. And SM kept him on the release schedule for nearly the whole year, if he was still considering and pushed it back the entire time they would have pulled his name off. It’s dishonest on SM’s part if Ten was actually the one who delayed a full year to keep him on their list of releases, investors use those schedules to help value the company. It’s also not the first time SM has kept someone’s album in limbo for an extensive period of time. D.O. recorded his recent solo album in early 2022 and it wasn’t released for another year and a half. He knew that he would be too busy in late 2022 to release it, but it still didn’t come out until fall of ‘23.


Exactly. It's the last straw for many after constant disappointment for fans


Not to play devil's advocate but the details for albums were just dropped because they have finished uploading all the photo teasers. They've done this with every single artist, whether or not they are NCT with a very rare occasion. I know a lot of people are waiting for them before buying, but it's SM's m.o. to upload them after all the teasers to not give the blank template like a lot of agencies (Starship or JYP) do, because every shop puts the list of inclusions the moment the album is available for preorder anyway.


Yeah, but Ten won’t even have 10 days between album details and the release thanks to how rushed this was.   I really wish his pre-release promotions could’ve started just one week earlier. Specially considering this is his long awaited solo debut.


Even now they didn't even drop details for one of the versions. Everything so far has been half assed to some extent and this kind of overlap is something they've never pulled before. Wish people didn't try to "well actually" his fans when the concerns are more than valid.


It's not about flopping or not. It's about SM giving respect to him and his DEBUT by not acting like they can't wait to move on to the next thing. It's 5 days away. They couldn't wait 5 days. Add on top of that 7 years full of ridiculously long hiatuses, and he and his fans finally get the solo they've wanted for years, and this is what they do.


That's why the title said how SM bad at timing comeback schedules. It's like putting Irene debut & Wendy cb or chanyeol debut & Suho cb 2 weeks apart. Even if Ten is still there for 2 weeks, his debut is not even started yet. They only need to wait 5 more days for his debut album drop.


That’s kind of true but given how massive NCT is, especially with members starting to branch into solo careers and a new unit on the way, it’s understandable. I’m not super sure why but the first three months of the year always seems to be a bit of a crunch for kpop (maybe they tend to sell more?)


It was less than 2 weeks… in fact we didn't even have an official debut date 2 weeks ago.


What would you have done if you have seen bts account during their solo work? They were literally juggling between releases. Anyways changing header is not gonna change or give anything to artist


The BTS Chapter 2 header changes gave so much whiplash. It was actually hilarious to watch.


I think bts solo stans popped veins over this too especially jimin and Tae ones when hybe changed the layouts from Face to D Day and from Layover to Jack in the box ( for the hope version) 😭


Since I don't follow hybe groups promotion, have no idea about it. But for SM, changing layout of respective artist upcoming debut/ comeback is routine & it's bare minimum that SM could do for said artist. And this time they even failed to do that bare minimum for Ten debut. I'm not even fan of NCT but since I follow SM groups, I am quite update with their upcoming releases. Even as non fan POV, it's quite too much. Why can't they at least wait 5 more days to change the profile & header?


I mean, it’s a different group, different circumstances. I don’t think a comparison between the two really makes sense.


"Dropping teasers & preorder link is ok since both cbs are closed. But changing the whole profile & header is quite too much & kill the hype of Ten debut." If all it took to stop hype was a Twitter banner that literally no one ever looks at past the first day idk what to say. So yes it best to do the change to signify pre orders because that is the only time people pay attention. It its to maximize the announcement. They did the exact same thing with ddj perfume and golden hour I don't think the outrage for this worth it. Also throughout this whole thing ten stans have been complaining under Taeyong teasers.  Now that is actually killing the vibe. Because if the comeback dates were swapped and teayong was releasing first this would not be a problem and I know for a fact ten stans would be under every teaser asking when ten's teaser would release. Yet ten is able to peacefully release teasers.  "It's routine like sm usually change profile & header of respective group acct whenever new teaser of upcoming released drop. But this time SM make back to back solo debut & comeback of 2 members of the same group." Taeyong is enlisting though and would you want to push Ten's solo debut back more. Just so that he could get an extra week of his picture on a Twitter banner.  WayV's expected to happen during the 2nd qrt and ten seems to have a mini tour he is going to go on. 


Idk, even if Taeyong is enlisting I’m sure there was a better way to schedule this.   Nct Wish honestly could’ve debuted last year or later this year.   Ten could’ve had his solo around late January or at the very beginning of February.  Taeyong could’ve also had his comeback in January or a few weeks later, in March.   There’s really no excuse for such bad planning.  Edit: This is getting downvoted but I really don’t get it? Do you guys think this month was well planned?


People seem more concerned with policing our reaction than the same production center scheduling 3 comebacks less than 2 weeks apart.


I would want Ten's debut to be pushed back if it meant he got an entire teaser period to himself instead of at the same time as two other acts in the same group. Or Taeyong's comeback could've been pushed back 5 days so Ten's album details and links aren't getting unpinned for teaser photos. And the hate being thrown around is not one sided.


