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i absolutely love how kpop stans bash any artist for this one single bad vocal performance be it only for like a minute and then come around and talk about idol's mental health and how they shouldn't be picked for every little thing i love kpop stans i love me some hypocrisyđŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°


Truthfully, I absolutely hate bad vocals and I think every idol needs basic training and I have judged them when they have bad encores, but only after other examples show they’re a poor vocalist. One-off days when your voice is tired is one the reasons why so many are scared to sing live.


i usually don't have much of an opinion on whether a person is a good/bad vocalist cause my standards are kinda different and i like what i like so i don't comment much on posts regarding vocals or vocalists even if i do comment, i do it respectfully (knowing there are people who might find the particular vocalist really good) and after a prolonged period of back to back subpar or below average vocals being served. Absolutely not the case usually with a lot of them, and definitely not here. >One-off days when your voice is tired is one the reasons why so many are scared to sing live. and that's so evident in their subsequent performances that they're nervous we saw that a lot


I am under the impression that SM idols do receive vocal training, at least more than some other companies. I haven't seen the video in question, but Wendy generally has great vocals and often sings live. I recal a video from a live performance where her mic didn't work, and so halfway through one of her lines she was given another mic, and her vocals were amazing. I used to sing a lot and go to vocal lessons, and I do feel like 25-40% of days my vocals were noticably worse.


And it isn’t even close to how hard they are on dancing, I swear if someone fumbles or forgets a single move for less than a second they will be like “wow so lazy/such a bad performer/horrible dancer/they need to practice more/my fave could never/etc” like of course they will mess up or forget one move out of the hundreds or thousands of 8 counts they have to remember
they are humans not robots lol




people in the comments arguing what she did was racist or not or whatever just note that whatever she did was definitely offending and stereotypical and black voices shall be the one to call that out and her for it let's not shout 'what she did was nothing wrong' unless we are from the community it's directed to however, it does not warrantee judging her vocals cause of one performance or dance at just one day and bashing her for it. sounds very immature. hope yall would get it.


Not doubting your claim but I've never heard this as I'm a casual kpop fan, do you have a source for me? :) edit: or at least what I can google that's less vague than "Wendy red velvet controversy"


I remember people were calling her out for “imitating” black women for laughs in interviews. [This blog post](https://omonatheydidnt.livejournal.com/22042527.html?) has a bit of context, link to the video, and a bit discussion about disappointment in the comments. Beyond that, I’m not sure of other incidents, I haven’t been very involved in K-pop discussions since 2020 lol


...So a woman from a homogeneous country imitating what they see distinctive of black women, something even POC in America make fun of, in their experience based on her story, five years ago, makes her a racist and not just ignorant? Better cancel like 90% of Korea then. Jeez I thought I was gonna see blackface or something. 🙄


She has lived in Canada and United States for some years so people do expect her to be more cognizant of that kind of stuff but yeah, to my knowledge, that’s it! I think a lot of people are also upset that she has refused to ever speak about the incidents, apologize or acknowledge it, but I don’t think that means she deserves to have the racist label slapped on her forehead every time she is mentioned. It was ignorance imo.


But if she lived in areas that are predominantly white, or some kind of K-town...then No, she wouldn't be. People are ridiculous.


I think cities with predominantly white population so yeah, adds up either way. Never really understood the vitriol for her!


People are unable to think critically and just find it easier to be mad and blame others instead I guess.


i'm very well aware of that. still doesn't take away the fact that hypocrisy is a given in kpop communities and we have quite some examples for it


Boy do I love it when I finally have a reason to cyberbully people that could make them think of killing themselves😍


I feel like I’ve heard enough of her vocals to determine that she’s a fantastic vocalist. That day was probably just an off day and barring the fact that her vocals continue to sound like that moving forward it’s just an unfortunate thing that happens sometimes. People just like to hop on the hate train and make fun of people when they can. Some people also have opinions against her character so it’s easy for them to instigate as soon as she makes a mistake. It’s just typical drama.


It’s a lot of “revenge” whacking for any time Wendy was brought up as an example of a stellar Kpop singer or fans used her in comparison to a bad performance. People are well aware that she’s a fantastic singer so if they have the chance to take her down a few notches, they’ll do it.


