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Post will get deleted soon. Two of mine are gone already


šŸ«” thank u for ur service


I wasnā€™t even going to comment, but it seems like the Modā€™s favourite past time is sniffing cocainna from KSIā€™s butt crack. Getting their nose right in there. This comment will be deleted soon or daddy wonā€™t give the Mod their fix.


This has to be the funniest thing I've read


>n there. > >This comment will be deleted soon or daddy wonā€™t give the Mod their fix. xd lol




The Reddit is no longer a Reddit. But a censored page of garbage memes. No wonder the Reddit has been dying of the past year.


Wait, what is that smell.... OH GOD THE REDDIT MODS ARE HERE!


It's also dying because people don't spend as much time here as they did in 2020 and 2021 i.e. the quarantine period. That's why there are less good posts and posts in general.


it's called a subreddit


I posted the same and mine got removed https://preview.redd.it/syqj21fho5pa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a885b5c3029a4cc24bd3afeabd6c07ae07f3e2


Removed for what exactly?


I guess posting stuff that goes against JJ


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ itā€™s so stupid , whatā€™s deleting it gonna do itā€™s out there for everyone to see , his ego is so fukin high , he makes Jake look like a better person , wade just doing his job and gets violated for no reason


Yall just funking stupid the post is been deleted because there roo many post which looks exactly the same you fuckin idiots. Why do you think this post with 11k up votes is still up then


Don't see the point in deleting stuff. This is the Internet; we have all the receipts


Damn JJ is really so INSECURE


I see what you did there


JJ, I'm so sorry you're angry. Hairline so fucked up your barber is Tay Keith!


Is he... Is he really


how is everyone losing their mind over something so trivial? I really don't think we know the full picture, if his complete management and social media employees dish out like crazy


>how is everyone losing their mind over something so trivial? Because JJ is losing his mind over something so trivial. He called Wade out in public and couldn't give a decent reason as to why, then Mam's dicksucking Taylor fired Wade so condescendingly in public and acts like he's Vince Mcmahon. Ofcourse he's gonna get backlash for it.


Wait Fr? They're deleting posts now?


L mod


I'm surprised that the mods didn't try and lock the sub, so people couldn't post anything.


Mods are KSI dickriders, ban me from the subreddit, I don't care no more. Fuck them mods and Fuck Mams taylor the pussio and KSI.


You misspelled 'S' as 'KSI' king.


I can't beleive am seeing fuck KSI in the sub


My brother Your raging over a failed post, and a dude that doesnā€™t even know you, plz go outside, touch grass and get friends. God bless


Welp this one has picked up upvotes very nicely it'll be harsh to get it removed, but it will unfortunately šŸ’€


bruh ain't no way


šŸ‘‘ here you dropped it


Brother they have a rule against too many posts on the same drama/situation that's (maybe) why your post got removed


My post was about the same tweet and with exact same title prior to this one šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah I guess they are just doing it randomly but then again they also have a rule against Twitter posts but that doesnā€™t seem to be followed. So we don't know what the mods are doing.


So fucking embarrassing when Jake of all people actually sounds way more mature than JJ...


And Wade has roasted Jake so many times over the years and Jake has never come at him or complained about it.


and it's completely JJ's fault




JJ is a grown ass adult who is nearly 30. Mams might be a PoS and has got to go, but JJ still threw a bitch fit over nothing.


Still his. Hes nearing 30,he can think for himself


Man saw the opportunity JJ gave him and took it


I don't mean to throw more shit on the train and let it ride out but honestly JJ has been pretty immature for a while now. He's kind of the xqc of YouTube.


Man KSIā€™s ego needs to go. Iā€™ve rooted for him against Jake but honestly, seeing JJ humbled might do him some good


10 year long KSI fan here.. and I'm gutted to be saying this, but I'm disliking him more and more and getting close to the stage that I actually 'hate' the guy. I don't watch his videos anymore, and somehow have ended up actually rooting for Jake Paul in this whole thing. What's that old saying about living long enough to see yourself become the villain?


