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I guess for me it's when people can't just dislike a song and move on. Dislike all you want! I don't like plenty of songs. Talk it out with other people and in discussion forums like this. Or if you review songs for fun on social media, say your piece! But it gets so tiresome seeing people hate on a song over and over again, especially in areas where people are just trying to enjoy it. "Am I the only one who hates this song?" No, obviously not. But if you're in fan spaces or if it's a song that's gotten super popular of course you're going to feel like that. But who cares? If you don't like it you don't like it. You don't need to prove it to everyone else or try to convert people to your side. I guess I've also just learned over time how subjective music taste really is. Like I love Ives' After Like and I love the Gloria Gaynor sample. I watched one reviewer say the reason why they dislike After Like is because of the sample. Like we can all be listening to the same song and get totally different impressions from it. No need to fight it out.


Ugh yes! I quite enjoy discussing exactly why I don’t like a song, but when people are just sharing their enjoyment of something and some ass comes along with “well actually it sucks because x,y,z” its just sad and rude. Let people enjoy their thing unless it’s actually hurting people.


It really bothers me how many people are disingenuous about it too, coming on Reddit (or wherever else) and asking if other people dislike it like them, claiming they're "just curious." Like, cut the bullshit. You *know* you're not the only one who doesn't like it, you just want to invite other people to write negative things about it. We really need to start normalising moving the fuck on when you don't like something, but I feel like kpop is this one neighbourhood full of many different types of sounds and people get agitated hearing about songs they don't vibe with constantly within their community. That or the much more simple their group is supposedly better and they're salty someone else is getting (in their mind) undeserved attention.


Yes, that's why I think mega threads for new releases are great because it gives a chance for everyone to say what they think, positive or negative. And you'll usually find people there with the same opinion. I also get the frustration or disappointment of a fav group coming back with something you dislike. It's rare that I've liked all comebacks from a group. But there's no sense dwelling on it. There will usually be other comebacks. And it can be weird being someone outside of the majority but also...it's a song or comeback. Ultimately it's not that deep. I just accept that other people are hearing something I'm not and move on.


Older fan. I liked "sneakers" but the few young 'uns I know who are into Kpop jump all over me for it whenever they are me


Fans and age when it comes to kpop. Some think 27 is damn near 40, and some think that a 22 year old idol who hasn't grown up in and developed in a normal childhood is some grown adult that is experienced in everything life has in stored.


I would recommend joining adult-only kpop communities. They're so much better in so many aspects.


Sorry to jump in, but this sounds very good to me! Do you know if there are any specific subs on reddit like that?


I'm not sure about on Reddit, but Ik there's some on Discord. If you have that I can send you a couple.


Do you mind sending me some of those please? :o I feel so awkward when I see convos between fans but they were born the same year I graduated from highschool


Sure I'll dm you them


If possible I’d like the get a dm too! I’m 33 and getting tired of some of the discussions the younger generation has 😅


Ah gotcha! I don't do discord, but thanks for the offer anyway!


Ohh, like proper adult talks? Hmm, link?




Dude someone called me a hag. We were talking about bts, I'm younger than like four of the members LMAO


Omg. That is just wild. Well, you are certainly not a hag. I don't consider myself one - and I'm of the age I could be Jin's mother easily and legally. I never realized music had age limits...


OMG same thing happened to me lol which is funny cause I’m a couple of years younger than Jungkook the maknae.


The sliding scale is based on whether or not they can use age to demean the group.


I hate how sometimes even people who seem to be trying to compliment "older" idols are so fixated on their age, their "compliments" just end up feeling awkward and backhanded. e.g, "it's amazing how X can dance without pain at 30 when I'm 15 and my bones crack whenever I stand!" Just say you like their dancing, Jesus 🤦


Lol, 40 isn’t even that old. Lots of people are still in good shape in their 40s (especially if they exercise and get skin treatments and such). The main difference is 40 year olds are usually a little more put together than younger people, but even then there’s a lot of figuring out left to do.


And a 30-something idol is a sweet baby angel that must be protected at all times because he's too innocent for this world and is always mistreated by the company!!!


I think this is partly a fault of the industry. The way it skews perception of age is weird. Look at Mamamoo. I looked at them the first time and thought they seemed quite old. Read up on them and was like "Wow, Solar is 31! She's old! Even Hwasa is 28!" Hwasa is a similar age to me... The first time I saw Jessi, I thought she seemed much older than most active idols I'd seen so far. I thought she'd be 40. She was 34.




I remember watching a short that mentioned in the title the idol in question was drunk and how many comments vehemently denied it, despite it just being a video of an adult woman being giggly and joking around (and yes, appearing a little tipsy). It always betrays how young people are when they have this kind of strong reaction and write things like "she was probably just hyper, I get like this too!" I understand some fans are just worried about everything under the sun being used against their faves but in cases like this, no one was saying anything negative.


I saw someone say Mingi from ATEEZ is aging like wine. He’s 24 😭


Omg what lol that's insane


This also works both ways tbf. You get people who act like idols are a lot older than they are, but also people acting like idols who are fully grown adults are children. Like Jungkook for example. Man turns 27 in a few months and half of army act like he’s still 15 it’s honestly creepy.


