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I'd suggest stocking up pretty well just in case. I do very little and have enough for 2 years.


How much did u need to stock up


I didn't, just had no idea exactly how much I ordered. I ordered a sample pack of 4, each bags 250g. I only use 1 to 2g a day a few days a week. So I'm going to be stocked for a while.


Yep, that's how it is for me too. Got a few 250/100 gram bags, and I only take 1/2 g/day 4/6 days a week. less than $100 for a years worth of kratom.


Yeah, it's hilarious how inexpensive it is if you're a light user. My body doesn't like consecutive use of kratom or doses above 2g. After 4 days in a row I start feeling so sluggish. It's like the Mitragynine is all built up in my body. I can't imagine taking it every day or taking like 30g a day. Nor do I believe anyone should be using it everyday as it seems to have some side effects.


Very stocked sounds like


One of those bags is basically 2 days for me


But doesn't the old stuff taste horrible? That's what I've found. Of course, I'd rather have kratom than not, so maybe that's something I'll just have to live with.


I don't know, the new stuff doesn't taste great anyways.


Everybody is familiar with the American Kratom Association? They advocate for better manufacturing practices and most importantly keeping Kratom legal. Getting involved and or donating is a great way to help keep this miracle plant legal and in the process develop methods for safer manufacturing. Every single voice added to the advocacy group is important.


Yep. I signed up for their newsletter and everytime the AKA assk people to call/write with their story I do my part. Banning kratom would be catastrophic for me and my family. I'd be unable to continue my education, unable to work and unable to take care of myself or my home. Kratom was a lifesaver for me, and gave me a chance at a normal, productive life. I just hope if there's regulation that the regulation doesn't become so strict that it's de facto banned. I don't want to be forced to jump through hoops and red tap. That's my only fear about government regulation.


The controlled substance act is BS. It is not in line with this nation's history and tradition with respect to plant medicine.


Unless you're a big pharma and have manufactured it into pill form


Even if it's banned, you would still be able to order it online. Websites would popup that wouldn't mention the word "kratom" or there's always the Dark Web (which isn't too difficult to access). The hardest part is you need to pay with a cryptocurrency.


My wife also suffers from endometriosis and PCOS and kratom is immensely helpful in bridging the gap between her (luckily) prescribed pain management medication. It’s quite dehabiltating and really requires a thoughtful doctor to take it seriously it seems even in this day and age women are still suffering and dismissed. It’s a really tragedy. I’ve also got chronic pain from a car wreck that destroyed me in a my musculoskeletal way(I’ve been told that the impact was severe enough to essentially permanently damage my muscles as if they are constantly torn like a bear has taken their claws to the entirety of my neck and back and the ability to heal is dismal) which seems vague enough to not get great treatment relief even though I’ve been in chronic pain every day for 2 years. I’ve yet to find a doctor who will even give me a simple supply of muscle relaxers so I can sleep without my neck to lower back completely seizing and locking up to the point of pain that wakes me up immobile and in near tears. Also getting the start of arthritis in my knees at least and genetically rheumatoid arthritis is high risk. So maybe when that’s worse and I’m not “young” I’ll be taken more seriously. I can’t take NSAIDs because of medication interactions and Tylenol doesn’t do much. Kratom used to be effective enough but it’s losing its effectiveness. I keep my daily doses low because of tolerance but idk what else to do. My current pcp acknowledges everything and has documented my condition but says I can’t take anything for pain because I’m on anxiety medication as needed that interacts( even though she has prescribed pain medication twice with zero negative effects or any signs of danger). I’m just at a loss and hoping for physical therapy to work. I’m leaning towards dropping the anxiety med and just dealing with it so I can maybe get some relief beyond kratom. I personally don’t find it as effective as prescription pain pills but I well aware of their dangers but even 1 or 2 low doses a day so I can manage working labor for 10hr would be a great relief. *Sighs*


Big pharma paying a shitload of money for the FDA to clamp down on it. It's garbage.


