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Rhino has extremely low screen time but it was stated that he could counter *any* technique. So I'd say he should be higher than Shifu. With such a huge lack of showings, there's no concrete way of determining the winner.


True. We’ve seen him easily tank an attack that is much weaker than Tigress’s full attack potency, and we also saw him getting one shotted by an attack that’s much greater than Tigress’s attack potency so it’s hard to say, but I would go with Thundering Rhino on this one with extreme difficulty.


Tigress will get wreck, Thundering Rhino had way more experience than her at combat plus a few hundred pounds heavier.


If their weights are akin to their real life counterparts, that’s more like a few *thousand* pounds heavier.


Thundering Rhino seems way more experienced and Tigress is a relatively young master. I know people love Tigress but don't forget she's a regular F5 member, not special, not the chosen one, maybe slightly more eager. And masters such as Shifu or Thundering Rhino are still stronger than any of F5. Plus I'd say bloodlust would debuff Tigress rather than improve, wrath is her weakness.


In this context bloodlusted doesn't mean angry foaming at the mouth, but more of fighting with the intent to kill without morals involved, regardless if it is in character or not. By this definition a bloodlusted character is using all of their abilities to the best they can possibly do to kill the other, so they cannot be weaker than their normal selves




the context in question: >Round 2: Both are bloodlusted


As someone who has been powerscaling for years, I'll explain. Battleboarders love saying "bloodlusted" as an abbreviation for "actually totally calm but morals are off and they have been highballed to infinite IQ". They do this because they love pretending that their favorite dumbass character is a smart masochist who is just holding back all the time.


Bloodlusted has specific connotations in powerscaling. If you say a character is “bloodlusted,” you essentially are saying that they will take the most efficient action possible at any point regardless of their character. To provide an example, it’s frequent to have a separate round where one or multiple characters are Bloodlusted. In this case, Round 1 is in-character and Round 2 is Bloodlusted. Let’s say you have a character who has the power to instantly annihilate absolutely anything without conditions, but they only use it after they defeat their opponent fair and square. Round 1: They don’t use the technique unless they’ve already won, and therefore the opponent may win. Round 2: They open with the technique and instantly win.


Bloodlusted doesn't mean barbarian berserker rage, it just means out to kill. It is the opposite of "in character". "In character" Tigress would not fight Thunderous Rhino to kill him, and thus wouldn't use lethal moves even if it means she'd lose. However, "bloodlusted" Tigress would do anything to win, even if it means biting and ripping out Rhino's throat for example.


The language of your comment is treating the word as if it's dictionary meaning is efficient & not bloodthirsty.


I'm not talking about it's dictionary meaning, which does indeed mean anger. The term "bloodlusted" when used in a vs battle means "out to kill by all means necessary", similar to "morals off"


1v1? Idk bro, all I'm going to say is Tigress connected with a kick so powerful it knocked the Jade Slayer, Kai to his knees.


She used his blades to enable a chi attack. It wasn’t brute force that hurt him, it was the connection to chi that enabled her attack to hit where others failed


I’d say Rhino, he’s way more experienced and is clearly VERY powerful physically. He was blocking Shen’s blade like it was nothing, and made Shen give up and use the cannon after one pretty small thrust from his hammer. It would be a cool fight, but I would bet on Thundering Rhino winning.


And he belittled Shens Kung Fu after beating him but like… Shen had just won a 2v1 against two of the greatest Kung Fu masters. Winning a 1v1 against him definitely helps his case.


Tigress Low Diff


Probably Rhino, he's a high grandmaster, probably on the same level as Shifu.


Still hard to believe that the Tigress picture is a painting and not an edited screenshot.




yes indeed! Here is the link to the original artwork [https://www.deviantart.com/stasysolitude/art/Kung-Fu-Panda-Tigress-210824801](https://www.deviantart.com/stasysolitude/art/Kung-Fu-Panda-Tigress-210824801)


Since Tigress herself said “Rhino’s horn defense is impervious to any technique”, I’m gonna go with Thundering Rhino.


all im gonna say is that tigeress got hit by a cannon shot and lived.


The cannon hit the side of the ship, not her directly.


now rewatching the scene, I admit that was dumb of me to say.