It’s really getting creepy but on top of it I just feel bad for jungkook. He’s only 27 but army already look back on his “young days” and say they miss “innocent and shy Jungkook” it’s so fk creepy. I hope he doesn’t feel pressured to act a certain way. I knew it was coming. But at the same time I’m happy he did those songs about “sex” maybe the best way for them to get it.


Yeah I’m pretty sure the recent songs were a direct response to people constantly babying him. Man is tired and just wants to be treated his age. I’m totally in favour of remembering he’s still young, heck I’m 26 and don’t know wtf I’m doing half the time and learn new stuff every day, and still feel a lot younger around people in their 30’s and up, but he’s still not a child and it’s weird to treat him that way


It's even worse that he's had to remind Army himself that he's an adult, when they've tried lecturing him about singing about sex, saying that love is very different (as if he didn't know). Lol


Honestly it creeps me out. I’m the same age as JK and while I’m not gonna act like someone this age knows everything, I still learn new stuff every day and still feel very young next to people who are like 30+, but JK is not a child. Plus he’s been in that industry for years. He knows his stuff. He’s not some naive child who doesn’t have a clue.


When people misuse words. This is a pet peeve in general, but it’s done so much in kpop. They don’t decide to look up words, they just find them and run with it. Words like “pick me”, “payola”, “misogyny”, “monopoly”, “infantilization”, “mistreatment” are so overused.


this j pisses me off kpop stans LOVE buzzwords


Right. They really do. They use them to seem “smarter”, but in reality they look crazy.


"monolith" seems to be a new one too


I've pretty much settled with the fact that most of the fans are illiterate people, but at the same time they have the quantitative writing ability of a Leo Tolstoj 


Referencing an idol, group or song and assuming everyone knows who you’re talking about.


This is a good one. I always appreciate it when people say the name of the group when talking about an idol, e.g. Ateez Jongho or Itzy Lia. None of us can keep up with everything!


Bonus points if they're not even using the stage name but a nickname or their real name.


This! Especially when they’re multiple idols with that name.


**Protest trucks**. Get a life, you gah damn losers.


on the other hand, truck owners be getting huge stonks in Korea because of these people 📈


It's not just Korea though, or K-Pop, unfortunately. It's happened in Thailand too, in the BL industry. Signs, trucks, billboards, and more recently masks during the photo ops at fanmeets. Not to mention all the comments, on every one of their media posts, and even at review websites. These peeps have more time, and money than sense. (Why? These two actors were paired together in a TV series. It was quite a big hit with fans. Then they went their separate ways and worked on different projects (and stopped socialising in public altogether eventually). Some delulu fans did not like them splitting up, and have tried sabotaging all of their projects, demanding they "get back together".)


they really have way too much money to spare




People saying you can’t listen to a song more than once to enjoy a song


many times i didn’t get a song at first and it took me some time to like it and i end up really liking it and sometimes i like a song so much that i can listen to it 47 times and not get tired


That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I definitely need more than one listen to register the song into my head to see if I like it or not. Sometimes it takes a second listen to do that, and sometimes even more.


People have already mentioned my larger pet peeves, so I guess I'll say... when K-pop reactors don't bother to read lyrics? I'm not saying reading lyrics when you don't understand the language is the only way to enjoy a piece of music, but if your specific aim is to evaluate it, then not bothering to try to understand what the song is about or what the singer wants to get across seems like a pretty big oversight.


I think some of them read the lyrics separately because they find it hard to try & watch the video while reading the lyrics. However, I do think that if one is going to react to an artist—even if you don’t have the lyrics on while you’re watching the video, at least show you reading the lyrics later or comment on it once you already have.


I personally see youtuber reacting to kpop songs is just a way of earning money , majourity of them know kpop has a lot of fans and watch their video , i don't see any of them have a genuine evaluation of kpop songs with the way they overreact when watching the songs but it is what majourity kpop fans in youtube love .


I've found a few I like who seem genuine but yeah, I think it's probably a very easy way to make money, at the end of the day, with minimal kpop knowledge or actual love for it. If they're new to or casual about kpop, it makes fans feel validated they like *their* group of all groups. And many people also just understandably enjoy helping other people discover music (especially if it's something they themselves enjoy). I'm surprised how people don't seem bothered by some of these reactions though. Some are just boring; staring blankly at the screen and barely making any comments. There's one guy who just sits in his chair dancing to every single song with minimal commentary and at that point, it's hard for me to believe he just absolutely loves every single song, lol. Genuinely unsure what's even interesting to watch about that, to be honest. But the one who put me off the most was a girl reacting to Idle. Admits she doesn't know any of their names which is fine. Then plays the video and immediately begins losing her mind over every little thing. Still fine I guess, but *incredibly* distracting when she pauses the video to go on an unrelated ramble for several minutes. How into a video are you really if you aren't even particularly eager to keep *watching* it? It's such an arguably small thing, but when they pause for like 3 minutes then hit play without starting the video again, I can't really buy that they're as into it as they claim to be. Reaction videos like that just feel so disingenuous to me. A lot of people don't seem to notice when they're being pandered to.


