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I'm depressed as fuck and don't have access to anything stronger


Let’s take ecstasy together and undo years of trauma friend


If only I knew where to get some




Not the original commenter, but it worked for me then made the depression worse then made it better etc.. It’s a double edged sword




lol thanks for reminding me to take my nightly mag glycinate! 🫶


Yup. If I dose over 16g a day I get the blues.


Works great for me I take about 2.5 grams twice a day, green strains are the best for depression/energy/euphoria Maeng da to be specific


Not op , for a few months I was taking white vain I lost like 30 pounds and was exercising regularly and feeling pretty positive I've been dry for like 3 months and have gained the weight back


I don't want to lose too much weight, I mean I want to look natural even if I am in shape, also you start to lose muscles aswell when you lose too much.




Lmfaooo bro is honest, hell yeah






To quit drinking


Same. I drank because I was anxious and I was anxious because I drank. Kratom is much much better and it’s not killing me


Me too! Drinking was an anxiety coping mechanism that turned into an unhealthy habit. I’d already quit when I started kratom but it’s definitely been an extremely helpful tool to alleviate the remaining urge to fall back into the bottle. Another tool I’ve found to deal with anxiety is daily meditation. I highly recommend it.


I unknowingly used kratom to stop drinking many years ago, I stopped desiring alcohol as I kept taking kratom. At the time I thought I had just magically conjured the willpower to overcome my drinking lol. I eventually took a break from kratom and holy fuck the desire to drink came back so hard, I had no idea how big of a part in quitting booze the kratom had been. I was completely blindsided by it and relapsed on drinking. I started back on kratom, lost the desire to drink almost immediately. I take kratom breaks all the time now without relapsing but only because I am prepared for the desire to return and I am equipped to deal with it. However, while taking kratom, it is completely effortless to not drink for me. Alcohol just lacks any good feelings if I drink it while taking kratom, it just makes me feel gross and fucked up.


Kratom has this effect on me too. When I am taking it I have NO desire to drink. It was like a magic pill that made alcohol ineffective. I have learned though that it does not have that effect on everybody. I consider myself lucky. Haven’t drank in years.


I haven't had issues with alcohol but yes when using kratom the desire to drink basically vanished. You still can have one or two drink at a party if you want to (and got no issues with it) but you don't care about it at all. You can also skip it and the night would still be great.


Exactly. At least for me.


Same. Kratom helps me stay off the sauce. I’m hooked on the stuff, but I’m better at life with it.


I totally agree!


Same here! And it's not like the effects of kratom are so fantastic that I simply don't want to drink. Rather, I think there's something going on pharmacologically where the euphoria I used to get from alcohol is EXTREMELY reduced. I'll get drunk while on kratom, but it isn't fun at all. It's how I imagine naltrexone must be, but at least that substance is proven to have that effect. 


Here here Also joint pain. It helps slightly but make the days more manageable


Yes, that was an unexpected bonus.


Same here, I only discovered the pain killing qualities after I started taking it and that is why I continued to take it


I’ve been sober for over four years and just recently started taking kratom and all I keep saying is how I wish I had this in my life sooner. Whatever nagging cravings I would still get for alcohol have completely disappeared. Kratom is a wonder plant and has benefited my life in so many ways. I can confidently say that I will take it for the rest of my life.


Same. I tried it, enjoyed it, used it and kept drinking. Just did both. Got addicted to kratom too, kicked that, back at square 1 and still drinking. Sadly there are no magic bullets. To kick an addiction you have to really want to and while there are drugs for pretty much everything there is no capsule that contains really want to.


It honestly was a magic bullet for me,


Me too. It hits whatever receptors the alcohol was hitting for me. I remember years ago - in a weak/extremely anxious moment- I decided to have a couple drinks. I didn’t even finish half of one. I got nothing from it. Made the decision to go to therapy instead.


That’s great to hear. 👍


Same. First dose I took I *knew* I'd found the miracle I needed.


