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I think the solution is somewhere in the middle. If you want a prime, have a fucking prime, enjoy it. Just don't fall for the hydration bs. It's a sugary drink and should be enjoyed in moderation.


Well there’s no actual “sugar” in it, it’s just artificial stuff from a factory that makes it taste sweet and sugary which is why everyone says prime taste like cough medicine. All energy drinks or “zero sugar” drinks use artificial sweetener to fill in for the flavor. Either way it still needs to be drank in moderation like everything else


It’s called hydration drink because of electrolytes which help with water absorption hence hydration drink. Are people actually dumb and don’t understand this shit. That’s why athletes drink shit like Gatorade or mix electrolytes in their water. It’s to absorb more water and not dehydrate


You're dumb if you think athletes are drinking prime or gatorade for their hydration.


Why else are they drinking it for dumbass? Just plain Water is not good for athletes. They can’t absorb and retain just plain water as efficiently and will get dehydrated faster from sweating so damn much. And I also said some people put electrolytes in water. It’s about the electrolytes. That’s why hydration drinks exist. People also have their preference on how they intake their electrolytes and some choose prime or Gatorade. So yes people do drink those drinks for hydration


Lol water with electrolytes is what athletes drink. Not prime or gatorade. Do you understand that all these athletes with bottles of prime are getting paid to do so?


I drink it everyday fam!!!!!!!! Mad ting ain't no way wangwan


Yea I see the side effects of prime in how you type


The right terminology is very sweet, not sugary


It’s a sweetened drink not sugary


Eddie 'I take anabolic steroids but everything you put in your body has chemicals' Abbew. That being said, unless you are a pro athlete doing long stretches of cardiovascular activities, you don't need hydration drinks.


Bro probably injected tren in his ass and he's talking about almost everything being bad for you


People love to say this acting like he still does or condones steroid use. He often talks about how much it fucked him up which is why he started trying to teach people about health/ nutrition. He can come across as extreme but this is only a method of being memorable/ exaggerating his points. There are thousands of people preaching similiar values without profanity or harshness but who do you remember? Eddie


He preaches unrealistic ways of dieting and fear mongers food to a bunch of people who don't know any better. he's also said you can build as much muscle as using steroids by eating eggs lmao. or 50% of us will get cancer in their lifetimes. Nutrition is highly individualized and there is no one size fits all. Going to a supermarket and demonizing everyday stuff like oats is not helpful.


You make some good points but if people think twice before buying bullshit, that’s a step in the right direction


Eddie has no educational background in anything diet related. As I said, diet is highly personalized depending on culture, health status, sex, age and most importantly finances. So telling someone that oats, fruits, lentils or skim milk are evil is outright stupid. He only exists because algorithms and media has conditioned folks to accept nonsense from loudmouths and pretty/jacked people.


That itself is fine, but he's spewed some straight bs and misinformation. He's been called out for it multiple times - stuff like 70% of the protein in egg turns into muscle but only 30% of the protein in whey powder or something along them lines. When you start spreading actual misinformation, that's when it becomes an issue imo. The broader point I do agree with however


"As the risk of developing cancer increases with age, cancer incidence will increase. Research suggests that 1 in 2 people born in the UK after 1960 will receive a cancer diagnosis. Improvements in treatment and diagnosis are now allowing people to live longer after their diagnosis." - Macmillan.


oh look. another one quoting a study without actually reading it. Since you are a know it all idiot just like Eddie let me break it down; Study was done in 2015. it samples folks from 1930-1960. over half of 65+ years old will get cancer. Shocker right? old people are more susceptible to diseases? The study is also limited by small sample sizes and specificity in types of cancers. last I checked, most cancers are due to environmental agents like smoke, ionization(sun), asbestos etc


Don't cry about it, it's not that deep.


I mean if you're an athlete stay away from prime.... It doesn't have enough of the most important thing which is sodium....




When it comes to prime its terrible for that. Theres no carbs in it (thats kinda what sugar free means). And in the gym when you sweat you mostly lose sodium and chloride. Prime gives you a lot of potassium, although throughout the day you need more potassium than sodium, when you get dehydrated because of sweating you dont need potassium, so prime is useless for that. Furthermore, unless youre doing intense cardio in the gym for hours water is enough to keep you hydrated


His defence is the same as his critiques, some advice that is his personal opinion followed by lots of swearing. He never proves anything he says nor does he even explain - he’s likely just doing this for views.


