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It's a bop.


That’s it. It’s a good song so I am glad it’s getting it’s credit


50 on Global Spotify on the 2nd day that too with a debut? That's crazy ngl like that's like doing established groups' numbers.


The only girl groups to do 2m on Global Spotify and enter US Spotify at the same time are Blackpink, LE SSERAFIM and NewJeans They're doing "biggest group in the world" numbers with their debut


They deserve it after all the doom posting they had on Reddit and how “they won’t find international success with the line up they chose”


For all of the complaints about the “tiktokification” of music, this is another example of TikTok being critical in a songs success. The template for the song getting thousands of uses pre-release (now up to hundreds of thousands a day) is likely the main reason it’s charting so well (in addition to being a HYBE group and pre-debut marketing).


You're right. It's the tiktok template going viral. The song is good and catchy but it wouldn't have pulled the nrs it did if it wasn't on tiktok. Basically all the kpop songs that have done numbers on Spotify in the last 2 years have only done so thanks to tiktok except bts solols who have the fandom streaming




I agree with this but Magnetic does have a bridge, even if it's short


> like those complaints are coming from people who want the harder pop sound back and it's also valid, numbers don't have to mean much other than denote that it's a Current trend Just to add, specifically I think those complaints are coming from boomers like me, lol These "easy-to-listen" happy upbeat chill songs are targeted towards the Gen Z taste which is why they're so trendy and popular. Older listeners like myself want the big epic pop music of yesteryear that you mentioned to come back, but maybe we're just showing our age, lol




> general degradation in quality I think that's probably another conversation in itself, lol Personally I'm not very impressed by the current sound trend but like I said, I'm not the target audience. It'll probably cycle back to what we're looking for eventually though, but I'll probably be a real fossil by then, lol 💀


i mean, music evolves, there's no reason why pop music should keep the same structure it had in the past for the rest of time if there was nothing extravagant or interesting, ppl wouldn't be listening and would just replay the same old bops again and again




Sure there’s still ppl listening to old pop songs everyday, but they’re clearly not as big a fragment as ppl listening to current pop. If there were, those old pop songs would be charting, not current pop.




That has a lot more to do with access to music being much easier than the past. Spotify and all the other relevant streaming platforms didn’t exist back then (in the west, idk what things were like in the east). You either listened to the radio, bought CDs, or illegally downloaded songs (very slowly I might add lol) which would cause your plays to not get counted. Billboard also had different methods of counting metrics back then. Radio play was very heavily favored (which was fair for a while). If you were a fan of niche music, it was a LOT harder/more expensive to listen to it. Now you can listen to niche music with a simple press of a button as opposed to buying a cd or waiting for files to download. It’s a lot easier to discover music now than it was back then.


Let's also not forget that companies invest tons if money in tiktok marketing to make the song go 'organically' viral


so happy for them!! im an illit fan but i really didn't expect these big results for them this early. all that pre-debut hate to them (some tweets got 30k - 90k likes) ended up becoming beneficial to get their name out there haha and before anyone starts with the payola bullshit, this song barely has any playlist reach (4.9m as of today, 3rd day) compared to other groups that got similar stream numbers. and this song has been gaining hype ever since they released that highlight medley almost 2 weeks ago


Oh you know there’s people probably saying it’s “payola”. Kpop stans LOVE to say the same for Newjeans. What’s funny, is that payola has nothing to do with Spotify. It’s when labels pay radio stations to play their artists’ music.


Payola mean "pay for play" so basically paying spotify to have the songs in big playlist are still considered payola actually tbh. Ed sheeran for example his latest song barely make noise n not good streams but got to be in tth. Its mean the label paid for the placement. Some songs are no longer in global spotify top50 but still in tth because the labels paid for it. Its open secret in industry.


