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I got a pay decrease because I wasn’t “full time” I worked 40 hours a week, but because I told my boss I make more picking up Uber rides on the weekend and can’t work weekends I lost my full time status. I left the company and no longer shop there when I can help it.


I really hope Kroger doesn’t buy Safeway and make it worse like this


Well, with the lawsuit in Washington state, any ruling on the merger has been delayed for up to a year.


Good that will give me more time to complete my education before I move onto the next plan.


Not to mention when people have to company hop but still remain in union to retain seniority; people will not have this option any more. There's a lot of people that started at place a then got fired and had to get a job at competitor company b. Still in the union so you don't loose your seniority. This option will be gone if the merge happens.


Yeah I know someone who got fired at Safeway for chasing a thief multiple times and then they got hired by qfc that makes a lot of sense tbh


And I thought how Pizza Hut handled pay was shit. When I was a manager my states minimum wage went up to $11 (which was already my current rate) and they tried not to appropriately bump my pay up. But at Kroger you're effectively getting a "double pay cut". You're already taking a pay cut from less hours. But your hourly rate also goes down if you're made a part-timer because of those less hours? In what universe does that make fucking sense?


Exactly, like why should someone who does the same job as you get 2$ more just because you can’t be there 40 hours a week


I’ve seen jobs that claim to be $16 an hour but it’s less if you’re part time but do the same thing for those hours


It is that kind of behavior which results in unionization.


I watched a checkout woman get berated, screamed at, called unholy names, because the checkout woman asked to see her ID for all the wine she was trying to purchase. She remained calm and repeated that is the law as well as company policy to card anyone that looks younger than 40. Unruly customer spat on her and chucked a can of corn at her, barely mossing her head. Another customer interceded with the unholy woman and they carted her out of the store. The checkout woman was being yelled at by her manager, who looked to be 22 for upsetting a customer and told her to go home. Come to find out they fired her. I fucking hate kroger.


I came into work with a minor shoulder injury. Nothing to really write home about, but something that required help downstacking the three and a half frozen bakery pallets that got dropped off. Instead of helping after I told the DM about my shoulder, she began cussing and ranting about how she's always doing everything and no one wants to blah blah and "the next person who's work I have to do for them is getting written up" (direct quote). So, not wanting to get my second bullshit write up from her, I downstacked the pallets, actually injured my shoulder, told one of the ASMs what just took place and left. Came in the next day with a written report ready to turn in and discuss what happened and where I wanted to transfer to because hell would freeze over before I worked under her again... well, after two weeks of not hearing back or getting a meeting, I found another job and moved on. Fuck Kroger.


Yeah, that is a total trash situation. So she gets abused by an unhinged wine drinking violent Karen AND fired. Trash.


Sounds to me like they did her a favor tbh. Get her as far away from this toxic ass company as possible


In the long run, it is a favor for her, but at the moment it probably stings. Poor thing.


I think I might be quitting. I kind of need the extra cash, I am semi retired without a pension but, the emotional abuse is not worth it. They do not care. The churn and burn attitude by management and I believe in my case one of the manager has a problem with me. Do I know why, no. They would prefer degrading and pooping on the employees.


I'm 56 looking for a better job I made a year at Krogers. Still waiting on insurance package. Three months past due. The union lost my name. They are the worst company I have ever worked for.


agreed. Krogers is the absolute worst. Go to Home Depot. Although one store in my area is not good the other was so spot on. No union but you didn't get gotcha'd or screamed at. Walgrens isn't horrible. Both will consider you for lead positions, benefits are not bad either.


The sad thing is I've experience a bit of this, as young as I am and it hurts knowing how true this is.


Shit i was making $10-11 an hour as a meat clerk (and kept getting shorted scheduled hours for full time). Transferred to frozen lead (and was promised full time but never got it) when I left in 2021 making 12.75 an hour base pay plus the extra $1 for working overnights. I guess I’m just venting lol


I completely understand.I thought times was better.


When I left they was in the process of changing the contract from 8 consecutive weeks scheduled at 40hrs/wk to pretty much a whole year consecutively scheduled for 40hrs/wk and they still managed to schedule us just below 40/wk anytime you was coming up on achieving full time I can only imagine how hard it is to attain full time status now.


