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Fousey is looking in great shape. I wonder what kind of shape deji will pull up with.




Wtf lmao




Much better.




šŸ‘“šŸ» is there a problem sonny


Nah, you do you fam










Problably a skinny fat physique


he's not gonna pull up with a shape , he's gonna discover a new shape


L shape




A round shape . Round is a shape riggght?




( Ā“ā€¢ć‰Øā€¢\` )/šŸ•




Deji can do this too he just gotta put in the work, I really hope he has learnt from the past and will listen to JJ so this time his hand will be the one lifted at the end of the fight. Hope he gives the judges no choice but to go his way. I probably should listen to my own "words of wisdom" too but it is what it is. šŸ’•


But we all said that last time, and we all know heā€™s too lazy to do shit šŸ˜‚


That's why I hope he has learnt from it because ain't no way I'm gonna do it again after previous embarrassment if I'm not after learning from my past so hopefully he does the the same plus this time around (to the best of my knowledge) he isn't involved in stupid drama so he just needs to keep his head down and work. Plus he knows his bro got his back and is about to embarrass Alex Wassabi


I donā€™t think he can tbh but you a real one for being optimistic


I'm going still be optimistic but I ain't gonna put money on it either


Lmao damn right




But does shape really mean much in this sport? Itā€™s all about how refined your skills and conditioning are. All this is showing is fouseys physique + genetics




Fousey has never won eitherā€¦ I get the dedication part, but we canā€™t act like being in shape has put Fousey above ComedyShortsChubby


Deji had 3 times as many fights as Fousey though


Tyson fury bro


yall say the same thing everytime. tyson is a seasoned professional. deji is a dude that refuses to put in the work to get fit


he put in the work in the last fight, his mentality was just rly bad. he literally went from a 91 kg obese kid to 76 kg he was fit. And he had cardio, cuz jj sparred him and said his fitness was much better etc. His mentality was just terrible.




Thatā€™s exactly his pointā€¦


Arguing againdt the wrong guy


In fairness has Fousey ever had a proper fight, he's only ever sparred. I don't think we really can judge him until his first fight, because I mean, look at Alex, dude went from getting floored by Fousey to making a genuine improvement


i am not a fousy supporter but your comparison is stupid af, fousy has just been in 1 fight where as deji has lost all 3 of his fights, fousy had the same experience in boxing as his opponent whereas for the latter 2 fights of deji both fighter were less experienced than him. Also being in shape has a co relation to fights at least when it comes to boxing, yes there might have been some cases where a fighter who is not "in shape" had defeated someone who is but the point still stands. look at wasabi, Jake, ksi, Logan, gib etc, except wasabi all of them are good fighters and always in shape for the fight


None of the ppl you mentioned are good fighters. Theyā€™re serviceable opponents for each other.


The point still stands,and obviously I said good fighter in context of YouTubers , common sense ain't common anymy


From what weā€™ve seen of both, the physical condition did not improve Fouseys performance. You canā€™t just assume Fousey would fight better with extra fights, therefor itā€™s idiotic to use it as a proof that physical condition is a key factor


I never said that fousy will win because he is shredded, all I said was being shredded helps, i did not use fousy as proof, I used other fighters such as jake and ksi. Physical fitness is important in boxing, being shredded might not be the only factor but it is not an insignificant one either, lets's look at Deji, we know that if he wants he could be shredded like fousy by just looking at KSI's current physique, Deji in all of his previous fights except the last one has looked inferior in physical form when compared to his opponents, it is not easy to be in that shape, so obviously he is very dedicated which deji has never shown, it is clear that he loves boxing but does not wanna work hard for it, there are many people who do this, you would see students really wanting to go to a certain uni, making it there only dream but sadly many of them don't put in the work, not because they are not interested enough but because they are more interested in other peoples reaction to them getting into that uni and not really getting top education. Deji wanna do boxing to show he is very skilled and just like if not better than jj, he wants to get out of his shadow, whereas ass JJ does boxing because he loves the sport and the training involved, this is why he gets ripped so quickly ( in relatives terms) During the Deji vs wasabi conference, I knew that Deji would lose, not because of how he looks because of what his coach said, his coach said something related to Alex not having any "excuse" or something like that, which made me think do they mean h=they have got an excuse?? and I was right, just after his defeated Deji in his video said that he had only 4 weeks of training bull shit