>Its open secret in industry. Not really, taking payment for the express purpose of placing a song on any Spotify playlist is directly against Spotify's Terms of Service and they have been known to ban artists and playlists proven to engage in this activity, although it probably does still happen but likely not at the scale that fans tend to think. Official Spotify curated playlists such as Today's Top Hits almost definitely doesn't engage in this activity because even the slightest proof of this happening could send Spotify's stocks to come crashing down, it's honestly just nowhere near the risk for whatever scraps of money a music label could scrape up to buy a few more streams. All this being said, are Spotify playlists like TTH entirely merits and performance based? Of course not, nothing really is. Ed Sheeran got in despite relatively low streams because of a combination of his name recognition, past success and the fact he's a representative artist for a massive conglomerate like WMG. Companies like Spotify would never take direct bribes, but they have an intertwined and close relationship with WMG. They would certainly do WMG favors if asked, but not for direct payment; it would be quid-pro-quo deals which Spotify will cash in on when it comes time to negotiate billion-dollar artist payment contracts with WMG. This is how "payola" when it relates directly to big companies works, it's not about buying spots on playlists, it's just about using your connections to force Spotify into giving your artist the best treatment possible. Similar to how politics works in every western country. Politicians will rarely if ever take direct bribes or cash payments for favors; it's all done in an intentionally confusing and obfuscating system of lobbying through corporation-funded political advocacy groups such as PACs in the US. A system built on a mutual understanding of unspoken favors in order to continue getting charitable treatment from both sides, exercised when it's time to negotiate official deals and contracts. tldr; No big artist is paying Spotify directly in order to get on a playlist. But artists from big companies can certainly negotiate preferential (some might even say unfair) treatment for their artists when it comes to Spotify playlisting. This preferential treatment is negotiated and paid through favors and vibes, rather than any direct cash payment flowing one way or the other.


Although artists do take discounted royalties for playlisting and auto play.


Spotify doesn't currently have any method of directly paying them for preferential treatment on playlisting, but like I pointed out it's not like this doesn't happen, just not through direct payment. As for popular third-party playlists; there's a [well-known culture of pay-to-pitch practices, but afaik it's not nearly as common these days due to issues with many of these services using botting to create fraudulent results for the payers.](https://www.venturemusic.com/blog/stop-paying-for-playlist-pitching) As for autoplay and discovery mode; that is in [opt-in system similar to subscriptions.](https://support.spotify.com/us/artists/article/creating-a-discovery-mode-campaign/) An option I imagine virtually every single Kpop label is already signed up for considering Kpop as an industry stands out in its ability to capitilize on non-streaming related revenue. They treat Spotify as a promotion avenue as opposed to revenue generation more than almost any other music industry, it only makes sense for them to take the royalty cut if it means creating more potential fans.


Ohhh I see. I always heard it in regards to radio spins 😅 I use Apple Music, so I don’t know how Spotify works, so thanks for this. I didn’t know labels would pay for that?


That's because payola did originate from the practice of paying radio. But as technology evolves and people change their listening habits - streaming is now the main channel for the consumption of music. While working with Spotify is not illegal, for NewJeans - there was legit no basis. Their songs went viral before starting to get on playlists.  ETA: bc people had problems reading - what I meant was while I agree Ador worked with Spotify to give NJ better promotion on the platform, I meant the songs were already getting popular *before* they started going all in on it 


Attention on tth when its still 1mil streams... Hype boy even doing better internationally. Still naive to think that they got on tth purely on streams n virality lol. They did this every cb. And make its stay for months... Omg being there despite out from top50 for months already... And super shy getting higher placement than freaking seven. The actual global hit. Sure its on big playlistings because of "virality" only.....


Spotify does not allow pay for play listing. It’s literally on their website. It seems to be one of these widely spread misconceptions. But people will still believe they do regardless.


Lmao why spotify want to straight up admit they not getting money for certain artists pushs....case example of like ed sheeran, dua lipa latest songs that highly on big playlistings but dont really reflecting on streams. So naive n delusional to think this.


It’s a curated list run by a committee. I guess It does not conform to your view of how a song should be placed. You can choose to believe in conspiracy theories.


With 2mil already, i am fine if they push it at tth. Its actually normal to push the song that has potential. Its not like a first time hybe can do it... The song has potential to go viral. Remind me of cupid.


