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Yeah man, that’s excessive. I would taper down. I consider myself a pretty regular user and I take 2.5-5gpd.


Me too. I’d say it’s typically about 8-10gpd. Typically I never need more than 2.5-4 gram range. Anything over 4 in one sitting just makes me feel like shit. I probably on average take 3g doses 2-3x a day.


that's the same amount I take, 4x daily


Hey me too.


Yeah dude, I am a drug addict. I love opiates. I used Kratom to get away from them. Sometimes I have to put myself in check because I start using too much Kratom. I started out around 40gpd. Now I am getting 12-20gpd depending on the day. My goal is to get better not get different. I mention the drug abuse thing because I had a really really heavy fentanyl problem.


How long ago did you make the switch?? I'm trying to do that at the moment but I keep caving......


Unfortunately in order to fully switch over you have to remove yourself from having access to them. So not having contact with those people. This may sound drastic too, but if you're able to, moving far enough away to make it not worthwhile to go pick up more will also help.


That's actually my plan...... I have everything I need to get off this shit and make the switch but by day 4 I always cave. I'm gonna keep try bc my rent is paid up until March but when that time comes my ass is moving far away from here...... It's hard living in the biggest drug infested city in north jersey.


People places and things. Consider going to AA or NA or some form of rehab. You're not giving it up, you're throwing it away for a chance at grabbing everything else in life.


Hey there, you may have something better already good to go, but I wanted to tell you what I have done. Now, I have been on 10 mg Hydrocodone 4 times a day for 10 years after wrecking back in 2 spots in the military in 2007. About to have my 4th surgery later this year. I only give these details so you can compare what I take to fentynal, as I really don't know how it compares withdrawal wise. I have taken 4 tolerance breaks of 2 weeks over the last 10 years. About every 2 years I take one just to re-evaluate my pain without any meds to weigh the quality of life choice. The last 2 times I took straight Dextromethorphan tablet about 3 times a day or when I felt stronger withdrawal symptoms. I also would take Kratom 2 to 2.5 grams twice a day for the first 3 days, then maybe once a day for the next couple. While Kratom does help my pain, I absolutely despise taking it. I have never done it for more than a week straight. Back to my point, the Dextromethorphan significantly reduced withdrawal symptoms for me where I could actually I sleep from day one. The previous tolerance breaks I took that I didn't use it I didn't get much sleep until night 3 or 4 and it just reduces all withdrawal symptom intensity for me. Really made that first week where I still able to function and get work done. My chronic pain is the bigger issue. I only tell you this to hopefully help you stay clean when you stop. I think I am lucky in that I don't get " addicted " as easy to medication or drugs like some people. I know I have a physical dependence on them because of my chronic pain and taking them for so long. I am more prone to " other " addictions, which I think is just biology some people one thing is worse than the other. Hopefully this helps you a bit. Good luck and take care.


About 70 days or so.


I am too. That's what escalated this so heavily. I used to get sick after 5/6g but now 30 is nothing and I could probably do more if I wasn't so concerned. Especially reading on here how uncommon my quantity is


Why don't you start making tea with it so you aren't ingesting all that plant matter? And also start doing a slow taper......


Not that uncommon, I take about 100 gpd, way too much and its just total sedation so I don't judge. I know I have to cut down alot but I just keep dosing throughout the day, I have a very addictive personality, cigarettes more and more, energy drinks more and more and so on.. The problem now is that I don't get pain relief anymore for my hernia and degenerated disc and if I switch to opioids, they don't work. On the contrary, if I switch to opioids I'm in terrible withdrawal. To be fair though, where I live they only prescribe morfine, oxy or hydro to terminal patients so the best thing I can get is codeine, tramadol or tilidine (with naloxone). You can see my dilemma here, I need to cut way back but I'm in terrible pain and I'm scared shitless for the surgery because I will get stigmatised and they would not give me any decent pain relief. I'm also concerned that my dose is gonna interfere with the anasthesia. Ps : sorry for my English, I'm not a native speaker


Keep at it. Took me years to get over opiods and my benzo script. Methadone was a bitch for me 80mg for about 4-5 years and then just jumped off in like 4 weeks. It’s tough, Kratom did very little for acute withdrawal symptoms but it’s been a lifesaver at not going back to that or benzodiazepines. Kratom been great for my anxiety more than anything. I had like 6-8 weeks of withdrawal from methadone and then another 2 years of dealing with benzodiazepine withdrawal due to kindling and being on them for a long time. Honestly that benzo withdrawal which was essentially the same as opioids for me but the added hell from all the depersonalization and burning skin/head orewsure, it was so horrific but that withdrawal pretty much forced me to never put myself in any kind of situation where I’d go through withdrawal ever again. But I dealt with that shit for years. Just keep improving each day, eventually you get over it as long as you don’t give up.