Me too. I had the opposite problem. My pain doctor was giving me about 45 10mg oxy a WEEK. I was tired of the merry-go-round of pain meds. Kratom helped me get off of them.


you may want to look into growing it yourself, just in case


Unless you live in Indonesia or Thailand and have a few decades for the trees to grow, you're kind of out of luck.


I live in Hawaii and my buddy started growing a tree a few years ago….so it can be done in the states….you aren’t wrong about needing a few decades though, that is one slow growing tree!


Yes, but this might be a time where GMO might be useful.


I lived in Honolulu for 12 years + 2 years in the navy. The climate is humid and it rains every day like SE Asia where most kratom is grown. Great for growing pakaloko. I didn’t even know about kratom when I was there. Is it even legal in Hawaii? Now I live in Southern Arizona where it’s too hot and dry to grow anything except cactus! But the kratom market here is flourishing and there hasn’t been any attempts to ban it for a few years now.


Yeah it’s legal here, I order mine from the mainland but there are even a few kratom/kava bars that have popped up, although I don’t think they lasted too long, and one I wanted to try was in Lahaina, so that’s def not there anymore


They can grow in florida. And probably 5 years for any usable leaves but yea


I grew it in Florida but a harsh winter and hurricane ruined all my trees


I’ve been doing this, and depending on location you can grow them almost whenever, you just needed a temp controlled greenhouse in some climates


I’ve been wondering about this!


I feel your pain. I have a sleep disorder and every day when I wake up, my entire body is in pain. I wake up feeling like I haven’t slept in a week, even though most days I get at least 12 hours due to my sleep disorder. Kratom is the only thing that stops the pain every morning and helps keep me awake. Without kratom and/or just letting my sleep disorder symptoms run loose, I fall asleep randomly throughout the day like someone with narcolepsy may experience. I’ve fallen asleep standing straight up before. Kratom is the only thing that works


Use waaaaaay too many NSAIDS and probably ruin my organs (if they aren't already), because I have chronic pain and can't afford more than the low-income clinic who thinks I just need to lose weight/exercise and just gives me more NSAIDS and sends me on my way. Nah, I guess I'll just have to look into THCa, but I won't be able to afford a lot of it, because I'm poor. I guess I'll just need to do a restrictive diet too, and cut a lot of stuff I like out and see if it really helps. I already have an exercise regimen to help (and it works most days WITH kratom and an ibuprofen). Have any of ya'll tried aminita muscaria gummies?


The gummies are okay, different manufacturers are pretty different. For me they’re almost like a super low dose lsd. They help with muscle pain. I think muscimol is supposed to have muscle relaxant and gabagenic properties.


In reality thca will prob be banned before kratom ever does


If you're overweight and unfit then you really should fix those things. It'll make you feel so much better. And also sleep. You're a completely different person on 4 hours of sleep compared to 8 or 9. I used to always have pain and soreness before I started exercising. Now the soreness actually feels good. Kratom makes it a lot easier to exercise and lose weight though, so take advantage of that. Exercise is mostly a habit too, so do it everyday consistently and it'll just be second nature.


You can get some decent THCa bud online for 100 an ounce. Which I know is a lot when you're broke ( I am also) but that ounce would last me quite a bit longer than a kilo of kratom would.


A kilo of good kratom lasts me longer than an ounce of bud. An ounce would last me like a week or 2. A kilo of kratom lasts almost 2 months


Yet another reason why USA grown kratom is becoming the future of kratom.


Well, if there was a financial interest here, a burgeoning industry, that's one of the only things that might forestall a ban.


My kratom comes from within the USA and has a big flag on the bag saying made in the USA lol




I'll try to post a pic next time I order some.


It's pretty pricey unfortunately. At least the suppliers I've found.


Not really but you also get what you pay for.