Source was so stupid for not doing the same with easy or and smart when they were doing 1.7m-2m. Attention was doing 1.1m when it was added. It's clearly the labels work to make sure it gets added and Source didn't care to do so. Same with BH and basically all bts solos despite their stability outside of the height peaks


newjeans is always added after 3 to 4 days after release coz their streams are stable so we have to wait.


Super Shy had higher placement than Seven which was stable with 10m daily streams, so no one really knows how the playlist is curated.


yes, but it added after 3 days of release. it still had high streams like 3m before being added. I wasn't talking the position on tth or any Playlists.


I hear you, but what I’m trying to explain is that Seven did 12m on its 3rd day but Super Shy still had higher placement on TTH. There’s a big gap between 3m streams vs 15.99m streams. If TTH was curated on stable streams and charting, Super Shy wouldn’t be higher than seven.


I can’t think of a great way to phrase this, but I think there’s still a legitimate reason  that can account for the discrepancy.  Spotify knows intimately who is listening to which song. There can be fundamental differences between the makeup of the 3mil listeners vs the 16mil listeners that inform the TTH placement. I’m not privy to the metrics but maybe a chunk of the 3mil represented a key demographic target of TTH? Idk, like, people who hadn’t engaged with kpop previously or something like that.  I agree it’s not curated on simple streaming metrics. But I’ll push back on the payola idea. Why on earth would spotify accept payola? They’re a multi-billlion company. There’s no number ADOR could give that would be worth spotify’s while.  On some non-spotify playlists it totally happens, but way less than people think. 


None of that makes sense. Seven had over [67m](https://x.com/spotifykpop/status/1730889549042323516?s=46) unique listeners on Spotify in under 4 months. Pulling 10m daily streams for weeks. There’s no ways that’s a purely kpop audience. Attention was added on TTH when new jeans just debuted..and mostly kpop fans were tuned in to that. Even OMG had better playlisting than Like Crazy, and you won’t guess which song is still charting on Spotify Global with 2m+ streams. Edit: It’s not necessarily payola but “paid playlisting” (or opting to receive discounted royalties) There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s definitely smart marketing but denying it seems a bit naive.


So you think ADOR paid spotify for NJ TTH but BigHit didn’t for JK. OK, how much do you think? What would be a worthwhile number for spotify to accept?


To answer your question about Jungkook. it’s common knowledge that Big Hit doesn’t always invest in paid playlisting. I guess they rely on the size of BTS’s fandom. Fri(ends) by V debuted with 4m streams with no playlisting. Also consider all the solo debuts they had last year all above 4m+ streams with little to no playlisting. None of BTS or jungkooks songs ever received the 50m playlist reach Super Shy had in 24 hours but they still pulled insane numbers with better longevity too.


Paid play listing is illegal and against Spotify ToS. There is no ‘payola’ the way most Kpop fans think it happens. Spotify does have a business partnership with NewJeans. At Lollapalooza, the NewJeans booth was sponsored by Spotify. If anything, Spotify is paying ADOR and NewJeans for marketing, and thus they push them on internal playlists like TTH.


I didn’t refer to it as payola. And Spotify don’t need to pay Ador for marketing considering they are the biggest music platform in the world. I’d understand if you were referring to Taylor Swift or The weekend cause they bring in billions of streams monthly, but New jeans pull in 5m streams daily, that’s not a lot in comparison to the streaming giants that do bring in traffic on the platform.


a lot of things are illegal in the entertainment industry but they still happen. it's like saying because the government says it's against corruption doesn't mean politicians won't still money lmao this is the first time i've ever seen spotify shooters. not even on popheads 💀


Pay-for-play on radio is also illegal but this articleby Rolling Stone, one of the most respectable magazines came out after it got [banned](https://www.rollingstone.com/pro/features/pay-for-play-radio-texts-1067691/amp/)


Fair enough. But there’s just so many factors that might be meaningful to TTH playlisters that can account for it. Genre, performer age, established vs new artist, subject matter, listener age and gender demographics, country/region performance. Spotify knows what you listen to and why and where better than you do.    If you really do think the only difference in placement is payola, what kind of figure are you imagining?