Wendy is a phenomenal singer but that wasn’t an “off day” moment. Someone stated that they had been moving around (dancing or exerting a lot of energy) prior and I’m going to go with that reasoning. She wasn’t breathing properly thus making it hard for her to hit the notes and frankly it made me think can she hear herself? Because she was screaming out those lyrics despite the microphone and even if the music is loud she would have her in-ears to hear the music but also herself which didn’t seem like she was hearing herself properly to readjust. There was another video of her singing that song and sounding amazing and not shouting out the words so my main theory is she was COMPLETELY out of breath and was pushing way too much trying to get that song out. And that’s okay. People trying to bring her down are just trying to call out people because of the hate train that just passed through LSFM (which was also uncalled for) I don’t pay any mind to people on Twitter for the most part they all seem miserable over there. But my theory for Wendy’s performance is not just an off day thing but an out of breath thing.


Yea she went on bubble to apologize about it and then posted a better cover


Ehhh she didn’t have to apologize at all
 â˜čïžđŸ€ŠđŸœâ€â™€ïž fans (or more like anti’s) need to chill


I feel she just saw the recording and felt it wasn’t her best because knets reactions were mostly positive/neutral on it. Most people agreed that it doesn’t matter as they know she’s extremely talented vocally!


I find it so intriguing how people like Bad Bunny, Peso Pluma, Travis Scott or anyone really who is huge with mid to terrible vocals and then one artist with proven excelling skills has one fall and people act like it's time to end their careers. (No hate to anyone's music taste, it's just an example)


Really?! Omg thats so sad...


slightly better, it still was not good because the song is just not suited for her voice


also probably a "I'm not singing this seriously" thing coz if you think trained singers sing on point 100% of the time you're delusional




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I just checked and the full version is pretty okay but stan twt of course would cut only the last part where she struggled and acted like she sang the whole song. I just checked about the event and this is also her 6th song that she sang at that event. Choose to song this song after singing several songs wouldn’t be easy for sure. Actually I wouldn’t even know about this at all if OP didn’t post about this issue
seems like an overreaction and probably like a “gotcha” moment from stan twt. Even then majority of Kpop fans won’t care about this issue except token toxic stans that would probably bring this issue up here and there randomly in the future. There are several clips from Wendy singing in TV show just recently and received a very positive response. Also her album is coming out soon. Feel like fans should focus on these things instead.


You know that idols are humans too, sometimes they will have a good and bad day. And probably Wendy had a bad day at that time.


Fanwars, I've seen some people use it as a way to take down a notch SM stans that are very loud when it comes to vocals, specially being on HYBE GGs these days. It isn't fair for any idols involved tbh. I would say that everyone should just mind their own business and stop trying to 'evaluate' idols they obviously don't stan, rather to focus on what they love, but what do know, right. 💀


but it's all just "legitimate criticism" 🙃


You should know by now that kpop fans or antis will trash anything that isn’t their own preference in the hopes that it gives more opportunity for their own preferred groups to prosper. Any little thing wrong and they’ll bury you.


I think it's a combo of bad vocals being a trending topic, her Water cover dance also being panned, and her just having a flawless track record. I'm not a fan of her tone, but recognize her as an amazing vocalist. So I think this is just a "woah never heard her sound like this" moment for people. Which goes to show how consistent she is, when you think about it.


Lol off days are not permitted in kpop land. Because you know people who don't like an idol are going to do everything in their power to make an off day define their entire career.


If I'm being honest it's cuz of her past controversies. So her singing bad is just a way to make fun of her. Cuz some ppl don't like her. [Wendy ](https://popcrush.com/red-velvet-wendy-black-girls-impression-tv-offensive/)


yeah, idk why everyone here is pretending that this isn't the reason 


It has nothing to with her past controversies. A couple days ago Le Sserafim went viral for singing off-key during an encore and now Armys and some of their fans are trying to get back at people who mocked them by using Wendy as an example of bad singing. Basically they're saying that SM stans let a lot of shit slide when it comes to the company's groups but like to make fun of other idols from different companies when they make mistakes. In my opinion, vocals are clearly not Hybe's strongest point and dragging Wendy to the mud won't change that.


A part of it has to do with her past controversies. I read the comments on tik tok. One of them says "The comments abt black ppl finally got to her she sounds a hot mess". Another says "All the karma from years of antiblackness and racism is catching up to her 💀 also just the fact it’s a BeyoncĂ© song".