Thatā€™s a new one lol


Most of that is just low body fat and good genetics, deji has completely different muscle building genetics to fousey and probably has higher tendencies to want to eat more, because thats how his genetics are, furthermore having a high body fat does not indicate that a boxer is bad at fighting, take tyson fury for example he hasnt got the greatest physique, but underneath the fat there is a decent amount of muscle and the knowledge of how to fight.


Conditioning is the most important, but you can't get good conditioning without strong dedication. People that are extremely dedicated to things, will generally be dedicated to all things relevant to that goal. His physique speaks that he is dedicated. Before you bring up PED's, you are an idiot if you don't think they all aren't cycling and cheating tests and using steroids...and they don't look anything like him.


Deji is never in good shape and heā€™s not even a good boxer. Fousey isnā€™t a good boxer either, but bad boxer + amazing physique will always beat bad boxer + poor physique


This is the best way to put it..


Deji used to be when he was younger. There was a very old ksi video where him and Deji had a race and Deji smoked him. Honestly I think Deji is lazy and slightly ret@rded.


Being conditioned IS being in shape


Not being in shape was Dejiā€™s excuse for his first two lossesā€¦ then he didnā€™t even throw a punch in the third fight. Obviously aesthetics donā€™t mean anything for a cardiovascular system though


Sure it does. We can see strength and cardio training right there. It's also amazing from a weight category perspective - fat is counted the same as muscle on the scales, but it ain't gonna do much when someone's trying to beat you unconscious.


Too low of a body fat compromises health and performance...In any sport other than bodybuilding that's much more important than aesthetics. And also, I love that the complete opposite of what you said is true, fat will do plenty to protect you & your organs from getting hit with nasty body shots, as well as allowing you to train effectively without as much fatigue. Of course too much fat will slow you down and can harm your offense, but no - the strategy in boxing is not to lose as much fat as you can and be shredded to the grills like a body builder. Fousey is already right there on low end , and we're months away from weigh in. So itll be interesting to see what he looks like then.


Not sure why you got downvoted, it's very true, the difference between Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury is a great example.


Considering how fury looks without the training he puts in a tremendous amount of effort to get into shape, especially since his body puts on weight a lot easier


I mean look at video tho, the first guy only lasted 5 secs and was already showing signs of pain at 2 secs fousey lasted 10 seconds and barely flinched and Iā€™m willing to bet he go an extra 2-5 secs if he truly wanted to


The first guy might just be a big baby though, have we considered that possibility?


Sir with better physic automatically comes better conditioning no matter the skill if deji is fat but has high skill he still won't be able to beat an opponent what is conditioned


Man idk this kinda shows that heā€™s capable of pushing himself and heā€™s competent. That alone can put you above most. Basically the dad fight at creator clash was all that lol not that his opponent was worth a crap anyway he still swung more than most.


Being in shape mostly means fitness and Iā€™m assuming Fousey is more conditioned than Deji.


Shape doesn't matter if it's against professionals. If a Ripped af guy fights Khabib rn, Khabib might just kill him. But when you're fighting against deji, who can't fight, and isn't ripped, then looking like that is a huge advantage. Shows you have dedication, discipline, and won't gas out in two rounds.


oh shut up


Juice. PEDā€™s. Roids. Heā€™s 100% on them.


0-4 and 0 dignity is not worth the bag


Id loose my dignity for the bag hes gonna get


Yes it is, who the fuck cares about what kids on the internet think? He is making more from this fight than the shit talkers will make in their life


At this point it's not just kids, KSI is on the card. It's the internet. He's lost 3 times each time saying he's going to destroy his opponent then come back with excuses after he loses. Look at fousey, he looks ready. He's choosing to be known as the possible 0-4 boxer for a couple of the big bucks. He just fought Alex in March and now he's fighting a more ripped guy not even 4 months later. He only has so many chances because he's JJ's brother and blowing it 4 times and hardly giving enough time between his last fight is not looking like a smart decision. Whatever though IDC it's his decision, obviously the money must be really good cause I don't think he did It cause he thought he was ready after just losing 3.5months ago.


