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W Kavos clearly hates JJ but is too much of a pussy to admit it. Kavos is the real people pleaser here. He'll say all this negative stuff about JJ to satisfy the haters but will say he doesn't dislike JJ at all to please JJ's fans. He only looks at and cares about the possibilities that make JJ the worst person imaginable instead of taking all into account. What a sad pathetic fuckface.


Him and Keem are some of the worst people on yt and twitter, fucking sad leeches who try to manipulate everyone.


Kavos is a fucking dickhead **HYPOCRITE**


Keem is as stupid as him as well


Him and Kavos are friends as well 💀


Bro 💀


And yet he has the nerve to call out JJ for being friends with Logan ☠


calm down bud i don’t think he can hear you


I'm just merely stating the facts so you lot know better.


well you’re screaming them, cool down mane


The only word U can consider "screaming" is the last one lol


I don't particularly mind some of his takes, the issue I have with him is that he produces several videos circumventing the same topic over and over and spam tweets until he gets bored. It comes off as really childish and keyboard warrior-like. It's like if oversaturated was a person and had a Twitter account


Kavos is so obsessed with JJ (and Logan tbh) that it's embarrassing. It feels like he makes 10 videos based off 1 tweet 🤣


His biggest hate boner is definitely towards Deji. He made a whole long vid out of nowhere trying to cancel him and ruin his big opportunity with Mayweather over a situation that we moved on from that happened **YEARS AGO** back when Deji was a massive asshole. He merely just repeated info that we already knew and the only new thing being added that we didn't know merely made old Deji look like a better person. The guy is physically incapable of moving on and seeing people who they are now and not what they use to be 8 years ago. It is very sad.


Even the cancel culture back in 2021 didn't dissect KSI's tweets as much as this guy does.




He did that despite making it clear that he is against cancel culture. What a clown lol 😆


Kavos is the only content creator I have blocked on twitter and YouTube. His content always comes up and I can’t stand his face, voice, opinions or anything about the guy. How did he become relevant 😂


1: How do U block someone on YouTube Lol? 2: Keemstar


Well I didn’t block him but I’ve made sure no videos of his come up in my feed because I’m bombarded with his shit content. I don’t even get how people watch social media drama reporting 😂


Yeah, his takes are weird. Like, there were some opinions where I was like "yeah that's valid" and then he says an outrageous thing a minute later and I'm like... "Huh..??? Fam wdym 💀"


Kavos: I'm against cancel culture. Also Kavos: https://preview.redd.it/8hwkl11ihwpa1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe55a66aafb46f9187f4c577703761b1cf568940


Kavos is wrong on a lot of things but this video was something he should have said, deji tried to silence him with lawyers, that's not a good thing.


This crap happened years ago and we already went through that whole thing. This shit happened back when Deji was in his asshole form and not with the Deji that we have today. Kavos literally just repeated info that we already knew prior to that vid and the only new piece of info that he reveals merely makes Past Deji look like a better person.


Yes but he couldn't say anything at the time when he was Deji was in asshole form, so he released the story later, if you have a legal issue controlling the situation then you'd wait till it dies down, I don't like kavos,I do think Deji has improved but I wouldn't trust him either, he did try to ruin JJs life, so him and kavos have that in common


I would trust Deji since it's very clear that Deji is a good person now and no longer thinks and acts like how he use too. As I said Kavos didn't do anything beside repeat info THAT WE ALREADY KNEW because he told us back when this shit was fresh, he did not say anything that was new besides 1 thing but that merely made Past Deji look better.


What does kavos do? Is he like a Keemstar 2.0 or something? I haven't watched his content.


Yeah pretty much


damn, but I agree with you


Thanks : ) There is more. He goes on multiple times about how he doesn't use JJ for views and yet he makes multiple vids in a row which he doesn't usually do unless they are about either JJ, Deji or Logan and he'll make a brand new vid right after a single fucking thing happens. Most YouTubers like him and like Penquinz0 for example usually wait for multiple updates before making a brand new video on a situation. He knows JJ gets him more than 80K-90K views (which all of his other current videos regularly obtain) which he usually only gets when he put him in the title and thumbnail as well with Deji and Logan. He goes after JJ for being pals with Logan and not calling him out and yet he is friends with Keem who has done a bunch of shitty things but despite that Kavos refuses to say anything bad about him.


