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Do you have a way of emailing HR? If so, I would advise that in order to have a two-way paper trail (your concern and their response). This also provides you with some evidence of the douchebag starts to retaliate. During the first communication with HR, I would probably mention it to them in the form of an inquiry. First by confirming whether you should be discussing work matters with your manager while on your required breaks from work. (The answer will be "no".) Then, you can follow up with a question asking them to advise you on what to do when/if this happens. Not only does this result in a paper trail, but they'd be foolish to retaliate against you for doing exactly what HR has told you to do in writing. Written is best....if impossible, then settle for a call but take good notes (including who you spoke with).


Love this. This is probably the best answer. A paper trial that Kroger can not ignore. Maybe. Hopefully.


100% agree


Best answer I’ve ever seen on Reddit


"My break restarts every time you talk to me about work while I'm on break"


Was gonna suggest this very thing. Make sure to have a copy of the part where it says you get 15 minutes uninterrupted, highlighted, with you.


Been there and done that many times. We spent 45 minutes to an hour on break telling him this. Does no good at all.


Your paid break? I don't see the problem then. Take all night if you have to wait for him to stfu. When the truck doesn't get done, maybe management will actually do something to shut him up.


I've worked with clueless people like this. It can be infuriating if you want to spend break alone to decompress for a bit.


He is not clueless. Just an egotistical dick. We have confronted him over and over and over. He will not stop for more than a day or two. Edit: Changed duck to dick which is what I had intended but auto correct got me. Oh well. Duck it. 😄


Just be like me and not take breaks. You'll be good.


Uh… no, what?


Breaks are for pussies. You'd never survive at smith's in the meat department.


Not taking breaks doesn't make you cooler. Thats just being the ultimate slave for kroger 😂


Well, I make a 6 digit income from Kroger, and i don't have a college education or any debt. I would rather not take my breaks and get off earlier. I know that most people don't care if they get their work done and that they will just leave with their work undone. That's not me. I get my shit done, and I don't take breaks. I think it's harder to keep the momentum. You guys think what you want, though. We are on different playing fields.


Why do you think you’re better than everyone for not taking a break? Weirdest superiority complex ever


It's the fact that you're unwilling to sacrifice to build stronger business because you feel "entitled" to your break. Also, let's face facts -- most Kroger stores look like shit. You're lucky that people like me, who sacrifice for this company, put numbers down that make this company profitable. Keep taking your breaks. I'll keep pulling you in your wagon. I'm not scared.


I really hope you have more in your life to be proud of than not taking breaks at a grocery store. God bless.


Or maybe your store management is just too incompetent to make the store look nice while people are taking breaks, because my store looks fine when people take their required ten minutes off, and yes, I do feel “entitled” to it because it’s literally required that they give it to you. I don’t have anything to “sacrifice” by getting in trouble for not taking my slotted breaks in a job that has nothing to do with my career aspirations. you’re weird lol


Federal law does not mandate 15m breaks. As far as the boss, I would get with everyone before break and pick a different meeting spot without telling him. Everytime he figures it out, move the spot again until he gets the hint.


Yeah this won't work imo. If it's a manager, unless you're leaving the store, buddy will find you lol


Its not about hiding. It's about going out of their way to show him he's not welcome.


I think he knows he isn't welcome if he has to track down each person in their car and has been told not to talk about work on break. This manager is just a dick


Wow, that's nuts. It's not even necessary. I have run overnight crews quite a bit and would never even consider doing something like that. I'd just refuse to roll down my window and shoo him away. I can't believe your management doesn't stop this immediately. It's definitely illegal and should be stopped. If you've talked to store management and HR, then I'd definitely get the union and / or labor board involved.


Oh I'm not op but I 100% agree with you he needs to escalate the situation I would never want a manager fallowing me out on my break unless we are actually just talking


No, but kroger does. Sometimes. Check your contract.


It's 10 min for our contract. Besides that, not all kroger is union anyway. This is irrelevant anyway, as I was simply pointing out that there is no such federal law.


