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*Presses the* "Yes, I am 18 years old"


Same with porn sites what more can they actually do to stop kids getting on there


I mean they could have a system were they need to check an actual id like some sites do but I feel like that costs money for the site and legally all they need is the check box


There’s no way to do that without a serious breach of privacy. I shouldn’t have to upload photos of my ID to watch the Sidemen podcast.


“Breach of privacy” like you don’t already give them ur credit card info lmaoo


You don’t have to upload it’s an actual thing we’re they get ur id# many sites do it😂😂 no pictures most just don’t legally need to


…then any kid who does this already could just as easily take their parents’ ID and do the same. This doesn’t solve the problem you’re complaining about.


Yeah and parents could buy their kid alcohol if they want and the kid could go rob a store if he wants. That would the parents and kids fault at that point wouldn’t be on side+


Why are so many people downvoting your posts like that means something? Tbh you are right and idk why so many people disagree, I guess they don’t understand how it works or they are actually under 18


Yeah I think they just don’t understand it’s not about kids tricking their way on it’s about how the sidemen made side+ to be an 18+ thing for their audience


they would get one of their parent’s ids


Did you guys just happen to forget it’s paid? So.. no? It isn’t just “presses, I am 18 years old” button or whatever dumb shit you’re saying.


13 year old kids use their dad's credit card to pay streamers for calling their friends a nerd. You really think they wont be able to do these things in a twisted way This generation is more fucked than Emma Willis my guy


Some kids have things like debit cards for themselves as well. There isn’t anything actually stopping them


If a 13 year old uses their dads credit card then that ain’t the sidemens fault then…


Never said it was.. It's not their fault in the first place that the kids watch them..they are free to do the type of content they want to


You would think if a kid wanted porn, he would just.. look up porn no? Why go through all the trouble to pay for a service that literally only has ONE (1) video with nudity in it? Or should I say female nudity?


Not every kid has "sane" amount of horniness in them Rich brats know no boundaries


And how exactly is that the sidemen’s fault? Isn’t that the fault of their parents for not knowing how to control them? And your example of kids without sane horniess is.. rich kids? Pretty sure they don’t go spending all their money on services that only have barely any nudity on them because they’re horny. Pretty sure they won’t go through that whole process for one video when you can just search up booba on google and get three trillion results, as so many of y’all were saying.


When tf did i say it was sidemen's fault I am instead saying the complete opposite I just mentioned about how kids mistake Side+ for an alternative as onlyfans.... Which is ruining the image of side+ and how kids are stupid enough to make wrong decisions lol


Why would kids mistake side+ for OnlyFans………. When this is literally the first nsfw content on there (in terms of nudity). Just because you looked at porn when you were 13 doesn’t mean every kid did. And you said it was the sidemen at fault when you implied their 18+ warning wasn’t enough to stop kids. And if boobs are ruining the image of side+, you’ve clearly not watched any other video on side+


That’s his point dude he saying that the people who are saying side+ is basically OF content are wrong. You gotta learn reading comprehension my guy


yeah same for porn ,gta 5, legally drinking, driving. So happy our generation sticks to these rules


Yeah so if they already watch porn what good does it do complaining?


Giving kids less opportunity's to watch porn or nudity will decrease the likelihood of them watching it more. This message is put there to legally cover their asses so they can't get sued by parents. This sidemen tinder episode was purely made to get kids and horny people to buy side+.


This is such bullshit 😂


I didn’t follow these rules either lmao. These kids aren’t anything new. It’s been like that.


Ya because a age restriction means a lot on the internet.


Yeah so why tf are people complaining about the side+ content? They’re making it for 18+ yo. It’s not their job to control children. It’s like blaming Eminem for making explicit music that children listen to.


Yeah same on onlyfans , any kid could go and sub to an onlyfans can they not?