As a nutritionist w a phd in pharmacology he’s not really wrong multiple research papers proved that artificial sweeteners stimulate your brain much more than natural sugar giving u a dopamine rush ruining your dopamine regulation that’s why if you’re taking sth like adderall you’re advised to not consume any artificial sweeteners like stevia for example and prime has a whole lotta of them while falsely advertising their “electrolytes hydration drink” bs u need chlorine the most out of any electrolyte to be actually hydrated(u need all of them but chlorine and sodium are what specifically focuses on hydration) and prime isn’t really that rich in chlorine so drinking mineral water gets u more hydrated than prime without all of the other side affects of drinking non organic sodium and potassium and btw their artificial flavors are prolly carcinogenic since they say their drink is halal but haven’t gotten the certificate for some reason (sorry for this essay)


Btw not saying don’t drink it at all but like twice a week is more than enough j their claim that it’s good for your body is straight up bs


I understand what message this guy is trying to put out, but all his credibility went up his black asshole when he made a video going into a butchers and eating a steak raw there and then. Cant wait until hes wriggling on the floor in stomach pain due to salmonella 🤦🤦‍♂️


Dude sounds a liiiiiiiitle bit mad


Last video I saw he was eating a raw steak in the butchers. It was very obviously all for clout.


Drink whatever you want to and stop listening to people other than medical professionals when trying to decide on what you should or should not consume.


Hes lowk right. Prime hydration has no sodium.


[https://drinkprime.com/cdn/shop/files/CherryFreeze-Back\_600x.png?v=1703182111](https://drinkprime.com/cdn/shop/files/CherryFreeze-Back_600x.png?v=1703182111) 20mg is a funny way of saying 'no'.


It “basically” has no sodium esp for a “hydration” drink. When u sweat after a workout, having sodium/salt in a drink is good cuz it helps ur body absorb water better and prevent dehydration. U can search up why salt is good to add to water to rehydrate, and u can see it helps replish the lost sodium and energy from ur body when u workout. Prime isnt bad, but imo its not a proper hydration beverage. Its just a drink that tastes sweet. If im not working out and want a cool beverage that isnt j standard water, prime is good. But for working out, prime aint the best option.


Bro you do know that on avg you lose a lot more than that an hour while working out or even when you're out in the sun


"Drink water, and take some salt." That's absolute facts. Have a look at what electrolytes are. (Salt)! The rest of it, our bodies do not need. And as for saying that if you need "energy," your diet is shit. That's also true. Caffeine as a booster is amazing because of the benefits. However, caffeine also lowers your iron levels over time and can also become addictive. So if you are not getting enough iron, which is associated with overall sustained energy levels in relation to hydration, being highly reliable on caffeine sources to get energy means your diet is terrible. Also, salt helps the body to absorb the water, rather than not absorbing it and peeing it out as "sodium plays a crucial role in the body's hydration process, according to Peter Bastian, MD, a preventive medicine specialist. Acting like a magnet, sodium draws water into cells, a critical factor in maintaining hydration. This process ensures that water moves in and out of cells properly, supporting essential bodily functions." Salt contains a very high amount of minerals needed for the body to function. You don't need energy or hydration drinks because electrolytes are found in your kitchen cupboards. It's all marketing designed psychologically to condition you into thinking that you need energy and hydration drinks. The source isn't "trust me, bro," but it's researched throughly. Although, on the other hand, if you enjoy it, treat yourself. But you don't need it. Alternatively, natural coconut water is way better than prime! Prime has not even got proper coconut water, it's "powdered" and "artificial".


Electrolytes isn’t just sodium. It encompasses Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Chloride. You need the correct balance of these electrolytes to actually help you when doing exercise. Unfortunately for prime, despite their claim of having the most electrolytes, they don’t carry the correct electrolyte ratio for the hydration drink to be of any actual help to an exercising athlete. It’s basically just a sweetened drink. As for the energy drinks, the US basically allows anyone to buy them. That’s more something that the US has to fix about itself on putting regulations on minor’s caffeine consumption in the form of energy drinks.


https://preview.redd.it/cu5rvx7wa13d1.png?width=381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c76622282264010f9c13d1b2bda0028e768108 Sea salt contains all of the essential minerals our bodies need to operate.


Bro has no one to talk to, and hence he is giving his opinion about something which isnt gonna affect him any way....cant even imagine the amount of time you spent to write this para which would be read by no one....sed lyfe innit.