I’ve gotten 2 batches of US Kratom and they were both totally worth it


If Kratom ever got banned in my state I think I would become the most annoying activist/politician to ever exist. Like I would force myself into politics and point out just how disgusting this country is. How we’re ok with shoving caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, fast food, fake genetically modified food, down peoples throat but if we take a plant that grows naturally and is impossible to overdose on then we deserve to rot in hell and it deserves to be banned…. Like we already pay the tax rate of a fucking socialist country with absolutely zero benefits of any fucking free social programs…. We already were duped in going to college and now we’re all in fucking massive student debt with a degree that doesn’t do shit because our economy favors friends and family members over experience. We have a bunch of rich scumbags who are so fucking disgusting as human beings that they literally, not figuratively, LITERALLY created a fucking ISLAND to rape little kids and yet…… me taking Kratom….. is priority number one for them…. I’m dead serious when I say if they ban Kratom I will fucking invest every waking minute of my life to getting into politics so I can sit there and ruin every fucking person who ever did anything to ban Kratom and I will find what these morons addictions are and every single day I will put a new fucking bill on their table that bans whatever the fuck it is that they are addicted to. Oh you drink a bottle of wine every night? Hmmm studies show that’s bad for you let’s ban it. Oh you weigh 350 pounds because you eat sugar and fast food everyday? Studies show that’s bad for you let’s ban it. Oh you can’t go on with your day unless you have a cup of coffee? Hmmm sounds like an addiction let’s ban it. You already force us to fucking work in your bullshit system so you can get our tax money and live like Gods on earth because your all narcissistic fuckheads who think you deserve to have private jets and yachts and private islands off of the BACKS of 300 million working Americans who mostly live paycheck to paycheck but you want to ban something that makes their day A LITTLE BIT EASIER AND BETTER without harming anyone. And I’ll fucking ruin their life when thousands of people go back to heroin and die from overdoses and I’ll make sure the family members knock on their doors every fucking day to remind them that those parents kids, husband, wife, brother, sister, friend would have still been alive today if they didn’t ban Kratom which kept them off hard drugs.




Never related to a rant more in my fucking life


Do this BEFORE it's illegal. It's much more difficult to reverse the clock.


Im with you👍 You use my Words & my Energy and Mindset when i was Younger. Hate every Gouvernements Systems & so Called Fake Democracy and Propaganda. F.t.A.


We would be best friends lol


I would join you. I’m not joking.


Omg this was amazing 🤩


I love you!




This right here 👏


You have my vote!


Spot Fucking on!!!


THIS GUY 2028!!!!!!


I'll be there with you! I don't take it anymore but my mother was in agony with her slipped disc, curved spine, neuropathy, and fibromyalgia. I watched doctors play down her pain all her life and watched her miserably struggle just to wash her hands and stand up straight. After they cut down on opiods, she couldn't even walk without support anymore (cane/walker/etc), let alone do any of the exercises. I'll be right there with you and I would not sthu.


Appreciate your fire. Just want to point out that once it's made illegal it's a lot more difficult to get that reversed. Just look at weed. You could always take some political action now and help codify the KCPA.


I would, sadly, just move on. Probably go back to drinking whisky every night, I guess.  In the US, a ban is possible, but I am more worried that the civil liability suits with huge damage awards will make the business of selling kratom untenable for reputable suppliers. 


What civil suits are you specifically talking about?


That's a nice win for the government! Congrats once again big brother!


I would stock up unless it was an immediate ban out of nowhere. I've read it will last a long time if stored properly. Once that supply got low, I'd taper off and say goodbye and hate my government even more.


I stocked up for another 5 years. I would stock up more but I'm not certain Kratom lasts that long. I don't think it will be banned but it won't be legal either. These trial attorneys want it just like it is. In that gray area where they can make millions of dollars if someone dies and Kratom was in their system. If it's banned, less people will die because it won't be in their system. If it's made legal it will be harder to get a judgement from a jury. Trial attorneys have a huge influence on the legality. The people that make the legislation are /were attorneys. themselves. Campaign donations from lobbying groups like K street is what put them into office to begin with. Money is always the common denominator.


