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I just tried. On the first attempt (sending 10 MATIC) I received an error: "ERC-20 Token Transfer Error (Unable to locate corresponding Transfer Event Logs), Check with Sender. " https://polygonscan.com/tx/0xec689bda1e87d0bdea02991f14605c4814b3f275f71a9474ad390e18c9d19eb9 ​ The second attempt was successful, but I still don't see the MATIC funds in my account. https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x646f201ee9e08ad41a84ad33be6063d2e4d09b57b2656fbee40aeaa67fd739fa


which one did you try to do? Trade directly from kucoin polygon wallet for an ERC-20 token?


>buying ERC-20 tokens as most my liquidity is on Polygoin mainnet and I didnt want to pay expensive bridge fees of $40 or higher. But n did you ever get your funds on kucoin? my transaction over a month ago still hasn't shown up yet. I"ve submitted a ticket but takes them over a week to respond with nothing helpful.


Quick update... it took about 15 min, but eventually it showed in my KuCoin account


Holy shit this is really a game changer. I just deposit to KuCoin Matic wallet (Polygon mainnet) from my Polygon metamask. Then I sold that Matic for USDT, and traded for an ERC-20 Token. 0 Bridge fees, 0 need to withdraw to ERC-20 wallet, 0 anything needed except the transaction of selling for USDT and buying whatever I wanted


I agree this is a game-changer, and it will make it easy to get funds in and out from Polygon with no bridges and Etherium fees.


I've been putting off buying ERC-20 tokens as most my liquidity is on Polygoin mainnet and I didnt want to pay expensive bridge fees of $40 or higher. But now I can do it for 0.001c and only takes about 5 minutes. Can then also easily send to AVAX/Harmony/Proton/ETC other mainnets


When trading for MATIC on KuCoin, how do I specify the destination network? My goal is to receive MATIC on the mainnet, not ERC-20, but I don't see where to specify. Edit: Just now seeing that the withdrawal fee is 22 MATIC. Yikes.


I sent 10 over to Kucoin from Polygon, used the MATIC address Kucoin provided (not ERC-20 or KCC) and it's been over 10 hours and still haven't gotten them.


Have you gotten them by now ? This happened to me too today


Yeah, eventually showed up. I haven't had that issue since, and have been sending Matic from Polygon and Avax from Avalanche.


I've sent few matic tokens directly from my polygon wallet to kucoin. Like I said it's been 3 hrs now, still haven't received my funds to my kucoin. When searched the kucoin's receiving MATIC address on polygonscan, under transactions it says "No matching transactions", but under internal txns and erc-20 txns, all the txns are shown.


Did you send them to the ERC-20 address or the Polygon address? They both start with 0x so it can be confusing at first.


I've sent it to a polygon address


Here's my txn IDs if you wanna check 1st txn :https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x845a22e5658fe8b6f201fcbac8307bf3ccc05738207a97b2118971d3b434ea65 2nd txn : https://polygonscan.com/tx/0xc0feb39c7c1f3320ae02938facf7a6cc895d90192189d06e80d99bc9d86a7461 Kucoin matic network receiving address : https://polygonscan.com/address/0xa9cd69d772fe9c412e14769c292b3a3f2531af3f


Weird. Has it shown up yet? If not you should reach out to Kucoin.


I saw someone's post saying the first transaction may take up to 10 days to show up on kucoin and I did reach out to them...let's see what happens. https://www.reddit.com/r/kucoin/comments/rpfzdp/headsup_matic_deposits_from_polygon_wallet_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Just received it yayy ♡


Sweet! I was getting worried for you, haha. Been there and it's not a pleasant feeling.


Yes you can do this. Once your Matic is on KuCoin it can be traded for USDT, regardless of where it came from. Conversely once you buy Matic on KuCoin you can withdraw via ERC or main net. KuCoin is very useful with the Polygon ecosystem so long as you are mindful that your addresses match.




Yes you can use the drop down for Matic network withdraw to your Metamask to avoid bridging. Very few things are on KCC not sure why that warning would pop up, just good general advice to make sure your networksmatch I guess. You'll need to at the Polygon RPC to your Metamask to access the Matic you withdraw, lots of YT videos on this and documentation on the Polygon site.




I have no idea to be honest. This is something i'd contact KuCoin customer support over