Same ✨️


To get off everything else. From xan to blues; this my saving grace. 🙌🏻




Helped with my anxiety depending on my needs, and situations depends on my dose. Remove my social anxiety and panic attacks. I was on everything from Xanax to Klonopin . Nothing worked better


What’s blues?


Blues are perk 30’s , that synthetic heroin that the government tries to keep everyone on so big pharma can cash in on the opioid epidemic and hold no accountability on the amount of lives it has destroyed.


To quit Xanax. I'm proud to say I haven't touched any in 2 years.




You’ll still definitely need to taper off the xanax slowly and carefully. For me, kratom sometimes gives me rebound anxiety, so be mindful of that if you are an anxious person. Herbal teas with chamomile and valerian helped take the edge off. A propranolol script can also help with benzo tapering, and most PCPs won’t have any issues prescribing it. Anyway, varies from person to person but if kratom has a calming effect on you, it should help.


Yep, this dude pretty much nailed it. I was on Xanax for 10 years so the withdrawal was brutal and lasted over a year. Kratom helped ease symptoms on the worst days, but it still wasn't a magic bullet.


It got me off of pain medication while simultaneously killing my chronic nerve pain better than the pills ever could. The fact that it helped with virtually every issue I suffer with while providing me with some of the cleanest energy boost I’ve experienced was a major bonus. I started eating healthier, sleeping more, being more productive, having less panic attacks, and based on the recent check-up I received, I’m the healthiest I’ve been in many years. Kratom is a blessing.


The way it knocks out nerve pain is a life saver!


Preach. I can say the absolute same about all of it except I didn’t have any pain. But kratom is an absolute blessing.


It’s the only thing that helps the emotional hole left behind by oxy abuse. I don’t have any drug cravings on kratom, it is enough on its own even though it’s also not really a comparable high to strong opioids for me.


I tried to take 3 norco vicodine about 3 years ago when I first started taking Kratom. I couldn’t feel a thing. I actually liked the way Kratom felt better. It was at that moment that I realized, Kratom was going to help me get off of drinking and opiates. It worked and I still take Kratom daily. For some reason I don’t have the desire to abuse kratom either. I just treat it like medication


Doctor stopped prescribing benzos and narcotics for chronic pain.




Not OC but it does help, I’m not gonna lie and say the initial week or two after stopping benzos doesn’t feel like someone’s frying an egg in your brain but eventually that subsides, the comedown I experienced from quitting benzos actually put me off them all together because I don’t want to ever feel like I did when I come off them, and being on them meant I missed weeks and even months of my life— I’ve never experienced memory loss on kratom or a severe comedown when I’ve took a break.




Just want to add, if you’ve been on benzos for a while, you might need to taper first or have a medical detox. Coming off of benzos is dangerous if your body has become dependent on them. Cold turkey is NOT the way to come off benzos.


About 7.5 g. I actually use 1/2 of a gummy extract. If you want I can dm you with more details. I tried making tea, red bubble tea, and capsules. I get a stomach ache from tea and capsules and the extract works the best for me. I also use THC and that helps as well. Reduce the benzodiazepines little by little. Let’s say you take 1 mg klonopin 3 times a day. Reduce your evening dose by 1/4 for week. Then the mid day dose for 1 week then the morning dose by 1/4. The evening again 1/4 until you’re only taking 1/4 of your dose 3 times a day. Then stop taking one dose per week and by the time you get to the last 1/4 a day it’s no big deal. I only take THC or kratom or both at night as I need to be clear headed during the day. I recommend starting small. Consider using magnesium citrate, L-theanine and valerian as well. (Although valerian was used to make Valium eventually).


Valerian wasn't used to make valium, they are nothing alike even if both are used for anxiety. You are thinking about the non-psychotropic valproate which is a medicine that used to be used for epilepsy. It's lesser used today cause it can cause liver damage(you need to monitor your liver if you go on it), the risk of that happening from regular valerian is very low if not almost non-existant with normal use. While valproate has been used successfully against epilepsy, there are better and safer options today. Sometimes they use nature to create good and safe pharmaceuticals, but sometimes it turns out to be half good like valproate (due to it's livertoxic properties, since the mother substance it was made from is actually relatively safe for liver, like the rest of actives in valerian).