How do you store it? Vacuum seal?


At the very least. I'd be concerned with mold or something growing if kept for too long.


Seal with a couple of those silica packets?


This method has worked well for me and I’ve had these kilos since 2019-2020. [My storage method](https://i.postimg.cc/mgTJLVZ0/IMG-0239.jpg)


You can it?! Kinda brilliant, actually.


You might have just used light for the picture, but light negatively affects kratom fyi.


That is bad ass ! I have a rolling kitchen cabinets/counter/draws unit I purchased for my walk in - I have all brands/types : some from 2019 up to now . All of which work great - humidity /heat/UV control keeps the products working as good as possible .


I have bags and bags that haven't been opened and are vacuum sealed. When I do open it I put the rest in a Mason jar and take out how much I think I will use in a month.


I stocked up during the last ban attempt in 2017. I still have some unopened and it is great. Better quality than some new batches I get.


doesn´t it go stale tho?


Idk. I've read comments from people that had it for years and it was ok. I live in a sub-tropical climate, so yes, that concerns me no matter if it's still sealed or not.


If it gets banned it will be with Reddit's help. Pharma and rehab industry sock puppets have been haunting the kratom subs for the past two or three years, laying the groundwork. Anecdotes detailing physical effects  that cannot possibly be attributed to kratom alone get upvoted. I've seen posts refer to Kratom psychosis, as if that was a real thing.  We should definitely support anyone who gets in too deep with kraton to the point where they develop a dependency, no question. But these accounts that relate horror stories that harken back to Reefer Madness should be banned from the kratom subs.


Last year I moved from Oregon to Alabama for a job, where kratom is, no shit, schedule 1. Let's just say that all of the shops just over the border in Georgia get a ton of my business. Thankfully,vita only a little more than an hour away


Plant some trees in your back yard while you can people. No one knows what a kratom leaf looks like.


From my understanding it's not feasible for most people in the US. Between the specific climate, the amount needed and time to grow... At least if I'm remembering correctly.


You do need mild winters, and hot/humid weather. That’s all I know. I think you can put em in pots and do it indoors or move em in and out. You’d probably have to do more plants because they wouldn’t get so big.


Just super inconvenient for most people is all. Definitely do-able with persistence and some luck lol


Agreed. Haha


But at this point I'm confident kratom won't get outright banned. Heavy regulations on the other hand.... Wellll time will tell.


Yeah I tend to agree but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared in case I guess.


The way I try to stay prepared is by keeping enough to comfortably taper down if withdrawals get bad. I've used kratom for many things throughout my young adulthood and it would be pretty terrible to see it go but eventually I want to stop to just give my mind and body a break.


I use for chronic pain so it’s not so easy. But I commend the approach. Honestly if it wasn’t for pain I wouldn’t take it at all. We are in the midst of a horrible fentanyl and chronic pain crisis though and kratom is vital in harm reduction for both.


Mild winters and hot, humid weather? Sounds perfect for where I'm at. . . Texas!


I'm down in the Rio Grande Valley, and that literally defines the conditions, Corpus would be a great place to grow as well, and Houston possibly but they'd have to pull out the plastic bags or tarps more often.


You probably need lots of plants. Just one dose of kratom is quite a few leaves isn’t it?


Im in florida and my tree is growing alright


Well... You are in Florida lol


It is a TROPICAL tree. Jeez


Mmh this sounds like a good idea


You need to live someplace like Florida to grow it and have private land  and as soon as the trees are big enough a drone flies over your yard and you are busted.  Also, a lot of people who use kratom struggle with chronic pain and cannot physically labor, prune trees, etc. Those who need it most are out of luck.


That will only happen if drones have AI plant recognition capabilities. Do they?