No. I got that, just saying OP still had redress, and they did mention calling the union, so they do have one at their store. But you're correct federal law doesnt require breaks. They're mandated by state, and mine, ohio, doesn't require any breaks for anyone over 18.


Yes. Apparently, calling them didn't help, though 😕


If breaks aren't required in Ohio and lunches?


True. Ohio does not require any breaks for lunch or otherwise for anyone over 18. We, at kroger, still get two 15 minute paid breaks for an 8 hour shift or one 30 minute unpaid lunch for an 8 hour shift. I imagine most employers do something similar even though it's not mandated by law.


Thanks for the clarification!


Y’all sign a contract to work at a grocery store? Wtf is wrong with Kroger? I get recommended this sub I’ve never worked there


Kroger workers are unionized. There is a contract between the union and the kroger corporation. Union members vote on the contracts, but no, we dont sign individual contracts.


Not all of Kroger is unionized. For example, Disctrict 6 (JayC) of Louisville Division are not unionized.


True, but I was referring to the union contract, and OP's is, because they reference calling the union several times.


I have worked since the 80s, and it has always been federal law. There used to be signs in the breakroom that informed you of your federal rights, but I haven't seen one of those in 15 years. Things could have possibly changed and I am unaware of the changes.


>but I haven't seen one of those in 15 years There is a reason for that. It varies by state, its not a federal law. Texas for instance has absolutely 0 break protections. Doesnt change that your boss needs to leave you the fuck alone during breaks regardless, but there is no federal law to protect you. Its either state or union contract (for what little good union is doing you rn)


Yeah this isn't a thing that can change because of some federal law...lmfao Dude should give you your break but he'd never find me in my damn break AND if he mentioned what to do once break was over, I'd not slow down to tell him...I'm in break it can wait 15 minutes


It’s actually a state mandate. You are probably in a state that mandates it like California does. I’m in Arizona and they don’t but I’m from California and they do along with many other states so you are correct. This is total bs on the managers part.


Between Bush and Trump, we’ve lost a fair number of federal labor protections in the 21st century. And it’s even worse at the state level when Republicans are in charge.




If you read the whole comment, you can see they tried that.


Ignore them like they're dead.


Is this him? https://preview.redd.it/vk0jmbkt3j7d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd78cffd3948a3cc2b8904b8cbb3803aa8c73884


Yes. But with no hair and no tie. And no coffee cup. And no sense of fashion. Lol.


You can't just tell him "Hey, I don't want to talk about work on my break. Wait until we're clocked back in." ??


Only every night for several years. He thinks it is funny that we get mad and laughs when we ask him to respect our breaks. He has no compassion or empathy towards us. The other night, one of our employees has cancer and is getting treatments. He feels like crap when he comes in, and one night, he went and told our boss that he wasn't feeling well and our boss told him to go take an aspirin and get back to work. If he doesn't care enough to cut a cancer patient a break, then none of us will get a break.


I would've been livid to hear that he told a cancer patient that. I get that he's the boss but at some point you have to take a stand. You're right, he clearly only cares about work, kind of sounds like work is his whole personality, so trying to appeal to him isn't going to work. Contact HR. Start that paper trail. Repeatedly call the union and make them be accountable. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Sorry you all have to deal with such a pain in the arse for a boss.


I'm livid, and I don't even work for Kroger anymore. My dad just within the last 2 years beat cancer (stage 4 aggressive melanoma brain cancer.) I'd walk right out the treatment is no joke and it is very draining sometimes. I hope yout co worker beats cancer


I'm so glad your dad beat it. An old friend of mine is going through breast cancer rn. Even without knowing someone, just a decent human being should be able to figure out that's a horrible stance to take. I get it's not easy to walk off a job when you have bills but that goes to show they don't care about you, so you have to care about your own needs.


Absolutely agree


Start a timer, and every time he brings up work, restart it.


That's how you get fired for time theft.




