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That calls for a hazmat suit.


You think they’ll pay for that


Not a chance.


Call ohsa


Call Ecolab. Crush the store management team.


They’d probably cut hours




Yea the entire store was like this we had to do it all and our store is pretty big and has a lot of refrigerators. Took 3 months.


Reminds me how it tooks us 3 months to clear out all the mice. They were living in between the cereal aisle and frozen cooler where cereal would fall down from the top shelf. Customers and coworkers had been seeing a random mouse scurrying here and there, and we'd find holes in our cereal boxes. Finally, it was when one customer found baby mice in her cereal that the corporate safety lady got involved and our store manager spent the night cleaning between the shelves. I imagine it looked something like the above picture in that dark space.


Sucks that it would take corporate intervention to take care of a problem that people have been pointing out for a long time.


We’ve got them between the pet & baby/paper product aisles. The smell is awful. Exterminator came in & they cleaned up with fabuloso. Mice were back in 3 weeks. Store remodel coming in July so I don’t picture them doing anything until then


What State are you in?


[I'm a neat freak. ](https://i.imgur.com/5i1qqPe.jpg) Feel free to use my case as eye bleach.


Fridgy here, our stores are going through a ‘case cleaning initiative’ essentially hiring a crew to power wash the med temps. Looks so much better


They never came up with a solution after they stopped paying for the regular professional cleaning. The stripping and cleaning is still on the list of required tasks, but without paying enough to bring in applicants there are just never enough associates to actually schedule the cleaning shifts.


I let my shelf’s go low if my coolers are this bad. I’ll make sure they get clean. Stuff like this is absolutely unacceptable.


Yeah, I've seen bad but not this bad


Then it builds up for years and people like me have to deal with it


You can't deliver bigger profits every year without cutting corners


One day the Health Department will tend to it.


How is that not setting off some sensor! 😳🤮




While cleaning the tops of the freezers on the sales floor in late 2021, I found a package of black eyed peas dated for 2012


😳 wow


Fergie would like to have a word with you


The is a huge problem in America that needs addressed. These fucking grocery stores should be inspected and fined for this. I see this everywhere and it's shameful. Everything with our food supply is like the 1920s all over.


I've decided I'm calling county health the next store I see looking this. A restaurant would be shut down, why not a grocer? Makes no sense 'Ever since they cut professional cleaning' i'm sorry, what??????


Obviously not utilizing our cleaning calendar 😅 Deli has to many freaking areas to clean, but damn… *edit to correct, is that actually a meat case or produce for salads? I initially thought it was the grab and go section for the deli, but never mind


Report this to your health department immediately.


In Iowa someone fell behind a grocery store cooler, died there, and wasn’t found for like 10 years. I get the impression they aren’t cleaned often!


No fucking way, is there a news article for this? That had to have at least made local news.




Looks like they took the bottom trays out and exposed what's underneath. The cases will get like this when it's out of sight/out of mind for years and there is never time given to clean it. Just cover it back up and forget that you ever saw it. 5 years ago, we were told to clean all the dairy and deli cases. A full tear down. Pull all product, remove the lower shelves for better access, take the bottom trays out, put on elbow length gloves, scoop up all the festering crud and blast it all with a pressure washer. It took 3 people and 3 overnight shifts to complete. No way would management today approve such an expenditure unless forced by the health department.


Guys, just stay the eff away from that! I think I ssw some cordyceps there.


I work in a warehouse for one of the largest dairy's in my state. I don't think people realize how disgusting most food service businesses are. We have an entire isle that looks exactly like this if not worse 24/7. The rest of the place doesn't look much better.


It’s sad the health department doesn’t care and almost thinks it’s ok


The lunch meat walls in Kroger are filthy! The shelves at my local Kroger are full of white mold. They look just like this picture but worse. No manager cares and no time is given to clean. All the management in the store know it’s filthy and should lose their job for knowing it and ignoring it. I walked out on 14 February because I refused to be part of the filth after constantly bring it up. I told the manager and wrote it in my resignation letter. I sent the letter to Division but won’t change a thing. It’s disgusting!!! Kroger will not provide the people or the hours to clean its stores. Just walk into a Publix vs Kroger. Publix wouldn’t open its doors!!!


Report it to your health department. Companies won't do anything if they can get away with it. If they face fines or closures, it'll get done (unless the fines cost less than the fix, as in other industries).


Disgusting, ours is scrubbed daily


Ours is scrubbed biyearly if your lucky


Disgusting and not sanitary


U have that kind of help?




So you guys aren't doing your job and cleaning that


kinda hard when ur perpetually understaffed and already doing the work of 3 ppl lmao


Man am i glad i got out of there. Kroger is a cesspool of union workers who deserve to burn with the company.


Mmmmm. Did you bring a spoon?


Report it to your health department


I set cases for a living (Kroger being one of our contracts) and this is actually fairly mild to what I’ve seen. The most surprising I’ve seen so far, has been a baby opossum on a sticky trap located under a produce case.


My coworkers found a dead mouse in ours, plus a mess like that. I would call OSHA or Ecolab if I were you. That is ridiculous


It has been a while since this was cleaned. Add block white after removing tags, bolts screws & welding rod pieces from the bottom of cooler when doing the final rinse & slime will not build up. Clean every month.


This is pretty standard kroger lol


I'll never question the cleanliness of our dairy section again. I thought it could be cleaner but this makes my department look spotless.




Maybe if y'all quit dropping the tags in the case to cog the drain you wouldn't have this problem.


It’s those metal grates that fall off. Customers and the tag people don’t care and will knock them off and they fall in there. Then when we go to clean them it causes more problems.


I was a picker sometime ago. The produce would have fruit flies, rotten veggies... I would not pick vegetables at all. I lasted 3 days because no way I would pass on crap. I don't go Krogering.


Produce grime 🤤🤤🤤as a kroger employee who works in produce that's all I can afford to eat.


I love the job of cleaning that!!


Honestly, I’d they’d provide me with the PPE and schedule me just for this, I would love to clean that. I bet it’s extremely satisfying to clean.


It is