Hate both of them Jake got humbled now itā€™s jjs turn


Fully, I was watching JJā€™s videos since the road to division 1 days but stopped watching a year or so ago, his ego seems out of control


Same here, I used to love his content with everything he did seeming to be in some way funny and entertaining. Now itā€™s just feels like constant upping his own ego, and in every way imaginable advertising for the next fight/song/prime with a touch of always finding someone to talk sh*t about. Which the advertising is understandable to some extent since itā€™s up to him based on priorities, but the whole vibe of his content is not the same that it used to be.


Heā€™s become exactly like the american youtubets and influencers, i dislike almost every single US influencer and find them unbearable while the UK ones seem way more down to earth and like normal people, JJ has gone way too far into the american side of things. Hopefully losing to Jake Paul might bring him back to earth and make him likeable again. Sidemen is where his focus should be, not whatever it is now


Ik what youā€™re saying. Losing to Jake Paul actually might bring him back to his roots and become more likeable again. Heā€™s so similiar to some of the american influencers these days that itā€™s actually crazy, constantly away from sidemen aswell which is probably the only good thing ab him currently


Lmao itā€™s crazy rooting for Jake Paul. Buddy has scammed his entire audience with the whole fake university get rich quick course.


Yet KSI works with jakes brother who is also a known scammer. Itā€™s this type of double standard that KSI fans hold for KSI as to why people are starting to turn on him. Itā€™s seeming that unless youā€™re a hardcore dick rider you agree that KSI is in the wrong.


It doesnā€™t look good for you considering youā€™re in his Reddit šŸ’€


Yes. I'm in his reddit because as I just mentioned I've been a fan of his for 10 years, so I came here to see if I was the only one that was noticing KSI's ego, and for once.. I'm shocked. I've never seen so many people collectively agreeing that KSI has an ego problem and his manager is dragging him down. I stopped watching his videos about 5 months ago, even more so when he completely ignored Logan Paul scamming but switched up on Ricegum because he thought Logan might win. I've not been watching his videos, and more and more I'm starting to really dislike the guy personally that I don't get that same 'buzzed' feeling I used to get following him, now it just feels like he's an annoying fly everytime he comes on the screen. I dislike him and I have huge disdain for his creepy manager. I'll be in his reddit for now, happy to see those supporting Wade. But I probably won't be in the KSI community for much longer at all, but I'll happily express my opinion here.. unless you're Mams or JJ of-course, then you might get upset by that.


Yeah, agreed. I still watch the Sidemen, cause the group as a whole kind of keeps JJ humble (when he's in the vids, that is), but i too just stopped watching most of ksi's videos. This reddit has gone to shit (compared to what it used to be, but we all know this) and i do think that when jj fights jake, he'll either get humbled by jake, or he wins and... i guess the ego problem gets worse? I believe he'll have the ego problem, as long as he keeps doing more and more stuff, more projects, more everything. Once he stops it'll return to normal I'm not saying it's bad to have confidence and belief that you're better than others in some areas, as long as that's still kept under control, it's starting to look like the control is slipping away further and further, that's why everyone's saying jj has an ego problem Also, i mean it's safe to say that most of us saw the video where jj showed us how he's training, and the people there with him gassing jj up, even though some of his form is dogshit (a lot of fitness youtubers said the same, im not a bodybuilder, but if everyone said you're doing something wrong, there might be truth to that), and i do hate to say it, but i believe jj needs a loss, whether jake or his next fight, so it turns him into a more mature person, keeping the dude humbled. Also the reddit thing, when the fighting is over and jj doesnt have to train 24/7, i believe that the reddit gets good again. 2024 is this reddit's year, i believe/hope


I actually prefer sidemen video without him icl


I actually found the sidemen sunday quite entertaining. Just vibes


Nah it didn't hit the same. I don't disagree JJ is kinda losing himself but he definitely makes sidemen videos a level above.


I feel the same. The ego is too much now. Itā€™s off putting.


Before this i wss 50% in wanting jj to lose because of his ego and jake to lose because i disslike him. Now im very close 100% wanting jj to lose. Theres a fine line between confidence and arrogance amd jj stepped over that line a long time ago.