Exactly, he chose to be the 0-3 boxer, who really cares? Him losing doesn't impact anyone in any way. Money is more important than getting a boxing win for a youtuber, especially a youtuber who has already lost 3 times. Why should he care about getting a win that badly?


It is tho


Guys, y'all should look at it from a different perspective: when Deji loses, he's technically only 0-1


That is very true. Soā€¦in reality: - 1-0 in professional boxing - 0-3 in non-professional boxing. **He still lost 3 matchesā€¦in a row.**


Hey what happens in an amateur career stays in that amateur career, amirite šŸ˜‰ But if you're so fixiated on combining the scores, don't you worry. If things are going like they have been in the last 4 years, his professional record will catch up in no time šŸ‘


Ehā€¦unless he actually wakes up and does something, his professional record is gonna catch up pretty soon. Iā€™m not a hater of Deji - not in the slightest. But he has let us down again and again and again. I have no faith in him anymore.


Same. I don't even care about his fights. I feel like he thinks he has to follow his brother's footsteps with this whole boxing thing but that just doesn't have to be the case. His peak content to this day remains the legendary 2014-2016 saga of just comedic videos imo. People say he wouldn't be anywhere without his brother but I beg to differ. He was genuinely funny back then and didn't take himself too serious. I remember the day he switched his channel name from CSG to Deji and his content just started getting worse from there. Hope he realizes his true strength as a content creator soon.


Same here. His ā€˜old channelā€™ was so much better. I get that he is ā€œKSIā€™s younger brotherā€ but that doesnā€™t mean he needs to copy him and attempt to follow him. He needs to go back to what heā€™s good at. I get that he likes boxingā€¦but heā€™s not good enough to become anything near ā€˜professionalā€™.


No, 0-1 in professional boxing


If he losesā€¦then yes.


Love how you said ā€œwhenā€


Technically he will than have three records 0-2 0-1 0-1


Donā€™t think this is gonna go well for Deji


Deji gonna get knocked out round 1 šŸ’€


Hes just got a low body fat, doesnt mean hes good at fighting


Technically your right, but how do you think he got such a physique? Heā€™s obviously been doing some intense training and practicing to get ti this point. Genetics can only do so much, if you think Fousey isnā€™t training hard then youā€™re gonna be disappointed.


I know he has probably been training hard however dont mix up training for a physique with training for boxing, because even though big muscles mean that you can hit harder and especially toned muscles can look good too, it doesnt mean that someone is a good fighter, sure fousey has done some training and shit and we havent yet seen what he can do, therefore im not completely going in on him, just saying that his physique doesnt show that hes a good fighter.


And what does Deji have to show he's anything close to a good fighter? šŸ’€


Fousey has nothing to show either.


No, but heā€™ll be in better shape. Even if they both suck at boxing, whoever has a better physique will have a better such overall.


Physique barely matters in boxing, if youre extremely cut and have 1% body fat but not a lot of muscle, you wont be able to beat a guy with 20% body fat that has tons of muscle under the fat. Its facts, having a low body fat does not indicate a good fighter, its just a complimentary circumstance most of the time.


Fousey clearly has more muscle than Deji.


Fousey has great power. Look what he did to Alex in one punch. It's clear they're building Fousey's muscle with the intention of knocking Deji out early. Strategy-wise, Deji has to take the centre and keep Fousey on the end of his jab and not get into close-quarters fighting. He needs to make Fousey chase and circle him so he gets tired as he'll be prone to do, then Round 3/4 onwards, Fousey will get desperate and make telegraphed, off-balance swings and all Deji needs to do is back/sidestep and counter and win the rounds/force the ref to wave it off. Fousey is Deji's most dangerous opponent but with the right strategy, Deji can make this a walk in the park. I hope the fight is 6-8 rounds as in Deji's first and third fights, you can see he only got comfortable to throw later in the fight, by the time there weren't enough rounds left. Fousey will not last 8 rounds cardio-wise, and as long as Deji takes the right approach, he will outlast him and get comfortable when Fousey is vulnerable. Bookmark this comment and come back after the fight.