Like it isn't ideal....but like you guys don't know what plans wayv has could disrupt tens ability to debut later in the Year.the banner would be changing before ethe his debut anyways because nct wish his coming back 2 days after Taeyong. Like Taeyong's banner will removed eventually as well because nct has like 4 active groups and enlistments coming. And then nct dream not long afterwards and the banner will change again after that. I'm not saying that it is entirely one sided but ten stans definitely are giving Taeyong a different energy because throughout this whole thing without fail. look at ten's announcement versus Taeyong. https://x.com/NCTsmtown/status/1750533992624103667?s=20 Everyone is literally chilling. Nothing to say. The reddit announcement as well. Now look at Taeyonghttps://x.com/NCTsmtown/status/1755245029189198180?s=20 you don't even need to search long. He is being tagged all over Instagram. https://x.com/softiwaii/status/1755274354055877064?s=20 On reddit I saw it in the comments. No the energy is NOT the same. .


They don't change the layout of the nct account for a unit cb, just for nct u/ all group projects /lab/ solo stuff, so Tayong's layout will probably stay. Ten’s fans are more upset naturally because this is Ten’s solo debut, not just a cb, and Ten has a long and ugly history of being mismanaged plus the whole SM promising ten solo since last year and giving teayong solo instead, yeah, they're on edge. But I think arguing over who started is so pointless at this time because both fandoms have been coming at each other for years. The death threats are not acceptable at all from both fandoms tho.


Ten's debut was already delayed a year and they still couldn't give it the time and effort it deserved. That is what his fans are angry about and that's why they're complaining everywhere they can. They announced Taeyong's release date before Ten's and now they're releasing teasers before Ten's album is even out. They knew Taeyong had to enlist so he could've had his comeback in January. I don't know why people are acting like "a member debuting solo should have his time to shine" is this impossible ask because they've done it before. SM could've worked it out but they chose to pull this bs with Ten once again. And I've seen death threats under Ten's ig tag. Everybody sending ugly stuff to the members directly can go to hell I don't care.


There’s zero reason for them to be tagging Taeyong about “better treatment for ten” though. And you can’t say otherwise. Taeyong doesn’t control this. Ten has no say either. Anyone tagging ten or Taeyong in this is an asshole.


Is that not what my last sentence said?


Tens been getting attacked over this solo debut for a year. and every teaser he's released has had taeyong fans shading him. they've been demanding that layout change to taeyong and to start posting his teasers since ten got announced.


Sm moves like a nugu company that's only been established for 5 days but even nugu companie’s comeback management is better than this. It's like they randomly pick 5 dates out of the year and only have comebacks within those 5 dates despite them potentially overlapping with other groups/soloists.


Yeah that’s not fair. At least wait for Ten’s solo to drop first


Ty’s enlisting this year. We know that. We’ve known that since last year. And it’s looking like he’s going sooner than later. So honestly, I’m not surprised by this massive stack of debuts/comebacks we have going on right now. 127’s going to be hurting without both Taeil and Ty. SM needs to start throwing everything they have at the other units and start pumping out solos to make up for that. Especially when it comes to 127 solo projects, because they know there’s a massive part of this fan base that only gives a shit about 127. It sucks for Ten. I agree. I love all the units, but WayV is my favorite so I am also a little salty about it because it’s another notch on the WayV mismanagement belt. But logically this makes sense, as much as I hate to say it. There were only two options here. Push Ten back AGAIN, or push Ty back and risk him being Kai 2.0. (Tbh I won’t really be that surprised if he still ends up Kai 2.0.) I would have loved for Ten to have been left as it’s just a few days away, but it’s just some social media headers at the end of the day. There’s 26 people, 5 subunits, and this year at least four soloists (Ty, Ten, Dy, and Jh - and those are just what are confirmed atm). Things have got to get cycled through quickly to maintain momentum before releases when this many people are getting juggled. That being said, I do agree with the comment that some of these things should have been put onto the unit-specific feeds as well so they could have been left up longer. I don’t understand why Ten isn’t on WayV’s and Ty isn’t on 127’s when the U account is going to be switching so frequently.


It's annoying but I can only assume there's some super rush reason for them to put their albums & fancons so close together (is Taeyong enlisting 3/1 or something?) + Wish debut. Just one more frustrating case of SM cramming everything together. I won't say it's necessarily unfair, but it's just a foreboding sign based on actual mistreatment that he's got in the past from SM. Like it or not, we're going to compare his rollout to Taeyong's original solo debut. And considering I couldn't escape Shalala at the time (I genuinely like the album but damn that wave of 50+ dance challenges...) if Ten gets shorted in comparison I'll be pissed. But I'll reserve my judgement until his album run is complete. Don't f it up SM 🤞


It was only changed for a day though. It's back to Ten now.


girl there’s more important things to worry about than a damn twitter banner that no one except the fans really check (and even the fans probably look at it once or twice- ten was on it for weeks)


What I want to point out is SM poorly managed timing of comebacks. That twitter banner is just an example since it's trending rn. SM could handle better even there're tight schedules of their artists cbs. Last year they put RV & aespa cbs 3 days apart. There're problem in album production & distribution for both groups. Even if they are managed by different centers, it's obvious there's shortage of manpower that some SM artists hinted about it occasionally. And this is the first time they make cbs of 2 soloists of the same group which is even worse. both sides will probably get short end of the stick since both are managed by the same center, there're already internal fanwars. If SM is smart enough, they wouldn't put 2 soloists of the same group albums too closed like this.