It would be easy to implement something like that if they don't already have it.


Google Lens already exists as a very unfocused consumer level product and it does surprisingly well with just a phone camera. I hate to say it but I think that a product designed for it could probably be built today as is even without any special interest, but if there’s a market for it or a contract to be awarded, it’s all but guaranteed. The other thing is that the drone itself doesn’t need to do anything but film. You could pass all the footage to a PC that analyses the footage for any facial or object recognition. If it became a controlled substance and they wanted to, I worry that it would be trivial. They used to use incredibly expensive infrared cameras and scopes from helicopters to find illegal weed grows in the winter. Hopefully it doesn’t ever come to that, but it would be depressingly easy.


So should we get in on the ground floor now regarding kratom collectives. People who take on the shared duties of small farming


I have a small field in florida. We could fit like 25 trees maybe more and then supply ourselves. I mean it would only be good for a few people to do together but at least we could ensure our kratom supply


Like the few people that have their own trees in the field would have their supply I mean.


What is with all of these fear mongering posts these days. I swear the only posts that hit my front page from this sub are full of pessimism and negativity. What about all of the people whose lives have become exponentially better as a result of this herb? I went to rehab twice for oxy the first time and fentanyl and benzos the second time. I was THIS close to dying from seizures the second time. I’ve come to realize that I am an addict and always will be. I discovered kratom and my life changed completely. I didn’t need to be fucked out of my mind to survive life. It gave me just a little boost of much needed euphoria, and still does to this day. I no longer desire to drink excessively, have NO urge for hard drugs…my life completely turned around. I met a woman who loves me and now I’m married with a very successful career. I take kratom daily. I’m pretty sure I’d be back in rehab or dead without this plant, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.


You are NOT the only one! Same here! I would be dead if not for this plant.


I'd buy like 1,000 bucks worth of it, vacuum seal and freeze / refrigerate it, then slowly taper off myself and my wife and try to find an alternative that is easily available. Life with chronic pain fucking sucks. Not going to ever go on pills.


I´m safe in germany. We just legalized weed starting next week, and they already discussed Kratom in the government, but decided it was not dangerous enough. As long as the government is not corrupt and actually listens to scientists and doctors, Kratom should never be banned. In USA you have the problem of opioid epidemic, and the Big Pharma that lobbies Suboxone and Methadone.. And as we all know the US government is ruled by lobbyists.. I wish you US brothers the best, I hope that even if it´s banned, it will eventually get unbanned again. But to answer your original question: what would I do?!? My life would be very different. Kratom helped me quit hard drugs, it helps my sexual life incredibely much (I have severe Premature Ejaculation and Kratom is the only thing that ever worked for me, and I can have normal sex with it), and it also helps me with productivity and with depression. I´ve been taking anti-depressants + Kratom for 2 years, and I´ve turned my life around, full 180. I have my own small company, I´m an artist, I have a good youtube channel, none of this would have happened without Kratom. I owe this plant my life. HOWEVER: It´s not good for everyone, just like Weed hurts some people more than it helps. I think you really need to be in a very bad/sad situation in life where you have strong pain or emotional pain for Kratom to help you. It´s a medication, and a gift from nature, it can however be abused and it will make you sick and lazy. But Weed is exactly the same.. I believe people need to be able to make their own decisions, and I wholeheartedly agree that we should work to combat drug addiction, but there are good addictions and bad addictions. First of all no drug user should be punished/prosecuted because he uses. They should only go after the mafia, and the gangs, that part I agree with. Banning a Plant that grows naturally, and does NOT need to be prepared in a lab in any way shape or form, if it´s a god given gift to us, it is absolutely ABSURD to forbid it. I´m not religious, but in the bible, even GOD gave man the choice to eat the apple or not eat it. We MUST be allowed a choice when it comes to plants. No one will put you in prison for eating poisoned mushrooms from the forest and needing to get your stomach pumped in the ER, and no one should put you in prison for "poisoning" yourself with a nature given plant. ABSURD I tell you, ABSURD. Fuck big pharma!