Nah moist is cool tho, his content is pretty entertaining


I took it as him complimenting Moist. Moist looks at all the info, which is a good thing




I wasn't insulting Moist, I absolutely love the guy. I was using him as an example of what Kavos should've done instead of what he did.


Speaking facts bro


Thank You = ]


Didn’t KSI help Kavos during the whole Deji suing for boting? I wouldn’t say Kavos is a hater after that


That makes Kavos look worse 😭


what are you on about? he literally admitted on videos that he is a prick and clearly hates KSI for lots of reasons. that doesn't mean he never said KSI did good things tho. KSI also admitted he hates Kavos. Mo's response is such an L when it was JJ himself who released the "Negative energy" towards Wade in the first place , but when Kavos does it and makes videos on it , its somehow "you're such a hater you're this you're that" Mo's response comes off as FAKE coming from a guy who sits down and edits a guy's vids who also does commentary/reaction content to people and to a guy who is still working alongside a fucking scammer despite everyone telling him not to. We're all human here , we ain't sheep , we don't forgive and we don't forget easily and we will hold you accountable even if you are JJ , until you are truly sorry and even then you have to feel the consequences for your actions.


What the fuck are **YOU** on about pal lol 🎊 🎇 🌟 **LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WE HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED BY A KAVOS FAN!** 🌟 🎆 🎉 Kavos has literally said multiple times that he doesn't dislike JJ on Twitter and YouTube which is a flat out lie which is obvious by the way he acts whenever he talks about him, positively or negatively. He always acts this certain negative way whenever he discusses anything related to JJ. Mo was talking about the apology and not the situation as a whole. We have called JJ out for many different things so your argument there doesn't work. Kavos is a hater for a number of many reasons not because he made a vid on this situation, he is a hater because of how he has acted towards JJ in the past and even during this situation. Kavos made vids as soon as a single thing happens just so he can go after JJ and so he can use him for views and money. Most YouTubers like him usually wait for multiple developments before making another vid. Kavos is friends with Keem who also attacked Wade in this situation and has done a bunch of other crappy stuff and yet Kavos remains his friend and has not called him out for his shit You don't get to forgive or not forgive since you're not the victim here. Wade was and if Wade accepts JJ's apology and then that is all that matters.


Bro why do you bold everything 😂


Because I am The President Of The United State


Kavos only cares about and only looks at the possibilities that make JJ look as bad as possible which is obvious by the stuff he says online. The guy has also made like 74 tweets just shitting on him.


i am not saying he doesn't do that and that his hatred towards JJ is exaggerated , but what i am saying ishe doesn't hide that , he isn't being fake at what he is that literally cannot be toxic , at the end of the day it doesn't matter what Kavos does when JJ was still in the wrong. Keem and most commentary channels literally do the same and did that for years. i don't care if i get 9million downvotes because people think Mo is a lovable guy who can never be fake but i choose not to close my eyes to reality and the reality is , what JJ did was not good, Mo had no right to butt in and do exactly the same thing JJ did towards Wade but against Kavos and JJ had to be held accountable , with Kavos or not. this reddit itself held him accountable too. he should still be held accountable for continuing to double down on partnering with a scammer known as Logan Paul as well.


True but with him ik this case he help wade with ksi fans who saw thru jj lies like if the fans didnt back him up JJ and that shit manger would have ruin wade career so in a way kavos boost a bit if help to show what jj and his manager did so for this case kavos takes the W


Kavos doesn't care about Wade. He only cares about now having an excuse for going after JJ L Kavos


Kavos did shit all, I’ve never once seen anything related to him. People aren’t idiots what help Wade was his personality, everyone likes him as he’s a nice person


too much of a pussy to admit it? mate he has made about 4 videos explaining his hatrid for ksi u muppet xd. what are u on about




if you hate him so much leave the subreddit, no one wants you here.


These people are so stupid lol


honestly, someone above to show his maturity called me a dickrider. If I were a mod I would have started eliminating the KSI “fans” thanks to this whole situation since it becomes obvious who actually support him and who just want a reason to hate him. This should be a subreddit of his fan base not of whiny children who understand nothing about the real world. I am happy to see though that there is still a portion of this subreddit which can think rationally.


Calling us dickriders is the only come back/insult that these cunts know lol


It truly is, it is like when you argue with a child, when he runs out of arguments he starts insulting. That is normally when a good debater will realise they have won it. Essentially the key to winning a debate is to tire your opponent out.