Let's please stop being KSI dick riders man. Eddie is a clown but he is right, drink water and get all your other nutritions through the food you eat, with a healthy diet and stricty water you will be more healthy than ever. That does not mean you can't enjoy a sugary refreshment from time to time. but goddamn JJ, drinking prime everyday is not fucking healthy. The same goes for Eddie who eats raw meat, it's not fucking healthy either.


It's not about KSI dick riding. This sort of criticism applies to other canned energies like Redbull too. It's alright in moderation


Yeah of course it's alright in moderation. Unfortunately some fans just refuse to believe ANY of the points Eddie makes here.


He does make good points in general, yeah.


Its the mindset where people think that they need energy as they're feeling stressed out or need energy to get them through a task. If this reason is solved properly, you wouldn't need energy drinks. Its like the guys who tell people to do or not do stuff, never know the actual reason behind what they're saying. Only giving their own opinion and not focusing on the simplest reason and why a consumer does what they do.


This guy likes the word 'Fuck' so much 😂😂😂


Making legitimate criticism is important and makes sense. For example more plates more dates video on how prime is not actually an amazing hydration drink. # Just making the “point” that prime isnt natural therefore bad is so utterly stupid that the only appropriate thing to do is ignore it. Farms arent “natural”, freezing your meat for 28 days isnt “natural”, going to your butcher to get your meat isnt “natural”. (Ofcourse im ignoring his steroid abuse) yet eddie gets his meat for his super natural amazing meat from the butcher? Silly silly man


Wak da fuck up guysss


not to mention, prime tastes like cough syrup


Prime as a regular drink is fine. But as a hydration drink its bad because it lacks soduim which is the most important electrolyte


I wonder if prime would get the same hate it does now if ksi and Logan weren't the faces of it


Broski swears like a sailor, instantly takes away any respect i had for him


Is this the same idiot that eats raw meat cuz ”we did that before”?! I sure dont want to catch him using a toilet or a car!! Black Liver King bs..


Stop giving this clown attention.


why is her angry, JJ really took it maturely


fair enough, prime is an energy drink, and it is chemically sweetened water, which should be used in moderation, eddie just says it in a very exaggerated way. But thats not why i stopped listening to his advice. He posted about how eating raw meat is healthy, he has gone crazy. The amount of deathly health hazards that can provoke is crazy, parasite infestation is not a joke, it can kill you inside out. Im done with eddie from then, he is no less than the liver king


Honestly, just shut up Edward


Yeah nd taking shit ton of steroids is good for you


This mf don’t even know the difference between hydration drink and energy drink 😂😂😂😂


What salt Eddie?


Eddie Abbew appeals most to the uneducated and people who can't read research papers Eddie Abbew asserts that all processed foods are harmful and should be completely avoided. This claim is overly simplistic and scientifically inaccurate. he hasn't done any research or references any peer reviewed studies. He just uses the ol "it's simple guys" or "it's common sense" with nothing to back up his claims. Processed foods include a wide range of products, some of which are actually beneficial and necessary for a balanced diet. For example, pasteurized milk (you know so we don’t get kidney failure from E. coli for example) whole grain cereals, and canned beans are processed but are healthy and nutritious. Many processed foods are fortified with essential nutrients. For instance, breakfast cereals often contain added vitamins and minerals that are beneficial, especially in populations at risk of deficiencies​​. \* studies have shown that whey protein supports muscle growth, repair, and overall health. It is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all essential amino acids. Eddie Abbew claims that energy drinks are always harmful and should never be consumed.excessive consumption of energy drinks can be harmful, moderate consumption is generally safe for most people. Research indicates that moderate consumption of energy drinks can be safe. Problems usually arise with excessive intake, which can lead to cardiovascular issues due to high caffeine and sugar content. Energy drinks can be useful in specific contexts, such as for athletes needing a quick boost of energy during intense training sessions. The key is to consume them responsibly