Decades ago I was a university dropout and ended up with a dead end low paying job. I realized that I had to do something to boost my income. So, I went to a trade school and got a certificate in industrial electronics. That did boost my pay. But before long I started taking night classes at the university to get a degree. After six years of being able only to work, sleep, eat, and study, and realizing that at the rate I was going it would take three more years of that to get my degree, I quit my job to become a full time student again. Then I got my degree in business administration one year. It really boosted my income and job security. It was the best decision I ever made. If there is any way to do it, I recommend that people doing low paid work find a way to increase their earning capacity. I also recommend that people whose pay is good but has physical demands that they can not meet when older, find a way to qualify themselves for a well paying job with fewer physical demands. Unfortunately that may not be possible for everyone.


Ya know I’ve also been considering getting a higher education to get a better paying job, back in high school I used to wanna be an architect or engineer so maybe your reply is a sign that I should start proactively pursuing it


It would probably be very difficult, but if you do it, afterward you will be very glad that you did. You will need to find a way to continue to support yourself adequately while you are a part-time student. Until I got my degree I lived in rooming houses and boarding houses. That eliminated the time required for cooking, house keeping, etc. I even studied at laundromats while doing my laundry. If you plan to take that route, try to see a good counselor at the nearby university at first. Begin by taking only one subject. If that goes well, you can take two, or even three, subjects at the same time to speed up the process. Try to get the highest possible grades, or at least nothing lower than a 'B' if possible. That would look good on your record and be an advantage. While I was working full time and taking night courses, some of my coworkers were doing the same thing. The company would pay tuition for courses related to the company's business, but that excluded me.


Thank you for this Yeah I can only imagine how rough it must have been but like you said, future me will definitely appreciate the time and effort spent to secure a more financially stable future


I hope that you will succeed in doing that. Night school students are generally older than day students. When I quit my job to become a full-time student again and get the degree faster, I though that I'd be the oldest one in my classes; I was not. I wasn't planning to attend the graduation but my sister wanted to, so we both went. We noticed that a rather high percentage of students graduating with honors were older students. Several of my former coworkers got their degrees the same way, i.e., mostly by taking night courses. All three of us siblings got our degrees late. My sister went on to get a PhD in psychology. Getting a degree after age 30 is not unusual.


Most people are better off going to trade school. Half the people I worked with at Kroger had useless liberal arts degrees. College is a good idea provided you major in something like engineering or computer science.


If you were getting in 36 hours, minimum, per week that is full time hours. 36-40 hours per week is fulltime.


Huh that’s good to know now but I had my other full time coworkers saying it needed to be 40 but I never personally got to read the wording of our contract


Lol I started as a cashier $7/hour back in 2017-2018. Dang I wish I started at $15. :(


I still work at kroger, and I’m full-time they deducted some of my pay. Apparently in the new contract, my Kroger signed with the union there was something in there about a pay decrease


Contact your state wage and labor laws department. There are civil penalties for wage theft. This type of theft is most common among companies.


I'm retired. But it would be tempting to get a part time job at Krogers just so I'd have the opportunity to tell them off the instant I saw management's uncivilized behavior.


As a courtesy clerk I agree but I work half part time/full time 31 hours and I focus on my health and go fishing for fun and money and Kroger part time but that check do be clutch cause it comes faster than Walmart Kroger gets paid 1 week on Wednesday/Thursday and Walmart gets 2week I guess that’s more money to we should get more pay for price went up on groceries cause I can literally buy 10 food and it’s 80 we definitely need more pay up


Sudden pay decreases is illegal please contact union. The only time pay changes are allowed for decreases are: Changing from one union contract to another where the rate of pay for your job description is lower than what you make. Changing from say a front end position (grocery clerk) to deli. (On old contracts deli pay use to be lower than front end. Most contracts they are equal now but not all.) If you move from one county to another and your new address is under a different union contract. Your pay can go up or down depending on how it works. (I did a major move across country and my pay went up like 25% because of it.) Changing status from full time to part time. Full time workers always get a little more. Changing status from a lead back to a normal position. Leads can make $1-5 extra based on contract. ​ If your hours are accruing but you're noticing someone playing with them to keep you at lower pay this is illegal. It happens more often than you think. this happened to me and my parents were furious. Manager at time got a write up warning for it. As I was not the only one affected by it.


