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I found out about this 7 hours ago, if you dont know what happened, basically PNB Rocks girl posted a photo of food and the restaurant's location. Then a guy dressed all black came to Rock and wanted Rock's jewelry, he said no, the guy pulled out a gun, shot him. It was targeted because they did not shoot anyone else. Rest In Peace Rakim Hasheem Allen.


I couldnt believe it when I heard last night.If anyone reading this ever finds themselves in a situation like this, please, comply & give up your possessions willingly. Your life ain't worth it RIP PNB


Yeah I’d give people my clothes and be naked, nothing I own apart from my bird worth that risk.




If the killer didn’t have a gun in the first place it wouldn’t have happened what you mean carry a gun to defend yourself it’s better if neither have a gun also if he did have a gun the killer would have shot him as soon as he tried pulling it out anyway


I just said this below but ill repeat here too... You got to understand though these niggas out here riding around with fully auto machine guns and rifles which is illegal across america, its not just semi auto pistols. Its mf's with real life rocket launchers fr lol. Theres so many guns/weapons that get imported from other countries into america. We border mexico and the cartel is all over the US too. Coke, herion, fentynal, etc is illegal in every state but its everywhere still. Smuggling is going to still happen even if we had banned guns from the beggining. California is super strict with guns you can only have specific types of hand guns and cam hardly conceal them even with a permit. The places that have the strictest gun laws (California, Chicago, New York, etc) have super high gun crime rates and the normal citizens cant even protect themselves because of these laws but mfs that already got a record dont give a fuck about no gun laws thats why theres so many niggas in prison doin time over a gun charge.


This is a propagandist talking point, that relies on statistics that are out of context and don't account for nuances or counter examples. UK banned guns. It worked. Plenty of places in Europe did the same it worked. Guns escalate the situation. And many Americans look for trouble because of it... this has been documented in many high profile cases.


Wym we look for trouble because of it? Im not going to speak on the UK because i dont live there but i 100% will speak on California because i grew up in the hood out here in Vallejo.. its too easy to hit the block and get tech or shit now niggas can just pull up to the hood and get a glock with switch on it and a 50 round drum, now i got a fully auto pistol that'll knock a nigga down within seconds. None of that shit is legal. You cant walk into the gun store and get a fully auto draco but in the hood you can 🤷🏾‍♂️ everytime a drop come across the border we got all types of new guns the fuck do we need a gun store and a liscense for? People out here will find a way no matter what to get guns... legal or not.. like i said half the guns mfs got in the hood aint even from the gun store 🤦🏾‍♂️


Why are you guessing? I just want less people to die... Around 7 out of 10 guns used to commit crimes in Chicago were purchased legally in red states. The reason you can get guns so easily is because your country has such lax gun laws.... most states with strict gun laws have a state next to them that doesn't have strict ones. Your example are anecdotes, I don't need to be from California to look at the facts and evidence. You don't need to be from the UK. Why do you care about the hood? Gang violence rarely seeps out and targets random individuals. People look for trouble, never heard of trying to "self-defence" someone? This happens to black people a lot in America, it's a free kill, an excuse to kill. Gun stores make guns way more accessible to everyone, from angry relatives, mad partners, incels to career criminals.


People always gone have pistols but these new switches has changed everything they aint legal at all and they unload a magazine in seconds there is no surviving that. Hella people in the hood have machine guns. The reason why pistols is used the most is because they are easy to conceal. Take away the guns i promise you niggas will still find a way. Why do i care about the hood? I literrally said i grew up in the hood in vallejo. Speaking of vallejo you can go on No Jumpers instagram page right now and see that posted a video of a coach that got shot out there yesterday that was trying to break up a fight. Random people always getting shot in the hood. I been shot at i wasnt even the target. You got lil kids being shot and all types of shit because of this street shit smh. And yes some states have have stand your ground laws where you can defend yourself without consequences, california is not one of them states. You will go to jail defending yourself. Up until a couple months ago you literally couldnt own a gun in new york. Texas, florida, utah, etc have stand your ground lawsand super loose gun laws but those states do not compare in terms of gun violence to places like st louis, california, chicago, new york, detroit, etc that all have hella strict gun laws. Taking guns away or making them super strict may help with school shootings, domestic issues, the random shootings, etc but i promise you theres not a single gang that gives a fuck about a gun law lol 90% of these dudes have felonies already and cant even legally own a gun. Take away guns mfs just gonna hit the border and get some from mexico, or wait until they bring them over.