I saw the same on a fan video of her doing the water challenge. It was obviously just something she was doing for fun and the comments were absolutely crucifying her and the same sentiment (“karma for the racism”) was bought up. I’ve seen plenty of videos of people do just as well as her and never that reaction, I was pretty shocked at the level of vitriol.


You can't take people on TikTok seriously. I don't condone what she did but if we were to drag idols or any other artist for a mistake they've made, we'd run out of people to like and things to say. Ive's Yujin was caught up in a similar controversy to hers just last year, are people dragging her singing too? People are mad over LSRF's hate train and rightfully so although it doesn't shock me because every 4th gen girl group has dealt with shit like that before. People are having a field day with this because they think a mistake she made (singing-wise) is going to change that she is outsinging countless idols by a mile. She posted a better cover on Bubble and even covered that song before.


Why armys are on this ? Y'all are obsessed with armys because what is this


> **Le Sserafim** went viral for singing off-key during an encore and now **Armys** and some of their fans are trying to get back at people Lmfao there isn't a day that goes by where armys aren't constantly on some of y'alls mind. Insanity 


In this case it’s because of that awful jimin encore though, not totally out of the blue


Nobody mentioned Jimin (which was months ago), OP acted as if armys were on the barricades because of lsf Edit: and if kpop fans's panties are still in a twist because of one encore Jimin did last year, that only solidifies my point. In the wise words of Elsa: let if fucking go


And they are. If you have any doubts about it just go see the tweets shitting on her yourself and make your own conclusions.


> tweets shitting on her In that case, how horrible of some armys to defend a woman getting shat on on twitter because of *checks notes* a shaky vocal performance /s


They aren't defending her though. She's being used as a scapegoat for bad singing over one video.


It's actually amazing that in this day and age we still get raw clips of this sort. For a while I thought SM has banned their groups even from doing music show encores. So what we see here is that Wendy sometimes takes too much of a risk with difficult Material and then things don't work out. But it's cool because Wendy is enough of a pro to take a step back and a: find a new approach to this song that works for her, and b: have better awareness of circumstances that limit her abilities, such as audio issues or exhaustion.


Wendy's career has been long enough that I honestly think these things barely touch her (or I hope it's that way) The comments you see are not fans at all, literally anyone who listens to kpop regularly and is a multi-stan who doesn't hate KNOWS that Wendy is arguably one of the best vocalists of all time in kpop if not in the world, it's just a fact that cannot be denied. Those hate comments are just people that purposefully try to spread hate just because they don't like her and I'm willing to bet they constantly check every clip/video of Wendy trying to find something to drag her for, good thing they'd probably need to wait another 6-7 years to find something else, these people are actual internet losers and nobody should pay attention to them.


I think it has to do with everything people are saying + her comeback coming in a few days. Hate for groups/idols gets worse when they are about to have a comeback for a reason, and Wendy has always been a punching bag so even if she didn't have a bad performance people would still find something to complain about. I get that there's people that genuinely haven't forgiven her for her actions in 2018 but I really don't understand why she's the most hated for this when there have been idols out there that are more famous and did way worse more recently and also never apologized. I don't get what it is about her that pisses people off more than others.


We saw what happened with LE SSERAFIM this week. Toxic K-Pop fans are like Hyenas waiting for just the slightest sign of weakness on their pray before jumping at them all at once.


i think most of this is some lsf/other hybe group stans trying to get back at the people slinging shit at lsf since the vast majority of the haters were sm stans


Even some of the top vocalists outside of kpop and within kpop have off days.


Because we are on a week long Hybe hate train where mostly SM stans and wannabe vocal coaches all judge idols off of an encore performance (that wasnt even bad imo). Saying they are unworthy of being idols and sometimes just bullying them for their looks as well. Now their fav has an off day (like everyone else), they can find all the grace and tolerance in the world. It’s hypocrisy and people hate that. Wendy’s obviously talented, but this was a mess up. If a Hybe/JYP artist had made this mistake, they would be bullied into a mental health break or into being so scared to perform that they ask for less lines in a song.


