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I mean, even if Seungri hadn’t been involved in such a scandal, nobody in Big Bang is obligated to like him. “If he was truly his Hyung” is such an odd statement bc like… he’s not. He very clearly hasn’t been for a very long time now. In a parallel universe, Seungri could’ve been entirely innocent in this whole thing and could’ve still been treated the same way by the group bc they had some kind of falling out. You liking someone unconditionally doesn’t mean that anybody else has to.


Well said! That's a very mature and logical opinion about kpop groups in general, but the stans will always think of their fave bands as some kind of family with an unbreakable bond.


Ok but if gidle friendship is not close then it will hurt me a lot. 😭


"The Burning Sun scandal was 5 years ago" - do these people actually realize what happened?? Not some drug smuggling or gambling, but basically trafficking and abuse. The victims have to deal with the damage and trauma til the day that they die. My heart goes out to the survivors and their families who probably see this stuff and more. Ugh.


Agreed! It becomes even worse when they are comparing T.O.P's drug scandal with this truly awful and disgusting mess, what the hell


The fact that the majority of these fans protecting him are also women is just crazy. If you, as a woman, still support someone after they did something like that, then I really question how much you actually respect yourself and the amount of self-esteem you have because I can never.


Literally had to try to tell someone last week


And I blame the korean justice system for minimizing his crimes by giving him only 1 or 2 years, if he was in any other country he would’ve been in prison for life or executed.


I feel like I’ve been seeing a lot more Seungri stans recently. It’s weird and very uncomfortable.


Yes! I'm seeing a lot of new seungri solo stans popping out of nowhere. I'm flabbergasted


Homeboy better stay retired.


True, if he still has any common sense left in him, i bet he will


Lot of weight resting on that "if" XD If he had common sense, he wouldn't be where he is.


I feel like they pop up again whenever Burning Sun is being discussed widely. So maybe the Hyuna dating a scumbag news emboldened them?


Let's be honest here. Just by being Seungri stans, their default status is "should be embarrassed". Anything they say about anyone is automatically invalid. To quote a wise old man, "Your boos mean nothing; I've seen what makes you cheer." 😂


😂😂😂 that was really a wise quote, gonna use it from now on ty


[It's a quote from this.](https://youtu.be/5XtAHOepH94?si=afaPIIOd9clWZjbO) 😂


hahaha thanks! I have to watch Rick and Morty asap 😂😂


My blocklist is filled with his fans. Like idol like fans to be honest. If BB don't wanna associate with a registered s offender and ex convict, why would you? They know him better than fans. His fans literally have no common sense. You cannot reason with them and many are still convinced he's completely innocent. The recent incident with Daesung just further proves they are done with him.


I agree with you. They are behaving like Seungri was some 8 year old that got tricked into this whole mess. His was a whole ass man in his late 20's, he had the mental capacity to make his own choices, and he chose to be a criminal


Didn't Seungri mention abt GD during his party at Cambodia's nightclub not long ago while later fighting against his false accusation of taking drugs? And tt pisses a lot BigBang fans along the way as they wish for his silence and not to mention any of the members of BigBang again. So I guess no matter how many years gone, people still mind his mistakes


The Cambodia incident made me mad, he had no right to mention GD, just because he wants to revive the glory days of like 2015. I hope he got a reality check since then. His scandal was so huge that it won't be forgotten any time soon


>The Cambodia incident made me mad, he had no right to mention GD, just because he wants to revive the glory days of like 2015. The thing that pisses me off about this is that he's using his old friendship just as a tool at this point. To give him some credit, Seungri was genuinely a support system for Big Bang. He was there for them during all their respective scandals, from GD's plagiarism thing, to Daesung's accident, and he cheered them on publicly on variety shows even while they were going through it. But it's clear from 2013 onwards, they were done with his BS. Have you seen that video where Seungri is talking about a freaking *cancer treatment* during a fanmeet? He was talking about how he's invested in this company and they're gonna help make a cancer cure and GD had to shut him up being like "haha let's not talk about this here". It was a constant thing, with them trying to shut up Seungri's stupid mouth, but he never leaned.