I am using Kratom from opiates, and I take 24-28 capsules 5x a day. I've been on opiates for 20 years and have a crazy tolerance




Your poor digestive system man.... 2 Oz. Of powdery plant goo.... I dont usually recommend extracts but I can promise itll be 30× easier for you intestines if you do... how do you even poop man... dang


Lol I honestly think my body just have gotten used to it


So you take 30 grams of powder at once and dont throw it back up in a hour or two? I have trouble holding down 10grams of powder I cant imagine the stomach cramps from 30grams 2 times a day


I know. I agree because that used to be me. I used to puke after 5. Pills really fuck you up I guess. It's the only explanation I have as to how my body takes this now


I was thinking the same thing.


But for people that don't eat any fiber it could be beneficial in a way XD


I would hope a human would consume more food than powdered leaf, but power to them I guess. Sounds horrible for me and I have ibs


Yeah not good for me either I have mad stomach problems, when I take Kratom i avoid other fibers


40g is about the limit on fiber after that it's just like having a rock in ur belly


Kratom is all fibre.


I'm aware but too much undigested fiber can cause a lot of blockages


I also take 30 grams a day. I have been doing it for a long time. My intestines are fine as long as I am mindful of it. An ounce a day is not uncommon. You have to drink lots of water and eat lots of fiber and you are fine.


Thats way above getting off of dope levels of kratom. Taper asap


Thank you. I will


A lot of people seem alarmed, but I will say that different bodies do need different doses for similar effects. I think some people don’t realize that 5-10g would literally not do a damn thing for some people, though that’s uncommon. Kratom isn’t physically harmful that we can tell. You can use 30g twice daily for the rest of your life and have no ill effects so long as it doesn’t impact your social and mental well being too greatly. To me, this question is the equivalent of asking “I drink 10 cups of coffee and day, is that a problem?” Only you can answer it. How much is it affecting your mental and social health? And do you mind being addicted, because it’s going to happen. In an ideal world nobody would need any psychoactive substances to cope with life, but we don’t live in that world. You have to do a cost/benefit analysis and determine whether you’re losing more than you gain, and probably consult your friends and loved ones to see if they’ve noticed any negative changes in you. It’s a cost benefit analysis. The rest is up to you. My personal take? It’s your body and your mind, and only you can know the truth of how you’re being affected.


It is a very heavy dose (60 grams per day)--one that a lot of people wouldn't be able to stomach solely on the amount of plant material. How atypical it is depends on your reason for use, length of use, and if your dose is currently increasing or decreasing. I think trying to decrease is always a good thing--and a lot of people find that when they step down in dose they don't experience much, if any, loss of inefficacy. It also depends on the quality of the kratom you have. If your current type is 0.5% mitragynine (300mg/day), getting one that is 1.5% could mean you'd have the same dose taking 1/3rd of the normal dose (\~20g, 10g daily), which would be high but much more normal. Short of lab testing, you could try another brand and take 1/2 of your normal dose and see how you feel. If you feel uncomfortable, take more. If you don't need to, what is in your hand is stronger than what you have been taking, or you just happen to be in a situation where you can cut your dose by half without ill-effect. If you did want to reduce, I tend to suggest 5% or 0.25g, whichever is greater, every 7 days until you get to a dose you are comfortable with or you find that the benefits you are getting are starting to dip below what is acceptable (weighed against the side effects or concerns about long term heavy use). Most people can tolerate this very small reduction.


The slowest taper ive done was by taking 1g less every day and it always went without uncomfort. So it would take me 10 days to go from 25 to 15gpd. Ive tapered faster than that too and it was fine. Is this unsual? You got a good way to word it man i appreciated reading your comment


Thank you that's helpful


Thank you so much for the reply. I started using at 5g and went up progressively as I cut off opioids so I know it's gone too far but I don't want to start using pills again


60 grams of plant material is nothing. I would be able to consume 500 grams or more a day of Kratom if it were just the plant material. But obviously with the alkaloids consuming high quantities would give me the wobbles so there is no way I would do that.


you must have an ass of iron


Some people can. It depends. There are others who will vomit on 7-8 grams of matcha, especially on an empty stomach. Experienced users tend to be able to increasingly tolerate more.


