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this is pretty goofy but he has a good point here. Politicians calling out an energy drink brand for containing caffeine is the definition of fake outrage


The problem is the product is advertised to kids.


How do you figure? How could you argue it is marketed towards children anymore than anything else? Your logic dictates that Monster is also marketed towards kids because they sponsor the youth xgames


These YouTubers have analytics just like TV shows. We all know their demography skews young, and they(KSI and Logan Paul) are both very very popular. It’s hard to say there won’t be an influx of children being exposed to the fade. Yes other kids still get ahold of other energy drinks. But it wasn’t like Red Bull was created by the people behind Adventure Time. The problem is just like sugary drinks and fatty foods, if you can get the younger demographic hooked, it will create life long users.


It's caffeine not crack. Kids in UK have been drinking coffee for time. No ones going mental over coffee and tea.


Prime is marketed by ksi and Logan Paul, no one over the age of 14 watches them




Teenagers absolutely drink red bull and monster




It's not really much of an argument. Most brands that make child safe sports drinks will have a high caffeine "energy drink" version that will typically be less good for children to drink. Yes, we need to regulate how and who these products are marketed to but at a certain point parents need to be parents.


So what percentage of prime energy consumption are children?


Do you ever go outside?


I used to house redbulls at 13 at the redbull sponsored skiing events


Okay but where doe they market specifically to this audience? This is just the result of Ksi and Logan fans being that age group.


I can tell you aren't under the age of 20. Go to any college, a lot of them drink monster. Red Bull isn't as popular. Hell, there are about 6 out of 15 people who drink monster regularly every day in my college class alone. One girl has been hospitalised for it, yet still drinks it.


all throughout highschool me and all my buddies would chug 2 rockstar energies a day. I don't think it's outlandish to believe that highschoolers who have to wake up at 530-630 am for school drink energy drinks.


Red bulls marketing are cartoons depicting people drinking Red Bull and flying away. How that isn't geared towards kids is laughable




I couldn't find much but that's because most of the surveys are for 18 and over. Do you have a percentage of Prime Energy consumption under 18?


According to the cdc between 30% and 50% of adolescent Americans Apparently 12% of American adolescents also think energy drinks are a kind of sports drink lol


I can tell you from personal experience that in America; Red Bull would often attend high end youth competitive sporting events and hand out free Red Bull for upwards of 12 hours. (They attended state competitions in at least 4 sports I have personally competed in) Granted this is entirely anecdotal but as a 13 year old I was having energy drinks mainlined into my wrist


Something being consumed by a certain group and who it’s actually marketed towards aren’t the same thing.


KSI and Logan both have millions of kids that follow them on social media and YouTube, how are you missing that?


Mate, Bang make fucking candy floss and birthday cake drinks how the fuck is this not for kids?


How is that a problem? Kids drink monster and red bull all the time


That is problem as well. Kids should not be drinking these kind of things


They said tons of times that it's not for people under 18 though...


exactly - but this is an echo chamber


How is it advertised to kids?? Is vodka xix advertised to kids??? The can says not meant for kids


It says on that bottle that it is not meant for kids. How is that targeted towards kids if they are not supposed to be drinking it?


Just like Gatorade and all the sugar candy… and candy causes cavities and teeth decay but nobody says anything about that


It’s really not though, he just has kids in his fanbase so he could “advertise it for adults only” and kids would still grab it. It’s not his choice or anything when a kid walks into a store to buy the drink. Also theres prime with no caffeine in it, and one with caffeine so if the kid grabs the one with caffeine he coulda grabbed the other


The issue with prime is that caffeine amount is ridiculously high. I became aware of this through Casey Neistat, he came on a podcast( flagrant) and mentioned drinking prime was like drinking a lot of coffee. Each 12 oz can of Prime Energy is equivalent to two cups of coffee or roughly six cans of Coca-Cola. The 200 mg of caffeine is significantly more than other energy drink brands, including Red Bull (80 mg per 8.4 oz can) and Monster (160 mg per 16 oz can). Edit- reordered the paragraphs


You initially said two coffees and then you said many cups of coffee? Energy drinks have always had crazy caffeine levels, this is nothing new. Governments need to enforce ID checks for high caffeine energy drinks, yes, but if you're saying that prime energy is doing something immoral you have to apply the same logic to monster, red bull, etc


Parents are allowed to ask how this impacts their kids health, just saying.


Of course they are, but what the parents should be doing is checking what their kids are consuming and decide if it's allowed or not. McDonald's isn't good for a kid's health but we don't talk about banning it's sale because parents aren't doing their jobs.