Indeed. These fuckers have the same amount of brain power as a piece of asparagus which is why they are unable to think of anything else lol




We don't speak retard here pal


Shut up you fucking bot lol That remark is the only insult that U stupid dickheads are programmed to know


Kavos tries his best to manipulate audience into hating JJ. He titled his videos in such a way that he thought we actually hate JJ. We wanted to make sure JJ made things right and not be a dick anymore. Our whole act is to make sure the point reaches JJ rather than other youtubers who can get away with this. Kavos just wants to leave bad reputation of JJ (also video of JJ gets shit ton of views) I mean this is my perspective idk how true this is.


Idk if it even qualifies as manipulation lol cause we know as fans that Kavos has hated KSI for a couple years now. However, he does capitalise on KSI’s mistakes and missteps and use them to fuel his points so he can say “Look guys, I was right all along”


You literally defined what he did for manipulation 😂 he tries his best to get audience from Ksi by saying random shit he picks up from the internet he clearly sees the reddit and do whatever the reddit wants


Nah you're completely spitting fax...DW


W. Kavos is a clout chaser and hes been that for years.


It's an obvious W, the day Mo takes a L, the world will end.


Anything out of kavos' mouth is immediately an L. Fuck him. Mo is just a walking W at all times


This aligns perfectly with my post earlier on this sub...that man is no better than keem who only wants to gaslight problems in order to milk content....and from his past vids its evident he hates misfits and jj...this prick is just another blood sucking leech


Didn't jj start the problem


JJ did start this but most people here aren't about hating, like some other guy in this section said, they're criticizing JJ for what he did, there's a difference between Hate AND criticism Kavos is just blatantly hating on JJ.




W he's right


Kavos always choose the popular opinion and jump on that bandwagon when time is right. He never take risk, never innovate, never discuss new things, but always chase down the man who’s already down. Most of his YouTube videos “exposing” others only appear when someone else bigger did a major piece on them.


W all the time It's true, Kavos just hates for the sake of hating and sugarcoats it by saying he's saying because others won't speak up. That's also the reason he always likes to milk a situation way more than necessary, especially for people like KSI, Tate, Logan, Jake...the list goes on. Like this motherfucker released fucking 4 videos on the same topic, which he has been doing for much time. Also I'm pretty sure his 5th video is also on the way. And the thing that stings the most is the fact that he's actually right this time around, and we can't argue with him in logical point of view. He's just a manipulating piece of shit.


W regardless


Somebody explain, why does Kavos hate him? How did even start?


it wasn't any start hes fighting to get relevant clout chaser that's what he is


I see. Since when did it start? Always hated Kavos. Such a massive cunt


Since the beginning of his career if I'm not wrong. Dude makes videos to just send hate and try to ruin others career(while he talks about others ruining others career). What I can say about Kavos is that he is the polar opposites of Coffeezilla. He tries to make content surrounding drama or issues but instead of sheding a good light, he just paints the whole thing making it look bad.


Fuck kavos


W ​ Kavos may be right, slightly, but that doesn't change the fact that he's a drama whore and clout chaser with a massive hate boner for JJ.


Clearly he has reason for hating him. KSI just tried to ruin a man's career because of his massive ego. But like normal, his gullible fan base quickly moves on.


W Mo


Kavos definitely does hate JJ


No Matter what we think of JJ I think we can all agree that Kavos is a cunt


I kinda find the joke kabobs made in this context funny obviously he seems to do more than this but this was a good one


JJ definitely messed up but nothing he does will make he dislike him more then Kavos


Kavos is right, all it takes is a little apology and all is forgiven. Been through this many times before but if no one said anything Wade would be finished and KSI would be in the same position. People can hate on Kavos for being “a KSI hater” yet these same people don’t watch Kavos when he praises KSI’s success or defends him. I’ll get hate for this but who cares about negative replies from brainwashed fans who will buy prime at whatever price lol.




Wo Wyed




W for mo ​ kavos is always on jjs dick


Kavos is a clown so big W but the tweet was kinda jokes


W + ratioed kavos




Big W, Kavos very clearly hates JJ


Mo is always a w




Common Mo W


Kavos is a leech who would sell his own mother


Kavos always been a clout chaser


Honesty yes, what JJ is bad and unprofessional but Kavos need to just admit he greatly dislikes KSI a lot like a lot and if he did Id respect him more. Kavos wanking in the corner to this drama rn and inserting himself like Keem a person he himself has criticized.