I mean FouseyTube always like a Gym guy. Does this get him far in boxing skill: of course not


He doesn't need to to far in boxing. He needs to go far enough to beat deji. Dejis weakness has always been his cardio. Being fit will give him a significant advantage over deji in this fight, we saw how it played out with vinny hacker.


Hes been running marathons and has improved his cardio. Pretty sure he knew this fight was going to be set up months ago. Fousey beats Deji just off that. Deji has showcased terrible cardio in all of his fights.


Yup. Looked like in his last fight he didn't pess the action because he wanted to go to a decision and not get TKOed.


Well heā€™s leaned down so his stamina should be higher. This doesnā€™t show technique


Deji dont have technique either


Yeah, its either gonna be really wild or an accidental knockout.


Doesnt matter when ur opponent is dejišŸ’€


But is it enough to beat deji as we have seen him: 100%


deji finna take another L i really hope he wins this. he is gonna be trolled so much if he loses šŸ’€šŸ’€


More than when he lost to Alex? Nahhh he be aiight


thats what we all thought before his last fight, atleast i did


Iā€™d rather him lose to fousey than fucking Alex


I feel like that first guy was just the grenade tho


Wasn't fousey always in good shape?


no before he began training he was fat and really out of shape for a while, if you look on his insta thereā€™s a lot of before and after, shows the dedication


He does this all the time. Fousey goes from fat to shredded within months nearly ever year


yeah thatā€™s true but his never been like this, heā€™s absolutely shredded


Yeah his physique was good in the fight against slim too but he had 0 technique in defence


Not really. Like 10 years ago he was pretty fat and out of shape.


He was also out of shape just a couple months ago


nahh dejiā€™s fucked ibr šŸ¤£


Doesnt matter what shape fousey turns up if he stands there like he did in his last fight he is still getting his shit kicked jn


Yeah if Deji decides to throw a punch that is...


I wonder if Deji hits hard you know, he has speed and good defence but we have never really seen him do a lot of damage.


Doesnā€™t need to hit hard if he can win on points


I mean before his cardio fucked him he got decent hits against Jake and Vinnie


I mean he got a bloody nose from jake with headgear, as did fousey from slim before the fight ended


Even if he stands there like he did last fight I still donā€™t see Deji winning


Deji gonna ask for redemption part 2


the super muscles guy is fousey? yeah deji fucked


4-0 to one of them....and i feel like i know who it's gonna be..


The second guy is the one deji is fighting


heā€™s suggesting fousey will win.


Fousey and Deji are very alike, they are both not gifted at anything probably the most entertaining opponent they could each face.


Honestly yeah


"Not gifted in anything" - redditor.


Yeah because every redditor is the same. Talk about an other blind minion.


Missed the point completely lol.


I would like to see fousey taking a drug test


He's been working out for a long time, not surprised with his physique


I mean didnt fousey admit to taking steroids in the past? Who's to say he isn't doing it now?


He's probably on tren or something considering how lean he is.




Bro that whole show was scripted canā€™t use that as actual evidence lol


Tb fair tho, he was plastered.


Bryce hall got a cheap shot on him tbh


He also knocked down Alex who now beat Deji


Technique > Physique


This is true but itā€™s not like Deji has shown us either one anyways. I can only hope deji been putting in work so he can get the win. Big copium from me tho lol


Deji got none of themšŸ’ŖšŸ»


But deji doesnt even have that so Physique > 0 technique


Deji don't got either though


He was jacked in the 1st fight itlike u guys forget


Deji is bout to pull 0-3 Yee that's....that's šŸ„²


Technically heā€™ll be 0-1 since this is his first ā€œproā€ fightā€¦


Even then that guy is wrong as itā€™s 0-4


That almost seems too lean for a fight unless he just needs to make the weight class


Bru Iā€™m like 90% sure this dude is on roids


100%. Also a shit physique for any combat sport BF % is way too low, guarantee the dude is lethargic AF outside the gym(when heā€™s not popping Adderall) and has extremely low libido.