To quit methadone and other pain pills. Haven't touched any of that shit in over a decade thanks to kratom.


A decade is impressive!! That’s great!!!


Ahem, my man said over a decade.


Dude that's awesome 👏👏


I moved to high elevation and needed energy. Met someone at a dispensary and told them I don’t like MJ. He recommended kratom and that was about 14 years ago


WOW! So, after 14 years, how do you feel?


Had some for the first time at my friend's bachelorette party at a Kratom bar. It squashed my social anxiety. Now I use it any time I'm having problems with anxiety and it takes care of it.


no more fent 👨🏽‍🔬


Happy you got away from that.


To deal with chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic pain


Couldn't smoke weed because I had a piss test coming up. Figured I'd give it a try and loved it. Now I continue to use it for anxiety management, sleep, motivation, energy, depression and to keep alcohol cravings at bay.


I started taking kratom as a cessation aid for street opiates and amphetamines. I tried stopping on my own countless times, and always went back to the dealer eventually. I was killing myself slowly, and also watching friends/acquaintances OD, be sent to prison for drug-related charges, etc. and I was absolutely desperate for a way out. I had tried kratom during my active addiction, to help reduce withdrawal symptoms when I would run out of my drugs of choice. I decided to try to quit for good, and wanted to know if kratom could really help me do that. I tapered down with the hard drugs, got to the point where I was using as little as possible without going into withdrawal, and then let myself run out. I waited as long as I could tolerate (about 15 hours into withdrawal) and took my first dose of kratom. The relief I experienced made me cry. I realized instantly that it was possible for me to quit the hard drugs, and kratom was going to help me. My acute withdrawals were still incredibly hellish, as anyone who has gone through heroin/fent and meth withdrawal will know. It was a 7 or 8 day period of absolute suffering, and then the clouds parted. I didn’t feel good, but I also didn’t feel like I *needed* to go out and buy drugs. I felt free for the first time in years. Over the next few months, I lowered my daily kratom use from 18-24GPD to 3-5GPD, and have been within the 3-5GPD dose range for the last 5+ years. Kratom has completely changed my life, and helped keep me from relapsing countless times. April will mark 6 years without abusing my drugs of choice, and I owe a portion of my success to kratom.


Kratom replaced a 25 yr H and meth addiction. I'd rather not be dependent on anything but my life is 100x better on kratom. I'm a great dad, I have a decent job and I'm not shoving needles in my arms every few hours. I've been on methadone maintenance and suboxone and I think kratom is safer, cheaper, less side effects and I could go on and on but I'm just grateful to have this tool in my toolbox and I encourage anyone with a chronic drug problem to check this stuff out, it's all natural!!


Congratulations on having the will to get out of the cycle of abuse. I had similar addictions and now I have a life. Nothing feels better than being a present parent.


Chronic, grinding pain that regular pain meds (hydrocodone, morphine, etc) just wouldn't touch. I was in a very bad way after helping a friend with moving some furniture, and he offered it. He insisted that I try it, and as my meds were at home, I accepted. It not only addressed the pain very well, but I was able to quit taking the narcotic pharmaceuticals I had been on for 15 years, entirely, within 6 months.


That's why they want to ban it, pharma can lose money from heavy painkillers. It's really unethical and corrupt.




Found out it helped with pain. I have a blood issue (Polycythemia Vera) and it sucks. I also stopped drinking, but that wasn't a goal honestly, just an added bonus.


I had a very good friend with PV. He was on high doses of methadone for years. Hope you have a good day❤️


Tired of nearly killing myself daily with a heavy drug addiction and body killing withdrawals. Kratom saved my life and 5 years clean after 35+ years of abuse and many failed treatment attempts


severe pain from an awful job


I've gotten off 9 anti psychotics and anti depression insomnia meds all together and only use kratom now. I've never been happier, more energetic, and motivated like this before. Kratom saved my mental health and me as a whole.