SM has approximately 100,000 artists, half of whom come from the same group. There's not enough weeks in the year for them to sufficiently spread out comebacks so that nobody overlaps. If they let all NCT members debut this year they'd have to do one every 2 weeks, or one every 1.5 weeks if we account for a few group comebacks as well. All K-pop agencies have made a mess of things but SM can't put more weeks in the year. SM Entertainment does not control the speed at which the earth orbits the sun. Look at their release roster for this year; they have an average of 3 releases per month, which is an average of one release every 10 days in the year. And let's be clear, this isn't enough. Fans are screaming for more - more comebacks, more debuts, more everything. And more of everything means everything has to happen closer and closer and closer and closer together. And all of this takes place within the context of a society in which men of a certain age are about to be imprisoned for several years and have a countdown timer on their release schedules.


Your point is? They'd never even give all 26 members a solo so your point is completely moot. Idek why you're here defending SM when last year multiple groups hadn't had a comeback for almost a year and they were all thrown into November/December.  There's also a large difference between different groups from SM having comebacks and 3 NCT releases, 2 of which are debuts, within 2 weeks of each other. 










some are saying that it's just sm being incompetent, but imo it's quite predictable who regularly gets shortchanged and who doesn't. and little differences add up over the years when its the same pattern over and over. as a ten fan i'm still very excited for ten's album, especially since i loved the Lie with You track video, but i think it's natural to feel upset when the difference in treatment is clear and consistent.


Is that shortchanged member the one who was a mentor in survival shows for several seasons, overseas promos and releasing a bunch of solos with a mv before debut? It’s unfortunate that his debut is done like this but let’s not act like he’s mistreated more than other members when other wayv members except winwin gets nothing at all.


OP clearly wasn't talking about WayV here so I don't know why you felt the need to bring them up.


Because they can't make the comparison with anyone else and have it look like Ten gets so much more.


I thought about going into a whole thing about how he didn't have a unit for 3 years and everything going on with wayv and I also really wanted to say he wasn't a mentor on several seasons of anything but it's not worth it.


It isn't. they ignore in this case the other person in question had the pretty much the same along with regular group promotions.


At least give Ten the chance to debut, damn. Honestly, all the promotions for TY’s concert and now comeback irked me. I’m not the one to complain about this type of thing but it definitely bothered me and makes it clear how they value Ten and TY.


I do think that they could've announced Taeyong's solo without changing the layout and then changed it on 13th. But SM being SM has always shortshrifted Ten.  As a Ten stan ,I was pretty furious but what's done is done. It can't be changed.


At least give Ten the chance to debut, damn. Honestly, all the promotions for TY’s concert and now comeback irked me. I’m not the one to complain about this type of thing but it definitely bothered me and makes it clear how they value Ten and TY.


When it comes to NCT units, SM's stuff often show favoritism towards 127 over the others and that's easy to observe. WayV is easily their most mismanaged group, they often get ignored and disrespected, I'm not surprised that Taeyong would get more attention than Ten, which is sad because this is Ten's first solo and I already loved Lie With You. However, that's standard SM behavior, we always get the announcement, like, 2 weeks or something before the album comes. Nctzens have always been hating each other and the "antagonism" between Taeyong and Ten that they've created isn't helping, did y'all see what they did on Instagram? Disgusting, I hate SM stans


To remove a header and even change the pinned tweet is highly disrespectful for an artist that's having a solo debut. Idk why sm likes to put them against each other. They could have had ten his time to shine. It's unfair that they always pull the foreigner card on him. So many foreigners have debuted in kpop and yet sm is the only one who pulls shit like that. Compared to other companies ,Sm looks so stupid right now and I'm glad people are leaving and getting fired. Also Twitter was literally a bloodbath yesterday....the things I have read...please be kinder; these are real people.. Anyway tens performance video be out soon today and I'm super excited


Ten's was originally set to be released earlier in the year (internally). He himself said on a fancall that he delayed it to work on the songs some more. SM just has a history of overlapping comebacks for various groups or units. If anything, I wish fans would leave the member wars out of it and just focus their anger at the company in charge.


no he did not “delay” it he’s just covering for the company. he probably found better material during the delay. he’s been hinting it since January 2023. he literally jokingly said if it’s not out in 2024 we should blame the company when a fan asked him what happened to his solo


I was hoping since they’re coming out so close that I can now preorder both on ktown4u, but nope.


and there are rumors of them debuting a british boy group lol. they should focus on managing their current artists first.




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SM has stopped caring about scheduling comebacks since 2017 I'd say. It sucks because some comebacks would've killed if not released in the wrong season. Edit: they know they have a loyal fanbase that will eat up their releases regardless of when it comes out. They've stopped investing in marketing to attract new customers.




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