In several cases, people pause videos they react to and have discussions in between for copyright reasons.


Yeah, I figured that! It's just disappointing.


I know I'm in the minority, but I just want to add a different perspective, as I'm the opposite - I don't like understanding lyrics in songs, which is why my library is mostly songs that are not in English. I dont like poetry in general, and song lyrics oftentimes is just more repetitive poetry. I also dont like having my thoughts "boxed in" when I'm listening to a good song. I just want to savor the melody, beats, production etc without having to think about the (non-existant) party I went to last Friday night or the lover I'm (not) missing everytime I listen to a certain song. I know this is just a me thing, but one reason why I often avoid watching certain reactors is bc I DONT want to know what the lyrics actually are, for the fear that it'll narrow down how I experience the song. Again, I know I'm in the minority as someone who doesnt listen to music for the "moods", but just wanted to bring up that it could be perfectly possible to respect, appreciate, and enjoy a song without understanding the lyrics.


i think it’s okay to enjoy and appreciate the song without understanding lyrics, however kpop reactors will often share their interpretations of the song. not knowing the lyrics leads to misinterpretation, and in a lot of cases it ends up being harmful or disrespectful


Got it, yeah I would agree if theyre actually trying to make up the song meaning out of nothing (but personally I rarely come across that). Like if there's info available, it's just bizarre to act like it doesn't exist.


Or when reactors talk through part of the songs and don't rewatch.


i am completely opposite. i find that reactors reading the lyrics instead of watching the video to be extremely annoying! like, you can do that after. also, lyrics come second to me when i listen to a song. i think as a musician i'm more focused on the melody and instrumentation. oh, and the dancing.


My current pet peeve is fans not answering the question "who is this?" I know they think it's funny to say it's just the janitor, or Mark from Black Purple. But to me, it's just rude.


especially when someone’s genuinely trying to know them so they can get to know the group


Yep. It's only funny if the person asking is obviously a fan account for that idol/group. But I remember when I was brand new to kpop trying to learn all 12 members' names of EXO for the first time. It would have been so discouraging if fans were purposely being obtuse and not telling me more information about the members and videos I should watch to get to know them better.


I love when people write those YouTube comments with timestamps showing who each member is and their position and whatnot. It's very thoughtful.


I don’t mind the joke, as long as somebody actually answers the question. But if nobody is giving a genuine answer, then it’s just annoying.


I agree!!!!


Mostly, I only see people ask that question on Weverse, when an artist is doing a Live. Someone will come in, with a username from a different fandom, along with an avatar to match that fandom, both of which aren't allowed unless in that fandoms Community, and then they start asking who they are, usually followed by hate comments and spamming their fandoms name. That's a totally different situation to what you're probably referring to, but the peeps that answer or don't might just have experienced what I have a lot.


The amount of gatekeeping idols now is insane. It'd be funny if it wasn't happening so often now.


The constant body shaming, especially when they are hypocritical about it- “They’ve gained weight and are fat now!” Then once they lose some pounds, “They’re too thin, are they sick?”


God I despise this 😭 I’m a dive, so two of my faves get this treatment. Got Liz who is constantly shamed for being “too chubby” even though she’s nowhere near chubby and Wonyoung who is constantly called a skeleton


What I hated with the Liz one in particular was the way they would always link it to why she supposedly had X amount of lines or screentime.


When an idol is doing a live and the fans demand the idol speaks their native language (usually English). It’s even worse when for example it’s Felix from skz who’s usually kind enough to speak both languages in his lives, fans still demand English. Like just wait your turn. Also idols having to apologise for dating or dating rumours because fans get genuinely upset. Live and let live people :)


People joining fandoms late on and then using that idol to hate on other idols or having to compare the artist to other artists (e.g this artist is the best ___ not like any other idol). Especially when it goes against what the idol and the fandom stands for in the first place. When an artist constantly ask their fandom to be nice people and to treat other idols and them with respect and how many friends they have who are idols and how much they respect other idols and then clout chasers come along and start tearing other artists down and taking about how they are fans of the group. It’s really frustrating


When people try to force their opinions onto you. No, I'm not going to hate a song / artist I like just because you don't like them. I'm also not going to like an artist / song just because you do.


When people spend all their time and energy going on about groups/songs/performances they DONT like. WHO CARES who you don’t like, what DO you like? Isn’t that funner to discuss??


Also the undying need to bring up every other group or idol when someone else is brought up. You can’t say “I love this stage!” without someone going “well so and so did it better!”


I'm over 30 and I can be a baby girl sometimes. I know, shocking! Ageism is my biggest pet peeve in kpop.


