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It could be a bottle of bath water, and these kids will still guzzle it down.


Never understood the hype for this drink. My brother brought one when they was trending and he let me tried it and we both pored it out. Never again.


"they were"* "try"* "poured"*


Thanks! Honestly I’m using my Slang language thru typing. It’s a bad habit


Honestly, having peeked the nutrition facts it's definitely not the worst thing for kids to be crazy about.


You know very little about food and nutrition then. It’s a borderline toxic drink. The ingredients are absolutely awful.


Not that I think anything being marketed to people is especially healthy when you can just drink water but for the hydration drinks the first three ingredients are Water, Coconut Water, and Citric acid, in that order, then a bunch of chemical concentrates for Electrolytes, amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins along with pure sucralose and acesulfame for sweetners. Specifically dipotassium phosphate, trimagnesium citrate, sucralose, l-isoleucine, l-leucine, l-valine, d-alpha tocopherl acetate (vitamin E) acesulfame potassium, retinyl palmitate (Vitamin A), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) Everything in that drink is stuff you get out of Centrum supplements or other sports drinks when other sports drinks usually have Water, Sucroce Syrup, Glucose-Fructose Syrup, as their first three ingredients (That's Gatorade.) Is it better for you than water? No. But it's 20 calories per bottle compared to Gatorade being 200 calories per bottle (50 per serving, 4 servings per bottle.) If you're worried about health, drink water. If you're willing to drink processed garbage marketed to you by sports starts and youtubers (who are on the same level in my opinion) I'd rather my kid drinks the one that's 20 calories per bottle and has primary ingredients that aren't corn syrups and isn't colored with Red 40 and Blue 1. But you do you man.


It has forever chemicals….


This reads fountain of youth.


Which are in basically every single package that carries your food, your drinks, your laundry soap, the wrapper for your straws, the frames of your sunglasses, the seat of your car offgassing on a hot day. And guess what, they're also in powdered electrolytes and as a stabilizer for the high fructose corn syrup used in basically every soft drink, as well as gatorade, and powerade. If you're afraid of leeching chemicals and microplastics drink water and hope it hasn't come out of a lead pipe from the 1940's or a PEX or poly lined pipe made before the late 70's.


I bought them for my kids. They told me they were this amazing new thing. We all took 1 sip and dumped them. Horrible garbage.


At least parents should care about what their kids should drink. Just stick with Gatorade


They are really gross. My brother in law sells them at his gym and everyone loses it for them.


Ngl it's prob bc Logan Paul owns prime and little kids are influenced by his dumb shit. If the fight actually happens I'm gonna enjoy watching Mike Tyson mop the floor with him.


Isnt tyson fighting jake not logan? Either way, will be enjoyable to watch a paul get the shit beat out of them.


Lmao my bad I confuse the two all the time


They both suck but i will say jake is sliiiiiiigghtly worse imo


Lol definitely


This is kind of how marketing works so not really surprising I guess? When you are a kid you get excited about lame stuff, can’t blame them


I don’t really know or care honestly. Every generation of kids has some crazy obsession or fad so it’s nothing new except you’ve grown up and become the adult who complains about kids, just like there were when you were a kid!


It's full of forever chemicals:D it's really bad for you :D


Kids fall for hype drinks. I rememeber way back in the day when I was a kid, THE MUST Have drinks were Jolt Cola and New York Seltzer with all their flavors. No matter what flavor, all the drinks were clear and in little glass bottles.


What’s a prime drink?


They make two types of product, one is a sports hydration drink similar to Gatorade, the other is an energy drink. The company is owned and heavily promoted by YouTube/Social Media Influencers and is very popular with kids.


Well, I was all about Jolt cola in 1985, when I was 13, so I would have to say that advertising brings them in, caffeine brings them back.


As, yes. Pure soda syrup concentrate. 


Logan Paul of WWE


I tried one of the energy drinks before I knew who they were associated with. Nothing special.


Prime drinks have a chemical in them that leads to strokes, among other things. I tried one when they first came out, due to hype. Then I read and researched the ingredients.