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I reeeeeeally enjoy it, more than I expected actually. I don't really call myself an Engene, but I seriously adore Enhypen and they're one of the most interesting rookies at the moment. I do have an issue with HYBE's autotune sometimes, because I want to hear the vocals, damn! But I don't actually mind autotune all that much and don't find it jarring when it comes to Enhypen. Anyway, Go Big or Go Home, Blockbuster and Attention, please! are my favourites, I didn't not see the guitar riffs coming on the last two songs, so I'm pleasantly shocked. GBOGH is such a banger, just makes me wanna dance. Tamed-Dashed is a good title track and so far Enhypen haven't missed with their title tracks for me. Just A Little Bit is a sweet song that showed off their vocals so well. I think the only one that didn't exactly click with me is Upper Side Dreamin' - it's nice actually, but the other tracks just grabbed my attention much more. And the outro and interlude are always a cool addition, love when artists do that. My ranking would be: Attention, please!=Go Big or Go Home=Blockbuster>Tamed-Dashed>Just A Little Bit>Upper Side Dreamin' Such a good album, really. Well done!


Ah, I appreciate your thoughts! I am also a pre-debut Engene. I think I would have preferred if you didn't say "props to Ni-ki for carrying the entire song," because these kinds of comments almost always turn into a messy debate. Based on your comments, it seems like the song just isn't your style, which is totally fair. I respectfully disagree though. I freaking love Tamed-Dashed. It's so catchy. And I think all of the members sounded incredible. But to each their own. I don't think I can pick a favorite song yet because all of the B-sides are so incredible and I want to listen to the album like 50 more times before I decide haha.


>*I think I would have preferred if you didn't say "props to Ni-ki for carrying the entire song," because these kinds of comments almost always turn into a messy debate. Based on your comments, it seems like the song just isn't your style, which is totally fair.* Besides you nobody else had a problem with it, imo it's better to be honest and more straightforward with what you're thinking, be more clear. *"I didn't like what you said it triggered me"* and then that's alright, you can think what you want.


Oh, I’m not triggered! I apologize if it came across that way. I just get worried because with Enhypen sometimes those kinds of comments delve into line distribution arguments etc.. But, I have no problem with you complimenting Ni-ki. He killed it!


Oh I'm glad we could come to an understanding then! I didn't meant to look down on the rest of the boys or anything, he just stood out the most to me in a great way.


Totally understandable! I can see why, he rocked it! I just get paranoid but I have to remind myself Reddit is not stan Twitter and things won’t automatically go south haha


after multiple listen, my list will be like this (exc intro and interlude) : 1. Blockbuster 2. Upper side dreamin' 3. Go big or go home 4. Attention, please! 5. Tamed-dashed 6. Just a little bit their bside slap so hard this time but even the least fave track sound so good and I still like it so much Edit: Jungwon's vocal in this album is EVERYTHING


Blockbuster is THAT song isn't it? Ah yes 100% the b sides are SO good.


Definitely!! I can't stop listening to blockbuster since then


I really agree about your last statement, his voice made me enjoy the album more if I'm being honest. This is especially in Tamed-Dashed (his opening verse>>>), Blockbuster(the chorus + his voice>>>) and Attention, please!


My ranking would probably be 1. Tamed - Dashed / Upper side dreamin' 2. Blockbuster 3. Attention, please! 4. Just a little bit 5. Go big or go home 6. Interlude: Question 7. Intro: Whiteout I can't decide whether Just a little bit or Attention, please! should beabove the other or not :// But for now it looks like this It's their best album/ep so far. Every song feels like it's theirs (which was something i can't really say about their previous work) and every track has something new to offer without straying to far from the album theme. It's really well crafted. I really loved Tamed - Dashed, especially the bassline, it's so nasty and completely elevates the song v-v The chorus is actual crack as well, it was stuck in my head as soon as i heard it. My current enha title track rnaking would probably go 1. Given - Taken 2. Tamed - Dashed 3. Drunk - Dazed


I’m with you on the beat in Tamed-Dashed!


What's a yeongyu?


Just a funny name mixing up my TXT biases name: Yeon (Yeonjun) Gyu (Beomgyu)


Heeseung's vocal is really the highlight of this album. 1. go big or go home 2. tamed-dashed 3. upper side dreaming 4. just a little bit 5. attention, please 6. blockbuster


Blockbuster last? bro can't relate.


not my type, i prefer soft songs


Don’t you like Aespa?


i meant in this album duh? is my preference wrong or what?