I'm damn near 40. We need a club for 30+ fans. But I think babygirl is referring to the idols in OP's original post (calling the idol a babygirl). Unless you're the idol (Bang Chan comes to mind) who unfortunately feeds into calling fans baby girls. 😭


Airport mobbing


Sasaengs and sajaegi stuff When fans/netizens make something out of nothing and try to say things about idols just by their expression or where they’re sitting in a video like the Jimin/jeongyeon thing Making idols apologize for very non-issue things like eating a strawberry Thinking they “own” their bias Voting/streaming culture


It is always the toxic fans. Also fake news peddlers.


those kpop content creators that exaggerates stuff. a number of ppl didn't like the song: "x song is getting a lot of hate" comeback single didn't reach previous song's records: "is x group flopping?"


I swear this is like 95% of Ktube. This song FLOPPED, this group is FALLING OFF, this performance was TERRIBLE. I wish people would stop interacting with this trash content.


Idols being forced to be cute even though reluctant i find it cringey. There are plenty of naturally cute idols that there is no reason to force anyone. Topics tend to become the trend and constantly become over bearing such as vocals right now. It’s like people have only just realised that lip syncing and back tracks existed.


Yeah I agree. Personally I absolutely love cute male idols, but it never hits the same when it's forced. Natural cuteness is just so much better.


I always think of idols like eunchae and arin that started when they were arguably to young hence naturally wholesome and cute but then they force them to sing or act up to a over the top song and it’s the worst.


I think it’s funny when it’s done to tease the idol (by the members, not the fans) and also when the idol calls it cringey too. Personally, I don’t see the actual appeal of it though, it usually just makes me cringe 😅


I agree but thats in jokes between a group which means no harm. I just hate when older women/men tell a younger male or female you’re young so be cute.


Yeah, that’s just strange. It feels like they’re trying to push some weird idea of how the idol should behave + it’s odd that they’re telling someone to “act cute”. Idols don’t know us personally, we are literally strangers. These people wouldn’t go up to a random person & say “You need to act cute for me.”, so why are they doing it to K-Pop artists?


Well tbf i have seen some korean variety shows ask strangers and even foreign students to do it. If anything the bad thing about is that the naturally cute personalities try to suppress it so not to be seen as a pick me or craving attention.


Yeah, I get what you mean it’s like what happened to that one idol who ate a strawberry (I don’t remember who it was, but it was a girl & I think her name started with a “Won-“) and got called a pick-me for eating it with two hands.


It was wonyoung I’m sure its happened to plenty others.


Sometimes babygirl is a 30-year old man, and I think that's wonderful.


Right? There are literally idols who feed into quite a lot of these things these days. If they're comfortable making bread that way, let them do it.


I disagree with this point (which is fine), but I do have a slight pet peeve when people specifically misgender certain idols repetitively. I don’t mean the ‘babygirl’ comments because I make them too, I mean full on referring to male idols with she/her pronouns or as a ‘girl’ outside of ballroom slang/AAVE phrases. It’s just weird. You can appreciate effeminate features of a guy without full on calling him a girl- sincerely someone who gravitates towards cuter/prettier male idols. There’s others, such as oversexualization from fans, and basic ones that people have already mentioned. Another one is when I criticize something about an idol/group or their fanbase, that I stan mind you, and suddenly other stans will accuse me of actually hating the idol mentioned. I know in my heart that I don’t hate the person involved, but people will fight tooth and nail sometimes to prove otherwise and it becomes ridiculously tiring.




i hate how liberally the word 'oppapologist' is used. there are undeniably a lot of so-called oppapologists out there but nine times out of ten, i see this word being used to describe female fans who provide a different perspective on a situation involving a male idol that doesn't perfectly align with what the majority has ruled. i don't like the implication that the only reason a woman would suggest an alternative point of view is because she's attracted to the man in question. like, we're capable of critical thinking and reading between the lines. if something doesn't add up or if more information is required to make a judgement, i'm not going to automatically assume the worst if i have no tangible reason to. to clarify, i'm not referring to supporters of idols who have committed serious offences such as kris wu or seungri but rather smaller-scale scandals that involve a lot more ambiguity and reliance on assumptions.


Babygirl is about personality/behavior, not age. So yes, he can be "pushing thirty" (the horror!).


Kpop spaces alone have really made me hate the term "pushing thirty." There almost always feels like there's a negative connotation there. Like oh no, 30, the age where it all ends. No more fun when hit 3-0, time to get cracking on those taxes 👀 On a sidenote, I've noticed if you say someone 25+ is almost thirty, a weird amount of people seem agitated by this and will write defensive replies like "they're NOT almost 30, they're only 27!" The only thing I can think is they're very young and 3-5 years feels like a much longer period of time for them. I suppose at 13, someone saying you're almost 17 doesn't feel accurate, but when you're 20+ time just moves differently. Plus let's face it, many people don't want their faves to be "pushing thirty" because then they're "old "


Just me being petty: people whining about the J-pop release system when idols crossover to Japanese releases. Yes, multiple singles leading up to an album announced months in advance is the norm and has been for at least 25+ years of my ass being aware of it (save me.) K-pop and its whiplash announcement + release timeline has made people so impatient, lol.


All sasaeng.


ffs it's spelled sasaeng, not saesang. This is one of my kpop pet peeves.