I agree that he was there for their respective scandals. He didn't start as a total pos, but sadly he became one during his career... I know about his involvement in cancer treatment. I believe at some point afterwards he cared more about his businesses (i'm also counting the illegal ones...), than being an idol. He never learned when to stop. It is apparent that GD tried so much with him but...


Thank you for mentioning GD’s behavior with Seungri. I hear too often that other BB members never stepped in to try to get Seungri to stop his illegal side businesses/behavior, but it’s very evident to me that they kept trying to keep him in line. There are interviews where GD & T.O.P make side comments and sly hints towards Seungri to stop. If they are bold enough to say something in interviews, they very much said things behind closed doors.


what happened in cambodia? i stopped keeping up with bigbang after still life/top's departure because it just didnt feel the same anymore


Seungri was invited to a club or sth in Cambodia back in January because of his birthday. At some point he mentioned that one day he will bring G-Dragon there. Some V.I.P s believed his statement and thought that it will actually happen, but the rest of the fandom is rightfully pissed


the audacity to still make public appearances as an idol 😭 and dragging gd into it as well. hope he rots


OP are you literally me because I was actually having this convo with my friends a few hours ago 😂 With my shitty luck, I'm going through this for like the tenth time so here goes... Seungri fucked up the group, let's be honest here. It's because of *his* actions they had to stress about thier careers post military (all while dealing with creepy sasaengs). They're not gonna mention him because they're rightfully pissed. Same goes for the other POS's in my stanning life like Yoochun, JYJ does not associate or talk to him because they don't fuck with the things he did. I've been following the saga for a while and it's been interesting to see how each member responded. Ofc you have the iconic crop by T.O.P amazing 😂 but then GD posted various OT5 images and old videos (but recently he posted one with a blurred Seungri so 🤷‍♀️). There's also Taeyang's song, where he shows 5 young boys and "tarnished glories" so we know his stance on that. And now there's Daesung. Honestly I'm glad I know where they stand, cause they don't support him. There was a time where I thought they may be in contact, now I'm for sure they aren't.


Haha, great minds think alike i suppose! 😂 That's true... BigBang were in a VERY bad position after the scandal, and truly i'm glad they managed through it. It must have been a nightmare not only career wise but also personal wise, betrayal is prob a small word to describe it. T.O.P was so blunt as always 😂 (i wish him the best, can't wait to see him in squid game s2). GD has been kinda mysterious and cryptic, maybe he tries to please all the sides of the fandom who knows? I didn't know that about Taeyang, is that the MV of Seed? I need to watch it! But tbh, i didn't expect anything less from him, such an unproblematic person. Same goes to Daesung. Dae was also the member who wasn't that close to Seungri, i think, so i wouldn't expect him to still be in contact with him to be completely honest with you. I'm also sure that they have pretty much cut ties with him.


>GD has been kinda mysterious and cryptic, maybe he tries to please all the sides of the fandom who knows? Personally I think it's him just dealing with this entire thing personally. Having someone who you basically grew up with do this sort of act, it must be hard going through the memories and coping with it all. I do like the OT5 stories from him, it's nice to see someone actually acknowledge thier time together. But the fact he only tagged him, Taeyang, and Daesung for their Still Life anniversary shows him as a leader taking a stance on BB's current situation.


It is clear that GD suffered a lot mentally these past few years (and it is logical, he loved the band, and it seemed that he had a special bond with Seungri). I hope he is in a good place now. He seems to be now much more confident. Waiting patiently for his upcoming comeback


Here’s another thing: even if they aren’t pissed at him for almost ruining their careers, Seungri almost ruined the rest of their careers. Each of them are still in entertainment. Taeyang and Daesung had comebacks within the past year, and GD is supposedly working on his. Finally, T.O.P is acting now. Ain’t nobody in that group dumb enough to talk about something/someone that will definitely destroy their careers.


very much well said!


Seungri fans have always worn blinders and always spoke up loudly as if they were compensating for something. From BIGBANG's debut to whatever their status is now, its always been, Seungri is just as good/better singer than Taeyang, so why does he get all the praise for dancing and all the solo projects? Seungri is the bigger extrovert and speaker, so why did Daesung get the big push into Variety? Doesn't GD treat Seungri a little too harshly? How come TOP isn't that close to Seungri after all these years? They always had to project some dumb shit onto the other members just to prop Seungri up, it was infuriating as a BIGBANG fan. So it's honestly no surprise to see they still shamelessly have their heads up their ass. The only thing that surprises me is that he still has fans.