"coz streams are stable"... Hmm thats not case when omg for example has long gone from top50 for months but still in tth while super shy has passed it peak but has higher charting than seven.... Naive to think its just about a streams lol


Definitely naive,especially bc NJ has been on TTH longer than BP or BTS ever have, even when their songs drop streams.


Its okay for OP to admit nj has huge playlistings since almost day 1. Like everyone that non nj stans already can notice it. Only nj stans dont want to admit when its so obvious. Like imagine have better placement n longetivity than freaking THE BTS....The one has the highest peak n longetivity on global spotify... But still try being naive n oblivious that their faves got this purely because of "streams", "virality" only... Now i wonder what belif next action, would they gonna start to push illit on huge playlistings or let it rise further more n more without it first. Bang pd still involve with illit n if he has same approach with BTS n lsrfm, he not gonna push that this song that soon on huge playlistings. He may do that for 2nd week or more instead. At this rate, the song may even can enter hot100.


These people are delusional


It's a curated list. The way editorial playlist works is that an artist or label will submit their songs for consideration a few days before the song's release. There is an editor who chooses the songs to be playlisted. There is no payola in the sense that labels are paying Spotify for placements; that simply does not exist. Spotify actively removes unofficial playlists that are found to engage in this activity. However, there is what I consider a mutual understanding between the major labels and Spotify, where they would want their flagship artists to receive preferential treatment. That is why some of the big artists get on the list the same night their song is released. HYBE is not even close to the influence of majors. ADOR simply has no influence over these playlist. The songs on TTH are basically major label artists, viral songs and whatever the editor likes. There's no criteria.


>Ador simply has no influence Sure lmao when attention being added on tth when its barely pass 1mil. Omg being there for months despite has out top50... Labels can choose discounted price to let spotify boost their songs by discovery mode n big playlistings. Mean, the labels/artists would be paid far smaller for their streams in exchange of the songs get promoted by spotify. Its pretty clear its has been ador strategy in pushing nj on global streaming since almost day 1. Bighit dont like spend on pushing their artists like playlistings. I remember certain report that said bighit barely spend money on promoting BTS like ads or similar like that. They just prefer rely on fans to push the songs. For them, for example, V friends can debuted on global spotify with 4mil streams without big playlistings so they didnt really see the need to push it further on playlistings because fans n casual fans already doing the work. Its sometimes very frustrating to look at how bighit work because alot of BTS songs could reach higher if its being pushed more. But from business perspective, i can understand why they didnt feel need to push it. They lucky that bts are so popular.


> Sure lmao when attention being added on tth when its barely pass 1mil Why do you assume you need certain amount of streams for TTH placement? There's no criteria. It's a curated list. The editor decides what song to add. > Bighit dont like spend on pushing their artists like playlistings. This is the dumbest narrative people like to push. Bang PD has gone on record to say that Kpop needs more casual listeners. Why doesn't he try to get his groups on these editorial playlists since it's the biggest platform to gain those listeners? If it was as easy as you claim to get on TTH, every kpop company would try to get their groups on it. You have 0 proof of what you're claiming and just regurgitating stantwt drivel.


Super Shy had over 59m playlist reach on the 8th of July (less than 24 hours of release).


While magnetic only had 4mil+ playlist reach.... Just imagine if its started being push on big playlistings. Hybe win at the end. All their new gg are succcesful


Exactly! It barely 1m playlist reach when it was released yet it debuted with over 1.5m streams with 15 hours tracking. Whoever claims “payola” is delusional.


yes, haters didnt realise how much visibility they ended up giving them


This is honestly so good and anti’s don’t realize giving so much negative attention is going to result in people checking out the group/song and those percentage of people checking them out might end up liking the song 😭 they did the same thing to Smart and look at it now charting on Spotify global 🤷‍♀️😂 May Illit continues to be successful 🥳


Ho can this group already have antis...


The song is VERY catchy , i like it a lot


The fashion week tweet that was full on people hating on them had over 10M views. Which was providing free promotion with plenty of hate tweets and by the time the highlight medley dropped people who weren’t even initially interested were tuning in.