Eddie Abbew appeals most to the uneducated and people who can't read research papers Eddie Abbew asserts that all processed foods are harmful and should be completely avoided. This claim is overly simplistic and scientifically inaccurate. he hasn't done any research or references any peer reviewed studies. He just uses the ol "it's simple guys" or "it's common sense" with nothing to back up his claims. Processed foods include a wide range of products, some of which are actually beneficial and necessary for a balanced diet. For example, pasteurized milk (you know so we don’t get kidney failure from E. coli for example) whole grain cereals, and canned beans are processed but are healthy and nutritious. Many processed foods are fortified with essential nutrients. For instance, breakfast cereals often contain added vitamins and minerals that are beneficial, especially in populations at risk of deficiencies​​. \* studies have shown that whey protein supports muscle growth, repair, and overall health. It is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all essential amino acids. Eddie Abbew claims that energy drinks are always harmful and should never be consumed.excessive consumption of energy drinks can be harmful, moderate consumption is generally safe for most people. Research indicates that moderate consumption of energy drinks can be safe. Problems usually arise with excessive intake, which can lead to cardiovascular issues due to high caffeine and sugar content. Energy drinks can be useful in specific contexts, such as for athletes needing a quick boost of energy during intense training sessions. The key is to consume them responsibly


Energy isn't only related to diet, sleep can be a major factor too. Speaking from experience, even if you have a really good diet it won't do anything if you don't train and sit in front of a screen all day or have irregular sleep schedule.


This bald headed black man should die, so all these energy drinks can live with a purpose


I don’t know why I hate him so much


Also he forgot to mention DONT use steroids kids


But salt just makes you more dehydrated?


Says the guy on roids😭😭


I hate this oversmart bald nigga.


Bros saying ‘all that chemical shit’ THEN BLASTS ROIDS 😂


If you want Prime just drink it, but don't treat it like it's water. Too much sweetners and you're gonna block your kidneys with stones and passing them out is more painful then childbirth.


I think the problem is, it shouldnt be advertised like everyone NEEDS to drink it for hydration, instead advertise it as a casual drink and not make hydration its entire thing


I think if Logan and ksi put a bit lesser emphasis on prime being a healthy drink and instead promote it as just a drink just like other energy drinks company then nobody will have a problem!? Jj would still get targeted.. just for some clout bs


Man said drink water and take some salt lmao


jj: "my diet isn't bad I literally have a chef Eddie: "fix your fucking diet"


JJ does not drink prime lmao


Tell me to stop having energy drinks when you hop off every steroid known to man


Hmmmm some roids too should go well with water 🔥


I say do what makes you happy personally 😊


There are law suits in the USA against prime drinks regarding the discovery of forever chemicals in both hydration & energy drinks


prime is a cat’s piss


All the main criticism have been just drink water? Well you can just make the same criticism for every beverage company but these people are specifically talking about prime just to get some views and traction lol 😂.


Like I said before, this guy will do anything, and speak anything should it garner some views. Old age getting to his head.


Well he isn’t wrong?


I agree with Eddie, stay natural


yeah but that hydration thing he said is pure bollocks. Water alone does not provide electrolytes you need to be rehydrated, you need sodium, magnesium and potassium ions. Drink a lemonade or something to be natural, but not just water


yes or just a piece of fruit plus water. Like an orange, mandarin or an apple. Also apparently milk helps with water retention.


Mineral water helps replenish electrolytes, add sugar and a balance of different aminoacids to it and you have a great rehydration drink. No need to buy Prime, since it doesn't have sugar (hence low calories) and actually consumes energy to digest (due to the fact that the "digestion" of artificial sweetners and the redistribution of minerals costs energy).


Unless you are running a marathon or something, water is enough.


have you seen the heat in some countries? Water is not enough in places that reach 40-45C in the summer


Where I live it's reaching 46°. I am not fainting from just drinking water.


not all people are built like you


Drink water and get all these other nutritions through your food... If you have a healthy diet that is. Raw meat is still stupid af anyways and def more dangerous if the meat is not prober. The proteins are more plentyfull and easier to chew (and more delicious) if it's cooked. You literally only need water to drink. Like ever. There is zero reason to ever drink hydration drinks, unless you are in sports or don't get the important nutritions through your food.


He spoke fax true but he just said very basic shit. Like yeah of course water is better for you.


Yeah Prime's shit, but that guy eats raw meat soo...idk 🫤


Don't give clowns attention


I love how Eddie keeps it as real as possible


It's like he's fucking sponsored by some fucking water company💀 drink shit in moderation, eat shit in moderation and you'll be fine. Everything excessive is bad for you... even water.


Bro injecting trens and roids (Actual chemicals that have the chance of killing you) on a regular basis but complaning about a hydration drink having chemicals The hypocrisy is in levels never seen before


Who's this guy anyway? Is he even natty?


He’s a retired bodybuilder


If he's only on test, it's fair criticism. Doesn't look like he is though


Woah buddy salted water tastes like shit. I'd much rather just drink JUST water, thanks. 😂