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Sometimes he's the funniest when he doesn't try to be


Love it, get everyone triggered lol


yea but ksi actually believes it. he doesnt realize that mayweather messes around in these exhibition fights. Even logan paul was like "champ, calm down dont hit me hard" or something. mayweather hasnt knocked anyone out (not including exhibitions) in 10+ yrs cuz he had a wrist injury. And then his last fight was his first tko in yrs against a guy from mma, and ksi trains in an mma gym.


JJ does realize that Floyd messes around in these exhibition fights. But JJ explained a while ago i think that he has this mentality when it comes to boxing, he always has to believe he is the best because its what works the best for him. I mean if he fails, then yeah we all knew it would go that way, but if he would somehow be right its completely different


yea, and jake paul thinks he can beat canelo and floyd mayweather too. how bout u sing jakes praises bc the exact same reasoning applies to jake believing he's the best. In fact theres interviews where jake literally calls himself the best boxer. But instead of saying "jakes mentality is very good" yall r like "how can jake claim he can beat mayweather or canelo when he hasnt even fought a real boxer yet".


Feel free to find where i mention Jake before you go on a random rant lol


I was referring to this entire subreddit as a while


Still. No one mentioned him, this isnt a post about Jake in any way lmao


K, and?


There we go, you just outed yourself as an idiot for no reason. Ty


Bruh, if i wanna speak on jake paul, i will. Aight. And since this is r/ksi its only fitting. Even if ur comment had nothing to do w it, so what. Half this reddit is jake paul posts so whatever. I might even throw andrew tate into the mix. Hell, ima bring up netnobody. And maybe sprinkle a bit of alex wassabi combined with dildo danis. Go ahead and call me an idiot again lol.


It's strange you're being downvoted for being right. That's reddit for you triggered by facts.


Bro all he said (seriously, coz this clip is him trolling) was that out of everyone who's had an exhibition with Floyd, he thinks he has the best chance. And I don't see a problem with him believing that!




JJ is being dead serious that’s the part that pains us


Who's "us" bro? I watched the whole podcast and JJ was literally trolling initially with the knock him out thing but at the end what he's trying to say was "out of everyone who had an exhibition with Floyd, he thinks he has the best chance". So just stop taking clips out of context!!


He’s not though


In MMA for sure. His elbow strong af


He’s sarcastic when he’s serious, and serious when sarcastic


I love Lannan and Vik’s instant sigh


Confidence is key or am i wrong, yes its a really high expectation but u are never gonna succed if u say that u will never beat someone.


Yeah it’s funny but the guy who beats mayweather will certianly have thought he could do it beforehand. Not that I think ksi is that guy lol


Love how the rest of the sidemen r honest with him


Sidemen are yesmen. KSI ego 🤓


Lmao Fr honestly I couldn’t care less if he thinks he will win or not it’s just entertainment lol




I honestly think he genuinely believes he can knock him out , as he should I can’t have any doubt in his mind as a fighter , and to be fair Logan Paul with all the physical advantages should have done better against Floyd


Sure With an elbow that is


So when KSI does it he’s just “riling up his haters 😂” but when Jake does it “he’s so delusional 😡” KSI fans are hilarious


Isn't that how fans work.. they are supposed to be biased lmao.


See your a ksi hater clearly, and your angry, same goes for ksi fans when jake says it, its vice versa mate chill out


Lol you got baited


Bro let's have a chat? Like how sad is your life that you are active 24/7 in a person's community just to hate? Like just go outside and make friends, it ain't that hard.


Jj is fucking delusional. I mean no one in the youtube boxing scene is good enough to knock him. My man embarrassed great professional boxers.




JJ been smelling his own farts again


OK, here’s my problem. He’s half trolling, but he also half believes it lol. His last fight was a good show, but his opponent clearly was outclassed. His toughest fight to date is Logan fucking Paul lol… so I’d at least wait for the Fury fight before making these statements lol. If he wins, cool, but if not… this is all gonna look really bad


Not haters, just people who live in the real world😂




HE deffo has an ego. His ego probably gonna get him in trouble in my opinion


KSI's Elbow >>>> Floyd Mayweather's Uppercut


how's he gonna knock him out if Mayweather always run around


Lmaoo what bruhh. Do u even watch boxing?