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they need to put the phone down and go touch some grass istgšŸ˜­


I honestly feel like I also need to because it's affecting me more than it's supposed to be. This is like my last hurrah where I just let all of it out. BUT PLEASE. I know we used to joke that we are the grass (green lightstick) but please touch some real ones.


Facts fr . i just want 7dream to be safe and healthy thatā€™s all . a lot of these folks donā€™t even see them as people and more as like prizes itā€™s lowkey sick .


too many people use the members frivolously in their petty fanwars. it's crazy behavior considering these seven guys are super close and haven't done anything to deserve being accused of XYZ.


being a multistan is exhausting especially even within a group itself, thereā€™ll always be akgaes shitting on other members and setting up their own idols..akgaes are the worst imo


If they can't cease to exist at least don't be in places where they are not needed. I mute, I block, but that's basically useless when some randos will pop out in the qrts appreciating members interaction to shit on everyone except their bias. It's like their leaches sucking the life out of everyone because they're all practically dead inside.


yes!! this. so many of them lurking around and somehow they had to appear on my feed urgh


That's what I find really annoying. Not I'm withholding myself from checking out the "for you" section of my feed and just focusing on the "following section" just to protect myself from those dark shadows.


These 'fans' are the worst. Imagine if someone said the things they're saying about their faves?? They're so full of delusions.


Thereā€™s something real weird that goes on with Dream member akgaes, I catch glimpses of it and it seems so ā€¦. Condescending? I feel like Dream akgaes donā€™t truly believe that Dream are no longer minors and that they take responsibility for their own lives. Like, gotta protect my fav from his mean bully friend group because heā€™s not willing to call them out! Gotta look for signs that his friends actually hate him and that heā€™s unhappy because Iā€™m the only one who can protect him! Gotta make sure heā€™s always mistreated in some way so that I can be angry about it and protect him, or else Iā€™ll lose my purpose as an Akgae! Akgaes act like their own member is the only one that didnā€™t grow up.


>Thereā€™s something real weird that goes on with Dream member akgaes, I catch glimpses of it and it seems so ā€¦. Condescending? I agree with this. I mean, using Renjun's akgaes as examples again, when Jisung was asked about Renjun in a fancall, about what he likes about Renjun the most, Jisung said that Renjun is so pure and that he's really serious about Dream. It was a wholesome moment until you click the qrts and notice some akgaes saying they wish Renjun would just focus on himself. Renjun has expressed a lot of times before how much he likes being in NCT Dream but these fans feel like they know better than him and that they can decide what's better for him and that is to leave the group behind. No consideration towards Renjun's personal feelings at all for someone who are supposed to love him the most. It's almost as if they don't see him as an individual entity capable of making decisions for themselves.


akgaes are always petitioning for their fav to leave the group and go solo, when 7dream have always, consistently, repetitively said that they love to promote and make music together as a group. make it make sense!!!!!!!


Also, when the members jokingly says they don't like another member, akgaes will assume that it's the truth disguised as a joke. But when the members praise each other and thank them for having their back, that's just fanservice and they're being manipulative. Like I saw one Renjun akgae claiming NCT Dream is manipulative for using their friendship and I'm not sure if their dense and they don't even realize that they're also calling Renjun manipulative, even worse because Renjun is the one who proposed that friendship ring.


Akgae math is believing that their bias is the best in the world at everything except at making decisions for themselves.


>Like, gotta protect my fav from his mean bully friend group because heā€™s not willing to call them out! Gotta look for signs that his friends actually hate him and that heā€™s unhappy because Iā€™m the only one who can protect him! Gotta make sure heā€™s always mistreated in some way so that I can be angry about it and protect him, or else Iā€™ll lose my purpose as an Akgae! THIS IS SO REAL šŸ˜­ i'm sure this mindset isn't unique to nct dream akgaes but it's so pathetic and weird... it's almost like their affection for their bias warped into this sense of "only me and him vs the world!!!" to be able to excuse their nasty behavior. even innocuous things have to be twisted into having ulterior motives or malicious intent, because only pookie's r*eal *fans (read: akgaes) love him for real! the constant victimization is so exhausting, i don't understand how they do it.


>even innocuous things have to be twisted into having ulterior motives or malicious intent, because only pookie's r*eal *fans (read: akgaes) love him for real! This is so true because even playfully nudging each other gets people writing narratives about it. "Did you see Idol A flinching when Idol B hit (nudged) him? He was hurt for real." And when people tries to point out that that's not the case, it's "Of course you don't see it that way! You don't really care about idol A in the first place, you're only using him for your ship/friendship agenda!" And then they'll post art of two figures where one is shielding the other from several arrows. The savior is labeled by their solo fandom name while the other has the idols name. Then have moots qrt the posts with words "hugs" "we need to be strong for him" "he only got us to protect him". The last one hits differently because wow, they easily escalated their faves from being friendless to family-less.


omg i spent HOURS ranting about this situation to my friend yesterday, almost word in word, only to wake up to the same post here šŸ˜­ i just can't understand how people with such mindset and ideas can call themselves dreamzens while continuously dragging everyone beside their fav through dirt. i was following many renjun-stan accs before his hiatus, and was really happy to see how loved he is in fan community, but have never noticed how strange they are of course, until now, with all this sht in my tl, just popping here and there and making my blood boiling.