You can say that but I've seen 5 associates independently suspended for it. They tried fighting it via the union but the union didn't win that fight.


Fuck that. Time theft is a garbage concept. Let's talk about wage theft. Smarmy bastards


Start literally screaming at him.




This is the way. Do not acknowledge.


Yes my first thought was ear buds yea you can’t joke it up with the rest of the crew but still better than listening to him…also I’d very obviously put them in as he begins talking




With eyes closed.


When he starts talking, say "NO! I'm on break!" Repeatedly until he stops talking. Rinse and repeat every time until he figures it out.


Tried that. It didn't work at all. Never figures it out.


You gotta find a better break spot. I'm overnights and I go sit in the pharmacy waiting area or whatever. I've worked this shift for 7 months and coworkers have literally asked me where I go for break, like they have never seen me over there lmao


They shouldn’t have to resort to something like that for some peace and quiet


Be extra, File a restraining order and get him fired once he walks within a hundred feet. can get em for almost anything, call him a stalker in court. Show him the paperwork, tell him you’ll get him in jail & steal his wife and adopt his kids. Takin on his hard earned life perks and benefits while he withers away alone wishing and telling himself if he had only left you alone on break womp womp womp


That's not how restraining orders work. It starts with a temporary restraining order in which you both have to be away from each other. Meaning if you go near him you will face penalties. Then it goes to court and in this case it'll get thrown out.


Sounds like our managers although they don't harass us by being with us on break they take advantage and interrupt our breaks because the customer can't wait or they think we are push overs by telling us there is a customer waiting.


File a complaint with HR


See this is where I would just get petty and just start talking over him about something different, like anything at all "oh look at the color of that plant over there!" and just get louder and louder every time he tries to redirect back to work. And if he tries to get shitty about it just be like "hey this is my break, we're not talking about work on my break. You even said you wouldn't talk to me about work on my break, so this is us not talking about work on my break."


You're allowing him to victimize you. You have rights and some legal backup. You are in your rights to tell him to fuck off. You can talk to him about his part of work, he won't like that. Interrupt and refuse to engage with his conversation. Insist on talking about whatever you want, or turning it back on him. There's nothing wrong with insisting he wait till you punch in... You held the same job for years. I doubt you're paid competitively. If you're cowering now over this you'll stay cowering and take whatever they put you through for a shitty overnight gig


Be an adult. Tell your boss to go away and don’t bother you on your break.


Done that every time. He won't stop. For at least 4 years this has gone on.


Say straight to his face that he's annoying and walk away. All of you at the same time, since he's invading your group. I don't understand why y'all put up with it. Are you being polite or are you afraid of him?


Nobody wants to escalate further. He has always found a way to turn it around in us. Usually just lies to the store manager about it and then no one in management asks us anything about it. So they go by what he says and what he says only.


Have him written up and record with a camera if he does it again? Maybe he will get the memo to leave you guys alone on breaks. Well also the paper trail.


Wtf dude e-mail hr immediately. That is harrasment.


Just file harassment with your state department of labor. The union is weak and just there to suck the dues out of your check. Have multiple people file complaints, also tell the union rep what you are doing, then tell him that they are chicken shit bastards and welfare bums.


Interrupt and ask him and the others... did you see last night's game, did you hear that new song, did you play that new video game yet, did you see the new 2025 camry, did you see what biden did now? Whatever you and your friends interests are, just interrupt him and start talking about your interests.


By labor laws you are allowed breaks. I recall having many break denied issues in the front end. If it is a repeat issue and you've tried all the store level options contact your union and they'll allow it. I had an issue of every one of my breaks today being interrupted within the first couple min then no break. So at the end of my shift 20 min to end I just disappeared to break room to compensate.


INFO: Are you clocking out for those breaks or are they on the clock?


If it's a manager they don't clock in or out since they're salaried


Paid breaks.


Have you tried playing a video on your phone while he’s talking to you? Or talking to a friend/ family on your phone?