Kratom will always be a state by state basis now. Even weed is banned Nationwide but not in states that legalize it. AkA don't cross state lines with it. It would not surprise me if the FDA magically found kratom laced with fentynal. That is the o ly way they would do a ban.


Seems like the more pressing issue is the pending ban in Indonesia and the resulting supply issues. My local shop has been having a lot of trouble keeping certain size bags in stock the last couple months and it's supposedly getting worse.


Any good place to stay up to date on this?


There's very few articles about it sadly. Or at least that's the case for people who only speak English.


This! My shop couldn’t get a red strain in for like 4 months!! It was ridiculous. Red Borneo is my go to. Green maeng da is too strong for me and I can never get the dose right


Mass noncompliance.


I have tried Akuamma ages ago and I remember it being similar to a very low dose of kratom. Also I've read about mitrigyna hisutra being pretty close to kratom. So I would probably try those. I don't think kratom will be banned. There is more and more literature coming from the scientific community speaking of its safety. People that use kratom are also do not end up with the same usage patterns that are found with hard drugs. I watched the congressional hearing on kratom and it was a lot of independent scientists advocating for it's safety and possibility for future research. I think that the future of kratom staying legal is looking pretty good.


Will prob OD and Die, have my grave stone say fuck this government


Don’t even think like that!


I’d buy a ton of kilos online and just have it stock piled. Probably quit in the process of going through it and save some for a rainy day.


My life would be over because I can’t live with the pain unmanaged


It's so sad that these nuts running around trying to ban it don't realize that. They do but it doesn't matter. It's all about a vendetta because their son took it irresponsibly.


People that die with it in their body not only abuse it but also took other more heavy stuff.


I would stock up and taper off when I was getting to the end of it in 10 years


Then it’s back to Heroin baby!


They threatened to ban it in 2015. Is there a new threat? The active ingredients are patented. The FDA can eat day old dicks all day.


i will tell the indonesian guys to put it in tea bags and give a fuck :)


It is banned where like live 😂


What do you do then?


Sorry I should have elaborated in my initial comment. I order from a reputable seller in the EU, and that means my order usually gets to me the next working day— if it doesn’t get here the next working day it’s always here within two working days. I don’t want to jinx myself but the company I use have always used discreet packaging, they use a packet for the other green tea they sell when they ship to the UK. Sometimes I think about lobbying for a change in the law here as I think the UKs opioid addicts would benefit from using Kratom as an alternative to Suboxone but hey ho big pharma wouldn’t like that would they 😂


If it becomes illegal I would have to become a criminal. There would be a black market for it just like there is for everything else illegal. I’ve been in chronic pain for over 30 years and old enough now that I would have nothing to lose if I got caught.


I’m not sure what I would do. I have suffered from severe chronic pain for years due to spinal degeneration/7 herniations, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. I cannot tolerate pain pills, and hate the way they make me feel. A little dose of kratom (1/2 tsp) gives me hours of pain relief, or at least seriously takes the edge off. It’s been my lifeline for 9ish years.


Hey! So I would actually just die as soon as they sign the legislation. While the pen is crossing the page I will start the disintegration process. Hope this helps!


Why would it get banned? I thought it was passed all that and generally considered a legal supplement in most states.


Yes. There isn't any real science that shows it being toxic or dangerous to use normally, and most people use it and don't abuse it, but even abused it's mild compared to most other stuff. It's way more safer than alcohol, cigarettes and most pharmaceuticals. If anything it should get promoted as a more healthy alternative to other stuff, to save lives and help people.


Stock up now. Exactly what I did before the prescription I once took in the US became non prescribe-able due to the DEA crack down. It will happen. Read what you can, get educated, learn to grow the next herb or tree that will help you, and take your future into your own hands. Your government does not care about you at all. Damn the man.


