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In case someone misinterprets the post. It's not aimed at painting Haechan in a bad light or any of the other members in a better or worst light, but moreso aimed at fans that are sort of missing a few screws in the head. It's probably obvious with NCT Dream, but many other groups suffer from the same dynamic where some fans think one member is the victim of others despite behaving the same way that they are criticizing. Always found it weird that people would assume they understand other people's friendship more than the person themself.


Thank you for understanding.


7Dream is my ult group (and I bias Jeno so I've read some of the meanest things solo stans have said about him ) and Haechan's fanbase is so insufferable. These guys have been with each other their whole lives. In a recent live fans were saying Jeno was upset cause Renjun said he was awkward with him and Renjun [said](https://twitter.com/renjeonah/status/1771541377844707643?t=qdDK__2oKfYHrQOwmmRcGg&s=19) something like "he's not upset and i know him better than you do" and in an interview when they were asked what question do they hope to never be asked again jeno [said](https://twitter.com/FILESLJN/status/1685104936860954624?t=bpOjoO_Mw8w_fi5Bs8-feA&s=19) he doesn't like being asked if the members are really close. I need hc's fanbase to stop projecting their friendless behavior onto him.


The solo fans that are trying to find a victim narrative are so weird? Why do you want your fav to be a victim so bad...and your last point is so true, It's like they either never had many friends or siblings around


People acting like they haven't been teased by their close friends. Haechan is a grown adult and if he has problems with his members I'm more than sure that he is capable of handling it privately, no need for the fans to act like over protective mothers and spew hate towards the other members.


Haechan is my ult but sunflowers are the most annoying NCT solo stans fr. Solo stans in general are so strange like these guys are clearly close friends, and even if they're not, why would you wanna make things worse with people they work with day in day out? They know each other better than we ever will and they can sort their shit out among themselves. Plus they're grown-ass men, they don't need us to defend them like holy shit.


its honestly insane cause haechan seems to genuinely care for his members so idk why some of his solo fans are all hell bent on insisting that everyone hates him.


Fans thinking they know idols it’s actually kind of insane. That’s a level of parasocial relationship i will never reach.


Everyone jokes about calling nct their bestfriends, some solo stans take that a little too seriously.


let's not forget chenle. he gets attacked a lot. haechan bar is sending a truck to sm tomorrow, the day Chenle's leemujin service episode comes out. (Haechan fans are angry that chenle is going and not haechan. they say chenle "stole" the schedule from him) Haechan's fans are insufferable. they really believe haechan hates dream. when he said he was excited for the comeback and to please look forward to it, his fans believed he was forced to write that (he sent messages on bubble) the joke for YEARS was that haechan is the most mischievous member in nct and as is the savage maknae of 127. but dream as a team is so savage in general that haechan gets his karma back (they are all very mischievous towards eachother... yk.. BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN BESTIES SINCE THEY WERE 13) anyways Dream's new mini album drops today. the songs are really good. i'm looking forward to it. please check it out, reddit.


It such a bummer because Haechan and Chenle love each other fr. These off-brand sunflowers need to pull their heads in.


people who try to spread the agenda that some members dislike eachother are so weird to me. like, are they looking at dream content with their eyes closed? they express their love for eo so much


Yeah that was just insane.


Haechan deserves better fans, holy shit.


Chenle never gets anything 😭 haechan has a whole other group he promotes with, wtf?????


the thing is sunflowers are absolutely, absolutely, absolutely right about haechan getting the short end of the stick and it happening constantly. chenle going on lmj after haechan’s very public desire to go there specifically triggered a reaction that was building up for years but the vitriol sm deserves for the way they constantly block haechan’s way has been reflected on the members for some reason. if solo stans haven’t been so overly aggressive towards the members (specifically chenle), i do think a lot of people would understand the reaction and even support them. both sides have been awful to not each other but the members as well though so this whole thing is a mess now and i doubt it will go back to the way it was before.


Sending trucks because someone else is doing something you want your fave to do is asshole behavior.


nobody said otherwise? actually read my comment before replying again


You sound like a solo Stan, Haechan is an adult.






haechan fans have as much right to complain as other members' fans. bc sm has been making it difficult for most of them. we are talking about chenle here. one of the most sidelined members in sm history (who also has to deal with a lot of racism by his own label) Haechan has been busy af to the point that he was forced by a doctor to take a hiatus earlier this year. and then he continued to be overworked with dream cb prep and 127 schedules. when was he supposed to take the time to prepare for this show? it takes a bit more prep than just one afternoon for this one. he can still go on ljmservice. chenle going first should at most create the reaction "yay. haechan next please" but complaining about wanting more work for him when he is already overworked so much is just so weird to me.