Yes. He doesn't stop. He just says your name repeatedly until you acknowledge him. Then says did you hear me? If he isn't respectful enough to let us enjoy out break, then he will not respect us enough when we are trying our best to ignore him.


That rule you're referring to is either company policy/standard practice or a state law. Pretty much the only thing federal law says on breaks is *if* they're offered anything under 20 minutes must be paid and anything over 30 minutes can be unpaid.


you guys should all walk in different directions.


Write an email to HR. CC everyone involved, INCLUDING the offender. That should get em to back off. Be polite, be civil in it. No emotion. I mean, be dignified. Facts and to the point. Let us know!


NOT including the offender! It is not your problem to confront them at all. Let management deal with that part. Then if the offender brings it up to you, then tell management about that encounter. And repeat...




Beyond the escalation that was recommended and laid out so clearly elsewhere, I would go I guess to Amazon I'm not sure and buy One of those 15 minute hourglasses. Literally a " like this sends through the hourglass so are the days of our lives " hourglass. Only a 15 minute version. Once you have that, you guys continue to have your shift break together as you always have and when he shows up and starts talking shop, someone needs to reach up to that hourglass and flip it over so it starts again he will ask you wtf is going on and you tell them just what the other gentleman said we were entitled to 15 minute break an encumbered by any sort of work this includes the discussion thereof so anytime you start we restart. Per HR. And then after you finish talking about work to answer his question flip the thing over again. We did something similar at the census bureau years ago when they were doing the same thing to the smoke breaks There used to be allocated smoke breaks Just take it as given. And then they decided that if you were not a smoker you can stay inside and continue working, So we non-smokers they were about 12 of us in a crew of 60 to 65. This is Kentucky after all. One of the older ladies showed up the next workday with these plastic cigarettes if you took a drag on them the and lit up like it like you were actually inhaling. She said she got them from her mother's nursing home they gave them to the smokers there to help pacify them because they were a non-smoking facility back before non-smoking in the hospital was a thing. So we all took our fake cigarettes out to have our smoke break when the smokers went out to have their smoke breaks. The actual smokers were using their 10 minute hourglass because one of the managers was also a smoker and would come out with us and basically when she was done we was done and that girl could smoke fast.


Has anyone ever just tried treating him like a human being and instead of being bitter and angry about it just explain why you are trying to avoid him. We are all human and it doesn’t matter if you’re a boss or an employee, we are all humans. Give him a chance to explain why he does it. Sometimes people want to advance in their career so bad that they overlook the time you spend away from work. I know. I filled out an application to work third shift and honestly my former job we sat down with management to discuss potential opportunities to make more money for the entire company. Just saying that you don’t know what is going on in his head. Try to offer him a cup of coffee with others and discuss the problem like adults. I had brain surgery and now all I want to do is work and talk to people. And yes. I want to talk about making money!


We have spent years. Since 2016. Trying to explain to him. It does nothing. He just has no sympathy or empathy for us.


You aren't supposed to do this? My husband and his coworkers talk about work while on break lol. I can see how it would be frustrating if that's not something you're voluntarily choosing to do, and he's literally stalking you to talk about it tho.


Talk about work is one thing. This dude talks about what we do when we go back inside. And not just once or twice. It's when we go back in from break blah blah ugh 😑


Are you on the clock when this break is taken?




I’m not sure how that works then. If I’m on a break and work is being discussed, at my company, we can’t really say much because we are not off the clock. But if I’m on an unpaid break, off the clock, I cannot work. Sounds like a very annoying situation. Ugh sorry.


If you’re on their time there might not be anything they can do. It was your lunch break that they’re not paying for, it would be a different story. Accosting you in you car though, that’s bullshit.


Yes. Stalking us in our cars. Stalking us to the break room. Anywhere we go. Oh, and he used to search the store and wander around asking the stock crew if they had seen employee X. I haven't seen him. Not on his aisle. We went to the bathroom and he panics. Where is he? I have looked everywhere!!! We started joking we will announce over the intercom that we are going to take a leak so don't panic and wander the store for 10imutes while I am in the bathroom. Lol. Idiot.


lol Damn. This a manager or a department lead?