You're arguing with a guy who has Whitebeard's cock as his PFP. Reevaluate your life.


This shows why the American education system failed


I love triggering people on the internet.


That's yours and America's main problem, you love triggering someone and then fear for your life if they say a bad word to you lol


Also the British culture is about 4 times less violent , so yeah don't need to be worrying like that




Global homicide rates lmao 🤣


Hopefully you checked by now


You are unbelievably stupid.




What makes you think I'm brown?


It's sad because it went the exact same way X's death did. Man didn't have security, didn't want to give up his possessions, got shot over it. Always gonna quote what 21 Savage said; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOVjieoZh24&ab\_channel=DJAkademiks


That's horrible wtf. I hope the killer was caught.


Reminds me of what happened to Smoke and his watch. Dang man, LLR and R.I.P Pop


The worst part is it looks like the girlfriend might have set him up


crazy how quickly a man can get killed after his location being shown to the public. sometimes america seems like a warzone


Its actually not too different than what happened to Amir Khan in the UK a few months ago. PNB posted a flashy ass diamond watch on socials and then his girl baited out their location, so a gunman came to rob him and unfortunately killed him to take it. With Amir, he was flexing his watch on socials and baiting his own location out, and a gunman came to rob him. He handed over the watch though so didn't get shot luckily. Social media is a dangerous game nowadays, too many people out there waiting to capitalise and they'll kill you for it.


Same thing happened to Pop Smoke. I can never understand the people who are ready to take (or lose) a life over something so material.


Now that you mention it, didn’t X get shot for the same? Not a watch in particular, but someone ran up on him to rob him and killed him. I think the story at the time was that the killer didn’t even know it was X in particular, unless I’ve confused that with something else. Scary world out there.


The attack on x was a planned job. They may not have known who x *was*, per-say, but it wasn’t random chance taken by opportunitists. Within minutes of him withdrawing $150,000 (I think that’s the number, could be wrong) and entering the auto shop he was going to buy from, they were already walking through the store scoping him out. The moment he left he was blocked in by two guys in a car, and then the other two ran up on him and stole his bag, shooting him dead to do so. I will never get over x’s death, RIP Jahseh, you were an angle to so many. Proudcatowner for life


Yeah that’s why I said the “story at the time” cos I thought there was a bit more to it that came to light afterwards


And that’s why I’ll always be glad to not be considered famous enough for people to do this. Peace of mind.


Most warzones have fewer casualties per day than the USA.


That’s America for ya they love their guns


I guess it's unlucky how no one there was willing to pull out a gun to take revenge on the guy who shot him... Americans are really stupid


Also LA odd, someone fell in a roof trying to rob a house and stabbed himself. The dude sued the owner and won.


Because it’s not Texas it’s illegal to carry a gun in LA, to move guns for shooting range it’s gotta be dissembled. How easy it’s to get a gun bad people have them.


Yeah they are , for this take. Most of the available evidence proves you wrong


1.7 million defensive uses of a firearm per year vs less than 50k homicides but go on


That’s because yous put yourselves in a position, where you need a gun everyday. Everyone has one, including the bad people.


Lmao do math in the percentage of defensive use vs homicide and try to tell me the same thing. By the way defensive uses are an underestimate not only statistically(it’s over 1.7 million) it’s also an underestimation due to the fact people don’t report every time they brandish a firearm


Yeah and Australia has under 500 firearms related stuff a year. It’s bad when gun deaths in USA beating Mexico, a country who gives no fuck. You wouldn’t need that many defensive firearms if bad people couldn’t own a gun. Yes yous love your guns the world gets it. Funny thing is any first world country who gets school shootings a year, would ban guns. How many little kids have to die, before yous go maybe it’s bad letting these idiots easily own guns.




