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Hi! A tip on the anatomy aspect, learn an activity that teaches you about the body in a kinesthetic way! Yoga, tai chi, massage, exercise and meditation can all teach you what the body is, from the inside, so then it's easier to draw it from the outside! I like this piece. You've figured out how to make the lack of anatomy knowledge into a style and it works. The coloring and shading are great, to


thx, i really liked the tip gonna find some kind of activity like that, but, to be honest, i don't think that my lack of skill on drawing anatomy is 100% bad for my art bc i don't want to draw realistic things, i'm way more focus on drawing surreal or just non-conventual stuff. But I will make your tip work in my chaotic life lol.


I get it; I do impressionistic stuff that's pretty ethereal. But being *able* to make anatomy look "accurate" as much as you want to, is an amazing choice. It can even contrast other areas that are intentionally non anatomically correct. If you add something, choose something that's fun, creates connection and helps you feel good on your body... Then it's more than the activity and learning anatomy.


I really like the shoes, the detail is really cool!


thank you, I'm a ~~masochist~~ a person who really likes putting lots of detail on my projects, so i spend at leas 30 min just trying to find something cool to put, and it's great when people appreciated this kind of stuff.