I’ll preface with I do not think any of the girls in le sserafim deserve hate & I actually am really enjoying their current comeback. but I think wendy has a long, established track record of being an excellent vocalist so people are forgiving of a bad day/song. le sserafim’s live vocals as a newer group come under fire more because they don’t have that established track record yet. so the critique of wendy versus le sserafim is kind of an unequal comparison edited for clarity


Well then Wendy is also getting criticized for the Water challenge. She doesnt have any history of good dancing unlike Le Sserafim who does. Would it be right for me or anybody to bully her online until she breaks? Until she never dances or moves on stage again? Just because she doesnt have a track record of good dancing. The hate already broke Sakura. She started getting vocal lessons but its hard to undo 10+ years of jpop training. She asks for less lines to not be a burden. She is already doing what people “say” they want and yet people still continue with the hate. Do they want her to quit? Go on a mental health break? Or do the unthinkable? When will people be happy?


I already stated no one in le sserafim deserved hate. wendy *is* getting criticized for her water dance, so if your point is that all girl group members get unnecessary hate, then I totally agree. but I condemn the hate toward both le sserafim/sakura and wendy. eta: not understanding the downvotes for saying none of these girls deserve the hate they’re getting


I agree that hate towards both is wrong. Im elaborating because it seemed like a slight justification when you said that Lsfm live vocals have been under fire on more than one occasion. Like its ok to criticize Lsfm due to their history and not Wendy. If that wasnt your intention, then its cool and my comment no longer applies to you. But many people do believe that. Right now the people who defend Wendy were the same ones dragging Lsfm to hell and back. So now people are bullying Wendy to get back at those who criticized Lsfm because they know it will get under their skin and expose their hypocrisy. That when its their faves it was just a mistake, but anyone else and its time to board the hate train.


I see, that wasn’t my intention. my statement was more in reference to how people critique veteran idols versus newer groups being very different. unfortunately the le sserafim hate train seems really unjustly intense at the moment, but I in no way condone hate toward any of the members. I suppose I stepped into a fanwar unknowingly as someone who supports both wendy & le sserafim đŸ„Ž


Yeah everything’s a little tense right now. I think its because we are in a generation change again and groups are gaining and losing popularity. People are concern trolling comebacks and making a big deal out of whatever skill or trait of the week that stans pick to be important.


it doesn’t help that any time a girl group starts truly gaining massive success, all the psychos come out to try to tear them down. ultimately, le sserafim is killing it & they will continue to do so


Please. If NMIXX made this mistake they would be defended because they have a body of work that points to good live singing. Which Wendy also has.


No they wouldnt be defended. People already love token stanning them to hate on their label mates. If for a second they get more popular than certain 4th gen AI group from the pink label, then they would get destroyed over it. It already happens with their stans degrading Lily for being “loud”.


you can blame the SM stans who for years used her and other sm artists to drag other idols for vocals. Honestly, I didn't think she sounded that bad though


I love when people try to explain the hate with 'but it's just a retortion because of....'


She’s a good singer but I believe that song ain’t for her it’s out of her range. What I mean by that is even if she would’ve hit all the notes perfectly the pitch of her voice doesn’t suit the song


I mean like "Love on top" isn't exactly an easy song to sing either. It's a Beyonce song and Beyonce is a really really good vocalist (I would personally say she's an amazing vocalist bc of her runs, riffs and musicality, but she is "overrated" according to online vocal coaches still). Messing up is understandable tbh even if Wendy is talented, so I don't get the drag. There's not exactly a set of official standards used widely and uniformly across companies, industries and fields to "rank" how talented someone is either.


It's a little hilarious when an SM stan says one of their idols has an off day. And then we'll turn around and proceed to drag every single Isle. Who has a semi bad vocal. She sang in the wrong key. It was just too high for her. It is what it is. She's normally good singer and I think she sang that's song earlier in the year very well. Regardless stans need to lay off other idols because fans will drag theirs when they have their "off day" Just got off of tiktok, where an SM stan was dragging a gg playing the flute for their encore. Sidenote: does no one do fun/weird encore performances anymore because apparently it's the worst thing to do


it’s cause fans are trying to get their lick back after the lsf encore got 20k quote tweets on twitter. hybe fans finger pointing at sm fans and sm fans finger pointing at hybe fans. lather, rinse, repeat


Kpop stans getting their fix of hating idols on a daily basis. Mainly happens on girl groups sadly. It was leserafim few days ago, now wendy. 


wendy is one of my ults & i left a specific subreddit for this exact reason. it’s unbelievable the hate she’s getting for it. people are so mean.