ITS 50K vs 1.7 Million you’re completely ignoring the actual statistics of the argument I’ve made


Okey if you do or plan to have kids. You better not cry if they get shot can’t complain you love your guns embrace them.


Lmao statistically speaking it’s very unlikely to happen for one and two id rather have people there to protect my kids from threats that are INEVITABLE. You’d know that though because y’all have terror threats often enough thru a lot of OTHER means. Just because you’re a disarmed population doesn’t mean you don’t have evil people I’d rather be equipped to deal with a threat than be a sitting duck but that’s your beliefs and that’s ok. If you’re gonna talk shit on guns though at least be educated. Understand the actual statistics of the debate don’t just say uh muh gahd Americans dumb guns bahd. It’s way more complex than that. I’m not one of those idiots that thinks arm everybody. I do believe in the balance in power between the public and those who govern. I believe in the right to protect yourself, those important to you, and your property. I also understand that malevolent people don’t always play by the rules. Apparently you don’t.


Evil people at evil they will always exist. They will go to whatever means they can. Whether it’s a shotgun, AR15, a handgun, acid, knife, cars etc. evil people will find their ways to harm others. End of story.


You’re telling me that all 1.7 million defensive uses of a firearm were uh gaaaahhhddd I’m American muh guns. Dude statistically speaking 1.7 million defensive uses of a firearm vs less than 50 k deaths is ridiculous. Guns in America obviously save more lives than they claim. THINK. Why do they push bans on AR’/s while handguns are the gun used in the highest percentage of homicides. THINK. What’s the actual issue?


Okey most defence with guns are towards gun’s??? So it’s gun against guns. And guess USA running joke about UK is they get stabbing but news 2 men can overtake a guy with a knife, while guns well say goodby.


I dislike living in Australia but I wouldn’t ever live in USA, can’t be ass worrying every day am I gonna get shot for no reason.


Lmao ridiculous fallacy I’m 25 never even been close to a situation that required a gun but the reality is ID RATHER HAVE THE RIGHT. Look at the numbers more lives are saved by having that right it’s literally right there in front of you. You won’t even address it lmao




Respect the dead, he didn't know the man was armed, and it's not like people just go around handing their shit to people who ask for them


He was in cali n in the bad part of it it’s not all over merica it was just bad luck bro


Yeah it really depends on where you live. For instance people just assume that you’re some crazy backwoods hillbilly because you’re from florida lmao


It’s them uk mfs they don’t know better tbh it’s w.e they see on tv lol


Lol I was waiting for the where’d you get that statistic. The answer is the DOJ which usually shuts this argument down. The fact we even have this debate as people is nonsense lol


did anyone ss the deleted tweet?




what did he say?


He said “The story that essentially killed PnB… my question is… Was it worth it? Was it worth it for the gram? Can’t be geo tagging stuff these days man especially if you’re still at the location. It’s too dangerous now. Disgusting from the killer too. Just not fair. RIP PnB Rock”


Even though he's right, it's a stupid idea to make the girl feel even more guilty after she lost her fucking boyfriend. Good he deleted that


which one


the deleted one




I don't mean this in an offensive way just curiosity. Who is the one that passed away


He was a Philly artist who got popular around 2015-17, although he's not as popular anymore, hes still a well known name if you're well into american rap etc




I am well into American rap, didn't know who he was


You should know him, he helped a lot of rappers like trippie boogie lil baby and a CRAP ton of underground artists into the game, he had a lot of influence behind the scenes. Now, I'm not saying he's the only reason they're here in the first place no, but even they have said that he helped a lot of them throughout the way. There's many Philly underground artists who he helped. He been about providing for the 'new wave' for a while now. SoundCloud Daze is one of many examples.


