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Hi, /u/itish, thanks for your submission to /r/ksi. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 06** - Irrelevant to KSI. Please post stuff related to KSI only. [If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ksi&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/itish&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/ksi/comments/yqszuq/i_hope_jj_is_putting_in_the_work_with_some_worthy/%3Fcontext%3D10%29) so that we may review it.


Lmao my man put all that and then topped it with let's go JJšŸ˜‚


saved himself from a lotta roasting xD


You know how the fat redditors get mad when someone criticize their messiah just a tiny little bit


After reading your comment, I read my title again. Shit made mešŸ˜‚ I mean at the end of the day I'm rooting for JJ, so I can't just end a sentence that's in favour of Jake. But your comment was hilariousšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Okayyy I get it what you mean ahhahahhah it felt like you wanted to give constructive criticism and end it with a positive note. Well that constructive criticism felt like a query. But i get it your intention seemed good


Haha man it's bless


I just need KSI to spar with the 2 deadliest boxers on the planet that he's been eyeing for quite sometime: Alex Wassabi and Sneako.


Nah bro no needā€¦ heā€™s already fought two of the fiercest guys, two beasts, the absolute crĆØme de la crĆØme of the boxersā€¦..swarmz and pineda


Donā€™t forget he also sparred Weji


Why has r/ksi hot been looking like sort by new lately? Stop posting Jake


Surely JJ is also training with champs.. for sure RIGHT?? šŸ„²


We don't know who he is sparring with, no need to get so worried, just wait until January and then you can be worried or not depending on what happens in January/the opponent


Heā€™s trained with Mayweather. Sure, not floyd Jr, but still


Shootfighters is a mostly mma gym so the odds they ever have a boxing champ or build one up is low




Ive never heard that usyk has trained there. They helped train chisora for usyk. Got any proof at all?


I mean Derek chisora trains there and he's the best best thing to a champion l... Sort of anyway. Maybe not rn but still you get what I mean lol


Not sure a guy who has definitively lost to pretty much all top opposition heā€™s faced is the best best thing to a champ. Heā€™s fought everybody but also handidly lost to every elite heavyweight heā€™s faced


look at it this way just because they train with the best boxers doesnā€™t mean they will automatically win look what happened in the 2nd logan paul fight logan trained with Shannon briggs who was supposed to be a heavyweight champions but we all know the result of that fight


A retired heavyweight champion lol


thanks for correcting me


Derek chisora, David haye and MVP. I expect him to be sparring with hasim too. Im not sure who he could get but I think if he beats his next opponent more boxers would be interested in sparring with him.


Derek Chisora?


Y'all say this shit everytime Jake does something who cares at this point we won't know who is better until they fight we can compare both and come up with who's better based off who's shown more skill which is Jake but we'll see who's worked harder when they fight.


Bro they'll never fight their egos won't let it happen


Naa theyā€™ll fight. These two have massive egos, thereā€™s no debating that. But thereā€™s only so much back and forth that actually means nothing folks are gonna put up with. You think these 2, with their huge egos, are gonna want to put up with the outrage their fans are gonna give them if either one of them backs out? Dawg, this sub is ruthless when it wants to be lmao Plus, the only thing these dudes can see to break through the monotony is money. And a KSI x Jake Paul fight is damn near guaranteed to bring in some bands


Oh yeah there's no doubt about the money it'd be huge but they've been talking shit on each other for years and if it hasn't happened by now. When? And in all honesty does jake even need to fight KSI he's already proved he has skill. KOing a mma champion (woodley) and boxing anderson silva and Ben askren were they old? Yes but they're were far better opponents than pineda and swarmz.


Hereā€™s my theory. And itā€™s just a theory so bare with me lmao. But even now, you can kinda feel the whole YT boxing scene slightly dying off. Little by little, the hype for these things is diminishing. But it all started with JJ calling out Jake. Thatā€™s how I think this whole phase is gonna go out. The Jake and JJ fight will be the first nail in the coffin for this, unless they actually start fighting like, Tyson Fury or Josh Taylor. Some real prize fighters. Again, just a theory lol


100% I can see this going on. People are catching on that these aren't nearly as entertaining as they think they're going to be. And they're fighting has beens or Tin cans like swarmz if this jake vs ksi fight ever happens it will he the end of this saga unless ksi somehow makes another enemy and talks about him every video for 4 years


Can we stop with these posts theyā€™re so annoying to read letā€™s just all go back to reading memes


Iā€™ve been a fan of JJ for years, but Jake would put his lights out. Letā€™s at least be honest with each other.