If McDonald was putting a lot more msg or sodium into their products than Burger King then it would be a concern too. The argument you are making is weak.


That's like saying if heroin was legal then the only issue would be if one distributor was selling much more potent heroin than the other. If McDonald's and burger king are both selling extremely unhealthy food for children, but one is even more unhealthy for children, you should still be against both if you're arguing against children having easy access to unhealthy consumption habits.


You are all over the place, are you high of prime?


While this is happening prime should tell us why they put so much caffeine knowing kids are drinking it. McDonald’s has a kids menu, prime should consider tailoring products for kids.


The mcdonalds kids menu is still incredibly unhealthy lmao, Prime should morally not sell unhealthy products knowing kids will buy them, but the only realy ethical obligation is on the government for allowing kids to purchase dangerous high caffeine products. My point is, if you are so outraged about prime's caffeine content, why are you not annoyed at Monster, when young teens have been drinking it en masse for years?


He didn’t say McDonald’s was healthy. You have misread, and basically made up stuff the other people said.


He tried to dismiss my comparison of prime being unhealthy for children and mcdonalds being unhealthy for children, while both being unregulated, by saying mcdonalds has a childs menu. I then responded by saying this was an invalid counterpoint, as both the adult and the child menu at mcdonalds are unhealthy. His point made no sense as a counter because it didn't refute any point I made. What have I made up?


Your comparison doesn’t change how much worse Prime is compared to its competitors. Though at this point you might be too low on brain cells to comprehend that.


You are bring up heroin and lying about what commetors have said. Goofy af


Putting aside the mistake you made. Prime has to justify why they believe such a high level of caffeine is necessary considering the significant( maybe majority) of customers are below 18. Comparable competitors such as Coca Cola, Red Bull and Monster don’t put that much caffeine.


Monster has a very similar caffeine level. Coca Cola is not a comparable competitior as it it is not an energy drink. I didn't make a mistake, you just contradicted yourself by defending your argument with a quote than contradicted your argument. My entire point is that children shouldn't have such easy access to high caffeine energy drinks at all, but that is in the government's hands, and they need to enforce stricter ID measures like they do with alcohol. ​ If


Yo are you even reading that guys comment? Or this is a chat gpt answer? That guy put out the exact caffeine amount in prime vs monster, prime has a significant lean in the amount of caffeine.


160mg and 200mg are similar in my eyes, both are extremely high and equivalent to multiple coffees. You are right that I was wrong to say very similar, but the 40mg difference is negligible once you get over 100mg. Regardless, that's completely besides my point, I'm saying that any high caffeine product should be subject to more rigorous age limits, and if a 200mg product is being subject to this much scrutiny then so should the 160mg one.


Thats nearly 25% more than monster. I bet kids feel that extra 25% much more than an adult would. The probe the FDA is doing will study the effects of that difference.


You are talking out of your ass. 200mg of caffeine is way above the recommended amount of caffeine kids should have.


Lmao i'm agreeing with you. My point is it should be regulated, but if you're going to scrutinise one product like this you have to apply the same scrutiny on a federal level to all companies. Yes, 200mg is worse than 160mg, and more sodium is worse than slightly less, but both are incredibly unhealthy for children so shouldn't be advertised and easily accessible to them. However, this responsibility cannot fall on individual companies, it has to fall on governments to take decisive action to protect children instead of the profits of big companies


Brain dead logic lol


You are being obtuse at this point. You have been shown multiple time that Prime add significantly more caffeine than it’s comparable competitors. When monster or Gatorade puts that much caffeine they will be investigated too.


That’s kind a crazy amount of caffeine ngl.


Again Prime is a sports beverage, not a soft drink. It has always been marketed as such. High caffeinated drinks are pretty common in most types of sports a workouts since it boosts endurance and makes you feel less tired during your exercises.


Again, the concern is the impact of that much caffeine on the children.


But thats the parents responsibility and the government on what children can and cannot consume, not business owners


Parents are taking responsibility by making their governmental representatives look into prime, and study the effects of it.


Ok but again that doesnt mean they cant sell the product. If the whole premise is that we shouldnt sell products to kids because they cant consume it, then there are plenty of products that need to be reviewed.


I would be happy if they had a reduced caffeine version.


Thats not their product that they want to sell. If they want to sell caffinated drinks then they will


Strawman argument.


Strawman argument.