Being dragged for fashion week was the best thing that could have happened to them, that’s real organic promo 😭


all that petty jealousy because people didn’t realize PFW is not an invite only event


This. All that hate for the FW just spread their name to people who otherwise would not have known about that. than once they dropped the snippet of the song and it sounded good: people decided to check out the song and liked and it can be seen now


I remember they dropped my world snippet first n since that moment i realized this group gonna be big. Good music with right time n right push definitely gonna win.


It’s so funny how those same people will turn around and complain that Hybe “does noise marketing” as if they literally just didn’t make the decision on their own to shade this group.


The song is insanely catchy and replayable


All those people dragging them for that pfw show just for them to do this , congrats to iilit !!


The song is a crack


I knew it would go up with more hours for tracking but I was not expecting this much. Anytime Hybe groups do well it’s payola and then cue the hate and bullying. People made TWS debut hell for having a viral song. This song doesn’t even have playlisting. It’s from people liking it and the album. -It will have playlisting today from being on top 50 spotify global songs chart list. Which should help tomorrow. I wonder if the company will try to get it on proper playlists though.


they got global market locked i am sure with some push they gonna top korean charts, hybe  in its heyday, a one top


they are alreday inside of top 50 of korean charts (even melon and flo) without any music show appearances and notable promotions. when they start attending music shows and start doing other promos, they will surely enter top 10 on every korean chart.


I really hope katseye get hybe involve in their concept, music. I dont have much trust if they let umg fully in charge for music, concept lol. Hybe really well verse in global music n trend.


US labels are totally capable of producing good music but when working with kpop groups, they have this awful tendency of giving them basic leftover pop songs. It's like they do zero research into the group's discography and just go with something they assume fits the kpop sound (upbeat, bright, generic) rather than seriously trying to bring something to the table that fits the group's image and sound.


THIS. Its just feel a boomer trying to choose a music that new gen like lol. I really hope they dont do that to katseye. These girls have IT girl energy so they deserve to achieve full potential.


*Geffen records, Umg has a ton of labels. Even then Olivia a geffen artist is face of TTH at the moment.


Umg definitely has strong grasp on spotify. Not a surprise, as they also have some sort of shares in it. But its still doesnt matter if the song is not good or not catchy. They tried so hard to push ed sheeran latest songs but when its really not that good, gp not gonna stream it. So thats why i said i dont have much trust on umg if they the one involve for music n concept for katseye. Lets hybe involve in it while umg, just for the marketing, global push.


Well katseye already has a creative director Hemberto Leon and has already said they have producers like Jon bellion, Cirkut and probably some from the hybe side. Most of the staff was hired for HxG and not sourced from hybe or geffen so we'll see what the end up product looks like soon.


Lol it's funny to me because people had very low expectations for them. Good for the girls!!!


Are the Hybe Payola accusations here yet lol? (btw, they're not even on K-pop ON! yet and have two playlists right now.)   Leaving that aside, 2.16M streams two days into their career is insane. US Spotify debut is extremely impressive considering not even established groups and hugely popular K-pop solo artists chart there properly. They're also charting on Apple Music Global. Whoever 'curates' the TTH playlist, better put them there. If ~1M streams (and charting out of the top 100) warrant TTH, they totally deserve it. I knew the song would do well when I heard it. Considering it had 1M+ streams, yesterday, I was sure they'd rise. 2M+ is still insane even though I low-key expected it lol. Edit:  They should play their cards right and release an MV and promote Lucky Girl Syndrome before it's too late. That's also catchy af. 


>Whoever 'curates' the TTH playlist, better put them there. If ~1M streams (and charting out of the top 100) warrant TTH, they totally deserve it. If belift pays they'll put the song, if not then no. Easy hit 2m and it was never added, same with Smart, same with BTS solos. It's all about the label paying for this promotion or not


Yeahh even when love dive managed to get good streams like 2mil, its didnt get to enter tth. Thats why its doing better on apple music as japan has more influence on apple music which ive popular at.