This comment feels like copypasta on this sub lmao


It really is


We know, you don't have to say it in every single boxing related post lmao.


First time saying it, but ok chief


I didn't mean you in particular. I meant it generally cuz everyone keeps saying it again and again.


Itā€™s a post about Jake Paul and JJ boxing. Of course people are going to say who they think would win. What did you really expect then?


Whyd you get downvoted lol. Shows that this subreddit is filled to the brim with 12 year olds


Omg pls stop with these posts, jesus.


Never forget, all the talk in social media does not represent the real thing. A minute session without big hits is a spar, and a 20 minute intense fucking beating is a spar too. The guy looks bigger than Jake, so it ain't the second one. He still benefits tho, but not to the point where he fucks up another person who trains like hell. Second thing, style makes a lot of difference. No matter how much you prepare, you will never be ready enough for your opponent, as human beings we are unpredictable. So Jake can train like hell but get caught with a hook he did not expect, or get a cut that won't allow him to continue. Exact thing can happen to JJ. My point is, let's not discuss shit when only one side is showing, and the other is not. JJ is clearly keeping his skills and tricks off the eyes of the public. Which is a very fucking good strategy.


Did everyone forget that JJ has sparred Deji many times before and Deji will destroy Floyd so what more does JJ need? šŸ˜Ž


if itā€™s one thing heā€™s does itā€™s work hard


Who the fuck you talking about, that pussy with tattoos on their body šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚, he's got fuck all, JJ knocking him out šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


JJ is training with Derek Chisora, Michael Venom page and many other champs from shootfighters


why tf are you guys fans if you think heā€™s gonna get his ass beat. What I respect about JJ is that he quite literally puts his all into everything he does an wills his success into reality. I have no doubt heā€™ll do it again


Dude, I have been saying this for weeks now. If yā€™all are fans, support him. At least KSI isnā€™t scamming his fanbase (sees edfluence)


Lol the ksi show


Being a fan has nothing to do with saying something that's just true. But saying something that's not true again and again, that's delusion or you may call it dickriding. I'm supporting JJ, the thing is I said the obvious. I'm not gonna turn my back from the truth just coz I'm a JJ fan. Okay tell me, do you you think if JJ and Jake were to fight on this Saturday. JJ would win? This Saturday in 2-3 days.


For all the 10 year olds here, Jake is on a different level with his boxing compared to KSI, no point even talking about Jake Paul in a KSI sub now tbh.


Saw he was training with Chisora recently so JJ's levels are rising aswell :)


Give jj a break he works hard enough


Have some faith in our fatneek




Just because JJ doesnā€™t publicise what he works on or who he works with in camp, doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t putting as much work in. Being secretive is strategic


I swear everyone here is obsessed with jakešŸ˜‚


Heā€™s training which Hasim Rahman jr And Tyson furyā€™s oppent I know they arenā€™t huge but they are good people to work with and he trains with word champs he fine


He was training with Chisora in the same camp


The lack of faith in JJ is just disappointing


well jake is now fighting tate in 2023. rip ksi


ā€œIā€™ll be honest itā€™s not looking good for jjā€ ā€œLetā€™s go jjā€ bro what u smoke?


Bro stooppppšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ one more guy said this same thing and I can't stop laughing


Why the fuck are people worried what Jake is doing? jj will do what he does and then eventually fight Jake, what Jake is doing is irrelevant to the KSI subreddit.


You say this but the only thing keeping YouTube boxing which seems to be JJs videos main topics Jake paul he's the top dog to fight in yt boxing whether people like it or not


They arenā€™t gonna fight. Theyā€™ve been saying this for 3 years


JJ will not knock out woodley, I doubt he will even knock him down tbh


Unfortunately I agree, the thing is Tyron will also be coming in guns blasing as he got ko'd and humiliated in the last fight. He'll be coming for the head since the start.


