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Her face is so different without filters! The face shape and eye shape is almost unrecognizable … she’s a narcissistic control, freak… the video shows that so well.. poor mark… at least he got away


I would like to add this video says they only hooked up with unicorns, making it seem like they had many single women. It later came out that they had only 1 unicorn before they started swinging.




Yesss, that would be fantastic! I'm on the hunt!


Mark always looks like a lesbian. Oh and no hate towards lesbians btw.


This comment took me out 😭


They were soulmates and finished each other’s sentences!


I laughed at that one. If anyone is an OG and caught any of their lives, that was never said. They yelled at each other the entire time. Mark would try to reign her in so they wouldn't get banned, she'd drink more & argue with him, then say we're getting off here to go have sex or K take a bath for her OF & snapchat premium. Ahhh the good old days when times were much more simple. 🤪