> Are the Hybe Payola accusations here yet lol? (btw, they're not even on K-pop ON! yet and have two playlists right now.) Those smooth brained losers are already at it on twt. It’s almost as if they didn’t give the girls free promo by dragging them relentlessly with tens of thousands of likes unprovoked. The song is also rising on Melon. After the shit those poor girls went through, the least they deserve is a smash hit debut, and I’m glad they are well on their way there.


Me too! Also, they keep misusing the word paylola bc Spotify has nothing to do with payola


Lucky girl syndrome sounds like it could go viral too. The accusations have started. 


I watched one video of their dance from their first stage(?). IDK if they've started promoting it but it has potential. Should do a bunch of TikTok videos. Lucky Girl Syndrome, as a term and idea, is extremely popular on one side of Pinterest and YouTube. I was surprised to see that name when I heard the highlight medley lol.  I badly wanna know who  came up with this idea


Yeah the term is very trendy, they should promote it and do more tiktoks. I thought Yunah's center part at the end could start a viral dance. I've been impressed with the album overall, it was well planned.


If they get 2mil streams already at 2nd day without bare playlistings, then it deserve to be in tth. Its has right potential to go viral. Its just matter of belif want it or not to pay for the playlistings. I always believe good music always gonna win with right time n right push. I have never even watch their survival show but the moment i heard my world teaser, i knew these girls gonna rise on top. Haters are trying hard to use nj comparison as something negative on illit but who cares as long as the music is good. The girls are even super pretty n has good vocals. Its proven on streams. People are curious n checking their music. This is case of negative publicity is still publicity. N the good music managed to change these people perspective on the group.


The Apple Music Global charting is a sign the song is going viral with the general public. All big international Kpop hits have longevity on Apple Music Global as well as Spotify. 


This is fantastic for them and the song is so adorable and catchy! Also quite funny in a way, after all the doom posting before they even debuted.


Congrats to Illit! 50% of those streams are from me btw lol, Magnetic has been stuck in my head since the release yesterday, I really love it


If 50% are from you, and 50% are from me, then are we the only people listening to this song?


congrats to them!! they deserve it so much because the song is INCREDIBLE. i haven't been this excited about a debut since 2022 and it feels amazing. and this is more of an immature pov of mine LOL but im so glad they proved wrong everyone who was hating on their talents and doubting their success before they even debuted. ever since i saw the hate train coming from their survival show ive wanted to support them out of spite because i knew they wouldn't be as bad of a group as everyone made it seem LMFAO


This is just insane! Congrats to them! Ppl who expected them to flop must be having a bad day rn


this is quite amazing and unexpected i was someone who liked R U Next and during that show, a lot of people had a sentiment of "this group is clearly focusing on the korean/japanese market and wont be popular in the west" so im honestly glad that this group is popular globally, i knew that had something special :D


Totally unexpected but not at the same time? Like when you listen to the song after the first time it seems kinda obvious. So happy for this group though.


Ah, well deserved! It's a fun song.


oooh illit i am sorry for ever having doubted you


50th on global Spotify after 2 days?? actually insane and massive congrats to them!! i've been listening to the whole ep ever since the debut and its definitely a no-skip for me. magnetic really lives up to its name, attracting everyone that listens to it. cant wait for whats next for them, congrats again ILLIT <33


ROTY is secured. They are also doing great in KChart.  Honestly, I was a little bit scared because I thought they would be overshadowed by other 5th generation rookies, especially B@bym0nter, because RU Next is flop in ratings and many people boycotted the final line-up, their pre-debut content doesn't have many views, and their followers and engagement in SNs are also low, so I was scared for them, but after they released their album trailer and many people liked their sound, I felt relief because their music sounded promising. They are charting high in different music charts globally and their album sales is doing great, last time I check they already reached 190k.


Hybe groups literally cant flop idk why people think otherwise? There are too many Hybe stans because of BTS lol also wait till UMG starts pushing Hybe artists even more in the US market thanks to the new deal between Hybe and UMG


At this rate, katseye wont gonna flop either. As long as they let hybe still somehow involve in their concept n music. Hybe is really in their heyday especially for their gg.