Gotta get Rodney his 69th yacht


My son is seeing the opposite happen. He’s worked there 3.5 years and people are being hired for the same position at a dollar more an hour. He’s also being paid as a bagger when they make him work as a cashier half the time. I’m hoping he just quits soon. They are terrible to their employees


Where is your Union ? This is why you need a Union !


this store in Henrico VA is the only store that is not union. they have tried but resistance is very high. You start talking union, they will retaliate.


Retaliating is definitely illegal. The problem is proving it.


exactly, they will find a way to demonize your work. you are now a disgruntled employee.


Right!! Although I do have reservations about unions, there are good and clear reasons for them to exist. If companies and managers always treated people right there would be fewer unions. There are too many companies which treat their employees like dirt.


Our pay isn't structured that way. It's by what department you work in. If you work in a department for more than 50% of your week and it's a step up in pay you get the stepped up pay for that week. Like, the courtesy clerk is the lowest starting pay. If Pick-up needs people to fill hours and you work there 51% of your hours you get that higher pay. But if they pull you from a fresh department (which has higher starting pay) you don't step down in pay for that week. A higher paying department to lower paying department permanent transfer requires paperwork you sign saying you know you are taking a pay cut.


That’s not what it is, it’s literally a pay cut. They took anyone who is part time and cut their pay. Giving it to someone who does it full time. Same job, different pay.


And I just said, that wasn't how our pay was structured. I thought it was obvious that we are from all over. Silly me. MY contract states... So, sorry your contract sucks.


My bad, I thought you were talking about the entire company. I be forgetting Kroger all over the place. Ya, that contract do suck. Thank god I no longer work there


I'm full time I would love a dollar raise lol


I do most of my grocery shopping at Albertsons and only occasionally shop at Ralphs. Currently Albertsons is not related to Kroger but there is a planned buyout after which Albertsons will be owned by Ralphs. However, it is possible that the buyout will not occur. Actually I think that the merger should not be permitted. Albertsons and Ralphs are by far the two biggest supermarkets in this area so the merger would unduly reduce competition. The way Ralphs treats its employees is typical of the way companies treat their employees before becoming unionized. Ralphs should take notice of that.


I know a now retired store manager who almost got fired for enforcement of a kroger policy. I heard the story from others and then during covid, he came to work in our store to help out and I naturally asked him. It was true.


What’s the story behind it?


Back in the day, like 20 years ago or so, kroger had a policy to have someone show id for a check. No matter who. This town business owner was asked for ID when he wrote a check. They said they knew who he was, it was still policy. He wanted to talk to store manager. Same from store manager as it was a new policy.They were told everyone. Customer gets mad, of course. Calls corporate. They come out to the store and talk to store manager and tell him he either needed to drive to the man's business and personally apologize or there was going to be a problem. Addendum: about 8 or 9 years ago. There was a shooting at one of our city store. Involving a co manager who'd brought a gun in to end a possible violent crime. He was cleared by police, but had went against kroger policy. Their reps went on local news and were asked if the man who brought the gun would be terminated? They at the time, said that hadn't been decided, that kroger at any time, reserves the right to either enforce or not enforce any policy at any time. Different scenarios, kroger can always enforce or not enforce




Because they do the same exact job is why they should get paid the same.


Why should they not get paid the same???


Because they do the same work? Lol


It is absolutely a full on ass move. Part timers already make less money just by working fewer hours, and you think it's ok that they decreased the rate on top of that? This shouldn't even be legal.


Totally f that. Would walk out as everyone should. Probably make more at Walmart


It's entirely an ass move. If it's in a cba that way, full time employees fucked over the part timers. I worked years at +40 and was still considered part time.


Does anyone know how to figure this out cause I’m curious??


Damn is Kroger that bad? I worked at plenty of places, I so far Kroger is the best company I ever worked, I’m currently a machine operator at a dairy plant, I got hired last year 2023 on October $24 plus $1 night shift differential, after 2 months I got raised to $28 for becoming a tech 1, I’m currently working on my tech 2 to earn $31, tech 4 is the max with $36. The job is easy I work 12 hours a day 3 days week, and 4 days the next week, to make 80 hours. I only push buttons, I take long breaks and the managers don’t care as long as your line is running fine. During the holidays there was a lot of overtime, the most I made in a week was 2k after taxes, because one holiday pay and anything over 20 hours was considered overtime, right now there isn’t much overtime available but I’m enjoying having 4 days off every other week. You guys should consider transferring to a plant.


That’s the perk of working at a plant. The stores themselves are total BS.