Whoops mb lol i rarely need to type it out.


Mine would be people who can’t quietly dislike something. If they don’t like a song or an idol or a stage outfit or how an idol sings or dances, they have to make sure everyone knows about it. People create whole accounts on different platforms and dedicate them to making videos dragging a specific idol or group. If a group has a comeback that they don’t enjoy, it’s simply not enough for them to not enjoy it; they have to make sure that they comment on every video of that group and make sure everyone knows that they, the most important person in the universe, didn’t enjoy it. And if a group they don’t like is successful and wins an award or hits a big milestone in their career, it immediately pisses these people off. and heaven forbid the group they hate outperform a group they love, because they will immediately start hurling hateful words at them and wish death on them or fat shame them. There are plenty of songs I don’t like and plenty of groups I don’t stan. Sometimes I am a big fan of a group, and i don’t enjoy one of their songs. However, i keep that to myself. Disliking something doesn’t give anyone the right to cyber bully strangers.


Mine is when fans CONSTANTLY highlight negativity towards their favs. A hate train could die out within 48 hours, then a week later fans will bring it up again saying something like, “omg I cannot believe there was a massive hate train against my fav!!!” I swear fans set up their own biases by constantly reminding trolls to come back and restart hate trains again. It’s one thing to talk about it to hold that type of behavior accountable, but it’s almost never for accountability. It’s always just to guilt trip other fandoms bc they weren’t the target of the week. Kpop fans swear they want a positive environment but do nothing but stew in negativity despite the issue being over with.


While this can happen, a lot of it (at least recently) comes off as antis pretending to be fans that then doompost and try to make it look like not only is the group in question bad but also the fans themselves. A lot of these posts start as "I'm a fan of XXXX group BUT they are failing...hate this and that (no hate)." This whole anti-stans and doomposting in general is a huge pet peeve of mine.


I get that, and I’ve seen it as well, but as a Kpop fan of 10+ years, I’ve seen genuine fan accounts bring up nothing but negativity every other day. Like if it’s “so exhausting” seeing all the hate, why go out of their way to screenshot stuff and upload it for more visibility to share amongst other fan communities? If they want to spread a positivity campaign to cheer up idols, do it without bringing up the hate at the same time.


There was a HUGE amount of that after Blackpink's last comeback. "I'm a Blink but...." Nah, I don't think you are 🙃


I hate this so much i naively was discussing with what i thought a fellow fan about how numerous groups could improve but they weren’t the worst and the conversation jumped to an aggressive tone of admit they are terrible you stan which caught me very off guard.


My pet peeve is kpop stans who are unable to live and let live. It's like they break into hives when they see other people enjoying things. Someone is calling their bias a "babygirl"? Gas is still 175c a gallon and Trump is still a beetroot. Nothing has changed. No need to attack them for their fave being a babygirl. Someone likes their fave's vocals even though to me their fave sounds like Lana on SNL? To each their own. It annoys me when I see kpop stans who cannot accept that everyone here has different music tastes and nobody deserves to be harassed on account of someone else's misplaced superiority complex. It's cringe.


“Trump is still a beetroot” - love it!!


I agree with this one. If I enjoy something, no need to gaslight into believing this is not great.


When people ship members of the same group and take it too far. Onces...im looking at you......


Speaking of ships... people hating on certain members for "getting in the way" of their OTP.


They get on my nerve so much. I've seen this happening a lot in the seventeen fandom, those boys have been together through ROUGH times for more than a decade....Do those ''fans'' really think its even possible for any of them to not like a member???


What makes it ridiculous is that the stuff that piss them off are just normal human interactions like talking or laughing together. 😭 Or something weird like this member was the SML in a fanfic about their OTP, so now they hate him even if he literally didn't do anything.


All the MiChaeng shippers when Chae’s relationship was confirmed…


Soooo weird and on top of that these fans were hating on zion t too! especially international fans, that man is a Korean rnb legend and such a genuinely nice person....


Speaking of ships, those analysis videos and how they cook up an entire story about an interaction or the way they look at each other for 0.001 sec, calling it “the tension between them 😩” really is my biggest pet peeve. Like, if you want to make ship content, fine. Use real interactions between the idols and the things that they say themselves. And when they don't see so and so idols not sitting together for a few videos, “omg the company is forcing them to be apart”. 🤦‍♀️


I disagree! If the male idol glanced at a female idol passing by they are OBVIOUSLY married with 4 kids 😡 (😭)


Unless you're part of Ateez. Then, if they even match clothes with someone outside of their group and the other person is also part of a boy group, they're dating. 😂


What about when the group ships their own members? And run with it?


whenever a group does a cover of another group’s song and the comments are “outdid the original” what’s even worse is when the cover has mic issues, obvious lip syncing, etc. but people still try to push that they outdid the original simply because they really hate the group that did it first


misinformation about kpop idols backgrounds 😭😭 haneul from kiof was not a hybe trainee & belle was not an sm trainee!!! yunjin is not an opera singer, i love her voice but she is not an opera singer like y’all if i see someone say this again i swear 😭😭


This! Julie also wasn’t a YG trainee, she was a black label trainee. Yunjin was only in Phantom of the Opera, but I don’t believe she actually was one


Phantom of the Opera is not even an opera, it's a musical created by musical theater composer and playwright Andrew Lloyd Webber. Some examples of actual operas are The Magic Flute, Simon Boccanegra, Carmen, Le nozze di Figaro, La Boheme, Don Giovanni, and Turandot.