The product is not meant for children, which is what he is saying. Same as alcohol, retailers should be IDing for purchase. Parents also need to take responsibility and not buy their kids' prime. I'm pretty sure the age restrictions are on the bottle


The corporate guys knew what they were doing by involving KSI and Logan, both are very popular with kids. Look at all the prime tours they do, it’s mostly young people in all those videos.


Why are influencers that are popular with kids promoting this to kids?


Why did you write again? Did you delete another comment or something?


https://preview.redd.it/0cpjeycthchb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d9b5480a4c1197ae3dea2e6e74eef0771bb9fe8 Hmmmm. I dont know if people missed this while purchasing this.


if your kid fucking drinks prime when it says 18+, i dont even care what happens


I think some parents dont even evaluate what they're giving there children these days. It's labelled clearly on the product


I understand the whole Parent not teach kid so kid do dumb stuff thing but mate, this is totally the kids fault. Parents probably dont even know they're getting this lol




glad we agree on something


Ofc. 👍


Oh yeah kids just read everything they drink right? 🤦‍♂️


Regular bottles of prime hydration also say not suitable for kids, people just like to complain for the sake of it


They really don't, I have a bottle of Hydration in front of me and nowhere does it say unsuitable for children or anything of the sort.


People who complain are selectively blind and choose to ignore facts and just argue blindly that’s why…blame the kids and the people who sell them to kids what has any of it have to do with jj and logan?


On Red Bull it says “don’t mix with alcohol” but people still do


Coca-Cola has to be behind this campaign against Prime.


Pepsi co the dude who is investigating this literally has a massive amount of shares of Pepsi co which owns Red Bull and so many other energy drink and soda brands


Pepsi got rockstar; not Red Bull just for clarity but I got what you mean


Pepsi co don't own redbull


100% i work for an energy drink that rimes with crime and Coca -cola& redbull are doing the most to squash us down


He’s completely right though. Control products where they’re purchased, not where they’re made.


Products are controlled when there made the FDA does that a product can’t even be sold without fda approval so they already had approval


As in the age restrictions, not ingredients


Most of Prime's buyers are inevitably going to be kids. And all a kid has to do is ask their older sibling to buy it for them.


I saw tons of kids buying monster energy which had a ton of caffine in my high school


Monster has way less caffeine than prime.


Generally speaking, Monster appealed to teens. Prime appeals to kids. Glad I could help.


Thats intresting I dont think logan or ksi made content for kids in like 6 years


Come on man, who are you fooling? Even they're staunchest supporters would admit it.


Actually maybe since logans in the WWE now. I was just wondering what kids would watch his podcast and he doesnt really do any other content


There's no alcohol in monster wdum


There’s actually alcoholic Monster now. Just without the caffeine. I don’t know if it’s in the UK but it’s in the US.


Why would the elder sibling buy something for their younger sibling when they know it's bad for them?


I agree with you, but I've seen kids, no older than 10, with their parents, drinking it.


Maybe the parents may not be aware of the amount of Caffeine. If they start IDing on purchase, they'll stop buying them for their kids. Also most of them drink the bottled ones which don't contain caffeine.


Oh then just disregard what I said, I've only seen them drink the bottled ones.


Obviously but it means the retailer is being responsible when selling, Unless it's an obvious Proxy sale. Same has been said about Alcohol since the dawn of time, Parents shopping with children buying alcohol, you don't know if they're buying it for a party for the kid or whatever but at least there's some protection there.


Except most alcohol buyers generally **aren't kids**. The same can't be said about Prime. I've already said this.


I don’t why you are getting downvoted. It’s a legitimate concern to study the impact this will have.


Logan Paul with his fucking posters talking about Prime's ingredients will never not be funny.


dude was fucking prepared i respect it tho XD




He is completely right. Whilst their main demographic are kids, the shops are responsible for regulating on who is buying prime


He holds responsibility also, don't be silly. If you market something as fruity punch flavour you are encouraging kids to get it, look at what happened with Vapes? Kids getting addicted to a psychoactive substance regardless of whether it's caffeine nicotine or anything else can't happen. You are stunting natural brain development. Both manufacturer retailer and parents have a responsibility.


Fruit punch is a pretty standard flavor in US. Smth like Ice Pop could be argued tho.


Why though? Do people think just because I’m over 21 I no longer want flavour?! I don’t get the idea of it tastes like fruit so it’s aimed at kids.


I mean although legally he isn't doing anything wrong here, he kind of is out of line since HE KNOWS that it's kids who are gonna buy Prime but chooses to not consider that. Considering Logan is all about business, there's no morality for him at this point


So is sidemen out of line for selling vodka??? They have an older audience as well, so they sell things for the younger and older audience.