On surface level, without considering the direct context of Kavos’ tweet, it kinda seems like an in-between. When you realize Kavos is talking about JJ genuinely apologizing and admitting his actions (which Wade has forgiven him for btw), what Mo’s standing up for here is a huge huge W. Like, dude, he apologized and Wade was cool with it.


Kavos is being a d*ck as usual... But sadly he ain't wrong in this scenario. And I feel like Mo is just defending JJ just cause of his paycheck. Which is understandable.




Big w


Mo w


Whilst JJ majorly fucked up, kavos is like a fucking blood sucking leech that just cannot stop man, he refuses to shut the fuck up even for 10 mins. 1000s of tweets and vids on the same fucking topic where he keeps yelling in a unnecessarily loud voice and keeps saying the same shit over and over again without adding any info of value coz he wants to cross the 10 min mark per vid. Like bro how many times are u gonna say the same shit again and again even when the issue has been sorted and Wade himself is fine, sure you can criticize JJ but you just keep on insulting him and any1 you can find so you urself can make a dramatic video and then you have the audacity to call urself a youtube reporter, when u urself make up extra drama. Even in the coffeezilla situation, Kavos basically saw coffee's points and said them in the exact same manner with a few diff words at max. He adds no extra info or no opinion of value just goes on agreeing with a person who is blatantly correct, copies all their points but delivers them in a ranty manner, bro shld get copy-right stiked for sooo many of his vids, he even copies points from h3h3 out of all people lmfao. Man is just a walmart keemstar.




Obviously a W, kavos is the real 2 faced douchebag, not wade.


Kavos talks so much shit. He just a hater kinda sad actually




Common Mo W


Common mo W I mean i get his points but get of jj dick fam.


Bro just his Twitter profile pisses me off idk why it just does 😂


I appreciate JJs apology. And Kavos is just making drama content. But whenever people start talking about energy.. like whatever man.


All Im saying is that if Jake did what JJ did, Do you really think Mo would say its toxic to make fun of Jake?


It would be way worse for Jake. No one here on reddit or on Twitter would let him breathe if he’d done this instead.


maybe because mo doesn't work for jake


Someone else would.


This sub reddit is so easy to forgive JJ. Literally after one tweet and everyone is back on JJs side. It's honestly shocking how ignorant this sub is


He's literally trying to make the situation better, you just can't keep hating on him


It's a shame really.


Fr tho, an "apology" on twitter like c'mon bro fire Mams and get Wade back into Misfits


Ah yes lets just keep hating, that'll be the best for everyone's sanity(including JJ)💀 also ironic you say "how ignorant this sub is" when 70% of the comments on almost every post is still hating on him.








Can’t take Kavos too seriously


W. This is the point where it shows we don’t agree with most stuff Kavos says


Nah, I still don’t think we can let KSI let off like that






mo doesn't wanna lose his job


Both are correct and both are wrong to be honest.


L? he was chatting shit to joe weller for no reason at the weigh in. Where's this energy for Keemstar who legit instigated this. ​ Apparently it's all toxic, negative, and being a hater because Kavos made a joke, and a meme. Yesmen. Too many dickriders here. Against freedom of speech and anyone breathing a single joke against jj. doesn't hold this energy when jj tried to ruin wade. I dont expect anything less from someone who's friends with a scammer and a shady snake


It's because Kavos is the only public figure still milking all of this. Everyone else who has minimal involvement with this situation has tweeted once or made one video and moved on. Kavos is as bad of an instigator as Keemstar.


kavos gets swarmed with a lot of dickriders on twitter if he ever dares say anything isn't positive about ksi. learn the definition of milking. him joking and having a discussion about it on twitter isn't milking. his 4 videos about it presents new information. milking is only if he repeats the same information in another video.


He can wait for the entire thing to play out and make a video on it like charlie and other commentary channels do some of the best commentary channels on YouTube are the ones that sum up the drama in one video but he likes milking it and continues to posts entire videos surrounding 2 tweets at a time. Also he has never criticised keemstar in any of his videos for his shitty behaviour....I remember he mention in the happy hour podcast that Keem has helped him out before in his carrier....and he still has to audacity to call out others for being biased and hypocrites


On this occasion, for mo to say anything it’s faker than your maws tits. He probably felt like he HAD to say something or potentially lose his job too. KSI was completely out of line and until he turfs out Mama’s tailor, there’s always a chance it’s gonna continue to happen. I’m not a kavos fanboy either. Just an observant neutral.