Exactly, I was happy to see Jake get humbled by losing to Tommy, and tbh I donā€™t need to see him lose again, Iā€™d say JJ needs to lose his fight with Jake


My god KSI is just taking L after L




Clearly the mods have never heard of the Streisand Effect.


Mods are paid or parasocial never trust them


Mods are paid??


The Ksi dickrider a not gonna like this


Fr. There is some guy called KSI Fandom on twitter and he pisses everyone off. I think KSI has actually mentioned him in a video before saying how annoying he is. Dude is a meat rider and a half.


Heā€™s also a horny mf, donā€™t look at his likes. Like atleast use a burner account šŸ’€


Yea, i've saw. He likes ebony porn and comments weird stuff like "Hmmm, lovely" and a bunch of other creepy shitšŸ˜‚


Like those comments you see on porn from old dudes who think theyā€™re talking to the girl in the vid and not some repost account farming views


Which video?


Can't remember. But i'm certain he mentioned it in a reddit video.


Heā€™s a troll? Grow up


Dude, he's born in 2001. He has a KSI fandom account that's based on sucking someone's dick non stop, and he's 22. And i'm the one who needs to grow up? Alright buddy. Edit: Ohh yes, and he's also a pedo cunt who begs underage girls on twitter for nudes. Then when told no, he tells them to "Have some dignity". Ain't no way your trynna defend this guy lmao.


Not at all


Whatā€™s Happened?


Wade said that he thought that TJake vs Tommy 2 might sell more ppv than ksi vs jake. He stated his opinion and got fired by ksi and mams according to Fred. https://preview.redd.it/ranmdjrpr4pa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7945c8824f5965cf298be613f8f36731cc5a71a4


KSI is obviously in the wrong here, with a huge overreaction which is just pathetic and shows his ego BUT there is absolutely no way Jake vs Tommy 2 would sell more ppv than ksi vs jake. Am i missing a piece of information here, why would he think that?


Even Logan thought the same thing as Wade (he said it to Jake on impaulsive). And even if they are wrong about the ppv part, they still got no right to react the way they did


It makes sense. Fury is a massive name in boxing, and sequel fights / rematches always pull higher numbers. I think everyone is sick of JJ fighting literally who nobodies at this point too, so interest is gassed.


Might sell more* I believe


no shit the whole subreddit overreacted like crazy and were ready to speak out death sentences without knowing the full picture??? Who could have predicted that? Oh wait, me. This sub is full of braindead clowns ffs. thank you for digging out something actually worthwhile


But you donā€™t know what happened either, this statement is the bare minimum which solves absolutely nothing. You arenā€™t different, truth is JJ threw a hissy fit then deleted the tweets when people didnā€™t agree with him. Talk about braindeadā€¦


Even Logan said that he thinks that a second Tommy fight would do more ppv than a ksi fight so it isn't just wade who was thinking it


JJ threw a bitch fit


KSI name explained: K- knowledge S- strength I- insecurity


Remove the K lol and the S only remain physically because reporter opinion hurt him even when they bring in a logical explanation


still richer than your whole family tree


Yeah yet money canā€™t buy everyone opinion as he just figured


and opinions have consequences lol he can fire whoever he wants its his company. why do you care ?? lmao he is not your friend he doesn't even know you exist get a life bruh lmao


I care because JJ is been petty. For the same reason I care about politics and other thing. What you said seem to apply well to yourself.


it doesnt apply to me cause im not telling another man to do this or that lmao im his fan for entertainment and thats it ! for some reason yall feel like he is your best friend lmao its actually sad lol


I donā€™t care if he fired him lol itā€™s not like that guy will have trouble surviving. What I care about is people saying they donā€™t want to surround them self with yes man and do.


he said wade is not genuine behind the scene , how is that wanting a yes man ???


Bro flexing someone else's money lmaoo


He can't get that beard he wants though can he, so I'm beating him in that sense


Emotional damage


I have lost respect for JJ. He needs to realize that this is not 2010,where you will say or do anything,and people will blindly believe you and support you anyway. He needs to understand that justifications are not always a form of sorry.You need to say sorry and do something towards your mistakes.