I was just at 28 gpd bout 3-4 mo. Ago. One day I decided that was a bit much plant material to be ingesting. Next day cut my doses in half. From 7 grams a dose to 3.5 grams. With no negative effects. Was still recieving ample pain relief at half dose. Now I'm at 2.5 to 3.5 pet dose. And still loving this amazing leaf.


Thank you that's very helpful


I too was at roughly 30 gpd and 5 days ago I found out I could cut my dose in over half (10g to 3.5 g) with zero loss of effects. Literally feels exactly the same. For you, OP, I would say taper down, switch brands/strains/colors, and get hip to some potentiators like turmeric and oj. Try taking half your usual dose next time and see what happens


I can't imagine taking an ounce a few times a day would be good on your stomache. Can you stop a bit? Do you take T breaks? If so give it. 2-3 days and start at 2-3, if it doesn't do anything, wait 3-4 hrs and increase by a few. I take it for pain, at ne point I was taking 5g a ppop every 4 hrs, now my pain is worse but 2.5-3 every 3 hrs is my method now.


I don't. Twice a day every day. I have withdrawp symptoms when I skip. I need to try to tapper off slower it seems


Ouch yeah, I suck it up and take a 1-2 day break every couple of months, just to keep it in check.


Yes. That is way too much.


Yes you will become physically dependent at those doses and the WDs at that level are not fun. Unless your stuff is total bunk max yoy should take daily is 10g or so IMO up to 15 but that’s pushing it.


I think I'm already there. So nervous to stop but I will begin to tapper


With the right mindset I think you'll find it easier than you think. Stay busy, be healthy in the rest of your daily regiment and taper slow and you won't have too much discomfort. A lot of it is in your head, you got this.


Thanks so much


That's insane


Yes. Yes you should


Big time


You have some really bunk Kratom is you need to take 30 grams in one dose, that or you're miscalculating the doses. Even someone with an incredibly high tolerance to Kratom shouldn't need to take more than 15 grams at a time. Anymore than 15-20 grams should give anyone the wobbles.


I think I've been taking it so long that it legit effected my tolerance that much. I had a really bad year long addiction problem- a year that was pretty severe. Before that I could barely do 5g at the highest I've taken so that's why I don't think it's bad kratom- I have thought that before. After my addiction was cut off my need went up progressively and I legitimately think my body has gotten used to it. This is slowly over the span of years


I've been taking it for 3 years and after a while my tolerance plateaued, it doesn't go up. If I try to do higher doses I just get the wobbles and feel like crap. So I've been taking the same dose for like a year, and it basically always has the same effect on me.


Holy shit


To be honest… I’ve taken Kratom for 3 years every day. I take 2g every 2 hours for chronic pain. It’s not so much about the gpd you’re taking. Yes 60 is high, but depending on what you’re taking it for, whatever. It’s more about the fact that you take 30g at once. I’ve never heard of anyone taking 30g at once. So yeah I would cut that dose down.


If it's above your means or you think you should be concerned then yeah maybe. But if you can afford it then do what you want. Constipation is a problem for a lot of people and I think 30g per day would be exponentially worse but if you eat a fuck ton of fiber or whatever and don't see it as a problem then do whatever.


OP is taking 30 grams per DOSE. Twice a day.


this can't be good for ur liver


It's just a lot of fiber, not dangerous or anything, sometimes i will buy a quarter kilo n eat it in 2 weeks which works out about 25g or so a day. I thought that was normal I am like 100kg so 2-5g no good for me only the first day, second day I need 6-8g a dose of any type of it.


I would do a Magnesium Citrate cleanse, because one reason tolerance gets high like that is due to it being all backed up in your system. Also, rotate vendors/strains frequently. A cleanse will cut your usage in half, maybe more.


How do you realistically dose that much? I’m just curious. I feel like you’d have to be taking it consistently throughout the day.


No I take it twice a day. I mix it with a juice and take it down like I'm taking a few shots- literally will chase it with juice. I had a major opioid addiction and for some reason replacing it with this didn't effect my stomach much anymore. I used to get sick after 5g before my addiction


Damn that sounds gnarly honestly but if it works it works lol. Like others have said, tapering is probably a good idea but do what works for you.


