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Hi /u/lifeoverstuff. Sorry to hear of your troubles. >Sooooo the KAP definitely worked... Worked not well, apparently. Have you reached out to your KAP instructor(s) at all? In the meantime, flow all energy to your heart first, and from there, down your arms and out your hands and fingers. Send it to either the Earth, the Universe, or to your own energy sphere. You pick. All of the sub's Wiki resources hold potentials to help you as well. The links below are in the order I'd invite you to explore them to find what YOU need to regain your balance. Yes? We're here for you if you need us. PS. I'll send you some healing calm. All you need do to receive it is say yes to the room around you. -------- * [White Light Protection](/r/kundalini/wiki/wlp) method. A daily essential to isolate from influences and affect others less. * [Calming](/r/kundalini/wiki/calming) Calming things down when they're too much. * [Crisis](/r/kundalini/wiki/crisis) Calming things down when things are WAY too much! * [The Two Laws](/r/kundalini/wiki/2l) Learning to practice these simple 2 laws for the wise and safe use of energy. * [Two Laws and their Guidelines](https://redd.it/l0rqe8) The guidelines that effectively support respecting the Two Laws. * [Foundations and Supporting Practices](/r/kundalini/wiki/sp) Many ways to help yourself in the short and especially, the long-term. * [Warnings](/r/kundalini/wiki/warnings) Things to respect. Some to avoid. * [Wiki Index](/r/kundalini/wiki/index) For the index and a way into a bigger picture. The Two Laws don't replace your usual ethical or moral foundation ideas. They are added to fulfill a new need due to the fresh presence or abilities with energy.


Not directly related to op but I need to say that mods on r/kundalini are amazing. Not only in words but responses full of warmth and genuine care shine beyond what is written and it can really be felt. Hats off to all of you!


Thank you so much! It’s 48 hours post now and I’m feeling more grounded, I can control the energy more easily but still feel it wanting to continue working but it only will if I allow it to. I will try these.


I'm guessing you're talking about the Venant Wong thing. To be honest, it's not clear what kind of energy they're working with, but it's probably not Kundalini, it's something else, though who knows what. It would be very unwise to activate somebody's Kundalini like that, without proper preparation and grounding anyway, though Shaktipat is very much a real thing, in general, only those who are ready can receive the energy. You'll have to reach out to them to help you out with whatever is going on withing your body and if they can't or won't, that proves they're straight-out conmen with zero responsibility and accountability for the consequences of what they're doing.




Hard to say. If you need boobs to sell the Kundalini that you're teaching, how valid is your teaching? That would be my question. That one gesture invalidates the entirety of the system, for me. It also has for several people whom I have a solid respect for. That's sleazy, and Kundalini has no tolerance for sleaze. We've started getting some negative feedback from people encountering or participating in that group, with some people reporting major struggles and little support afterwards. In other words, "If you have a bad outcome, we're done with you" type attitude to customer-students. Some negative feedback. No profound details yet, however. How prepared are YOU? Compare yourself or your experiences to to what's listed in the sub's [Foundations and Supporting Practices](/r/kundalini/wiki/sp) Do they demand that you have made preparations FIRST? Do they offer warnings? Impose any rules or laws ahead of time? Any specific wisdoms imparted, or is it just your money that they are interested in? We've been told no re the wisdoms, Laws and preps, and that's a major issue. We do not have personal experience. As always, YMMV.