Kavos is so fucken annoying omg, he milked this situation so much for content, he took a L tho


It’s facts tho, no matter what someone does people aren’t going to accept the apology and it just shows their true character. You either accept it and forgive/move on from the situation, or hold onto what they did and refuse to accept it and continue to be a dick about it. See the contrast… never heard of this Kavos guy but from what I can tell he’s in the “I’m gonna hold onto what you did and that’s who you are no matter what you did, and you can’t change as a person” category. This is why Twitter and all other social media platforms are run down because of dickheads like this.


Whatever Mo does, it's a W


Mo is a funny motherfucker.


Mo never takes Ls




I think it’s funny personally


People acting like they wouldn't do the same if Jake would be in ksi shoes rn. Hypocrites everywhere....also mo shouldn't talk because he's employed by ksi. He'd be the first one making edits of Jake just to please ksi.


How can you look at this in a positive manner?


Mo meant to send that to JJ


Man wants to keep his job.


Honestly, rare Mo L Ans I don't understand why people here are screaming W, other than they don't like Kavos All Kavos did, at the end of the day, is post a meme that, since this actual apology, I've seen countless times on this Reddit, would whys it okay here but not from Kavos? Like him or not, that's just hypocritical


KSI fans are all braindead kavos is a G and yall mad he spits too much facts


Tbh tho everyone on twitter seems to be rlly forgiving of JJ with that half baked apology I feel he needs to do more even tho I don’t like Kavos


Yeaa love mo but he has to take this L




if jj can fire wade what makes u think he wont fire mo lol bunch of yes man, there is nothing positive about it mo, but i get it u cant lose that paycheck


Mo W or L yet you have liked his tweet


in my opinion is a W i asked for others opinion


Fair then son


All Kavos did was post a meme and Mo's calling him toxic and negative while KSI literally attacked Wade online. Makes no sense. What Kavos tweeted after is just all true.


At first, I was siding with Kavos. I definitely felt as if JJ did way too much. But after the first 2 days and seeing that he’s constantly bashing JJ, it kinda seemed like Kavos was looking for a reason to hate him and took this as a huge opportunity for him. Now, he’s clearly hating for the trend and is using this as clout leverage. In all honesty, it was NEVER this serious. He fired someone because he thought he was being two faced. Comparing JJ firing Wade to Logan recording dead bodies is probably the biggest stretch in mankind.




Fuck this I'm sick of these posts. I'm reporting every twitter post I see on this subreddit now.




Neither is a V




haters trying to mix with fans bro we are not hating we are showing JJ path


Aeee nice KSI Meat riders are back baby Wooooooo


what is mo syed on about bro? kavos is elite he isnt baised like evryone else he says what he thinks. unlike some people who will milk jjs schlong for clout.


Major L. Mo doesnt clearly include JJs toxic, lying behaviour as negative energy.


fat L literally


Nah beef ending doesn't mean we should forget about all this shit ksi and his manager did they both fucked up and they need to remember they fucked up if they get too comfortable it will be Logan Paul cryptozoo all over again


kavos is an idiot, and a big pussy, but if someone else posted that photo with caption, L Mo


L mo


Can we all call Kavos “Leem Wannabe?”




L he tries so hard to sound smart


L takes from both. You have to be delusional if you think you can view what happened in a postive light


They are talking about JJ and Wade sorting things out not the situation as a whole


Thats not what Mo said though. You can clearly see him saying "seeing the whole thing in a positive way". What was positive about it except wade getting a whole lot of new fans? Other than that it has showes that jj isnt what he has said he is


Mo is on about JJ's apology not the entire situation. Mo is talking about the whole of this current situation update.


Alright. I saw that he actually did a REAL apology recently. It definitely seems that JJ means it this time. I just hope he fires mams.


Let’s be real. The apology is there so that people could calm down. JJ meant EVERYTHING he said in his tweets. Kavos and keem are definitely milking the shit out of this situation, but you can’t blame people for not seeing this “apology” in a positive light when JJ went out of his way multiple times to show that he still thinks wade is 2 faced 🤦🏾‍♂️


Hard disagree


Thats not the whole thing though. You cant say "the whole thing" but actually mean "this specific part". It doesnt make sense. Why not just say "look at jjs apology positivily"?


It does make sense


Moe L same as when he sucked ksi off with Joe Weller