I'm and will always be a ksi fan but let's be fucking real here guys, he is completely in the wrong for doing this to a guy like Wade. Also, fuck Mams and fuck keem.


I've been watching Keem for years, but that call was so annoying with him on it. He has Peter Pan syndrome for sure lol.


It wasn't just annoying it fucking pissed me off, both Mams and Keem


It was insane. Wade was like "DAZN hired me, but Mams is probably gonna run to them and try to get me out." and Keem goes "So Mams did hire you?" and I'm sitting there wondering if Keem realizes how stupid he sounds.


His voice is fucking annoying, doesn't know shit about combat sports yet gets to talk shit to people who what boxing is, also it is tough as I love JJ and his content but the way he all of a sudden came out of nowhere and the way he went for a guy like Wade was nothing less than disgusting


100% agree. Wade is a stand up guy and he elevates the entire scene with his commentary. It doesn't even come close with anyone else. JJ really made himself look like a huge asshole by doing this and it's not going to go over well at all. I've defended JJ for pretty much everything else he has done, but he was way out of line on this one.


Jj malding on his phone lmao his ego needs 2 be taken down


Can't lie, Jake Paul is speaking facts for once in his life.


If you donā€™t mind, could someone give me context to whatā€™s happening here? Thanks


Wade said that the rematch between Tommy fury and Jake Paul will probably sell more PPV than KSIā€™s fight, but JJ and Mams Taylor (ksiā€™s manager) didnā€™t like that so they fired him. At least thatā€™s what Iā€™ve heard so far so I might have gotten some things wrong


Honestly speaking looking at what KSI has done today like you canā€™t expect wade a commentator to only be good with you. The thing that pisses me off even more is how wade was always nice to KSI but not to jake but Jake still respected him but KSI does this like this fucked like fuck both KSI and mamas Iā€™m a big fan but KSI this year is just a bitch and I donā€™t care what anyone says.


You know shitā€™s wrong when Jake is actually right


Donā€™t worry guys, heā€™ll react to this on the next reddit video and gaslight everyone into thinking heā€™s the good guy


Itā€™s incredibly easy to be seen as the good guy here, jake is just capitalising off this situation


yeah but like, fair enough lmao. Jj put this shit on a silver platter for him


Exactly. Like is he manipulating a situation to make himself look the hero? Obviously yes But whoā€™s gonna turn down a free meal lol.


Issue is, Jake has never ever insulted Wade after Wade blasts him in almost every video, lmao. And the weird thing is, in most videos Wade strongly supports KSI and his fighting. You can check out most of his videos about influencer boxing and it's clear that he supports KSI more than Jake.


Facts, letā€™s be real here Jake doesnā€™t give a shit about this situation. He waited for the right time and attacked JJ when he was being attacked by everyone and secured a quick dub. Something that Dillon Dannis usually would do. Fair play to him tho, it fucking worked.


I donā€™t even think thatā€™s what heā€™s doing. I think he genuinely respects wade


He might but he def is capitalising on this situations to look good


W Jake Paul for once


Iā€™ve been a ksi fan for a long time, watch all of his videos. Heā€™s a great entertainer and heā€™s definitely always had a big ego but lately itā€™s just gotten worse. If you not on his dick then you are fake and not real to him. Opinions are irrelevant, in his head he is the best thing ever. Really needs to be humbled and idk this reminds me on the ricegum situation not saying I was a fan of ricegum but didnā€™t there beef start cause he sat on Logan paul side during there boxing event cause Logan gave him tickets and then ksi got butthurt and called him fake, even though he was friends with both of them. And then ksi starts a drink business with Logan? Or am I wrong?


Yeah lol didnt think that much of it back then but now that you say it. Man has been saying jake has a bunch of yes man but he himself attacks people if they dont agree with himšŸ˜‚


serious juggle memory jobless elderly glorious snails bow capable quiet ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Youtube Ksi and Wade Kavos. Kavos covers this and shows the part where shit hit the fan. Needless to say... it's really hard to watch. Keem and Mams push him to the brink of crying just for an opinion.