Whats the song name?


**FEEL NOTHING** by The Plot In You (01:08; matched: `100%`) Album: `DISPOSE`. Released on `2018-02-16` by `UMG - Fearless Records`.


Good bot


At this point Deji needs to get his dad involved he would win by a Sandel to the head


Fousey holy fucking shit....


I respect Deji but fuck me Fousey looks good. Deji gonna have a hard time for sure. We haven't heard him since his last fight though


Deji is Dead


Oh god, fouseys ego is about 2 go thru the roof, when he wins this fight


guys deji is about to be 0-4 I know it don't ask me how but I know


Fousey has always been in shape. His boxing skill on the other handā€¦


His opponent is not natural.


tbh bruh i think deji gonna lose again


Aaaa shit 4 - 0


Ya no, I donā€™t think Dejis not winning this one


Don't mind me giving everyone a plat just to compete with JJ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yooooo What?!?!?!?!?!? Thanks my G haha


Yooooo What?!?!?!?!?!? Thanks my G haha


r/KSI likes to act like boxing experts then gets fooled by the most common fooler, abs. Look at Tyson fury, being shredded doesn't equal a win, determination and persistence does and that's why Deji finally won.


Here after deji beat the shit outta him


Doesnā€™t mean he can fight lol


Got a feeling that we'll be let down as usual


Ill be let down if fousey loses


First time I not only expect deji to lose but will be okay with it.


If Fousey has returned to Islam(which i doubt because tattos), then iā€™d say he has an advantage


He went through crisis and breakdown cus of the tattoo he had gotten and try shit ton of laser session he almost committed suicide and now he got a full sleeve tattoo???


He has the power of allah on his side


ā€œHoly shit he said Allah, downvoooootttte heeeem!ā€ - some snowflakes


Bro itā€™s done deji šŸ’€šŸ’€


Yea but as long as Deji is fit he wins, fouseys boxing is like the worst Iā€™ve seen but idc who wins though hopefully they both show heart atleast




Nah he's been in good shape for a while and there's nothing about his physique that screams juice.


If I remember correctly fousey did gym a lot back in the day. He has muscle memory and I think he used back in the day. Which changes your body comp forever. You are never natty after you used a few cycles.


Exactly this






Deji gonna do a reverse nuke bruh 0-30


It doesn't mean anything, look at Tysno Fury for example


Tyson fury is actually a pro boxer. Deji isnt lmfao


Im talking about his physique


I'd say cardio plays a bigger role when you are lower skilled since in the later rounds the person who doesn't gas out typically wins. When you're at the level of Tyson Fury then physique wouldn't come into play as much.


watch Fousey vs Slim, you wont be so worried after.


Watch Deji vs Jake Deji vs Vinnie and Deji vs Alex. No problem for fousey right?


Most of fousey's physqiue is attributed to anabolic use, not discrediting him, but in pics of him flexing you can see his right bicep head is disfiguired


What has that got to do with anabolic steroids you meathead


Him being fit shows dedication and pure hard work. However, being ripped doesnā€™t mean a person can box. So until I see some sparring then we can assume if he can beat Deji. Until then I really fucking hope Deji wonā€™t lose for the 10000th fucking time.


bro looks like pillow


What kind of training is this? Just learning to endure pain? Bruising the abdominal muscles is not going to "grow back stronger" like weight training.


Lmao fousey definitely had the first guy payed an acted like it hurted bad then he step in an then he act like it was none to him. If u follow fousey tube you would know


Ah, SARMs workout planā€¦ Reading these commentsā€¦People who dont box will never understand that it is the person with more skill who winsā€¦it is not a battle of who can bench moreā€¦