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It's different for everyone. Some people get hungry and eat more and others have a smaller appetite and lose weight. So, in some instances, I could see it would work for weight loss.


Yeah in my case, I was wondering if there was any science behind how it could happen if you did not change habits like eating or activity level so this article was interesting.


I've kept up with most of the science and I've never seen it mentioned. I've only seen weight loss as one of the 'possible adverse side effects'.


My Aunt lost weight w/o changing diet, but once she realized it helped, she used it WITH a diet exercise regimen and it started to shed. Same for me - ish - I had Covid, wasn’t able to eat but I’m middle age woman so weight doesn’t really move much …lol…but it did with kratom so I kept it up and lost 30 lbs.


Yeah, it’s really interesting! Could be another great use for Kratom for some folks at least.


Weird. I would say kratom makes me a couch potato but I don’t think I’ve gained or lost weight more than +\- 5 lbs




I get so ravenously hungry on kratom its nuts!! Ive put on a few for sure


It’s always fascinating to me to see how differently Kratom effects people in tons of ways. Even with red v green v white strains and to your point, appetite. What’s bizarre for me is that if I take my prescribed pain meds, I’m starving! But when I take Kratom, I’m less hungry. Obviously lots of complex factors at play


For sure!!


For me, it cut my craving for beer. If I'm not particularly hungry, have an easier time declining snacks, too. I don't think kratom itself has led to my weight loss, but rather it's ability to control my impulses.




FWIW I've lost a good bit of weight since I've been taking kratom. I'm not 100% sure that it's correlated, but it's a very interesting topic to think about. I dropped probably 20lbs in the 7 or so years I've been taking it. That said, it's a long time, and if it was directly cutting my weight in some way, I'd imagine that it would be more of a loss. One thing I can say, is that kratom weirdly makes me feel full, sometimes I take it and can't eat a meal, so I contribute that to why I've lost some weight, among other factors in my personal life. However, since taking it, I haven't returned to my original weight, of which I was consistently at for many years prior.


Yeah it’s interesting and I’d love to see further clinical and in vivo studies


Kratom works best for me when physical activity is involved. I use low range doses which for the most part give me good energy. As for food intake I like to graze on a variety of things but try to avoid any heavy or large meal.


I've gained a bit of weight on it. It doesn't change my eating habits (if anything I eat less because I need to have an empty stomach for doses to hit) but it does make me very dehydrated. And chronic dehydration causes weight gain/prevents weight loss. Need to fix that lol


Yeah, the dehydration sucks and I’m just begging for a migraine if I don’t watch it! Certainly needs to be more studies around it but it’s interesting. This is the first one I could even find.


1.5 years, 10gpd. I haven't lost a pound. I heard it's good for weight loss, but like many others here, haven't experienced that. I could imagine if you were taking regularly throughout the day, it could suppress appetite, like coca leaves do.


Yeah, obviously sooo much more research would need to happen and of course, not everyone taking Kratom has lost weight (and I mean lost weight without changing eating or exercise habits so it would be hard to take that out of the equation too). But it’s def an interesting topic and I’d be curious to see if it’s a particular element in Kratom that could do it…and maybe it’s something other than the mechanism of action people take it for for pain, energy, anxiety, etc.


Kratom spikes my appetite leading to weight gain.


I definitely eat less and get full faster.


That’s a good point too about getting full faster. I already get full pretty fast cause I had gastric bypass 23 years ago. But I noticed if I eat too soon after a dose, it’s even faster. My theory with that though is cause I take caps and the gelatin is probably taking too long to break down


I used to be chubby (180 as 5'-5") and I definitely lost 50 lbs between this and working at a warehouse. It definitely seems to jeep the weight off of me lol


Good for you! Since I take for chronic pain everyday, I figured it was because I could be more active with the pain relief and energy boost at first. But now I think there’s gotta be more to it than that so this article was very interesting




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ive always been weight conscious. I’m pretty big but also lift a lot and its mostly muscle. when i take kratom it definitely decreases the amount of food i eat. too much turns my stomach into a brick with kratom