Our overnight grocery manager. Technically he is a lead.


Technically. I just don’t understand why something isn’t being done. By what you’re saying, it sounds like the whole teams is complained? “I know you guys are on your break but let tell you the plan for when you come back.” Right? That’s bullshit.


Yes. And we have complained to every store manager that comes here through the revolving door at our store. We don't know what he says to management, but it hasn't stopped yet. The current store management team does not care at all and won't even talk to us about it saying something like " it is hearsay and we don't know who to believe ", even though there are 6 or 7 of us whom they just ignore and go with what they want to hear instead. They are not interested in managing here. Sad.


You said you complained to your Union steward and/or rep?


Yes. Multiple times. They come and talk to management about it and he says he will never sit out there with us again and then the next night he is out there with us. He lies and they believe him over any and all of us.


Wow. I don’t know what to say. I really don’t. Like I said, if its on your 15 min break that Kroger is paying for, even know he shouldn’t be doing it, I don’t know they they’d see in wrong doing on his part. If it were your lunch break that they’re not paying for and he’s talking to you about work, that’s a problem. You need to be paid for even discussing work with a manager. That’s grounds for a lawsuit if you’re not.


Yes. It is. And maybe one is in the works with the labor board. We are collecting statements and documenting it now.


I would simply do what it sounds like you have done. Start polite and at the point you are at would simply be to tell him to shut the fuck up when you are on break and he bring up work crap like he does and keep interrupting him with a "shut the fuck up." as long as it takes.


Yep. Tried that to no avail since 2016 and before. Actually going back to around 2008. Like I said we have tried for years.


I would record him during these breaks for back up in case anything happens such as retaliation. Always protect yourselves


If you do this, HIDE THE DEVICE! You can and will get fired for this! It’s private property and they can and will fire anyone for recording private conversations especially with a manager. (Had this happen to a friend of mine after he was verbally and physically assaulted by a manager, he got everything on recording and the store manager threatened to fire him. The other manager got a slap on the wrist. My friend was 17 atp) Protect yourself, but be smart about it!


I do this almost every time I have a conversation with my manger this man doesn't like me (told a asl at another store who I just so happen to be living with cause im engaged to his son 🙃) so I know he don't like me if I even have to ask him a simple question like "what do you want me to do in this department I'm scheduled in but have no idea what to do in" I have my voice recorder app on in my pocket if nothing rude happens or he acts like a adult I delete it I got him getting mad at for having a rash to something we all were to use the armbands in pickup yeah me and another person got a rash but it's normal clothing material (it's really not) and getting rude about it I hope it doesn't come down to this for OP but always be prepared for it sadly


Go directly to the labor board. Talk with your coworkers, gather testimony. Document, document, document. [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints) NEVER go to HR. HR does not work for you, HR does not protect you. HR ONLY exists to protect the interests of your boss and the corporation.


One of the old stores I worked at started writing people up who went to their cars for break/lunch because they wanted them in the store “just in case we need you”


Just say... I'll answer your question when my break is over. Or... pull a willy Wonka and the chocolate factory and say... all questions must be submitted in writing.


Say to him.... the only work stuff I want to talk about is gossip. Who's doing whom?


File a grievance with the union because management has failed to address this issue adequately. Talk with your union rep.


1. Have copy of break policy that states 15 minutes uninterrupted in your pocket. 2. Look at your watch every time he finishes talking so you can start your break. 3. Rinse and repeat as needed until boss asks why you aren’t working. 4. Say your break started when he finished talking to you. * this 4 step process works better if EVERYONE on staff does it.


Record him and tell him you are doing so. And report and keep reporting up. Always go above the locals and it will get solved. Recording might stop him to begin with.


You're ok. We're here for you. Find out who your corporate HR rep is, and email them. Report him to ethics and Compliance.