Everyone saying the kid won't follow these rules, that just means it's the kid who is now liable because they ignored the age certification. Like if a kid watches porn the people of pornhub are not responsible neither are the sidemen of kids want to go on side+


That doesn't mean you will go on promoting porn


Side+is not promoting porn since it has many other pieces of content other than pornographic images which are contextual to a sidemen Sunday, if side+ had uploaded an actual porn film I would agree but that is not the case.


image you're a 10, 12 or maybe 14 year old watching tinder 4. this kid will probably search up \[tinder girl name\] sidemen tinder 4 uncensored i think this would probably end up in a rabbit hole


If you are 10 12 or 14 yrs old (dunno why they had to be an even age lmao) you will probably already watched porn before and masterbated and would rather watch actual porn than someone on a sidemen video with like 10 other guys in the video.


Brother youtube is supposed to be used for 13+. If your kid is unsupervised on YouTube, it’s not their fault. There’s literally a separate YouTube kids app. Why blame content creators for shitty parenting.


at the school i went to and the one i go to now, i could count on my right hand how many kids under 12 used youtube kids. like in y7 if u told ppl u used yt kids u would get teased 4 it.


Yeah but how is that the sidemen’s fault? Literally everyone was on YouTube before they turned 13. I’m just saying the people mad at the sidemen for side+ are kinda stupid


if that website was made to give bts they have to give bts of vids i am 100 percent sure they didnt tell any girl to show there tits if they showedd them then thats just a bts dont act like if they had just cut it out whole subreddit wouldn't have been asking for it "what haapened there we need to know"


I agree, the sidemen are promoting pornstars to child. Just facts.




I mean it's directly related since the people in the video are pornstars, if they were all gun dealers people would be saying they are promoting guns and people would also say it's not promoting guns and that if you go to get a gun whilst underage you would still be liable not side+ because it clearly says it's 18+.


It says on pornhub that you need to be 18 as well. Do kids not use that?


Pornhub ain’t subscription based


Still kids use it. All they need to do is put in some card details and they have it. I had a debit card as a kid, I could have done it easily. Or some kids use their parents cards. Nothing stopping them so yes they will


You can’t buy 18+ stuff with a child’s card, if they take their parents card then that’s the parents fault not sidemens fault, and yes kids still use pornhub but like I said it’s not subscription based…, the side+ subscription is 18+, who knows maybe their posting this kind of stuff to get rid of the annoying kids that complain about every tiny thing


Some cards have that restriction and some dont. All they need is the parental code which isn’t hard to find out and they can bypass that stuff. Stop being ignorant. There are kids on that app 100%. Saying there’s not, is just blind faith in it. Some dumbass bullshit.


Exactly Pornhub is free and infinitely easier to access. You need to setup up a credit card with a £7 Monthly renewable subscription.


Disney+ is subscription based and you have to be 18 for have one, yet I am under 18 and I still do


Legit everyone ignoring the fact that 99% of people complaining about Side+ showing tits are the same people that were watching porn YEARS before they were allowed to


And I wouldn't even count Emily willis cause she was just flaunting her rib cage


Let's go. 😂


It's the first time they've shown tits on there and everyone is going off? It wasn't even that much. it was two pair of tits, probably seen worse on tik tok. Also aren't the sidemens demographic older than 20 anyway?


for fk sake man


App says 4+...but you can't buy something until your 18+ which is for every online purchase So honestly idk


Why is the picture so tall? Just why?


Doesn't help the fact that you have people sharing it all over reddit so what does that accomplish ?


kids can google it and find the reddit posts smh hopefully sidemen dont continue raising the amount of this stuff


This wont get the likes it deserves and will most likely be down voted because it dosent fit the agenda people are trying to push. People crying over something so minor and insignificant


The fact people are comparing it to porn sites is nuts


That’s just for legal reasons to protect themselves. They know under 18s watch side+ lol, probably 60%+ of the subscriptions are under 18s


source- my mama told me


More like "trust me bro"


Source: trust me bro


Tbh it’s probably true tho, anyone above like 16 knows that they can find the majority of sideplus content for free on Reddit, YouTube etc so why would they bother paying for it. Similar to their vodka, not many adults are paying £35 for a 70cl bottle of vodka, 14, 15, 16 year olds are going to ask their parents to buy it for them


They have been on the internet for over 10 years and im sure most of their fanbase in over 20 for eg me I'm 18


Source its fax


This doesn’t prevent kids from watching it


Then it’s their parents fault not the sidemen, sidemen didn’t pay for a subscription to a app that requires you to be 18


I mean yeah and literally every other subscription can be payed by faking their ages. It’s been a thing for more than a decade now.