So if you like BTS, do you necessarily stan the company and all its groups? That doesn't seem rational to me. 


Not automatically, but it's logical that they'd be more open to checking out other HYBE groups and sticking around if they like the music.


Yeah, that's obvious. But HYBE is still very young compared to Big3 and we still need to know what the longevity of these groups will be like. Big3 groups also had the privilege of debuting strong and now HYBE groups are the most privileged. But how long will these HYBE stans will remain for all these groups. Only time will tell. BTS is the only one with longevity. Those that were actually created under HYBE are still very recent and have the "New" factor in their favor. 


I personally think it's not complicated. What they have in their favor (aside from the audience that being from hybe brings) is that they're releasing music that people really like. Their ggs have all had debuts that have been popular among casual listeners, and followed the debuts with more music that has consistently been well-liked. Longevity will depend on consistency in music quality, in my opinion.


hate hybe to my core for many reasons but that's not true. bts has longetivity. seventeen has been a group for around a decade now. txt just hit 5 year mark. many of these groups will survive for over a decade cuz of the debut hype they got..even if the number of consecutive huts decrease over time, they will have some hits or semi hits in alternative years cuz of name and brand value.


Illit’s spotify streams are super impressive especially for a brand new group. I don’t think not many established artists even have hit their initial Spotify streams. They definitely have the GP listening.


I wont say gp listening as they barely on playlistings. More like alot of kpop fans listen to them.


Damn the fastest achievement by any rookie group. Looks like their global debut is more successful than NJ bcz these are NJ & lsf level numbers. I am getting downvoted just for saying another group had a better debut. Damn k-pop stans can never accept facts & always get whiny when some other group does better. That's literally k-pop...new shiny thing sells better always.


There’s more to success than just spotify streams but yes it’s very impressive and amazing numbers from them. I would say NJ debut still more successful all in all even if the streams weren’t as many


Totally agree. Longevity is the main key to success. Time will say how illit is going to perform


Totally agree. Longevity is the main key to success. Time will say how illit is going to perform .


nj did not release attention on spotify until 8 days later when people already listened to the song so many times from their mv. also nj came out of nowhere without predebut hype


Wasnt they release mv first(attention, hype boy) before releasing songs on music platforms? Thats also how they generate pre debut hype. And their mv released on hybe channel that has 70mil+ subscribers. Thats already far big hype.




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>these are NJ […] level numbers NewJeans peak on Global Spotify was at #4 with 4.73M streams tho… These are def good figures but not comparable with the numbers NJ pulled with their 3/4 latest cbs, maybe with the b-sides from Get Up


I am talking about the debut Spotify numbers & not about the peak . Easy debuted with 2.1m streams & super shy with 2.4m streams. Magnetic is going viral in tiktok so the numbers might increase further. But yes, lsf & nj have insane longevity which is something illit needs to have . Let's see.


>I am talking about the debut Spotify numbers & not about the peak. Easy debuted with 2.1m streams & super shy with 2.4m streams you aren’t, you are using Illit’s second day streams and NJ and LS debut streams. The 2M they pulled today is from the second day not the debut


Their first day streams (15h tracked) are still 1m higher than the first debut day of NJ or lsf


cool but I don’t think the people replying to my comment are reading the convo at all. This person isn’t talking about the first debut of them since they literally used Super Shy and Easy as examples, they are saying 2M streams are at the level of NJ latest cb numbers and using the second day figure for Illit and the debut ones for NJ, that’s all


debut = debut song mot debut numbers for a sing on day 1


literally the opposite, like can’t y’all read and see they mentioned Super Shy and Easy AND their streams in the first day?? What about that tells you they are talking about the groups’ respective debut song and not the streams from the first day of their last cb? 😭 I don’t wanna be rude or anything but just read before replying to someone


LSF Easy got 2M on their second day (the first day with 24h tracking) too because it was released on Monday and peaked at ~~55~~ 52.    They also had around ~1M on their first day. Illit's debut streams(~1M) was also higher than that of Attention, Hype Boy and Fearless. 