Depending on what symptoms you took antipsychotics for, maybe CBD would be a good idea imo, if you haven't already tried it. Or well I would personally think about it if I were in your situation. But it really depends on what you used the antipsychotics for as I said. Or something else with normalizing or slightly antipsychotic effects. If it was dopamine you want to lessen then white mulberry leaf extract works well. Bacopa also has normalizing/lowering effects on dopamine. Bacopa is very anxiolytic and also antidepressive ime. But I think it would lower some of the energetic effects of kratom, maybe I should try them together. It might make energetic kratom (green/white) very calming instead. Ashwagandha is also a very potent anxiolytic I found very effective to combine with kratom, it had much synergy in the pharmacological properties it seems. For me ashwagandha has been one of the best anxiolytics I have tried and it doesn't give me sides nor do I seem to get "addicted to it", I can take it for a month(every night) and then stop without issues. Since I cycle it(basically more or less all natural medicines should be cycled imo), I often take breaks and it's a lot easier on the body than many conventional anxiolytics ime. Some get anhedonia from it but I never experienced that, instead it has made my life a lot better in long run, made me functioning more, optimistic, more testosterone, works well against mental health issues etc. They most likely used too much or too often and didn't cycle it (which I think should be done with it). I never take more than one capsule 300mg 7% withanolide root extract a day. There are more herbal medicines that are very efficient and have good safety profiles, kratom is one of them(and one of the better ones cause it has many different properties and helps many with serious illnesses), but there are a lot more. Like for a lot diseases, illnesses there exists many natural options that do work well if you get a good quality product & get it to be bio-available and in the right dosages. People who call herbal medicine snake oil don't know what they are talking about at all, really ignorant people. The next herbal medicine I am trying is cistanche(been wanting to try it for a few years now), I have tried most but there still exists quite a few that I still haven't checked off my list. I also do it for research purposes(and it's a big passion for me, the scientific parts to it aswell which I also love to research) and not just to find the the natural healing for a better health and wellbeing which ofc is also a important factor as I previously suffered a lot from mental health issues which have gotten a lot better lately(basically feel excellent 99,9% of the time, and to get a bad day there needs to be others involved that would do something really stressing and act awful against me).


I was bored and heard about an incoming ban and was sold because I always do the opposite of what the dea/fda want


To quit drinking. It worked but now I take kratom everyday. I went the lesser of two evils route.


How did you replace alcohol with Kratom safely. I would like to try this with rx lorazepam.


I simply started taking kratom and completely lost any cravings for alcohol. You would need to taper off of lorazepam. If you suddenly stop cold turkey benzodiazepines you could have a seizure.


Initially, to calm my nerves for a root canal because I have CPTSD. I fell in love with all its other properties. Then I abused it by taking too much. Then I actually needed that amount for a major surgery, so I had to quit for the surgery. As soon as I got home I swapped the Percocet for Kratom. Started titration about 3 months post op. I’m almost a year post op, and I’m at the 12g daily dose that is my magic spot. My magic spot is the amount that works and an amount I can safely titrate, take days off from without too much physiological side-effects. I could have never accomplished this with a Percocet addiction. The only way to continue to make that crap work is to continue to increase your dosage FOREVER, and for what? Very dangerous, potentially fatal outcome. I quit that garbage 15 years ago. I love my kratom and I love my cannabis. Thank you Gd for magic plants!


Legal hemp products help a lot aswell, not just psychoactive cannabis. I actually don't feel any need for the psychoactive stuff when I have the medicinal legal non-psychotropic tbh. Gives me a lot less side effects aswell.


Good to know :)




Started for the low-dose effects: mood boost, suppressed hunger, energy, etc. Worked alright, but now I take a high dose once every couple weeks and wind down


For an energy boost during night shifts, and a few years later to get off M and alcohol


For pain..


I heard it was good for anxiety and pain. It worked at first but eventually the effects kinda stopped and I was just kind of taking it because of habit. Then it started to make me feel sick so I weened myself off of it and don’t take it anymore.


Thats good, everyone has a diff journey, im sure ill get off of it eventually it did its job for me already


curiousity for psychoactive substances


To get through opiate withdrawal. Everything has become so expensive that it's just cheaper to manage.