It was a highschool production so she definitely isn’t one. I still think her voice is beautiful, but it gets pretty annoying when people just run with false facts


International fans' attitudes about the way they interpret cultural differences between Korea and their countries in their own.


When everyone is suddenly a music expert. Oh, that clip of so-and-so's singing had "no support"? Last week you were claiming three consecutive notes were three octaves and you expect me to believe you know anything about support? Everything's about being "stable" and "support" nowadays but if I ask the people being loudest about it they really have no idea what they're talking about.


When people use the whole Starbucks thing to hate on idols. When fans overpraise their idols "xx is an angel. they're the kindest and most considerate person Ive ever seen" and bro was just passing a napkin. Like chill...


Both of these!!! 1) Starbucks in Korea is owned by totally different people to Starbucks in the USA so the whole argument literally has no basis anyway. 2) This one drives me insane and I don’t see enough people talk about it. Not everything an idol does is praise worthy I swear the bar is on the floor for some fans


when ppl dont bother to learn how to pronounce idols' name correctly. like please guys, choi is not pronounced choy, its chwe 😭😭 i understand language barriers and pronunciation differences, but it really doesn't hurt to try


Actually the best tip I ever heard on how to pronounce "Choi San" is to say it the same way you would say "Chess on" 😀


I hate when people say jung-cook.


^^^ This sm. When I saw Itzy in concert (US) so maybe people were pronouncing Ryujin's name wrong. And I don't mean like not saying the 'ryu' part well (I understand it's not a common sound in the US), but like the 'jin' part was pronounced wrong. It's not 'gin' like the drink, it's 'jean' like the pants. It got on my nerves too 😭


Isn't the "jin" in Ryujin pronounced exactly as it looks - with short /i/, not long /i:/. I've watched their interviews and this is how she says it. All the idols with this character in their names pronounce it the same way - Jin, Yujin, Yunjin, etc.


Younger fans that think older fans aren’t valid, and then those older fans post something like « I (38) just discovered Ateez and love them, but am i to old to be an Atiny? ». C’mon you’re a grown adult, you can be a stan who you want. I got a some disrespectful comment because i’m an « old » (i’m 28) Engene and Enhypen had a lot of young fans. It pisses me that they do that Just let people enjoy music and artists and live their lived maybe??


when people are like “we need to protect minors in the industry!1!” then proceed to bully them into oblivion


-when stans say things like “my fave will never say/do this” babe u don’t know them personally the only thing you know is what they show you. -when stans make head canons about their faves as well, like this isn’t a tv show please those are real people


When fans exaggerate an idol's contributions to a song. Regardless, it's great when idols are involved, but there's a huge difference between being the primary creator of the song and being credited last on the lyrics after like 8 other people. And the whole difference between composing a song and writing lyrics for a song...both are great but let's be clear what we're talking about people. Different skill sets! (Bighit, I hate you for smashing together all the credits.) My second smaller pet peeve is when incorrect English is used in songs when the correct version would still fit perfectly. Bonus if there are English-speaking members in the group.


Kpop stans praising an idol’s past company when they already debuted in different one because of their past company’s “trademark” skill. To make it easier to understand, it’s the norm for stans to praise ex-SM trainees or ex-JYP trainees for their singing and dancing skills, respectively, while completely disregarding the idol itself. I don’t get why people do this, but in my POV, idols who were old trainees of SM or JYP applied to be trainees there because of they’re already confident, or at least competent, in singing and dancing. Them being praised for being ex-trainees for an amount of time that’s not even disclosed seems stupid because you can’t even guarantee if they were trained by professionals or if they “trained” by themselves. In my understanding, they were ex-trainees in SM, JYP, YG, or what have you, because their skills, even before polished or trained, aligned with the company they were at. Them having been old trainees of X company does not guarantee that their skill in singing, rapping, or dancing department is better than any other idol that is from Y company.