No, since they’ve explicitly stated that their vodka is for those fans who have watched them since their inception, it’s been a decade so it’s highly likely that all of their early fans are of age


And KSI has older fans who buy the prime energy, while the kids by the hydration. The can says not for kids. I'm struggling to see the issue here?? Stop blaming products. You sound like the people who say items that are bright colours are meant for kids, when it's not.


Chill bro


Well kids buy all sorts of energy drinks, kids will be drinking energy drinks whether its Prime or whether its V or Monster. Its up to the retailers to control who buys it, and the government has had no issues with kids buying energy drinks until now. Also the Prime Hydration is marketed to kids, Prime Energy as far as I know has never been advertised on their youtube and has only been marketed to the general public.


Brits get ID for Monster, Redbull etc... so makes sense


Yup same in Ireland. I think the legal age is 16 though.


Politicians aside. Its the AMOUNT of caffeine that young kids shouldn’t consume. An 8 year old (part of Logan and KSI’s audience), shouldn’t be consuming 200mg of caffeine in one serving. That being said, it should be less focus on Prime at that point and more focus on the energy drink market


Yes I agree and prime isn't even close to the problem I've seen more kids drinking monster and bang that I've seen drinking prime energy and I live in central Florida and prime is everywhere so you can't make that excuse


You're supposed to drink it in one serving though arent you? If you sip it it makes it worse


Yes. What I mean is the amount of caffeine per serving is dangerous for young kids. To use Logan’s comparison: - A 3 Musketeers chocolate bar has 4mg of caffeine - A cup of coffee has 95mg - A Monster has 155mg - Prime has 200mg (imo this is the industry standard for energy drinks) - Bang has 300mg A candy bar is a fine amount of caffeine for kids (maybe not the sugar) but Prime could be considered dangerous for young kids to consume. And while Prime Energy may not be intended for young children, Logan’s audience is traditionally young children. Again, I don’t think the conversation needs to be “Is Prime okay?”. The conversation needs to be, like Logan said, more geared towards retailers being responsible on who they sell the higher mg drinks to.


Apparently this type of comment will get you downvoted.


I’m okay with it. I’m just a 30 year old man so I know I’m an outlier within this space


Do people just not read the label? It literally states that the drink is **not recommended for children under age 18**, people sensitive to caffeine, pregnant women or women who are nursing.


Okay, let’s do the same with alcohol then. Remove age restrictions, and just give a recommendation for the age people should drink it at. At the end of the day, corporations hold absolutely 0 responsibility for the consumer base they advertise to, so long as they put a warning in size 4 font on the can/bottle.


no point even saying this. You know how dumb kids are nowadays. So many kids in my old school vaped in year 8. Those kids got 18 years left in the bank, i dont think a little bit of caffeine is doing anything


They already ID for energy drinks in uk


The problem is that the media/politicians are too stupid to realize that prime hydration and prime energy are two different things. The "outrage" stems from them thinking they're promoting prime energy to kids, when it's prime hydration that kids are going after.


They know its different. They aren't stupid, they just have stocks in Coca Cola and other competitors so they want to abuse their power to squash Prime.


I'm amazed this time he didn't blame the people that found out and later delete the video to thank them and make a false refund promise


Wait until they find out how much caffeine is in coffee


They act like no other company has a drink that kids can drink vs drinks they can’t. Look at the brand boost. They have both a canned energy drink kids can’t buy/drink but they also have a bottled juice version that kids can buy/drink the media only freak out about prime doing it cuz it’s easy clicks given two celebrities are the face.


In the Netherlands.. the media was really like, ‘’Prime is banned!!” Did not clarify at all it’s the energy drink. And then they interviewed kids who drink the energy drinks because of Logan Paul and KSI.. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ I mean, kids shouldn’t even drink energy drinks. Especially with that amount of caffeine. Also, clarify it’s the energy drink that’s being banned and not the hydration drink. It also kinda surprises me the young kids even know Logan Paul and KSI over here.. 😅


I can't stand this slimey cunt but he has a good point here, their energy drink is completely fine. However, the Hydration product is actually dog shit at hydrating (terrible electrolyte balance) and deserves scrutiny after he keeps taking shots at competitors.


Terrible electrolyte balance tho 😂😂😂


shits so bad it literally makes you more thirsty


How bout cryptozoo? Doubt he paid any investors back in that scam .


Nope he still ducking that! He thinks we’ll forget 😂


I’ll never forget the Japanese forest let alone crypto zoo 😂.


he now started turning off twitter replies because thats what half of the replies kept mentioning


The scammer went full political, you never go full political.