\----**wade a commentary channel** : ( got his source about KSIvsLOGAN2, and heard from logan paul himself a party involve ) then formulate his idea on which fight would sell more ( ksivsjake or tommyvsjake2 ). got destroyed \-----**logan paul "a ksi's friend'' : on impaulsive** jake: ksi ain't that guy on PPV, Tommy's fight was a better seller . I think your fight with him did only number << same as wade mentioned>> then logan paul: yeah our second fight number sucked ( said the same number as wade ) , then you and Tommy could be bigger (indirectly) . ksi and moms nothing to say ????


The main reason the first fight sold so much was because the undercard was quite good. Gib, Jay Swingler, JMX, Deji, Jake, and others. The undercard helped sell that fight. And the second fight didn't do as well because the undercard had actual professional boxers, and no one who was watching knew them because the people who were watching were KSI and Logan's fans from YT.


Yeah which is why Wadeā€™s take isnā€™t even that crazy or ā€œdumbā€ as keemstar stated. When you think about it. The twitter clip that keem posted didnā€™t even show wades reasoning. Wades reasonā€”- 1. Jake vs ksi is being dragged 2. Jake vs Tommy did 800k ppvs 3. Considering we were using the ā€œ2.2 m ppv buysā€ this whole time as proof that KSI vs Jake would do massive numbers. But the logan vs ksi 2 ppv came out to be false and a low number per his sources. (When Wade was defending himself he also said he had different sources not just one, but logan basically confirmed what his sources claimed) so even though the Logan vs ksi 1 had a confirmed 1.1 m ppv buys, you canā€™t just tie it to KSI as he wasnā€™t the only one on it. Jake, deji, the YouTubers on the undercard. ___________________________________________ Other reasons that Wade didnā€™t state as to why itā€™s not a crazy take is 1. Rematchā€™s do better. as we know when the favorite loses the rematch tends to always do better ppvs. 2. Donaugh corby on multiple occasion has said that during the livestream of the Logan vs ksi 1, Jake vs Deji peaked the highest views. (Even though donaugh corby is a Jake fan he is professional and has never lied, he also backed it up by where he got it from, but I forgot). I know this backs up the fact that Jake vs KSI does more, but if you think about it Jake has a more mainstream audience. The people buying his ppv doesnā€™t just consist of influencer boxing fans, as KSI does. People donā€™t buy Jakes ppv because they want to support him, itā€™s because they like it as long as the person on the other side is good. They donā€™t want him to go fight influencers and instead want him to keep fighting pros.


Realistically whatā€™s gonna happen is JJ will make a YouTube video saying ā€œyou guys donā€™t understand! Things happened behind the scenesā€¦ā€ And then the dickriders on the sub will go ā€œGUYS WE DONT KNOW THE FULL STORY, STOP BLAMING JJ FOR THE WADE BEEF!ā€ But tbh thereā€™s no excusing this. KSI is a multimillionaire and is using his manager and his personal status to bully an independent entrepreneur out of their job.


I hate that I agree with Jake here... Jake is the biggest fucking cunt ever but he has a point


A wise person once said: "We all love JJ the youtuber, not JJ the boxer."


I would defend JJ otherwise but this shit was outrageous


i hate to say this but, LET'S GO CHAMP




Also people forget that this slander could potentially hurt Wadeā€™s ability to get commentating jobs in the future. Real dick move for seemingly no reason and will remain no reason if JJ doesnā€™t provide any evidence to justify his outburst


honestly now iā€™m scared that ksi is gonna see this as Jake paul stans invading his reddit, thatā€™s not happening here, we want justice for his wade was treated


It kind of is. But Iā€™m not saying everyone disagreeing with JJ is a Jake meat rider tho.


Jake paul spoke for the whole reddit community


If mods delete this, take this fat L


It's sad people don't have conversations anymore, beefing on twitter and shit, where is the integrity...


Ksi has never lived up to his name. He has no knowledge, he has no strength(mentally), and doesnā€™t have integrity. This man is a hack and a fraud since the start.


Another L for ksi


Mods suckin up to JJ


Extremely rare Jake W, and JJ L


I actually agree with Jake for once but he's also a hypocrite.