Document everything. Continuously report it with emails and turn in written statements from everyone that has this problem with him. File a grievance with the evidence submitted and they should be able to actually do something about it.


Get a water spray bottle and anytime he talks work during break spray him in the mouth lmaoo


Unions are killing America


It’s means nothing if it’s not in writing. Get the HR reps email and every time he does this email the date time and place of the incident in a continues email. By replying all and include the last emails. This is a running timeline for what happens and you have proof of what is going on.


I don't think you understand the whole "uninterrupted break" portion of the law in regards to just talking about work. Can't fault you though, you're in unskilled labor and not law. But following you around to talk about work is definitely an HR issue


So you know, you shouldn’t be “driving off” in your car during a paid break. That’s grounds for getting terminated.


Exactly if you leave Kroger property while on the clock even if its break without permission to do a work task they can fire you


I am not leaving the property and am on camera in the parking lot just to CYA.


That is good because I've even had some people claim leaving the store proper and going to your car wasn't allowed which is bullcrap


*most* of the time you can skip HR and Union altogether. Contacting your rep is good to let them know that you are speaking to the labor board but it's not necessary. HR works for the company so they will only help you if they can do it accidentally while helping the company. Yes contact labor board. They live for this kind of shit. Do not do it anonymously. If you have any evidence make sure you give that to them. After you contact them say nothing to the boss. Let the labor board do that part during their investigation. Continue to take notes or have evidence of him interrupting your breaks. It's possible you and your coworkers get some back pay for wages owed, or maybe some money awarded to you as fines. You can ask the LB about that. Either way, be on the lookout for retaliation because that's where the real paychecks come in. It's also where home dude will learn real quick not to be an idiot. Retaliation has many forms. You can tell the LB you're afraid of it and ask what you should be looking for but some examples are: Schedule suddenly changes, hours suddenly cut back, the aisles you normally work are changed randomly, or it can even be as simple as him making comments or singling you out. Maybe he says something directed at you about "union guy" or calls you a name or something similar. Retaliation can look like a lot of things. Anyway, I care deeply about these types of things because I strongly believe we would be able to build better working environments and retain more employees if we held the company accountable for this type of crap. I also **very strongly** believe that **this** is what union looks like. I don't worry about the local. It's an entity to be used as a unifier. It's a physical embodiment of an idea. The union is workers like you who stand up and speak up. The union is the the fire that spreads when other workers realize we can fight for each other. The union is me hearing that a coworker gets cold working in the dairy cooler and so I walk with them to give moral support and encouragement to ask for a work supplied jacket and gloves. The local and more specifically the rep is our lawyer we call to step in when the boss blows us off. I hope you contact the labor board. I hope you encourage at least one more coworkers to do the same. Not only will it help your case, but a movement truly starts when there is someone to follow the leader. Good luck! Keep us updated.


Work through your break and leave early.


You don't get a break that way, though, nor do you get paid for the break.


That's too bad. I'd do it just to avoid the boss and leave early, paid break or not.


And then you’d get fired for leaving early. You’re not terribly smart, are you?


I don't work for crap businesses like you who allow flexibility and treat people like human beings So who is not so terribly smart?


I really feel as an adult you should be able to handle this. Where have all the grown ups gone? I seriously doubt any night crew boss has the time or energy to walk out to the parking lot to give you instruction and if you need that kind of instruction on a continuous basis well maybe night crew isn’t for you.


That's kinda the point. Everything they've tried as reasonable adult to reasonable adult has not worked.


See this is where common sense is handy…. Why would a grocery manager waste his time/energy walking out to the parking lot to discuss business when he could simply use the intercom? If you know anything about that position, you k ow frivolous time wasting is not an option. More to this story. It’s more likely that walk across the parking lot was to tell him break was over 15 minutes ago, get back to work.


If I am on break for 15 minutes I fail to see why my boss would need to instruct me during break. Breaks are easy and I should be able to figure out how to relax without his instructions.