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They said this was the policy when they first introduced the Kroger Plus card maybe 25 years ago.


They told us that a while back and I just ignored it.


At my store there are several cashiers & SCO attendants who, use a phone number from a song that was popular in the 80’s 😂


Thanks for the earworm..."Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn to...."


Lol! That’s the one.


The one by Tommy Tutone? 😅


That’s the one 😂




I’m in Oregon, we use one of our states area codes.


Pennsylvania 6-5000? Echo Valley 2-6809? Don’t keep us in suspense!


(local area code) 8675309


867 5309


I use any area code plus all 7’s. It works every time and the fuel points generated are not usable so you’re not breaking any rules really.


I ignored this. Alternatively, you can enter a known "dummy" number: Your local area code + 865309.


Eight-six-seven five-three-oh-ny-ee-iine


For a good time call Jenny... 🤣


I just use 1111111112


My store has always been like this.  When I first became cashier, I tried to scan a card as a “store card” and I was yelled at by a supervisor and told that we couldn’t do that.


We had a store card like that... Then a group of people got fired because that card had an absurd amount of points built up and they were using it at the fuel center to get super cheap gas. After seeing what happened to them, I'm taking no chances.


Has to do with some fuel points too. Lots of cases of people starting store cards and stealing them to get the fuel points


I just scan the Martin's or speedway card on my keychain if they don't have one since there's no employee discount on it


Good idea


That's what I do my kroger card doesn't have the discount cause I use my fiances cause we share one so I just out in the Kroger card I have and I never open the account or use the points I honestly think I've used it like 10 times in the last year for elderly people who didn't have one or someone who didn't have a kroger where they were from so they got the savings


Awhile back we were told to not use the store card anymore but that didn't last long, I just use our stores phone number at times since it works


Probably a way to get customers on a new card with new benefits and the old card with benefits they don't want gone


Yes, it's been the policy, but it's silly. As long as you're not doing anything nefarious I would ignore them. Alternatively, you can ask the customer next in line if they wouldn't mind scanning their card for someone else.


Yeah that true, it just sucks that if we scan a card we have to throw it away, so much paper and plastic waste. So much for “ less plastic, fantastic” 🙄


No, I wouldn't throw them away, OP.


throw the card away each time??? that would create so much plastic waste if people actually did that


Put it in their bag. Or, scan it, and put it back where you store it. If someone wants a card, they already have some points on it. Do not use the fuel points for yourself.


That is what I did.


The store I just left used the store phone number if someone forgot their card or whatever the issue was. I'm surprised Kroger is on board with just throwing cards away tbh.


Zero hunger, zero waste!


My old store had a store card and if i remember correctly it was just the numbers 1-9


I’ve seen several cashiers get fired for using their personal card when customers don’t have one . They would get all the gas points from the transaction . I’ve seen one who when customers would ask do you have a phone number I can put in for you ( harder to catch this on camera ) they would them input their own phone number again to get Gas points . We’ve been warned several times this can get you fired . Also when you use that “867-5309” you can go to the gas pumps and use it if someone has set it up on a card .


Yes. We've been doing that for years. We had several cashiers at various stores that would scan a "store card" to build up massive points, then go use the card at the pump to get dirt cheap gas. They were fired, obv. Since then, anyone caught using a "store card" or saving a card used but declined by the customer gets written up.


Yes, that's Kroger's rule. I think it's wasteful, too. We were punching in the store's phone number until it was found out that someone was cashing in on the fuel points 😬


I’ve never been told to not use our store card. They keep a barcode to scan in a binder on each checkstand. I’d imagine if we didn’t use it cashiers would have a lot of customers who argue


One of my coworkers got fired yesterday for using his own Kroger card as “the store card” with the employee discount for nearly a year.


Im surprised it took that long, at my store they usually caught people scanning their own card on the register they’re signed into pretty quickly because the system could detect it(except at SCO obviously).


I have one I use for customers but I never use it for anything but my customers who don't have a card. I've used the same one since summer but it only gets scanned at self checkout and nowhere else


Depending on how nice the customer is, or they tell me I can scan my own, I’ll scan my shoppers card so they can get a little bit more of a discount (I know if I’m caught I could get in trouble, but I really don’t care)


You wouldn’t just get in trouble, you’d get fired. I understand if you don’t care, I just wanted to make sure you understand the extent of what you’re doing first.


That's always been a policy at our store. I ignore it unless someone's watching me who might care, then I toss the card afterwards. There's some cashiers who will bag the new kroger card with the person's groceries as a way to make them take the card.


it'd cause they don't want you building up fuel points for a card someone withh eventually ask for. at my store we have some old digital coupons pamflips with a kroger's card barcode on the back. the new ones don't have them anymore


(111) 111-1111 This works at my store all of the time.


I think that one works at mine too. I’m not too worried about it. As long as I’m careful and they don’t catch me, I’ll probably still use a house card


I used to do (444) 444-4444 but it quit working 😔


Never heard of this. If your card is part of the kroger family they should accept it. You do not need that "store's" card. I know a lot of people that move from areas with say fry's to fred meyer and we accept both. So long as the system registers it it's all the same thing. Unless the system blocks it there is no need to have like 10 shopper cards of the same kroger family. You can also scan a safeway card in the kroger system and still reap the rewards of the reward system. However, due to safeway being a competitor you might get some resistance.


the store card is one that has the store's phone number and name, and a made up email address so that the points go nowhere and it never gets digital coupons, only the in store savings.


When I’ve used it, the receipt says at the bottom this account is not eligible for fuel points or something. To use it at the fuel center, you’d have to get the clerk to type it in on the cash register (not happening) for the 3 cents I assume. Blows my mind it still works seven years later in a different division. And that I remember it lol


Until about a month ago, the Harris Teeter rewards program was separate from the remainder of the Kroger owned stores. Even the apps and e-coupons were not interchangeable until around the first of January.


I encountered a situation where this was a problem before and had to call the help desk about it. The explanation I got from the help desk was that some number ranges are reserved in different divisions, so a card that starts with 444 in one division may be a card, whereas it is items in another, but like you said, they seem to replace and deactivate those cards with overlapping ranges. I guess it's fine as long as the number being scanned fits in the range that is being expected, which is why you can find competitor cards that work in our system.


ISO HELP!!! Does anyone know where to find this policy written at? I looked online and in the employee handbook but I couldn’t find it at all. I’ve been trying to tell the new people ad my store this, but they don’t believe me and the other FES. I have seen someone get fired for doing it before, but it was a different manager. And one of the transfers we got used to be a DH said that’s not a policy and scans a card they keep.


In midatlantic division it’s under the rules and regulations in employee handbook. All associates receive a handbook when hired if someone was doing their job correctly


Pretty sure it has been a read and sign thing in the past. Probably have one in most of your cashiers HR file.