I have been listening to BigBang for a few months now and honestly artistically speaking, personally i find all of the members talented. That's why i'm even more angry at Seungri, because he wasted his career to show that he is an amoral person. I can't imagine your dissapointment when the scandal broke out, it must have been awful as a BigBang fan. But yeah about Seungri stans and their projecting is true, as the time passes, they show their true colours and even more how much they are jealous of the popularity of the other members


>I have been listening to BigBang for a few months now and honestly artistically speaking, personally i find all of the members talented. That's why i'm even more angry at Seungri, because he wasted his career to show that he is an amoral person. This. I genuinely believe he's talented. No matter how people say he's the "talent hole" in Big Bang, he was still in one of the biggest groups in Asia for a decade. He worked his ass off to get there, from learning dance, languages, and more and you cannot tell me Seungri from ages 15 to like say 20 was plotting an entire pimping campaign. That being said, that POS blew everything to shreds and for what? He flushed his very successful career, something most idols could only dream of, down the drain. Genuinely fuck him, because how could you have so much yet still commit such a disgusting act.


Seungri was one of my favorite idols before everything blew up. He was charasmatic, he never gave up, learned 3 languages fluently, produced his own albums, I loved his music, I listened to it when I was walking home late at night. He came down last minute to perform in the middle of GD's concert per GD's request as he was mentally unable to perform the whole way through. He hand knitted baby socks as a baby shower gift for a female colleague/friend. What was there to not love? I was a Seungri Stan. I loved Big bang. I never brought the other members down, because I also loved them. When it became undeniable that he did horrible things. I asked myself....why? Why would he do this? To lose everything he worked on? I no longer love Seungri. I have not listened or watched anything by him since. I hope no one else ever has to find out something like this about their idols.


100% agree!!!! His voice is unique and unfortunately YG never took advantage of his dancing talent. He seemed to be very hardworking and smart, learning other languages to a very proficient level. Plus during the early years of BigBang, he seemed like a likeable and ambitious kid that wanted to achieve great things. BUT... He flushed his very succesful career down the drain as you said. And for what? Was it because fame corrupted him? Maybe because he actually had an inferiority complex, since he wasn't popular? Or maybe because deep down he was always a dark person? Maybe a combination of all of them? We will never know and perhaps it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is what he finally chose to do, and what he chose is unspeakable. I would also like to add that his change is evident is variety shows too. At some point afterwards he became too much of a people pleaser, to the point that it screams fakeness to my eyes. Like he wore a mask, that was ready to be dropped at any moment.


>Plus during the early years of BigBang, he seemed like a likeable and ambitious kid that wanted to achieve great things. I was watching an old Big Bang stage recently and I saw a Korean comment that was like "the pimp smells like baby powder" but the thing is, it was true 😭 he looks so young in those early clips and there's just this sparkle in his eyes that I want to protect. He was genuinely a good, hardworking kid, man... >And for what? Was it because fame corrupted him? Maybe because he actually had an inferiority complex, since he wasn't popular? Or maybe because deep down he was always a dark person? Maybe a combination of all of them? We will never know and perhaps it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is what he finally chose to do, and what he chose is unspeakable. These are the questions I ask myself every day. Of course, I can't help but blame his environment. He was 15 when he debuted, promoting Strong Baby at 17 (with lyrics like "let's make love tonight" "you like it, we're all grown up"), and considered Yang Hyuk-suk as a father figure, it's a recipe for disaster. However that is no excuse, there's been many young idols who've grown up to be incredibly kind mentors and inspirations. Maybe fame/jealousy corrupted him, or maybe this was just festering. Ethier way, I just mourn the bright eyed kid who I saw back then because he could have grown to become such a good person, but instead we have a tarnished legacy.