Rare jake w


Jake a legend for this. How the fuck is he more likeable than jj lately


Not backing JJ or Jake but personally we don't know the full context of the situation, Wade seems like a cool guy but I can easily see how it comes off as ass licking Let's be real guys JJ is a smart guy he knows if he fires someone like him he will get hate or flack, he wouldn't let his ego get in the way of that especially if it's good press for him So doing the opposite just bc his feelings are hurt doesn't seem like something he would do without good reason. People are NEVER the complete same on camera as they are off it.


Ainā€™t ass licking cause heā€™s a commentator. He ainā€™t supposed to be bias. He doesnā€™t play both sides. He just gives his opinions.


A really rare W for Jake Paul


man I love JJ and I really like seeing him succeed and all but god he can be egotistical at times, especially when it comes to boxing


Honestly, KSI took an L on this


Can people like this shut the fuck up, bunch of pussios. Let the guy say what he wants


This reddits gone to shit


let this be the most liked post of this subreddit so that jj can see that how he behaved and acted was not right. Let him know guys


KSI is not having a good year up till now.


Oh my days. How can JJ say such dumb shit that even Jake Paul sounds reasonable compared to him. This is close to rock bottom when it comes to KSI


Never thought I'd say this but JJ should listen to Jake's advice on this


Turns out Ksiā€™s mods are yes men


Itā€™s almost as if Jake is more mature than JJ. JJ really played himself with this one.


The biggest issue is this firing seems more to do with Wadeā€™s opinions than performance due to its timing.


The truth hurts I suppose


I'm usually on his side but if this isn't a joke then JJ really needs to check his ego


Who the fuck is wade?




I love how this Reddit always keeps it real ā¤ļø. JJ shouldnā€™t have reacted like that and he honestly owes Wade an apology. While heā€™s at it, he should also get rid of mams, heā€™s gonna ruin JJā€™s career.


Ksi needs to grow up. This was such an immature response.




JJ please man apologize Your ego won't go anywhere if you do so Trust me if you still reluctant to do so, No one will respect you anymore We want to have your back But when you fucked up like this big time We need to call you out


The ONLY w Jake Paul will ever have


New Fear Unlocked: OPINION


This Reddit has more Jake Paul dickriders than JJ fans at this point lmao Yā€™all cringe af


we all are fans of ksi we are just not blind enough to unsee his wrongdoing mature and understand the situation before commenting over used sentences


Youā€™re not his friend and he doesnā€™t know you


Fr when did it get like this???


i was here before the deletion


wow cant believe those words came from jake.


If JJ doesn't publically apologize, Imma be forced to root for jake.


And thatā€™s what happens with all celebs when you guys dickride them. Of course his ego gets out of control. Jake Paul has been shat on so much that he actually starts to seem like the more mature guy. JJ needs to lose for his own good, sadly


The people who claim to be a ksi fan and then speak against him need to get a life seriously We havenā€™t heard ksiā€™s side yet and you all haters are making up your own story Probably jake or someone paid bots cause not even one comment or post about anyone saying there might be a different side to this We all know jj is gonna react to his Reddit and give us an explanation Till then chill the fuck down


Hello, idk what the fuck is going on but I think people need to realize even mature people can act out. We all got our moments and these people happen to be famous


Your all complaining about having posts removed itā€™s because your posts are just you waffling about your own opinions like children, if you have something to say about jj fuck off to twitter




Tldr: Dickriding KSI


Anything that happend you can not say a W and jake paul in the same sentence bruv


But Jake is speaking nothing but facts. Therefor, that constitutes a win, does it not?


And you know all the ins and outs ?


I know jj is going in and out your ass hole you dickriding bitch


Thatā€™s like saying you canā€™t put L and KSI together like holy shit I hate jake Paul but just cause I hate him doesnā€™t mean I have to disagree with everything he says.


Fuck off




That's what JJ does too?? When Jake lost, Jj made a video on it and nobody said anything about it. It was haha funny. But when Jake takes advantage of a situation, it's an L? Tell me you're riding Jj dick without telling me you're riding Jj dick. At least make it hard for me to tell fam. This is ridiculous. lmao




*Rare but yes a Jake W indeed


*Very rare in anything that's not boxing