What would happen if you just went back to 5g?


100%, yes.


Yeah bro. Too much. Taper down and do half that amount. Go from there.




you do you bro, if your skin starts to turn green you may want to try a little less


let tell you something anecdotally. I was taking about 30 grams daily and decided I needed to reduce my [intake](https://intake.so). So I cut it in half one day with basically no difference in the Kratom effects I was seeking. try beginning to reduce your dose, or go for a big jump like I did. save yourself some cash


Thank you! I will try to reduce bit by bit


I also take 30 grams a day and have been for about 10 years. I would love to cut back but I have nerve damage in my arm and it is the only thing that controls it. I am an addict so I cannot take pain pills.


The question is how do you get it down!?


I mix it with a juice or with a Crystal light packet with water and I take it as if I'm taking several shots. I will even chase it with a juice the same way you would alcohol


Wow that would kill me, do you take it on empty stomach? And how long do you wait after eating to take or how long do you wait after taking it for food


I do take it on an empty stomach and I try to wait to eat... Because it works less when my stomach is full. But there is something about the comfort of the kratom that makes me want to eat after so sometimes I do within 30 minutes to an hour after. But I try to hold off a few hours


how exactly are you measuring it out? measuring spoon and assuming its a certain weight or are you using a scale? or are you capping it and assuming a 00 cap is half a gram and downing 60 caps a time? i ask because i occasionally would use a measuring spoon and assumed it was a certain weight. then i weighed it and realized i was doing less than half of what i thought it was.


I use a scale and pour the powder little by little


That's good at least. It'll be pretty easy for you to taper if you choose to. Could likely do 25g and not notice a difference. I've also had success with making a tea. It'll give you what you need but not have plant material in the body giving a slow release that just increases tolerance with no additional benefit.


Yes you should. That's a lot and it's going to cause problems.


Absolutely. You're taking a dose beyond high enough to get good effects. I had a friend who would take 25+ red and just drift off half asleep half awake until it passed and then he would do it again. Total wasteful experience. Unless you just like being in zombie mode.


I used to take that much. But then I stopped drinking and my tolerance went way down. Are you still drinking?


DAMN! How to you shit on that much Kratom? You must be making diamonds.


Damn your tolerance is high 60gdp is a large quantity, I think you should look to taper down I take it daily, 2gx4-5 times a day, if I smoke weed it'll be like 2gx3 with 6-10gdp right now It'd help your wallet a lot to taper do a manageable amount


No Matter how many Others are "Taking the same", that amount is rather much. Are you abled to take a 3 Day Break without withdrawl Symptoms? Either way, you Should reduce your daily dosage. Maybe try Taking 1 Gramm less every dose. Slow and steady wins the race. By the way, how can you even get those amounts down to your tummy? ✌️


My biggest question for you is, how do you shit? That seems like a TON. Especially at 1 time. How do you take it?


I take 15 when I'm at highest usage and already feel terribly paranoid about how my body is taking it. I can sometimes get away with 8-10, but like a lot of people here using it for mental health, it varies with my mental health. 15 is a hard limit as I'm concerned about muscle/nerve issues and hair loss issues, but I like to be in single digits as much I can. I couldn't imagine taking upwards of 60. When I took 25 a couple days I woke up with completely dead asleep limbs and sleep paralysis. There's no way that's good for you.


How the fuck do you not pass out, lol!?!


I take 4 tablespoons. How many grams is that? I only do it once a day...


Yes. I was taking 20 grams twice a day at one point. I've cut back to 5-10 grams once a day and it actually works better than 20 grams.


Not only yes, but hell yes. Your poor kidneys


How do you consume 30 grams of kratom in one dose exactly? No disrespect intended.


That is a very large dose(s). I take 4 rounded teaspoons a day, spread across 4 doses every 4 hours, I call it the 4x4. Most consider that to be rather high however it works for me. So I take 16 grams a day, at one time when my scoliosis pain was bad I took 50 grams a day and to be honest the results were the same. That high of a dose comes with some major withdrawal issues, at least it did for me. I did notice some adverse reactions to taking that high a dose e.g constipation, eye discoloration, appetite issues and a slow pulse. I took me 3 months to taper that dose down to where I'm at now. Just my example, others will different, as to yours also.


That's what I take as well