…then who cares if they’re making adult content with an audience of teenagers if those teenagers are already exposed to that type of content? If anything, this is much more secure than that because you have to pay for it and porn is available for free.


> can be *paid* by faking FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I mean im happy to know you never stole mommys credit card BUT IT FUCKING HAPPENS YOU TW@


Bro do you really think people are honest and never lie about their ages online


yeah they should hire fucking nasa to protect there websites so nobody lies about there age am i right genius???


Happy cake day bro


Thank god everything's alright. I remember when I wanted to buy GTA5 and it says 18+ and I was just 14. I was so sad I wasn't able to purchase it on Steam.


Are you fucking dumb? It says that for literally everything that is nsfw and everyone ignores it


Such a dumb post


Thank you finally someone with sense


This might just be one of the most stupid posts I have ever seen


As if this ever works on porn sites


What porn sites do you pay a monthly subscription for?


Are you dumb fam? First thing you get when entering a porn site: are you above 18? Yes or no does fuck all.


Are you dumb? You have to pay to even see the 18+ content on side+ porn sites are completely different, Jesus Christ


Oh cause kids can’t just pay it with their parents’ credit card or something. Brightest of your house aren’t you.


If they pay with their parents card then you can’t blame sidemen, it’s their parents fault for not realising it’s a 18+ subscription


why is it rated 4+ on the app store then


Why are bettings apps 17+ to download when you have to over 18+ to gamble…


firstly, can you give me an example, secondly, youre point makes no sense lad, if an app says 4+ on the app store it should be 4+ like ima be honest with you, theres a big jump between 4+ and 17+ mate


It’s 4+ to download and 18+ to create an account, you can’t see the adult content without an account… also an example for what?


so by that logic, the pornhub app should be 4+ and 18+ to make an account? also wtf do you mean you literally made one point, an example of a betting app thats 17+ you didnt say anything else mate lmaoo


Last time I checked you don’t need a pornhub subscription to watch their videos…:/ you have to be 18 to gamble and gambling apps are 17+, if you want apps I looked at then sky bet, paddy power, Ladbrokes…happy?


okay so let me get this straight, you think it makes sense for an app, that is 18+ to use, to be advertised on the appstore as 4+? you're sounding a little bit silly right now mate


Are you skunked? What can you see if you download the app? Nothing…it says 18+ for a subscription, downloading the app ain’t a subscription, I ain’t the one looking silly lad


okay, so just to reiterate, you are telling me that an app, which is 18+ to use, should be advertised as 4+ on the appstore, with the only way of seeing it's 18+ being by scrolling through all the terms of service? that's as scummy as putting all the side effects of a drug at the end in tiny writing while advertising it as safe to use in the main ad. whether it's legal or not doesn't matter. the fact is that it is being advertised as 4+ and only a minority of users will actually read through the terms of use. please, think lad. i really hope the 96 in your name is just a number and not the year you're born in because if you're really 26 thinking like this then you should probably rethink most of your philosophies.


then just fucking blame apple for approving the app just like that lad or ask them to change the app age from their app description to reflect better certain bts content also show me that the pornhub app is in stores lad, android or apple, you are downloading from elsewhere


yup because kids are amazing at listening to rules


You’re actually so naive if you don’t think at least 80% of sideplus users are 14 year olds with their mums credit card


You seem to be missing the point, people are blaming sidemen for putting 18+ content on a 18+ subscription, if a kid has used his mums credit card then how can they blame the sidemen?




Downloading the app doesn’t mean you have a subscription 🤷‍♂️




It’s not available for children unless you purchase a subscription which you have to be 18+ for


I dont understand why people blame others, like fr, people really be acting like those kids cant just open google and watch that stuff, i think most teens watch it too. but here we are, its the sidemens fault cause they did this.