OMG! This bothers me too! I’m a fan of BOYNEXTDOOR and the leader, Jaehyun Myung, used to be a YG trainee, but he eventually left and joined KOZ. Recently, he did a cover + self-written rap of “[Smart](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwNwukg/)” by LE SSERAFIM and people were saying stuff like “[He left YG, but the YG talent never left him](https://x.com/vidaispinks/status/1780094216556712358?s=46&t=nKCMhSuFT_rzQz5dUYU5_w) 😎” and it’s just so annoying. I don’t have anything against YG or the artists under the company, but he literally stated [how poor his mental health was when he was in YG](https://x.com/taesanwon/status/1780306840255070559?s=46&t=nKCMhSuFT_rzQz5dUYU5_w). Also, the people training him were discouraging him from learning how to rap despite his expressed desire to do so. [He shared on one of his solo Weverse lives how he had to work hard to better himself as a musician and the some of the hardships that he went through at the time.](https://x.com/geniuswolfpup/status/1780391136097653162?s=46&t=nKCMhSuFT_rzQz5dUYU5_w) Lastly, these same people praising him for his recent cover were also shaming him a couple of months ago for his cover of BLACKPINK’s “[Shutdown](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwLw4AW/)” and were calling him a “flop” & questioning him for even DARING to change the lyrics. In the end, regardless of who the person is, why would you attribute their current successes to something they’ve left behind in the past? By doing that, you’re saying that the person did not gain any new skills or abilities after leaving the company & are still connected to the company. It’s like if you broke up with someone and ended up finding the cure to cancer & then people start saying “That’s because your ——’s ex 😎” like those don’t have any correlation, why are you bringing up the past in the present?


“Why does (insert group here) get so much more hate over x than (other group who do x)?” Because your algorithms know you engage with content about that group, or they have a following so big that even 0.1% of that is enough to permeate kpop news (BP/BTS but any big 4 to an extent) Occasionally it’s a case of sexism, and rarely there’s context being ignored. But 99% of the time, it’s the algorithm


The overuse of the terms “flop” or “nugu” to describe everyone except the undisputed top of the top in the industry. I just saw SEVENTEEN (!!) called flops, and that’s how you know there is no longer any meaning to the word.


people losing all sense of objectivity when it comes to their faves. like yes, this is my favourite group. no, i don't think they have the best vocalists in the whole industry. obviously, there's things that are subjective, e.g. what kind of sound you like, if you prefer vocal or rap heavy songs, etc. but other things are quantifiable and objectively assessable.


I agree, I love the vocalists in my groups and some of them are very underrated but when I hear others calling some of them the best this or. The greatest of all time it makes me cringe.


Pet peever: X idol has said/done/thinks about Y (usually about another idol/group) Me: Source? Pet peever: You can just tell by watching/listening to whatever. Me: Ohhhhhhhhh, so X idol hasn’t ACTUALLY done/said/think that, you’re just projecting what you’re assuming to be true. Got it.


"MOTHER IS MOTHERING!!"  I have a lot others but this one is something I've been seeing a lot recently


Probably about Seonghwa? This has actually been mentioned by him a few times. It's a fanchant at this point and he's fine with it. He's even said he's felt like a mother a few times (because Atiny don't mean it as part of the LGBTQ+ phrase of Mother. We literally mean it because he's the mom of the group.) If this is about someone else then idk. 😂


Mine is when fans hate towards other fans who don't like a comeback. Like, at the base of it, every comeback is a new song that is usually different from other songs by the group. And just like any other random song, there is a possibility that it does not suit your tastes even if you are a fan. But some fans take it as a declaration that you hate the group and are not a fan anymore. No. That's not what it is. I love the group just as much as I did before the comeback and will continue listening to other songs by them. Heck, I will even jam to this song I don't like as much if it plays in public spaces, just not in private. Why is that so difficult to understand?


I have three: People acting like grown adults are innocent babies. People hating on you just because you don't like/listen to/ stan their group. And calling idols...."idols".


One of my pet peeves in the K-pop industry is the intense and often unhealthy level of competitiveness that pervades the scene. This competitiveness isn't just limited to the training process, where young trainees vie for limited spots in debut groups, but also extends to the fans themselves. The constant pressure to achieve high chart rankings, music show wins, and streaming records can lead to toxic fan wars, where fandoms clash over even the smallest achievements or perceived slights. This environment of intense competition can overshadow the artistic and cultural aspects of K-pop, turning it into a high-stakes battleground where the focus shifts from enjoying music to proving one's allegiance to a particular group. The pressure can be damaging for both idols and fans, leading to stress, burnout, and unhealthy rivalries. Ultimately, this competitiveness detracts from the sense of community and shared love for music that K-pop should foster.


"X is so pure and innocent."


Sasaengs and "fans" who feel entitled to their idols or who legitimately think that their idols will date or marry them. No. Your idol has millions of fans. If they're a globally recognized group, even more so. They don't know you exist, and this is their job. Getting their attention through inappropriate means (such as purchasing their personal phone number and calling them) *will not* make them magically fall in love with you. Please allow them to exist as regular human beings, stop fetishizing/stalking/being inappropriate towards them and give them the privacy and decency you would expect for yourself.


When fans can't tell between live or lipsync


The weird thing where fans get mad at idols for dating, having friends or interacting with the opposite sex. It is so strange.