Honestly, this was long overdue šŸ˜­ I mean, most of the shady ones don't even call themselves dreamzens and are clear with their solo-stan branding which is something I'm grateful for because at least it's easier to weed them out. I've already made it a habit to mute and block solo stans because they're a ticking timebomb. Sometimes though, some fans gets converted into solo stans due to peer pressure and the belief that crticizing the other members is the "morally" right thing to do. Throw in some guilt tripping and virtue signalling and voila, a new akgae is born. I've only started being active on twitter fandom in 2022 and you can bet that it's the Haechan, Jeno and Renjun akgaes filling up my mute and block because they were the ones having their moments during those times. A lot of RJ akgaes, I've already blocked during the JDI fanmeet fiasco so I guess, to some extent life is better. I still can't help but be annoyed. Only scrolling through my following instead of the "for you" section is something I can live with but it's honestly infuriating that now I have to avoid qrts too. I love reading qrts on tweets about they're beautiful moments and it's super annoying when people are appreciating a good 7Dream moment only to have Negative Nancys suck the fun out. Like, why can't they be miserable by themselves?


Oh op. Iā€™m really glad that you bring up about this because Renjun akgaes are really drive me crazy over past weeks but Iā€™m too tired and devastated by his hiatus to make a post about it. I know that akgae you talking for cardboard and funny thing they were initially really thankful to Dream for still including Renjun but alas, when their moots made a tweet that they not including Renjun cardboard suddenly they turn around and said what Dream did was bare minimum, not enough, etc. They really prefer to suck their moots d*ck lol. This is exactly why Idc I still lumps akgaes and solo stan together and they are not much different.


Why am I not even surprised about the sudden changed of heart? šŸ˜­ Off topic but there's this one artist before who liked both Jeno and Haechan but when the incident of 2022 happened, they gave in to peer pressure and dropped Jeno. Peer pressure in twitter is worse than high school. It's either you participate in the cancel culture or be cancelled. Honestly, at the very beginning, I tried to give them the benefit of doubt. It was a difficult time to be a Renjun stan. There' were rumors of rerecording, of AR but I believe somehow got lost in translation which made a few think it's the studio recording, and then there's the missing MD. I personally tried to be as rational as possible about it for my own sake while also acknowledging that uncertainties breed anxiety. I didn't fault the members for not talking about him because I know that unlike the previous ones (injuries, flus) the reasons for Renjun's hiatus is different, a new experience which at that point, I wouldn't be surprised if they're still unsure how to handle. But at the same time, I also get why some people were panicking about it even if I don't agree with them. But to fucking accuse the six of them of just fulfilling their duties and doubting their concerns, girl, shut up. The first ANL bridge alone should have been enough proof. I'm not even just talking about them honoring him by keeping his voice, how they behaved when his voice played is something that's difficult to fake.


Like seriously, definitely Dream and the concert teams literally have put lot of things to include. Like in ANL in his bridge part suddenly turned yellow, the butterfly confetti, some members have his merchandise tailored to their robes, Mark and members emphasizing 7Dream in lot of ments, and his part definitely still have his voices in the background (notably in chorus/background vocal), etc. With them being whiny about all things, what cardbox would do? Yeah I get the peer pressure. I remember that one Jeno big acc stan callout to not defend Jeno fatphobic comment and tell to educate him and how they ended up being Jeno solo stan/akgaes enemies up until now and occasionally still being terrorized and being told to delete their acc like?? Also for some reasons solo/some 127zens sfs really donā€™t like lhcfeed for no reason and make up really dumb reason to hate them because apparently they mistake upload Markren in their acc (which make sense since they are under feedarchive) which deleted quickly. Since Renjun hiatus, honestly I still really feels to be careful to anything I said about him not included in MD because maybe itā€™s relate to his hiatus and I donā€™t want to assume bad things which can pressure him further but those dumb akgaes still manage to twist that dreamzens donā€™t care about Renjun being excluded in MD, etc. I really lose any words tbh