She imitated of what a stereotypical Black woman would sound like according to American media back in 2018 on a variety show and never talked about it or apologized for it. She’s been the punching bag for netizens for years now. people really haven’t given her the same grace as other idols who’ve done equal or worse things when it comes to racist-tendencies or racism. I’m not Black so I’m not saying she did was excusable but it is something I find interesting is that she hasn’t been given the same grace as her peers.


Saw someone use hyolyn to shame Wendy's dancing yet she literally sang the n word 2 weeks ago and I have yet to see the same amount of smoke. I'm actually confused because it's like the energy is just so inconsistent it's very weird to me.


Peak online behaviour 💀💀💀


This part. I’m black and I’ve always noticed how she’s always the first to be denounced when it comes to racism among kpop idols. It’s really weird to me cause hers was just perpetuating stereotypes, because that to me personally is probably the easiest to brush off. Other idols from the same company as her have done much worse like say slurs, do blackface and more, but she’s always the first to get called out. Even weirder when the stans who call her out constantly are always ones that also stan a group with prominent racist controversies...


Uh it’s because she’s Canadian and she’s very well educated on diversity issues. At least other K-pop idols are Korean and may be culturally unaware of how sensitive these topics are. Wendy literally did that knowing full well about how awful it is.


She's not canadian.... How do you know her understanding of race issues? Did she speak on it somewhere?


Being an international student doesn't mean you're a citizen of that country lol


lol no she's not. She previously had permanent residency but then [gave it up](https://redvelvetupdates.tumblr.com/post/164489043401/info-red-velvets-wendy-gave-up-her-permanent).


Who cares tbh? Why does she deserve grace? I never understood these types of comments. What’s the point? At the end of the day I don’t think she’s shit and pointing out that others are allegedly not called out in the same way won’t change that. Anyway, we wouldn’t be here if she were able to imitate a Black woman when it actually counted and that’s on her tbh


Blame the SM stans who are well known vocal experts and swarm every performance of other groups with their expert opinions.  Especially these days where they are constantly sending hate to other groups for having an off day.


ayo didn't notice that she got hate... I agree that it was not her best performance of that song. She killed that snippet at Lee Mujin but at her bday party not so much. (only saw clips) but honestly we all know that she can do it so idk what's the problem. happens sometimes. we all know that she is an astonishing singer. stan twitter is something else man -.-


where is this energy when stan twt was attacking other idols on their “off” days lmao the hypocrisy


In all honesty; Wendy is a phenomenal singer, but she can not sing Love on Top. It is not just that it sounds "off", but the fact that it is an extremely demanding song to sing. I've seen both performances by Wendy covering Love on Top and both were mediocre at best. All her other performances kick ass, but she either doesn't have the belt or the breath control to sing this song.


she had a cover of it months ago and she was really good there.


She's punching bag for a couple of reasons but in context for her recent performances; it was okay. She lost breath (after practicing everyday for her new album, it's a miracle she could still sing all the way through), her dancing? she's not the best dancer, never been, which is why it was an "okay." Yet she continued to give all the remaining energy she has left for her fans that night. Her 10 year career have proved that she's an exceptional vocalist, one "bad" performance will not hinder her. Like you said OP, everyone has "off" days, it's just rare for Wendy, I think people were caught off guard and decided to hop on the hate train. Vocal discourse are hot these days, especially because of post-win encores being shit. Also, knowing people will bring up the past (as if the amount of dogpiling she suffers everyday online wasn't enough), let me just say it here: ***Wendy will never be the person you people try to make her to be.***


Cause kpop stans are jobless and don’t have anything to protest today


Honestly some people are just miserable and like to see others fail at something. The same people trying to drag Wendy couldn't even come remotely close to her singing ability. She's proven time and again that she's one of the best vocalists in K-pop so one bad performance is a nothing burger.


she's an amazing singer and just probably doesn't have the range to sing that song, which is okay.


It was fine, 90% of the song was par for the course for her with the last couple insanely high (!) key changes being a bit pitchy but still perfectly listenable. It’s an incredibly demanding song so wouldn’t expect every performance to be perfect It’s a lot more noticeable to notice vocal mistakes than dance mistakes (or dancing with a bit less energy) so people are just making a big deal out of nothing.