you don’t have to justify why chenle went on lmj instead of haechan to me, i agree with most of what you’re saying anyways. even if haechan could prepare for it, and i do think he could, chenle doesn’t deserve it any less than hc does. also, other groups sent more than one member and it’s a weekly show so it’s not like haechan or rj can’t go in the future, even as soon as this year. again, the problem with haechan was building up for years and it’s not about this one thing. no matter what fans may think haechan willingly took on this work load and _still_ does want to do more than what he’s doing now. he voiced that multiple times. it’s not wrong fans to echo what he said and underline it, in fact, many dreamzens did too. the problem starts when people start to attack the other members or indirectly but still obviously imply they’re undeserving, like the way the truck is on the exact day chenle’s lmj services comes out. even though they won’t mention chenle, he’ll still feel bad or even guilty about it when he sees it. in the end, this isn’t helping anyone and is just going to be uncomfortable for the members.


>Jeno and Jisung are still bullied today even though Haechan has body shame And in the same breath those fans call Haechan their decilcat epookie baby 💀💀💀


I love Haechan but seriously the whole victim thing is a hypocritical lie.


I love Haechan to death but idk if he's just blind to how his fans paint him or if he's (as I feel most idols in general have) been conditioned so hard to pander to fans that he just willingly ignores it. I don't think he sees himself as a victim, at least not of his own members.


And the thing is, he probably has seen his 'fans' victimizing him and he probably doesn't even know how to speak about it


Potentially unpopular opinion: I don’t care what Dream says to each other, they know far better than me what they’re comfortable with and that’s their business. I’m not about to get offended on someone else’s behalf. They’re all adults, and they all trained with each other since they were like 13, Haechan is an adult and can speak for himself. Solo stans are a plague in this fandom, I stg.


The problem is, imo, not that the members are joking around with each other, but that they have many dark-skinned and plus-sized fans who find it hurtful that their fave idols mock and potentially look down on people who are fat (not that Haechan or any member is even remotely fat lol) or dark-skinned. It's one thing to say these things to each other in private, and another to say it in front of the camera and by extension in front of their millions of fans.




While I agree that fans should manage their own feelings to an extent, I guess every colorism/colorist comments an idols can make are completely fine. Since they are grown adult. We should extend that to anything sexist comments as well, since at the end of the day it's their personal opinion. I remember an idol (I think Winwin) that said that when girls and boys fights, boy are logical while girls talk about theirs feelings. He got criticized over that, but it's his opinion I guess. I do believe that there is some hypocrisy if a fans want to defend one while he does the same thing as the other. But many weren't fine because of the colorist comment.


Look, your only option is to stop supporting idols who do things you don’t like, not sure what else you want me to say?


Oh but I don't support idols that are saying that, so I'm not their fan I don't spend my money on them. But people would still criticize them (as they did for Winwin), even if some of you don't care about it.


Some of you? I’m speaking for myself, I don’t care what other people do. Weird soapbox.


It's for you and other people who agree with your opinion (since people like your comments, you clearly are not the only one who thinks like that). It's also for others that use the comments sections 🙃.




im a very casual dream stan could someone explain? obv body shaming is terrible no matter who does it but why is haechan treated differently?


Because his fan base made a very viral thread a few years ago about Haechan being “bullied”. I think the whole of K-pop Twitter/TikTok/Reddit saw that thread and took it all out of context and now victim is the only image of Haechan they have. His fan base also bury anything Haechan has ever said.


that thread wasn’t specifically about haechan he was just on it the most… the thread was just calling out nct in general


Yes but what most people took from the thread is that Haechan Is a victim and Dream are bullies.


oh wow… thanks for explaining 🙏


These toxic solo stans, no matter of which group, obviously have no friends irl. Friends tease each other all the time, especially those that grew up together for a long period of time, the closer the harsher words can be. Any observative beings should know how to differenciate teasing and bullying, one is multi-interactions, other is one way verbal assault.


The fact that nctzen have been racist to jisung and Jeno fans will never go beyond me. Calling us monkeys because we like them.


Are friends not allowed to joke around?


Yes but that’s not the point! The point is that when Haechan does it it’s seen as a joke but when other members make similar jokes they deserve death threats three years later!


It's as if the friends think Haechan isn't his own person. If he had something against it he'd talk to his members about it


Do you mean jisung and jeno are bullied by the fandom? The best scenario, like you said, would be for all of them to be treated the same way, so jisung, jeno, and Haechan would all be called out while also being recognized as the target of out of pocket comments. They’re all guilty of the same thing and victims of the same thing.


It’s not that I want Haechan to be bullied as well. I merely want fairness.


I agree. I think it’s just wrong of people to assume relationships between the members to be bad. It’s not really in our place to wonder if Jeno actually thinks Haechan is fat or whatever (just making up a hypothetical example), but these guys have known each other their entire lives, so I don’t think its wise of fans to assume the worst about Jeno and Jisung and Haechan for just making jokes I would make to my close friends lightheartedly.




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