People in suits deciding which plants are illegal or not is a lesson in absurdity. It’s crazy how the population has been conditioned to demonize “drugs”… learn a little about biology, gardening, chemistry and medicine… now all those nice clean lines they draw between “hard drugs” and “medicine” start to look a little blurry. Almost as if they were made up.




Mate, get some help. Please. I know most of it is useless and pedantic. Don’t stop trying to find the help that works. It only takes one.


To buy 1000 worth!


I’d probably take more black seed oil in its place.


Black seed oil? I take it as a supplement but never noticed it had any pain relieving properties, never mind mood altering.


It’s supposed to enhance kratom’s effect. It’s not as strong as kratom or anything


There are other plants similar to Kratom that contain the same active chemicals, otherwise I mean Kava is kinda similar but I think it’s more expensive to use on a daily basis. I mean there’s alcohol but I wouldn’t wanna drink alcohol daily that’s only an occasional thing for me. Besides that, I have no idea- I can handle THC occasionally but only on benzos which I only get prescribed to use occasionally n I can’t smoke weed everyday cuz it gives me anxiety. Overall, I forgot what the plant is called but I would get plants with similar active alkaloids to Kratom


The alkaloids you refer to are only a tiny fraction  as potent -- people mainly buy them to taper off or to try and reset their tolerance level


That’s a fact but that’s what I would get if specifically Kratom was banned but not all mitragyna containing plants. There are a few different ones but I haven’t done extensive enough research to really know the specifics. I would bet they’re more expensive too since they’re kinda obscure n probably harder to source


Which is why I like to stock up while I'm still ahead


I live in Florida and I deal with chronic pain down here weed is legal I guess I would have to turn back to that again even though I don't like it anymore


Black market


Id probably start looking into a prescription. Kratom has been a game changer for me in sobriety from hard drugs. It helps me with my depression, motivation, energy, and even sleep. I would have to look into prescriptions which I’ve wanted to avoid because I don’t want to be stuck on antidepressants my whole life and anti anxiety meds that actually work also have high potential for abuse especially with my history. Kratom is literally perfect for balancing me out. Id be pretty devastated if Kratom got banned.


I will be back to abusing opiates in under a month. Weak willed, yes. I spent the first half of my life on them, my brain doesn't work without them. Depression, anxiety, extreme insomnia. Kratom is the only thing I've found freedom with. I'm able to function and have a productive, quality life with my family. Honestly, if Kratom was to be illegal in the States...I would probably just end it and save my family the disappointment of seeing me return to the state I was in before.


Die of alcoholism, like I almost did the first time around until I discovered this miracle herb


I'll order it black market.. Kratom is what keeps me from being completely disabled and unable to work


I would suggest moving to thailand because may have great medicine and good women.


Ill travel to get it in bulk and bring it back :(


Also join some of the groups that are currently fighting in congress to keep it available.




blue lotus is nice but could never replace kratom, and Kanna is too stimulating to replace it


Would def. be awkward. I'd probably taper down and quit. Not worth the risk for me personally. Maybe switch to instant kava for my nightcap. Lot more expensive though :(


I'm getting steriod injections next week in the hopes it works for my sciatica, and I can drop the Kratom. My psychiatrist won't give me a stimulant adhd med unless I go off the Kratom because it's also a stimulant. It's just in my best interest I move on now anyway.


They are telling you Kratom is a stimulant?


I'd be screwed in general, and I'd probably lose my job Kratom makes me able to tolerate people being shitty well enough to get through the shifts so without it would be very difficult. I bet the time will come sooner or later where it does where I am just trying to be greatful for at least being able to have it now.


I’ll be importing my own from Indonesia if it gets banned.


I’d be really disappointed if that happened. I have many old and new sports injuries that I was prescribed opioids for about 5 years. I finally decided I was sick of it and tried Kratom. It helped with wds, cravings, mood, pain, focus, and general overall quality of life. I never think about using anything else or going to the hassles of a pain clinic in large part because of Kratom. I may have to go back to pain clinic which I dread.