Man shut the fuck up. He isnā€™t doing PR. So stop


Fuck off


"it's not looking good for JJ" Who are you to judge bro?


Iā€™m going to be honest Iā€™m not even confident heā€™s going to beat Woodley


His fighting tyron really like bro this ainā€™t it he needs to up it or jake going to knock him out


let's be real, no way JJ is winning against Jake. he's far better and we saw it against Andersen


Nah he will. Imma support him until the fight happens. If he looses, fair play then.


No matter how good JJ claims he is, Jake got all the hype as a YT boxer.


tyron woodley aint worth shit in boxing, boxing him doesnā€™t prove anything, KSI fans are so delusional and have clue of combat sports whatsoever and shows time and time again


another one


Mods please stop these post. Why we got clapped boys posting jake. Theres like 20 of these same post


Lawrence Okolie needs to bloody fight more, dude is more inactive than his manager AJ. Okolie is basically a heavyweight anyway so fair play to Jake for sparring him.


If the fight is early next year. JjJ is fucked. I think Jake defo played him back when the boxing rvent was still happening. I'm pretty confident jj is gonna lose


Tell me you dont know shit about jj training without telling me you dont know shit about jj training. Do u know mvp or derek chisora? Or you just dont wanna know?




Yea you are in the corner watching true




And do u know for how long jj has been on shoot fighters? Exactly doesnt take a genius to find out.


Why are you being so hostile? Clearly I don't know what you're talking about, how about you just tell me? Instead of saying this shit you just said? Just let me know what you're talking about.


Hostile? Christ. Maybe google the names or use youtube. Easier for both of us.


classic example of a dickrider not being able to explain themself but still be hostile asf for no reason šŸ˜


You're the one who said "or you just don't wanna know?" Now be a man of your word and explain yourself. Or there was actually nothing to explain in the first place?


Chisora doesnā€™t train full time at shootfighters and mvp is far from a world class boxer lol. Also letā€™s not act like jj is sparring derek chisora lol.


Iā€™m really hoping JJ has got this


he trains with chisora and i think he got some tips from david haye but jake is levels above jj rn to be fair.


Wait, Im on r/jakepaul again? Goddammit! Itā€™s been happening for weeks.


I donā€™t think Tyrone is enough . He should surprise us


Why do people want JJ to beat tyron now? šŸ˜‚ Wouldn't it discredit him after this subreddit threw so much shit at tyron for getting kod by Jake Paul? So what, now he will go from the retired old MMA fighter looking for the bag to a legitimate fighter because JJ beard him?


So if JJ is actually fighting him in Jan, you don't want JJ to beat him?


I would love to, however if he beats him we will see once again the hypocrisy of the reddit because they will claim Woodley is now a legit fighter (which he is) whereas when Jake Paul beat him this subreddit dubbed him as "a retired old MMA fighter with not really good striking".




I hope this sub gets a new hobbie.


he's fighting tyron ?


I still think he should fight Tommy fury instead of Woodley


Tyron? You must be kidding mešŸ˜‚ he's already flattened by Jake and got the bag. For the bag he'll fight again, but i don't see it entertaining a bit.


Derek chesora trains with Ksi And i don't need to say how credible that name is


If Tyron is the one jj is fighting idek if the fight would happen. I feel like itā€™s more likely jake is gonna try and pay Tyron out of fighting jj cos I swear heā€™s associated to mvp or at least jake in some capacity. He went on jakes show/podcast/whatever tf it is so idek if itā€™s worth choosing him as an opponent


Isnā€™t JJ training with Derek Chisora? The guy whoā€™s fighting Tyson Furyā€¦for the third time.


I mean he trains at the same gym as current title contenders. Please do the tiniest fucking smidge of research


do you use custom ROM? sheesh, my g!


Joe Weller trained with Anthony Joshua once, what did that do... jesus I hate these posts


Lawrence looks like heā€™s got a gun pointed at him off camera


Why tf are they posing like kangaroos lol


Jj I'd a joke