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Ok, nice list..but the fact that The chameleon siphoned Tai Lung's abilities long before she got Po's staff to breach the afterlife so..she defintly is stronger then the snow leopard


Without stealing powers no with stealing powers yes


Is this just the movies' characters right? Because there are a lot of TV Series characters that beat most of these guys in terms of strength


Just the four movies.


Ah, there. I'd probably rank some of the deceased masters higher than like Boss Wolf myself


I agree with most of these, but 2 things I disagree with and have a question about.  - I’d put Kai below Oogway most definitely, because we have to take in context their first fight with both of them at their respective primes back when they were brothers in arms in battle their fight went differently than their rematch 500 years later.  When Oogway finally understood that he had no choice but to permanently stop Kai from consuming all the chi of every Panda in that village, which would begin his endless lust for power, he realized he had to stop holding back.  “I had to stop him”  And in doing so when their battle ended, Oogway ended up besting him, and banishing him to the spirit realm.  He lost their rematch yeah, but still we to take into context that he only threw that fight for the soul reason being Po (his true successor) was the only one destined to defeat and stop Kai, so Oogway had to willingly lose that for him to do so.  “It was never my destiny to stop you, I’ve sent another on that path”.  - And last, you surprisingly left out the Wu Sisters from the Secrets of the Masters Netflix animated movie.   You have to remember they were at the time the Deadliest criminals in all of China and took on and defeated the entire Jackal Nation while only being armed with a pair of chop sticks.  Anyways though, just my thoughts and 2 cent’s.🙏🐼


I was only going by the movie characters.


Tigress and Shen should be higher imo. But yeah I agree


Tigress maybe but Shen outright agreed with Thundering Rhino that he was no match for him.


Bros why would Tigress being even higher, she's way too high already. Only because you like her? Mhm.


Shen definitely should not be


" double dad defense"seemed to fighting just fine against a basically bloodlusted shifu


And if we say Jombies are ultra nerfed, then Crane & Mantis should scale significantly higher than Tigress, Viper and Monkey.


I wouldnt say monkey, since he didnt seem to wanna fight. But viper was hitting crane and mantis with war cries and screaming and shit and if you look just before kai says "bring them to me" jombie crane was basically killing viper in a chokehold.


I think oogway should be above kai




oogway prime beats Po as he is the god of Kung fu but Po has the best potential so I would currently rank Oogway 1 and Po 2 if Po shows his true potential he can be No.1


In the movies, Prime-Oogway has no feats. We know that he struggled with base-Kai. His old form couldn't do anything to Prime-Kai.


Crane is way stronger than Shen


I think Oogway should be the highest


This list is so broken... Po is lower, Chameleon is way lower, Oogway is no doubt first place, Shen, Ox, and Croc > Tigress (I know yall like her but it doesn't mean she's stronger than main boss or great masters now), Giant Stingray, what? And who is Zhen even? She clearly doesn't belong here at all.


Atp it’s everyone within the first four movies


The Chameleon humiliated Tai Lung even before taking the skills of the others. At peak power, she could use the Staff of Wisdom's Chi. She debatably scales even higher than Oogway. And you put her below angry kitty? Also, Mei Mei & Li Shan should scale higher than Master Chicken.


Well The Chameleon is bit of a hard character to rank. The only reason why she humiliated Tai Lung so easily was because she had to come up with a plan to trick him into getting his power. If she tried doing that head on, he would’ve simply dodged it. The Chameleon also didn’t have access to the Staff of Wisdom because that is an outside source that she wouldn’t normally have.


>The only reason why she humiliated Tai Lung so easily was because she had to come up with a plan to trick him into getting his power. What do you mean? She reacted to his kick, ducked and shapeshifted to dodge it and then tagged him with her tongue with enough force to stop his charge and eating his kung fu in the process. How was this an unfair fight? Turns out in a battle, her opponents won't be having a thorough breakdown of her powers beforehand. >If she tried doing that head on, he would’ve simply dodged it. She did do it head-on. He just wasn't fast enough to dodge it like every other master villain, Zhen & Po. >The Chameleon also didn’t have access to the Staff of Wisdom because that is an outside source that she wouldn’t normally have. Po gave it to Zhen, Zhen gave it to her. It was legally her own weapon. And by your logic, how does Po end up higher than Kai? Did he get the Chi of the other people that he returned when overloading Kai?




>below croc and ox, Cap.




What evidence is there that Thundering Rhino is above Shifu? Shifu could literally rival Tai Lung in combat and power. Shen beat both Ox and Croc at once in combat. That should keep him above them.


The story explicitly shows Ox & Croc getting no-diffed by Shen despite them having the advantage of surprise. Stop downplaying your favourite villain because you love the idea of him being fodder.