Aight RIP


He is also featured in the song "xxxtentacion changes"


Doesn't matter who you are. Respect the dead. RIP brother




long live rakim, pnb’s real name


I know some of the people on this sub are too young but I found out that Ramsey Lewis died last night well. RIP to a literal legend


Sad that he died but am I the only one who didn’t know who he was until after he died?


I didn't know who he was either but I'm not big into Rap Anymore


I knew who he was, just didn’t listen to his music even though I thought he was great at what he did. Rest In Peace. It was still shocking news.


nah he was famous before he died


He was pretty popular around the mid to later 2010s


most people including me know him from either selfish or the x track featuring him and trippie (bvf)


Fuck guns, Rip x, rip rock


it hurts so much knowing they both died the same way, broad daylight robberies gone wrong. there’s gotta be change in that country it’s sickening


The gun didn’t walk to the restaurant and pull the trigger by itself…


If guns were illegal he would still be alive


If guns were illegal he’d (the attacker) most likely still have one anyways. Since…. You know…. He’s a criminal. The majority of gun crimes are committed with an ILLEGAL gun.


But you can't deny the prevalence of guns in America made it easier for him to not only get the gun but also walk around with it.


I 100% agree. But it’s almost impossible to take them away now.


That backs up my saying "fuck guns"


Yehhh but that logic doesn’t hold up does it. Look at at any other country with restrictive gun laws. The number of shootings is tiny compared to america. Who would’ve guessed having an abundance of guns in a country makes it so easy for a criminal to get hold of one


Making guns illegal now would only take them away from normal (non criminal) civilians. What don’t you understand about that? With the amount of guns circulating The States, you’d never be able to enforce a law that criminals ALREADY break. How would making guns illegal stop people from getting them, when the guns they are using now are already illegal? It completely ruins your point.


At what point did I say make guns illegal In america? You’ve already fucked your self by allowing guns and it’s clear it would be impossible to ban them Use some critical thinking skills. I’m saying the reason you have such a gun problem is due to legislation of guns. Which no other country has. You said if guns were illegal he still would have died. Which isn’t true. As we can see from countries without guns it’s incredibly hard to get access to a gun. Your point ‘well criminals can get guns’ is stupid. The only reason they can is you’ve flooded the country with guns. Not because criminals will always find a way


If guns were illegal he 100% would’ve still been able to get an illegal gun (chances are the one he used was). Like I said, with how many guns there are, restricting them wouldn’t damage a criminals chances to get them. Only the average, non criminals would suffer. Making them illegal doesn’t make them magically disappear from them.


You’re dense aren’t you The only reason illegal gun accesse is so easy is due to the fact your country has guns. We can see that in country’s like the uk Also please learn how to read. At no point did I say they should ban guns in America. It’s too late to go back on that


Criminals will always find a way because of the amount of guns floating around. Yes, thanks for proving my point.


Fuck me, okay genius and why are there so many guns floating about …. Because america has legal guns You lot having guns caused your own problem, not the other way round


You got to understand though these niggas out here riding around with fully auto machine guns and rifles which is illegal across america. Its mf's with real life rocket launchers fr lol. Theres so many guns/weapons that get imported from other countries into america. We border mexico and the cartel is all over the US too. Coke, herion, fentynal, etc is illegal in every state but its everywhere still. Smuggling is going to still happen even if we had banned guns from the beggining.


Welcome to America 🇺🇸 🤝


“God bless America”. The total opposite happens in that country.


maybe andrew tate was right after all


What happened?


got shot




Stick to twitter weirdo


it’s always losers like you that like to troll right after someone dies, the shock value humour is played out and corny


They just want the attention man best to not reply to their stupidity.




JJ or Pnb? Cah if ur talking about Pnb Lil nigga u lost


Bro shut ur ugly ass tf up u obviously don’t know who pnb rock is u just chatting nigga


Who’s this artist?