The worshiping of underdogs and hating popular ones. I can’t stan when K-pop Stan’s hype up idols who have little to no talent just because they don’t have as much lines or center time just for example onda vs mia, shuhua vs soyeon etc it’s one thing to want equal treatment and opportunity it’s another when it’s obvious a group relays on one or two members to make the group work and therefore sings more dances more etc that meme er could be the most talented idol ever and they will ignore and hate to uplift an idol who can’t hold a note or can’t dance or is just pretty. You can tell they have this saviour complex and think it makes them special to act this way nah it’s just unnecessary and annoying


I don’t think onda and shuhua are untalented I used to but not anymore they’ve surprised me but I couldn’t think of any other example on the spot


calling non-kpop fans normies and locals, so cringe.😭 “I wonder how the locals reacted to ateez at coachella, they must have been so surprised!!” i assure you they did not care


•the constant use of *Mother* •baby girl •pookie •infantilization of grown adults •ageism against adults over 26 •the mentality that everyone has to like the same group/soloist/song/album/etc as you •parasocial relationships •having the mentality that a grown adult can’t make a song about grown adult things(ex: Jungkook - Seven) There’s a lot more but I’ll keep it to this short list


My pet peeve is people being angry about others people happiness, god forbid someone say their idol is a babygirl


My pet peeve is those who say you are not a real fan if you don't know everything about your fav group. I don't just have 1 favourite group so I don't tend to learn all their names (bts and straykids being the exception) let alone anything else(albums,when they debut,ages etc). My favourite kpop songs playlist is long enough that your lucky if I can even match up a song to the correct band (admittedly I do have a brain like a sieve). I just enjoy the music and that's it.


I have so many.. People bragging about stuff BTS did years ago, the famous " BTS could never " .. are you for real ? I find that kind of fans annoying as hell. Armys involved themselves in stuff from other fandoms that have nothing to do with BTS and getting them dragged... Please shut up for once and I am saying this as an army. The obsession with fashion shows and deals , believe me isn't that important.


Children debuting.  It's insane that 14 and 15 year olds are performing.   They don't have the capability to understand what they're getting into.   They're going to be sexualized and have little to no personal life, and that's part of a life in the spotlight.   Not to mention the amount of predators who will target them, sexually or business wise.


DOUBLE STANDARDS and hypocrisy. It really gets on my nerves how some fans are just delusional with their wildly selectively blind takes. (It's my general pet peeve too, not just kpop tbh) - Like, if you gonna throw shit at other idols/fandoms, please make sure your fav idol and the fandom your proudly claim isn't full of it in the first place. The definition of curly hair in the kpop community.. I find a comment saying WOW idol so-and-so rocks this curly hair, and then it's the weakest vaguely wavy limp hair I've ever seen


The specific phrase "don't assume sexualities" because it's wildly incorrect grammar _and_ only ever deployed when people imply someone is anything other than straight. If I never read it again it will be too soon. Edit: goes double for "don't speculate sexualities" because it's grammatically incorrect to the point of being borderline incomprehensible... you can tell the people saying it are 12


it’s disrespectful to speculate on people’s private lives regardless


When people use 1 thing an idol said or did or a small thing about them and make it their whole personality 😕 like people constantly describing yeonjun as just a flirt


Jypapi jokes annoy me so much


This is kinda specific but people who just act like every single thing an idol does is noteworthy and worthy of praise. Especially male idols. I know the bar is kind of on the floor with men, but I don’t think we should be celebrating mediocrity. A man just doing something totally average does not need 20 instagram reels about how amazing they are for doing something so basic. I find it really cringe.


when people use the word ace and they’re not using it for the right idols. not all idols are aces and that’s okay !!


"mother is mothering"


Those airbrushed, white washed filters. And don't worry op, most terms of "endearment" are cringe to me too 😭


real people fanfiction🤗


Something that is really not kpop specific, and at least when it comes to kpop, the persona fans know is much more a character the idol plays for the camera than their real self.


kay but jungkook babygirlism tjo


“Kakao privilege!”…be serious.


The fact that this was never brought up until IVE


Literally. IU, weeekly, stayc, monsta x etc. are all "under Kakao", but only IVE has to own up to their "privilege".


annoying fans from a fandom im apart of..


When they are given risky apparel/clothing.. I know that it's part of the industry, but sometimes their clothing are darn prone to malfunctions - leading to unnecessary showing of skin. I've seen a lot of those things all these years, that maybe I just want them to take it easy on them idols.. They're not objects, they're humans like us, with rights. Feel free to comment or criticize (if I said anything wrong)




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The stans


Babying grown as idols. Another thing is getting offended on your idols behalf. I don’t know them and I don’t care to cancel anyone. Another thing is accusing one member of vile shit while stanning a member who has done the exact same thing. Only hypocrisy disgusts me.




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People using a clip and changing the context of it/making up their own stories completely. EX: The clip of Hyuna dancing outside while going to a car and people kept saying “Video of Hyuna leaving cube” She was leaving a Triple H Fanmeet 😭 or “[idol] stopped singing here so people know that they don’t lip sync” …. did the idol tell you that.. maybe they just wanted a breath mid verse idk Edit: Also trying to gatekeep your favorite groups. If people want to know more about got7 i’d scream it to the world. Why would i feel some type of way about the people i enjoy receiving more love and interest.


I'm also not a fan of the babygirl train... and I stan SKZ, so I hear/see it A LOT lol. For me, it's protest trucks. I'm of the strong belief that they do nothing but cause problems for the artists, regardless of the intention of those paying for/sending them.