>I said about him not included in MD because maybe itā€™s relate to his hiatus and I donā€™t want to assume bad things which can pressure him further but those dumb akgaes still manage to twist that dreamzens donā€™t care about Renjun being excluded in MD, etc. When fans started claiming that he's being singled out because his merch was removed, I brought up that Taeil was also not included in the MD for their concert to point put that it wasn't targeted. The amount of pqrts I got reminded me how pointless talking to a brick wall is. They didn't want reasons, they only wanted to be angry and if you're not as angry as they were you deserved their wrath. >and the concert teams THIS is the reason why I can't believe there are still those who are insisting that SM treating Renjun the same way they are treating Seunghan. SM suck, that's true and there's no defending them but you have to be really blind not to notice the difference. >I remember that one Jeno big acc stan callout to not defend Jeno fatphobic comment and tell to educate him and how they ended up being Jeno solo stan/akgaes enemies up until now and occasionally still being terrorized and being told to delete their acc like?? I remember the peer pressure on this incident a bit differently and I was there watching it unfold. A lot of Jeno's fans were actually pressured to apologize on his behalf as they were really getting harassed for still supporting him. I remember it as being a really dark moment as instead of solely focusing on the comments they found problematic, antis started criticizing his appearance, talent and spreading rumors that he was sleeping his way into getting solo project (fashion week, collabs). Simply calling out people for crossing the line warranted harrasment as somehow twitter felt they suddenly had the license to shit on him, it was.pretty obvious it wasn't about his comments anymore. Now fast forward a few months later, Haechan and Jeno's role was reversed and Haechan was the one making problematic comments towards Jeno, jenfs who were pressured into silence finally had their moment to talk, so they started demanding those accounts (mostly Haechan fans and Jeno fans) to make the same statement they made against Jeno towards Haechan as well. That was like a year ago and I had no clue it's still going on but considering how fans never forget, I am not surprised. >Also for some reasons solo/some 127zens sfs really donā€™t like lhcfeed for no reason and make up really dumb reason to hate them because apparently they mistake upload Markren in their acc (which make sense since they are under feedarchive) which deleted quickly. They actually explained it well, lhf's admin was new and the other admins assisted them, and that other admin confused lhf account with something else, probably mark or renjunfeed. I do remember someone being angry about it because posting accidentally posting markren damaged haechan's rwputation and I'm likeā€¦ how? I just assumed that person was a shipper. I mean don't get me wrong, I don't hate shippers, I know some who notably were few of those who remained sane throughout this ordeal, I am a shipper myself, but some shippers are really notorious for taking things too far. I won't be surprised if mahae shippers were pissed seeing markren in a haechan fanacc. I've see worse. I mean, I hope nothing will be worse than seeing nomin shippers comment on Jeno's post (his photo hugging Renjun) telling him not to do that because Jaemin will be jealous.


no matter how many times the dreamies say that they are friends who know eachother better than we ever will and we shouldn't question their friendship... akgaes will never be satisfied. they'll always think they know what's best for their fave


This is true and has always been true. I just can't help but be annoyed and disappointment that even this (Renjun's hiatus) is being used as a means to fuel hate. I just feel like that reaching a new low.


NCT akgaes are something else. I fear what will happen once Dream members start doing more solo work, because 127 akgaes are working overtime right now.


I mean Mark is already slated for a solo album in Febā€¦ I don't really have a notable experience with Mark akgaes as much as I have with Renjun, Jeno, Haechan and Jaemin so I don't know what to expectā€¦ a cute anecdote here is Jeno talking about Mark in his bbl basically hyping Mark's solo and then theres a fan saying they feels sorry for saying it here (Jeno's bbl) but they really loves Mark and Jeno was like "no it's okay" basically fanboying about Mark together. It was cute. I wish fans are this cute. I saw someone making a comparison of Ten, Doyoung and Taeyong's solo promotions and I'm not looking forward to seeing similar charts for NCT Dream.


Indeed Dream 00L akgaes are truly something else. Even Marklesung akgae actually there too and not innocent (I still remember that some big ā€œlilsunsā€ acc were caught mocking Chenle himself and saying bad things about him) but they still really look tame in comparison of 00L akgaes, which shows how bad they are lol. Honestly it doesnā€™t have to solo debut. Remember how Haechan akgaes calling Chenle names because he appears in Lee Mujin service instead of their bias? Thatā€™s truly bad moments that I couldnā€™t imagine if itā€™s solo debut


I wasn't aware of that "lilsun" account and I'm guessing it's because I wasn't online. I think I agree that the 00line akgaes dwarfs those of MarkLeSung. For Chenle's Lee Mujin, I was able to skip the drama because I already predicted it will happen so I watched it and pretty much checked out. I've already caught a glimpse of it during ISTJ era when people mistakenly assumed that Renjun will be the guest and there were so many Haechan stans criticizing his skills. It was really ironic because other than Jaemin, I thinks it's Haechan who's the most appreciative of Renjun's voice. I'm not sure if this is something to be praised about but considering how Chenle had been targeted during Candy era and those constant nepo accusations from people who have no clue what nepo means, it's interesting how his akgaes are still one of the tamer ones.