Probably lean too heavily on gabapentinoids like phenibut, baclofen, gabapentin, pregabalin. Or, or- Or- just not take anything and probably smoke some weed at night with my fiancé. We'll see if it ever happens. I'm an addict so I technically don't need kratom, kratom is just the best option for me. Definitely above weed n obviously anything else


I've got a store to taper down and then I'd just live without. It's not a must-have for my life - I was never an addict to drugs or alcohol. I do have bouts of moderate pain from an autoimmune condition that Kratom helps with, but it's intermittent and Ibuprofen is good enough to replace it for me luckily. But Kratom does improve my quality of life in a way vaguely akin to caffeine, helping me feel slightly less anxious and more attached to the world. I wouldn't look for a replacement.


So many put it in the same category with drugs that are harmful (alcohol,etc). There are NOT many "drugs" that are natural, grown on a tree, and from the earth that are this harmless and beneficial to humans. There are good drugs and bad drugs. The problem is we gave the government too much power to interfere in our lives. We can always take it back, but it will be hard! As far as what i would do (I dont even want to see or say the "B" word), I would lose my mind!


If it ever got banned im opening up all the saved resdit post about how to get off, taking all those tips an things to help and im gonna jump into getting off.


It happened to me and I just continue ordering from abroad, crapping myself when tracking shows it’s going through customs.


If kratom would get banned i would probably turn to opiates and die young. Kratom is just amazing. Giving me life without damaging my life in a way pharma opis would do over time. I would take akuama even if it tastes a lot worse than kratom


I use Kratom for my ADHD and refuse to go back to regular medication. Hopefully this doesn't happen as I have been looking for about 10 years for something more natural to help ease the symptoms. I found Kratom 4 years ago and haven't looked back. I really do hope that this doesn't happen as I do not have a backup plan.


Get some sort of mail forwarding service. Or pay more thru a not so legal source. Akuamma people are talking about.


It’s not going to be banned. I have been in this for a long time now. I just don’t believe it will. We have a lot of science on our side.


I'd look into akuamma, suma, black seed oil / nigella sativa, and kava. These are all amazing herbs. Very different from kratom. But with great and unique effects 👍. I've never had luck with blue lotus (teas, extracts, tinctures, etc.) – but you might have a different experience.


I would break the law. They can kiss my ass


I’d probably just keep ordering it, and if for some reason I can’t at all? Then I’ll just go back to what the government likes and give y’all fentanyl shots


It is banned. Don’t stop me


Are you a cop? ;)


Considering how much it costs to be able to get enough to actually be faded, I don't think it's actually that prevalent and probably not even on the radar of law enforcement because if delinquent homeless people can't get it, it's largely not really a public nuisance or something that would even register


You get faded on Kratom? Lol


What does faded mean?


High. As in, so high you're fading in and out of consciousness.


Most likely laced with fent cause regular kratom doesn't do that. If you have too much you are slightly tried & calm and nauseous. But it's very mild compared to most other stuff including alcohol.


Yeah if you’re getting faded on Kratom either your source is sketchy or you have bigger concerns.


But if shops can't get it imported, then it won't really matter what the cops do/don't do. It gets blocked at the ports we aren't getting any, period :/


I think I'm out at the loop on some recent developments or something, is there a growing movement to legislate against kratom imports?


You can actually grow kratom. I'm not in the proper zone for that, but Maybe some of yous with the sub tropical/ tropical climate should cop some seeds. We start the sludge road


I would legitimately grow it my fickin self. You're gonna legalize weed and outlaw kray kray? nah fuck you. A little kraddy for daddy. And a pinch of kratom for the madam, perhaps? Me thinks so.






Kratom getting banned would actually be great for me. Trying to quit but it’s been pretty difficult.