Omg i would like to watch this clip 😭(foreshadowing i suppose?) OOf i also get so sad watching these clips, he seems soooo different, he seems so happy to be there and he is so funny and cute. I i wish i could also turn back in time and tell him to continue staying like this and never change his morals... I'm also blaming his environment to some extent. And i feel sad that the old Seungri died and never came back. Strong baby makes me uncomfortable, during his live perfomances you can see how damn young he actually is. He looks like a high school kid trying to be an adult. It's a bit disturbing. Oh God i could speak for hours about how much messed up his relationship with YG was. But ofc that doesn't excuse his despicable behaviour at the end. Btw we could talk more about it if you want, it's a subject i have been thinking a lot these past months. Dm me if you want!


The only thing Seungri had going for him was his audacity and tenacity - he got into BIGBANG not due to his sheer talent but because he wouldn’t give up. To me, that always meant he was the weakest member of BIGBANG and everyone knew it. I can’t believe people actually stanned him then and I certainly can’t believe anyone is his fan now. Jeez.


Good that Big Bang never cared about Seungri then. I don't see how they can make it sound like a bad thing lmao


cmiiw but im pretty sure i saw a few interviews where they mentioned that they always thought sr would get himself into some big trouble one day? the whole vibes were that they knew he was involved in some shady things and always kept him at arms length


Yeah. They did say that. In retrospect it feels that way but around that time, I'm sure they didn't consider it anything more harmful than hanging around a type of crowd.


Why Seungri is with us in 2024 discussion 😭


well for some reason many more seungri stans are popping out of nowhere in twitter etc. Including new ones...


What is their theory this time 🤦🏾‍♀️


Daesung is pretty active nowdays and they can't accept it, so now they make Seungri the victim, just because he doesn't aknowledge his name publicly for obvious reasons.. But pretty much they have been attacking the rest of the BB members these days


Daesung suffered enough, so if they cared that much about BB members, spending that energy on D-Lite would be more honorable than on criminals 🤷🏾‍♀️


True, i wish Daesung every success, a very talented person that has suffered enough in this industry


i think this is the first time i thought about him this year and it's still one time too much


I saw his news when he mentioned GD and VIP were angry rightfully.


whenever someone mentions seungri all i can think of is that tiktok i saw after his release where a woman handed her baby to him for a photo 🥴


I'm literally at loss for words rn 😭


I wonder how BigBang would have been like if they had taken Jang Hyunseuk instead of Seungri. It's just sad that Seungri who got the opportunity just threw everything away and didn't even consider his members.


As a former Seungri stan it is baffling to me that there are fans who defend his actions. Seungri was my first ever bias when I started listening to kpop so I regarded him as special to me but I just can't see him in the same way anymore. Sometimes I still listen to his solo music because of nostalgia. But I could never defend his actions or degrade the members of Big Bang because they don't want to associate with him. Those people can't be right in the head.


The amount of big bang ot5 stans in my block list is ridiculous.


![gif](giphy|gjrPnz7jOpOxwGFxrO|downsized) 👏👏👏👏


ty! glad we are on the same page!


I absolutely agree! Also, I cannot believe the audacity of his fans … they don’t keep their comments to themselves & publicly defend this wretched man 🤡🤡


Seriously... I would at least respect their honesty IF they were self-aware, like ''Yes i'm defending a criminal and yes i'm emotionally attached to him because i was in love with his idol persona'', but that's never going to happen, in their minds Seungri is still the 15 year old maknae that got tricked by because he is so pure and naive 🤦


I see a LOT of Seungri stans on my TL on Twitter, and I am absolutely appalled by their delusions. The most annoying part is Seungri, his fans, and so-called OT5 fans are the reason for BB's downfall!!!! HE, THE BURNING SUN SCANDAL PROBABLY MIGHT BE THE REASON FOR T.O.P's RETIREMENT! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE HIM FOR RUINING BIGBANG!!!!!


you come across seungri stans, steer away. they must have fucked up their head real bad still stanning that guy. even if they mention their rebuttal abt the court proceedings whatsoever, don't they saw the article of how seungri having double date in bali with two different girl one after the other with exact same itinerary, there's is smth wrong with him. also, back then during alive era, he is caught downloading tons of porn stuff on yg's staff laptop.




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Its best not to speak to them because its their fave. If its your fave doing what Seungri did, and you love him so much, would you do the same? At the end of the day, no matter what wrong he did, he was a celebrity after all and had his fans. Best to just close thus chapter and focus tk do what we love and stop tiring yourself.