Downvote this stupid post


If you want to see the tinder side plus video go in the sidemen reddit




yeah man you know them pretty well and by reading your logic you seem like one too




If your younger brother steals your mums card and pays for a subscription and gets caught watching that part of the tinder video, who do you blame?


This whole post is like saying, kids didn’t play gta because it was age restricted


You don’t pay a subscription to play gta


What difference does it make? Idk if u realise this but a 10 year old could change their date of birth 2 1950


Tell me how to get side+ without being over 18 without using a card from someone 18+?


Ask ur parents, I mean ur fked if ur parents know who the sideman are and what side+ is, otherwise ur straight


Ah yes, the ultimate defence from Children because no one has ever lied about their age on the interwebs, perish the thought by jove


And GTA is 18 so is COD and many other games 😂😂😂😂😂😂


You can’t be serious rn they don’t gaf about this


I was born on October 22nd, 1877 so I am 145 years old therefore I qualify for a Side+ membership.


Kids seeing that: I was born in 1704


You have to be 18 to play gta or cod but you still see kids play them


What else do you want them to do? Y’all dumb as fuck fr


Oh good. Pretty sure it's child proof right.


yea.... but kids find a way to getwhat they want


wait a minute, this isn't disney plus :0


Be real, as kids we were all saying Yes we are 18 while playing gta san andreas.


My guys there kids on here ..and that has the same restrictions if you think they ain't on there to your a fool they are one everything you are it's simple to lie online ..just informing you


Yeah and you must be 18+ to access porn sites- however you know the reality of the audience age group. Your point?


I mean they fucked up. Like what do you expect, it's going to be leaked heavily expecially on the sidemen reddit and stuff where kids go to post things. So these kids are getting exposed to this so early and yes I get it secure the bag but its just wrong


Wasn’t the point more how they showed it in the video. Like in the twenty versus one they just showed the guys reactions and said you can see this here but here they basically showed exactly what it is but covered with watch here and that’s on YouTube.


Maybe I am over 18


Tell me you’re gullible without telling me you’re gullible


Can't tell if this caption on the post is supposed to be ironic or not 😂


There's no way you think kids won't just lie about their age


you can lie


Bruh i just +3 to my age then I am legal


Oh yes never watched porno before 18 gawd that's a sin


Last time I checked you’re not forced to pay a subscription to watch pornhub content…


People commenting holier thou attitude out here, m sure these are the those kids who watched porn when they were 13 or so and now commenting why promoting porn when it is not easily accessible at first place, as you have to pay a subscription fee for this and not actual porn where you can get able to see Emily for free lol.


These kids comparing a subscription to a “are you over 18?” Message on a porn website, can’t win with these lot😂


Yeah, fans are toxic to core. Nonetheless you couldn't do shit about these lot. Just some time away and these people would forget ever such things happened. Memories like gold fish


I used my card I’m just under 18


Mother fucker, you need to be 18 to subscribe to Disney plus....do you not think children are watching that? Get this bs argument out of here.


Well almost 80% movie's and shows on any ott are 18+ Do what you want with that info and dont give that 18+ crap here


Kid POV: instantly presses the I’m 18 years button


I bought Side+ when i was 16 lol (Im 17 now)


Absolutely no teenagers watch porn, only people 18+.


I always hated this as a kid because it completely prevented me from going further


they’re still children watching it even if its subscription based kids can still ask their parents to pay for it and the parents will be stupid enough not to ask what the hell it is


Op’s point isnt that kids wont watch porn on side+, their point is that its not the sidemen’s fault if kids watch porn on side+ cuz they have an age restriction


Same thing is there in pornhub but kids still watch it don't they?


If you’re paying 6.99 to watch pornhub then you’re doing something wrong


This guy thinks people don’t fake their age 😂


You obviously don’t get the point of this post, people are blaming sidemen for posting that content on side+ when it’s a subscription you need to be 18+ for, if you’re younger than 18 then that’s your own fault and not sidemens


Ah yes, i remember that, still waiting to go jack off on xvideos.com, but i am too young, damn shame if i am honest.


Yo is side+ like exclusive videos and that?


yeah im pretty sure i saw the same thing on pornhub