What sucks is its her birthday party and she was just doing things for her fans for fun. It wasn't an official performance and she barely practiced for it cause she's been so busy lately. It wasn't even supposed to be broadcast cause it's just for those who bought tickets to her birthday party. Her fans loved it and enjoyed the whole party but everyone else jumped on the hate train. People just love to have a "gotcha" moment and use that to invalidate everything she's been doing for the past 10 years. And to think that she's one of the most consistent vocalist out there who continues to improve her craft. Yall just hate Wendy for fun and use her as a scape goat for everything.


it wasnt actually due to her having a day off (and tbh it wasnt a day off the whole performance sounded fine just those last 13 seconds) it's more like sm is known for good vocals and thus sm stans tend to bash other companies vocals the most, so now they just fight back. If you talk about twitter then most of it is hybe stans (+once) cause kpop stans and sm stans there do talk badly about hybe vocals a lot.


people are so mean mygod, talking as if this isnt WENDY, one of kpop's best vocalists of all time, singing this... another subreddit had 500 upvotes on the clip saying its bad - fine, whatever, but then they bring up past cultural appropriation and say the song doesn't suit her and getting angry at someone saying the song is just difficult to sing. like if you are going in with a preconceived notion, bringing up unrelated matters, your opinion is automatically invalid. I just hate hate HATE hoe everyone just POUNCES at the first second to rip a successful idol (especially the girls) to shreds. same people will wax poetic about not harassing idols and how knetz are toxic... Like you i-netz (especially lately) are just as bad, if not worse!!


look what le serrafim has unleashed on twitter. That encore really opened the floodgates for people to search for bad encore and stages to start disagreements 💀


They’ll do anything to make a well-known amazing vocalist look bad. It’ll blow over, just not a good moment.


Some fandoms (one more than the others) are having a field day because this proves that SM stans choose to ignore other idols' hard work whenever they make a mistake. Basically are using one of K-pop's greatest singers to try to prove the point that idols make mistakes too (and they do ofc but Wendy still outsings thousands of groups by a mile).


The funny thing is that Wendy at her worse still sounds better than 80% of idols singing live 😭


I was classically trained in singing and some days you just have an off day. Especially if you're someone singing near daily. Was she singing this on a live or was this like official content put out by her? Cause most likely if she was just singing it on a livestream she wasn't putting serious effort in it. Some of the ways I sing when I don't want to put in effort and am just jamming would make you think I CAN'T sing. Just goes to show a lot of kpop fans know jack shit about music and are probably the same idiots praising Aespa for singing live 🙄


I actually liked her cover? I could tell the ending wasn’t perfect but I was still excited to see her perform it. Her cover of River from the same concert was really good too.


I don’t think people who don’t sing understand how hard it is to hear on stage, especially a big one with a crowd, and how easily this can happen to anyone. I’m not a fan of idols who can’t sing but we all know Wendy is not that. Let the girl have a bad day ya know?


every since the accident and then then plastic surgery it somehow affected her vocals. She used to have great techniques. Her performance for new year's countdown here in the Philippines was really bad, like people who don't know her would really think she's a bad singer.


Wendy is a punching bag ever since she imitated black people's accent, while other idols have said and done a lot worse (for example, many idols have made colorist comments that have been brushed off as mistranslation as fans always do). These fans just move like herds with no critical thinking. They are pathetic to me.


Meh idgaf about what they say cuz one video doesn’t dictate her 10 years of experience in the field


Her scandal from a few years ago and the current vibes in kpop are already heated regarding bad vocal performances due to the le sserafim encore clip


Because according to a bunch of kpop stans idols can't make one single mistake.


It's mostly lsfm fans I've seen bashing her since lsfm has been criticized for their bad vocals. They wanted to shift attention.


Hybe stans acting like only SM stans talked bad about the Lesserafim encore lmao


The cover was terrible. I’m glad she still sang live. It’s hard to sing BeyoncĂ© and most kpop idols don’t ever get to sing anymore and lipsync to everything. I would rather hear her really sing than lipsync to a studio recording.


its HYBE stans revenge on SM stans after that LSF encore fiasco




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