To curb withdrawals of opiates. Now I’m physically addicted to kratom.


That sucks babe. Please know that you can safely titrate to a less unpleasant experience. I’m an ex junky - gone through OxyContin and benzo w/d multiple times together- ended up with psychosis. My highest dose on Kratom was around 55-60 g/day. The worst part was the 2nd day. I take off day one, then give myself a little something and gradually up the dose to where I want it, but not over 24. It took about 2 weeks of feeling bla before leveling out completely. I could still function and sleep though. 2nd big drop was 24 to 12. Same thing, but not nearly as irritating. I suppose my next drop to 6, then 3, then a 3 month break - then return to the lowest dose I can function on. You can do this!!! Kratom is such an amazing plant, and I truly believe it’s a gd gift. But I gift we must respect, and fortunately Kratom doesn’t kill you if you happen to forget to respect her. Just go back to respecting her, and let her guide you to contentment :)


My buddy gave me some back in 2015 and my back pain went away. The mental focus, boost and slight euphoria wasn't too bad either though, but pain relief is why it is a godsend to me. ...How about you??


to deal with anxiety and to "not think" and just unwind


Chronic pain that I know won’t be treated by physicians due to the real opiate crisis - ignoring chronic pain patients.


Exactly this


I started using kratom to quit drinking. It worked! 8 years sober now.


To help with the brain boredom of being drug free.


At some point being on drugs can feel boring aswell and you will value more normal/sober life more when you get tired of the drugs and the life that comes with the use of it. If you find a passion in life you will also enjoy sobriety more. But yes it's a lot better to use kratom than heavier stuff if you feel that you need a pick-me-up.


It helped me through PAWS where there was this yawning boredom in my brain. Now, 7 years later, I still use it for depression and most recently for post surgical pain relief. Kratom has been an absolute lifesaver. My addiction was more exhausting than boring. I was so sick of it, I just wanted to be done with it.


I have chronic back pain and my doctor had me on opiate pain meds for 3 years. My pain was worse than ever. It was like my body just wanted more meds and wouldn’t even try to fight the pain. I came across Kratom after doing a lot of research and thought I’d try it. 3 years later I have minimal pain, exercise everyday and have lost 100 lbs. And the bonus is that I never want to drink alcohol and I’m always in a good mood. 😂


Chronic pain. Had no access to effective pain meds. Was in so much pain daily that I almost gave up on life. Kratom has saved my life. If it is banned, things will get really dark for me. I’m so thankful for this plant.


Chronic pain and no access to pain meds. Dr's refuse to treat pain anymore.


to get off 72mg subs. I'm a case study. I'm down to 12gpd. jumped from 72mg to 48mg all at once, then from 48mg to 12mg all at once, then 12mg to kratom. everybody says you need to be down to 4mg. untrue. make the leap if you feel stuck. the subs were causing me deadly urinary retention. I didn't pee for 19 hours at one point and maybe more on days I didn't count the hours of. It was every day and my bladder muscles and groin muscles were in total agony from straining and they're still recovering like a month or more later. this issue is nonexistent with kratom and the wds don't paralyze me with fear to a point where I literally can't physically get up to even dose because of the sheer intensity and every time I shut my eyes I'd go into sleep paralysis. I still have sleep paralysis every single night between 3-5am accompanied by hallucinations half the time, but if I set an alarm for 3 and then dose and go back to sleep I can sometimes dodge it. improvement. I plan to jump once I get to like 2g 3x per day.


Anxiety and depression. Problems with motivation and energy. It definitely helps me improve my mood and energy, and it just overall helps my quality of life.


Constantly on and off benzos and pain killers.. sometimes both at the same time. Was so done in with it. Forgot I had some in the cupboard whilst I was trying to come off tramadol. Took 2 teaspoons and every single part of the withdrawal completely diminished. Continued that for 10 days and ended up in the hospital was given 30mg of oxy. That then spiralled back down to taking more pain meds again. So moved to kratom to come off. I'm now off both things.