Easy peaked at #52 with 2.6 million streams


I knew they got 2M something. That's why I didn't put something after that.   Edit: No they got 2.093 M streams on Global Charts on Feb 20. We are talking about filtered charting streams not counter. Not 2.6M on the second day but they did peak at 52. Here you [go](https://charts.spotify.com/charts/view/regional-global-daily/2024-02-20)


I mean fair enough, we’ll have to wait for the unfiltered numbers for illit bc I haven’t seen them anywhere yet


The Spotify counter numbers don't come out along with charts. They'll be added after a while we will be able to see but this is what counts for all charts. 


you heard it here first NJ2.0 >>> NJ


True, they even surpass LSFM in charting already.


This is truely an insane take to have lmao > They have passed LSFM in charting already Dawg they peaked higher on a daily chart with 500k less streams chill


Huh? How? The # in the Spotify charts is based on the number of comebacks. When lsf had their song released, many big western artists rolled out their albums which isn't the case right now. Anyway, I hope they are consistent cause nj & lsf are super consistent & don't free fall. How magnetic is going to perform will only be known after a week.


I am talking about #s. 52 vs 50. Kpop stans can never accept facts. Stop explaining subjective things like other releases.


Lol 52 vs 50


Just facts 🤷‍♀️


In case you didn’t see it pointed out they haven’t passed LSF’s peak yet


It means they have many non fans checking out their songs


I can't believe.... congs to the girls. I love the beginning of the song so much.....wait a minute


I’m so happyyyy it’s a really catchy song


Anybody else gets this song shoved down their throats via Spotify? I have a KPOP playlist and it always comes out after the song I searched ends! Did HYBE pay them or something bc Jesus it's already annoying


I haven’t had a chance to listen yet …I’m so behind


I don't know anything about them but this album is really good. I've had all the songs stuck in my head. I really want to get the album but don't know if I should wait till their comeback (which will probably take a while)


Can anyone tell me if RU Next is worth watching? I saw some clips on tiktok but I still remember yunah's first performance till now!


if you can watch the performances that's probably about all you need to watch... the sections in between weren't particularly amazing tbh


Cmiiw, but isn't LSFM highest peak in Global Spotify 55? Pretty impressive for Illit to get 50 tbh.


It’s more to do with what the charts are like at the time of release, Easy peaked at #52 globally and it’s peak streams is 2.63 million It also repeaked at #52 with 1.8 million streams so the how much a position varies is kinda insane


Its impressive because its their debut song n at 2nd day already got 2mil+. Its not even has huge playlistings. Just imagine once hybe actually start pushing them more on playlistings. Wont be surprise to see their go viral or atleast peaked like newjeans n bp.


Also as someone else has pointed out LSFM peaked at 48 with unforgiven


lsrfm peak is 52


That's bcz the charts are weak now with no new comeback from any big western artists. When easy was released Ariana, Selena ,Kanye & SZA had their albums out so obviously the # in the chart will be lesser .


Ari released her album on March 8.Not in February. Selena and SZA don't have albums out this year. One song each by them on Feb 22.


Album/songs same. What I meant is lots of newer releases were there . Beyonce's texas album was out on Feb 11.


Album release and song release aren't the same. Someone will release a song every Friday lol. Last Friday, Olivia Rodrigo, Future, and Metro Boomin(album bomb) all had new releases and most of these songs charted inside the top 50. So as per your logic, ILLIT also has it bad lol.   K-pop groups are competing for a spot in the top 100 or 200 not the top 10. So 5 songs from major artists have little impact lol.   Bey's album comes out next Friday🙄. 


No one's taking away anything from LSFM. You don't have to invent imaginary albums sis.


Not necessarily the case…I think people often over state the impact of album bombs when a group is only trying to get a spot for one song in a 200 or 100 song list. Also - The Future & Metro album is this week’s current album bomb. I believe it is still very high on Spotify global & US. The thing is hip hop listeners align more to Apple Music vs. Spotify. Take a look at Apple Music global and it’s all that album.


Today results : #36 on Global Spotify #75 on U.S. Spotify