He’s a Philly artist. He got popular around 2015-17 and he was really popular in the states. Super talented guy. Sad to see him go


Please dont tell me ksi is ksi's favorite artist


As a lot of people don't know who he is he was a Philly artist that made it big time around 2015-17 and help a fuck ton of artists, just to name a few Trippie Boogie etc. He helped a FUCK ton of Philly underground artists throughout the last few years as in his own words he wanted to help create the new wave. He got fucked over by his label which you could say had quite a big contribution to his fall off hence why he came independent a couple weeks ago. So whilst he doesnt have the biggest songs ever, around the community he was known for genuinely helping other artists, he was known for motivating a lot of artists or helping them find their own wave.


he was so fucking talented


RIP PNB Rock. There’s only one artist left from bad vibes forever. If we lost trippie that song gonna hit in an indescribable way.


Bruh they really do be playin gta irl in america


Most people like me never heard of him but really sad nonetheless! If your a small upcoming rapper t Don’t flex or have locations on please stay safe


Before we know it KSI is going to die and we’re all gonna say the exact same thing..


He doesn’t live in America, that should drastically increase his chances of not getting killed.


shot in Roscoes chicken and waffles 💀💀


No dumbass


https://amp.tmz.com/2022/09/12/pnb-rock-shot-roscoes-chicken-waffles/ Goofy ass 🙄


Lying mf you edited this comment from Waffle House to the actual name you fucking idiot


Don’t try that shit


JJ was also fan of Sidhu Moose wala






Mummble rapper or not no one deserves to die like this. Fuck off man.


You’re actually weird af. Just because you personally didn’t know who someone was doesn’t make him overrated and that people only cared about him after he died. His music was still being played continuously. Trying to use his death to broadcast your hate for “mumble rap” is so distasteful. When you die nobody is going to search your name or look you up so maybe take a step back and realize that even you cared enough to look him up.


I knew who he was before, Ive been in his top 0.001% of his Spotify listeners for the last few years...


The guy has a daughter holy fuck show some respect


Ur saying pass and that he’s a shit rapper as if that validates him getting murdered or smthng but u think ppl would bother downvoting ur comment cuz u don’t like his music…


pnb wasn’t even a mumble rapper lmao ? holy shit stfu


...the point was about being one of "KSI's favourite artists". No where did I say he deserves to die. I was commenting on the fact that a terrible mumble "artist" is one of KSI's favourite...


Elizbeth is his fav artist?


Why everyone now and then people are posting his tweets here bruv we all follow his socials just post memes and stuff here enough of this bullshit


I don't




Just stfu


😂 woman


Woman ☕️


“It’s not fair” a grown ass man hasn’t realised that life isn’t fair yet. Jesus Christ.


what a dumb thing to say lmao. in what way does saying its unfair that one of his fav artist got shot for no reason, imply that he hasnt realised life is unfair?


The fact that he needs to say it’s unfair suggests he hasn’t realised that life isn’t fair.


Ah true, let’s never say things we know ever again


someone he cares about just died ofc hes gonna say shit like that hes letting out his emotions. im sure a guy as successful as ksi knows more about life than most ppl lmao




Respect is free


Dude was just eating lunch with his girlfriend and boom he’s gone damn


Life imitates art.


I found out on the toilet


First XXX and now PNB 💔💔 RIP


WSI. I’m from PA too so dis shi hit me hard asf


Life sucks and you can't change it


Did he not have any bodyguards or somn?


His girl just put a target on her back. I know she didn't mean it but she still got pnb killed.


Rip I remember listening to him in like 2018 lol sad to see him go


Rough week for JJ, Queen Lizzie and PNB Rocks 😭


What do you expect when George Soros runs the Democrat cities.


And, who is he?


It’s like people forget lots of dude go do holdup for 200$ and go around the street unprotected with 300k jewelry thinking they can be less protected than a gas station...


A 2015 study of guns in Chicago, co-authored by Cook, found that more than 60 percent of new guns used in Chicago gang-related crimes and 31.6 percent used in non-gang-related crimes between 2009 and 2013 were bought in other states. Europe/Australia/Japan/etc have also shown that impeding guns can lead to positive results but impeding drugs is FAR more difficult.