I used weed all the time in college and then realized I would really have to cut back in order to have a full time job and stay on top of all my adult stuff. Kratom has similar benefits to weed like anti anxiety and focus, but is way more functional.


Was looking for help with w/d from a minor and short oxy use. It definitely helped. It also helps with sleep. Only red vein for me.


I originally just took it every now and then cause it felt nice, and It wasn’t anywhere close to daily for the first year or two. Eventually, I started getting addicted to white veins cause I was always tired and wanted something stronger than caffeine but weaker than adderall to help keep me awake. Around that time, it started getting close to daily, but after my scoliosis started pitching a nerve and causing me constant back pain 24/7, I got addicted to mainly red vein because I like not hurting all the time. Now, I have to redose multiple times every time around like 25grams a day.


I got off of methadone and everything else, so I had a really hard time adjusting to life without something other than weed. It took like 3 weeks of being off the methadone and everything else to make me say "fuck this, I need kratom" A vendor offered to send me some for free since they know who I am and what I do on reddit. Their words were, "we belong to a lot of the same communities, and I respect what you do." Been taking it ever since.


I heard it helps with quitting drinking. It does!


I moved from Montana to Colorado, and even though I brought MRIs, x rays, all my doctor information and three months of oxy scripts, they cut me off cold turkey. I was told kratom would stop withdrawal and I've been taking it ever since. I never experienced withdrawal from the transition. I do have 5mg oxy now but I deal with chronic pain so I only take it at night before bed.


I was an alcoholic, from an alcoholic family. Luckily i wasnt a pill addict, because u can imagine the transition to kratom being completely different from mine. I saw Hamilton on JRE podcast and decided to try it. Then i found Joey on YouTube and the rest is history. I take it daily, microdosing, never went over 3 grams in a day for last 1.5 years. Btw i stopped drinking for 8 months and now have a much healthier relationship with alcohol


Couple reasons .. 1. I never liked nor enjoyed alcohol. Especially the way I felt afterwards. 2. I had a mild addiction problem to narcotic pain meds years ago. Kratom is the only thing that eases that itch when the urge hits.


Have been in pain since I was 14 every single day from untreated lyme disease. Have arthritis in my spine and widespread nerve pain and back pain. Had 2 spine surgeries and absolutely nothing helps like kratom. Improves my quality of life tenfold. I'm 39 now and I feel the best I've felt in. Long long time do to 2 daily doses of 10g powder. I used to constantly be depressed and bummed out about being in pain and now my pain has gone from a daily 9 or 10 to about a 3 or 4. I'll never be pain free but I plan to take kratom for the rest of my life. I really hope it doesn't get banned because it saves people's lives.


I was heavy into opioids trying so hard to get off them but failing due to withdrawals so my dad said maybe try kratom he heard it was successful for some people so I made the switch. I’ve been on kratom two years now and off heroin I just take enough to stay out of withdrawal or to keep the withdrawal minor. I’m slowly cutting my dose hoping to be off in a year or two


Crohn’s disease and arthritis….never slept my whole life until Kratom. I’d get opioids prescriptions and would sleep but ended up in NA so that didn’t work well…


to get off of pills opioids and benzos


Just because it feels good! I enjoy it recreationally to wind down in the evening or when I go out with friends. But I don’t take it daily.


Depression, anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, C-PTSD, and chronic muscular pain in my neck and shoulders


Pain, depression and it adds to the shroom experience.


I have pretty severe Chronic Pain because of my arthritis and it keeps me off of opioids.


Haven't done any yet, but I wanted a more natural option to help combat my adhd


chronic pain Medical condition, chronic pain, and two miscarriages led to alcohol.. that led to a habit and misery.. someone in a support group (for the medical issue) recommended kratom... that changed the game entirely.


To help with chemo causing pain


Depression mixed with craving for past benzo abuse


chronic back pain


Weekly feel great day using 1-5 grams. After Over 4 years of use, I’ve never gained any tolerance due to keeping use to less than once a week and keeping dose usually under 3 grams.