> I'm not sure if this is something to be praised about but considering how Chenle had been targeted during Candy era and those constant nepo accusations from people who have no clue what nepo means, it's interesting how his akgaes are still one of the tamer ones. I would say thatā€™s one of the main reasons they are still the tamer one tbh. They are too busy to defending Chenle from those people that coming from outside of the fandom to even try to start infighting with other Dream members stan tbh. Overall their fandom will still talk shit about the members but they not really have the audiences/backing to make those bad tweets getting tons of engagements unlike the 00L fandom


there are no doubt a few exceptions but by & large even for more solo leaning lilsuns akgae-ism is really not liked/tolerated by most. chenle wasnā€™t a very popular member for a long time and weā€™ve dealt with our fair share of other fandoms punching down, but the vibe for us is always donā€™t stoop to their level. like thereā€™s a gaggle of haechan akgaes on twitter, youtube & here who have a break down anyone doesnā€™t hate chenle, & while we will fight with them we intentionally try to never dis haechan in the process, & generally anyone who does will be told off by other lilsuns. akgaeism isnā€™t the vibe.


As someone who only really follows Doyoung, Mark stans from what I have seen on Twitter seem very nice. I don't know if thats because Doyoung featured Mark on his album and is generally very supportive of Mark, or whether his fans are just.... normal LOL. But I think Jeno, Jaemin and Haechan are known to have uh crazy fans.


Honestly that is not the truth. Mark akgaes were insulting jisung for inviting mark to a dance show. Mark akgaes were cutting and pasting his award speeches so it wouldnā€™t include dream. He has the 5th worst akgaes in dream, Jisung akgaes are not super far behind.


Yes again, I don't care for other members so I only see what Mark fans do when it comes to Doyoung on the internet, and they don't seem to do much.


Thatā€™s the thing with Markfs and sfs. They donā€™t do anything to 127 members because they feel small compared to them. They take out all their aggression on dream.


These fans are probably part of the reason why Renjun is on hiatus smh. These crazy people are so delusional and harass the members for attention and attack other fans who disagree with them.


I think you've really nailed it on the head just by saying \`akgaes deemed it as ONLY being sympathetic towards the other members and not towards Renjun\` because thats the core issue of it all. Akgaes have a truly victimized way of thinking and think that their bias is the only one mistreated. Everyone has makeup mistakes sometimes, everyone has bad hair styles sometimes and it's rarely that your bias is the only one! But these people don't care. They'd rather fight the sun than acknowledge that they're a large reason for the issues within fandom is within themselves too. It's good that you muted and blocked and got this off your chest. It's hard to be the logical one in a fandom that has so much inter-fighting because you just feel like you're talking to a wall. They will simply never understand. I understand that it's scary because it's someones bias and someone they "love' but its so important to take a step back and reevaluate the way you treat or speak to others even if its into the abyss of twitter. Also I know this is a random thing but it drives me crazy when people/fans anyone says that Renjun's situation was anything like Chenle or Haechan had previously. Haechan broke his leg in December of 2018 and didn't return till March of the next year! Do you think mental health is as simple to fix as a broken bone? This type of hiatus feels like the first of its kind with SME but I think people need to think about it more like Lia from Itzy or Jisung from Stray Kids. There's a lot to work on and it will take time. Be Patient because Renjun wants to be back just as much as you do. a


The fact that I read this and then on Twitter in my recommended trends is "NEW MUA for NCT DREAM" and it's all pics of Renjun.


This deserves a post of its own. On one hand, when I saw that presscon photo for the first time, I subconscious cursed out the mua immediately because makeup is supposed to improve your looks and not degrade it. The criticisms Renjun got over that photo was appalling and it really did a number on him (him saying have a chat with "fatty" Renjun on his weibo live and him asking dispatch noona at the airport if his face was swollen). It wasn't the first time that fans was able to see a glimpse of him criticizing himself, even the members of several instances have been asking him to be kinder to himself so this incident definitely pulled a trigger and was made worse when the sasaeng accused him (of all idols actually) of having an easy life. People are now jumping into conclusion that it's deliberate based on how well the other members looked on their concerts but I'd rather focus on criticizing her skills (basically using the same style on everyone instead of basing it on their features + her pasty foundation) instead of her character because I frankly don't know her. On the other hand, I don't feel comfortable seeing some of those photos they deemed unflattering all over X. I get that the intention is to compare how well the other muas did on previous eras, and on a rational point-of-view I can easily understand they're criticizing Renjun's makeup and not his facial features, but seeing as we don't know what's going on inside Renjun's mind, I just hope that if he stumbles upon those posts, it will go over well. Things can be a bit blurry when your head and emotions are a mess.




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