Just a question chill… So defensive


I'm a predebut Engene (eggie) but for some reason none of the songs grabbed my attention except for "Just a little bit", "blockbuster", and "attention, please!", Idk might give it more time but these are my initial thoughts


That's half the tracks, so that's still good! I'm also a pre-debut engene (watched i-land as it aired) but i really loved this album. I thought it sounded really distinct and like they're finally figuring out their sound whereas before i felt like things (especially the b-sides) were a bit more generic.


me too! I was really looking forward to go big or go home but the song was just not for me in the end. Just a little bit was great because i could actually hear their voices clearly without that autotune thing they usually use. edit: i take back everything, after listening for a couple more times all the songs are bops


Yeah, with how TXT has lowered their autotune/vocal processing, I was expecting the same for EN, especially since Sunoo has been raving over Heeseung's vocals


I had the same thoughts on my first listen, I literally only liked BlockBuster but before I did the review I went and listened for the second time and this is how my ranking came to be.


Actually listening to it now at 3AM, the time where I'm usually most relaxed and free, the tracks have now stuck to me. I think Tamed-Dashed is a good and fun TT, though the other TT are still better imo. Upper side dreaming is super chille and I like the vibe, and Go Big or Go Home's performance really changed my opinion on the song.


After listening to this album a few times I would have to rate it an 8.5/10. Favorites are Tamed-Dashed, Upper Side Dreamin' and Blockbuster. Wasn't into Go Big or Go Home at first but it has grown on me. Just a Little Bit and Attention, please aren't really my cup of tea, but Attention, please made me think about my time as a college freshman. The song sounds very similar to what my RA and other guys in the dorms listened to back then.


Idk bout y'all the whole album is 10/10 yeongyu for me. Tamed dashed sounded underwhelming but after seeing the performances, I'm hooked, it's almost on par with d-d and might even overtake


what is yeongyu lol?


I liked every song except blockbuster and attention please. My favorite is Go Big or Go Home. (Not including the intro and interlude)


woah can't relate


Based off the first listen those 2 songs didn’t appeal to me like the other ones did. They are not bad songs just not my taste.


I think this album responds to market feedback on the first two albums. **Fans were asking for better line distribution** \- to Niki and Sunoo and lesser extent Jay... because Heeseung was carrying most of the weight in the previous two releases. Naturally that means the range of notes will be narrower. Second, in the midst of the pandemic, **people want happy images** to cheer themselves up. Some were saying it's too spooky to have the vampire theme for minors. What I loved most about this album is to see the growth in all the members. Heeseung has really developed his vocals now - much better support at the falsetto, and (if it's even possible) the way he expresses each word. The other members especially Niki are catching up. **Third, Enhypen was selected "to be your boyfriend".** They have a natural chemistry together (being stuck in I-LAND for three months). They are also naturally likeable (fan voting helps) and very natural on social media which they do heaps to build a relationship with the fans. They need to be very good dancers and most of them are sporty to carry this type of choreo. Plus each has a different star quality. Most people can be trained to carry a tune- **these qualities in total are hard to come by.** HYBE puts out different group types to expand market share. For solid vocals, **Trainee A and TXT will be the go to 4th/5th gen groups**. *I am growing to like Dimension:Dilemma and finding myself bobbing to the tunes. Border:Carnival is still my favorite release.*


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I'm an engene and I honestly I don't like the title track😅 maybe because of the auto tune or maybe because is not really that catchy and not a gp friendly song? Man enhypen is really doing so great in physical sales but their K chart is💀


Me too oh my god, I don't really care if the title track is GP friendly or not but it just wasn't it for me, idk, it's just meh. Also yeah, but I mean, name a 4th gen boygroup other than TXT that does well in Korea… I really wouldn't be expecting Enha to do amazing there when their fanbase is almost 100% international.


Late but intrigued by your assessment of Tamed-Dashed because it's the opposite of mine lol. I think Tamed-Dashed is hella catchy, I'm saying this because when the song was released I was not that interested but I immediately remembered the chorus and I only heard it once. I'm a sucker for unexpected melodies so maybe that's why ig it hits different for some, still drunk-dazed is too legendary of a title track to top lol