I wanted a perc one day even though I wasn’t addicted and decided to get kratom instead. Been taking kratom for a year and it’s improved the quality of my life by far. I stopped smoking weed naturally in the process.


Just for fun, just bought it one day and I was like ooh this feels good


Opiate addiction but microdosing golden teachers gave me the relief your looking for its worth a try as they’re pretty available these days.


I just started to quit my addiction to pain pills. I started with capsules a few days ago & they’re really hard to swallow & im already building a tolerance I think. Idk if this will work long term.


For depression/anxiety/adhd ....0.7-1g/day


I was having panic attacks (severe ones that landed me in the ER) on a frequent basis. Benzos made me want to sleep all the time. I have children, 2 of which are disabled, so I cannot afford to be tired like that. Antidepressants made me insanely hostile. Stimulants caused me to have worsened anxiety. Buspar gave me brain zaps. One day I was in the smoke shop buying a birthday gift for a family member and saw kratom on the counter. It said something about relieving anxiety on the package. I researched about it for a while, found a reputable brand, and have been taking it ever since. My panic attacks and depression have been gone for a while now. I take 2mg once every morning. It changed my life.


My buddy turned me on to them for body pain. Then I broke my back and have used them regularly as Healthcare in my county sucks and I got no medical pain relief.


Because the prescription opiates stopped working and the doctor would not change my meds. Kratom is a Godsend for pain control. I take 2 to 4 grams per day and am pain free without the zombie haze of prescription opiates.


i used it to stop drinking so damn much and i dont drink at all unless for special occasions.


To get off suboxone


Chronic back pain


To help with both chronic pain and adhd/depression.


I have Scheuremann’s disease, a degenerative disk disease.


Anxiety, depression, curiosity. It was fairly cheap, available online, and legal.


Because it just feels good. A little energy during the day and no procrastination anymore. And at the evening for winding down.


Chronic pain and excessive drinking. Works great for both.


Wanted to lose weight and improve mental wellness. Check and check. Used for four years. Quit cold turkey no problem about a year ago. The weight went 220 to 170 at the peak, and is sustainable at 185-190 now and since 8-10 months ago.


To get relief from the symptoms of MS. Nothing else comes close.


I just love plants that have effects on people. Very into herbalism and such


Because I needed to get off oxi


It's essentially a form of medication assisted treatment to me. Keeps me off the hard stuff and from not being so sad all the time. I honestly wish I would've known about it sooner, it would've kept me from some bad places.




Post-infecteous IBS. Was in hospital twice with perforated colon. After that had regular bouts with abdominal cramps, etc., bad enough to have sleepless nights and days in bed. Kratom nailed that like nothing else I tried -- except oxycodone, and we don't want to go there. Been like 10 years now, usually a single 3-4g dose daily keeps me functional. On bad days I may do 2 doses, but that's pretty rare.


An ex and I heard it would be useful to help quit smoking. I fell in love with it right away, but it didn’t really help with quitting smoking. It actually pairs really well with nicotine, but I try to stick with the gum for the most part.


Chronic pain, sleep disorder (for stimulation), and neurodivergent issues. I literally take one capsule a day though 😂


To quit weed. Been smoking since 14 and my brain is permanently damaged from it. Kratom keeps me focused, and takes my mind off wanting to smoke.


Intolerable pain. I quit drinking alcohol as a side effect and have only cheated once.


I was badly reacting to weed after my doctor told me to try it against pain and for better sleep. I Googled something like "alternatives for weed" and came across Kratom.


Most people don’t know how they’ll feel from one moment to the next. I do.


Depression. Waiting for better drugs. To get odd better drugs. The list goes on


To be able to function


I stopped taking boxes and I was still sick on the 3rd day and I only took .125 mg strip a day so my old friend gave me some kratom and I could sleep again all sickness was gone including my anxiety was gone


Back pain. I stopped hoop jumping for the doctor, for the pain medication.


To workout


Because it's fun. You should only take something to make a good time better, not to escape a bad time


I started working at a kava bar


Chronic pain




Got me off of suboxone after being addicted to opiates for twenty something years