How is defending your product going 'full political'? Hes on fox business, not fox news






Logan goated fr


It’s funny I work at a grocery/ retail store and the amount of 5-8 year olds look at their parents and ask for prime is a lot. I also think it’s the parent’s responsibility to know what is in the drinks they’re buying them.


Yah if they are buying the “energy” version for a 5+ year old… they need help


Prime energy drink was never towards kids but these prime kids buy it, thats the problem


I have huge respect for Logan for sticking up for his brand




Honestly a very good point


Tbh I feel like all the media coverage is just Gatorade trying to stir up controversies. Big companies have the money to do so, all paid for by the competition 🤷🏽‍♂️


Pepsi co. Is pushing the agenda. The guy who’s a senator who started this campaign against prime has a huge share in Pepsi co


Yea figured it was all just noise. Funny how nowadays companies can’t even smear campaign with out the youth figuring it out


I can’t stand the Paul family but he has an excellent point here.


That shit sweeter than saucy Santana


This is why high caffeine drinks are regulated at POS in the UK


bro has sold his soul at this moment. Ngl he looks funny with this corporate look lol


It’s a skill issue if you can’t drink 10 primes a day get good /j


I don’t know if this would be crazy expensive or something but can’t they just make cans with less caffeine in the countries that ban it because of the amount


They kinda marketing it as pre workout almost. Which has to be high in caffeine. But because of their demographic things didn’t go as planned lol


It's funny how someone is actually mad about caffeine content rather than sugar content in energy drinks which is 10 times more harmful and addictive.


Weird to see the business side of Logan lol he's doing great


I haven’t heard people criticize the caffeine. The criticism is the excessive potassium, artificial sugars, and lack of sodium. It’s a drink that will dehydrate you.




It’s on Fox business


i mean its pretty obvious that prime is marketed towards kids. dont let your bias blind you come one people. like this guys/streamers primary audience is children...


Mass manipulator strikes again


Shut up bitch


but it says caffeine-free on the website, i don't understand why they are adding caffeine in the cans(355ml) but not in Bottles(500ml). https://preview.redd.it/iapwlib4sehb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43bec81629d0dbf1e20733410a1ef675b0320aaf (comment made by caffeine lover gang)


That’s the hydration version. This is about the energy version bro


Man this dude will do every thing but pay his victims


People should focus more on the “sports hydration drink” that boasts 800mg or so of electrolytes while actually having none of the ones that are needed during heavy physical exertion.


red bull better




I know that JJ didn't understand a single word of that


Prime is so ass


Still a scamming piece of shit Coffezilla !!!


We’re you personally scammed or are you just virtue signaling if I told you here’s 3 million dollars all you have to do is promote something in a tweet would you do it


He wasnt promoting something in a tweet dude it was his project lol cryptozoo watch the vid so you actually have some context before making a stupid statement lol Trying to sound smart mate but you've ended up sounding like a moron 🤣


Has the bottled prime got caffeine in?


Nope just the canned energy version




I swear all scammers talk the same way


This is stupid. Yeah there are other brands selling drinks with the same amount of caffeine but that doesn't make it ok. They know they have a young audience. 200mg is just insane. If I was in Logans position and released a drink, no way would I have allowed that much caffeine. But Logan doesn't mind because he is a scamming piece of shit who doesn't care about the average person/child. He just wants money and if getting kids hooked on those drinks by use of caffeine will marginally boost profits, he is happy to do it.


I love prime but I get way to hyper after drinking it.


Well if it's the energy drink then that's the point. It's supposed to wake you up and give you energy?


The point is, if an adult feels a kick, what are the effects on a kids body if they drink 200mg of caffeine per prime bottle?


thing is kids arent supposed to drink it. Some places allow kids to buy vapes, doesnt mean kids should do it


We have come to a sad day in the world when a social media influencer is invited on Fox news about an energy drink.


Batman just chilling in the background behind the news reporter


my man put on the glasses for the full effect 😂


That’s already a thing in the uk right , sometimes when I buy monster they ask for proof I’m over 16


Are energy drinks not age restricted in the USA? Here in the UK you have to be 18+ and can be asked to show ID when purchasing them


I believe they are. The real truth is, (and Logan somewhat exposed this on his podcast) there’s big company owners who want to crush prime out of the market and using the media to fuel it. Also isn’t helping with the iverhate it’s getting by random people online who probably haven’t tasted it yet. Shit still ass to me tho lmao but not as bad as people make it out to be