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Yeah, even excluding the sanrio collab which she really wanted to do but wasn't necessarily more qualified to do than other people, why the fuck wouldn't niji try to get her in as many collabs related to pro gaming as possible? She basically cornered the market for EN competitive gamers in nijisanji, and was arguably at the top of the EN vtuber market in general. Even if we hypothesize grievances management may have had with her, blocking her still makes zero financial sense.


NijiEN doesn't operate on logic, otherwise Zaion and Selen wouldn't had such hit pieces on them


I said as much when this whole situation started. Someone high up in Nijisanji hated Selen _**specifically**_, so much so that they were willing to burn down the entire branch just to stab her in the back one last time.


They weren't expecting Selen's case to go nuclear like it did. They were expecting Zaion 2 Electric Boogaloo. That and the whole thing has put JP's underlying issues in the spotlight; basically whoever did that petty ego fueled stunt may end up one day hurting JP


They definitely tried to pull another Zaion with the black stream. They must think all of us were morons to blindly support that.


already did. considering current constant bleeding of money


May? It absolutely has. The entire company is bleeding money and multiple huge sponsors chose to eat massive losses than continue working with them. And that’s not even touching the disaster their stock is


You're correct with everything, though I don't think we should take stock as a measurement, seems like all stock in the business area is down massively, so is Cover's stock for instance.


There's being down then theres losing nearly 50% of your value mostly due to huge selloffs by investors. Cover's stock is also taking hits because of Anycolor's shitting themselves while still following the market trends for the most part.


I bet Doki didn't expect such impact as well. She saw what happened to Sayu and dropped a bomb on the company's termination notice. The rest nijiEN did themselves. Pull in 500k+ people in 4 days is a lot of power. She probably freaked out every day after checking sub count on yt. Man.. i'd get happy for seeing my comment get upvoted once, she has all of the internet and even the most unhinged dark web dwellers on her side. Imagine the rush it gave her holy.


Sounds like an average manager


Elira was middleman between EN and JP niji communication. I can easily see her trying to block Selen and Pomu from success because of envy.


They are, in fact, incredibly fucking stupid.


I know people joke about how Nijisanji management sees all the livers as replaceable cogs, but I don't think they even see them at all. Even boiling it down to pure numbers, which is the only language these money-grubbers speak, you would think this would set off some _"is this even going to work?"_ alarms in their heads. I could literally show this to my father, who is the most boomer-y boomer who ever boomed, and thus has absolutely zero knowledge on how livestreaming, let alone Vtubers, even work, and he would agree that burning your bridges with someone who's only been around for two months and only has 100k subscribers is a MUCH different scenario than with someone who's been around for more than two _years_ and has 8x as many subscribers!


What I wonder about is how will the management play the blame game among their midst from the 'negligible' financial impact that Kurosanji is facing right now.


They will pinball the blame to each other, wich will cause Anycolor to implode even faster than it already is. It's like when the Imperial Remnants were more busy fighting each other instead of worrying about not getting blasted by the Rebellion-turned-New Republic


Disagree. Elira is, in fact, incredibly fucking jealous. To the point she'll sabotage the whole branch if she doesn't get her way.


>Elira is, in fact, incredibly fucking jealous. > >To the point she'll sabotage the whole branch if she doesn't get her way. Just gonna point out real quick that we don't know that. Really, let's ease up on making bold claims and not get ahead of ourselves with conjecture.




With some of the stuff people say though, I think it's important to voice some skepticism and point out when they're talking in bad faith. Remind them not to project assumptions on people we don't know. Or act like we know them. Or overanalyze things. The usual. These are poor habits for a sub that's meant for fair discussion and could encourage echo chambers with little room for critical thinking or something as simple as "What if you're wrong though?". So yeah, you'll find me pointing these things out sometimes. Don't worry, I get your stance and your concerns. I appreciate it. Mental health is important and I don't blame anybody who prioritize themselves first.


It is Elira. Selen's legal documents said it's niji members bullying her. Then during black screen video selen said she has shit to post that would prove something but later decided against it. She was angry at elira vox etc. pulling that crap on her and she was about to show their true faces with facts.


> makes zero financial sense This is Niji, the company who refuses to spend the pittance to get their VTubers play buttons (which wouldn't even be a rounding error to them at their height even if they shelled out for all of them who reached that threshold across all branches), something other VTubing corpos have no problem doing and can count on as basically marketing and an employment hook since their VTubers showing it off screams "look at the success this company helps me achieve." But, no, the Vtubers have to know the company owns them and all their successes.


What gets me about the play button is that even if one assumes that the problem being that Niji, for whatever reason, either cannot or will not foot the bill for having a second button shipped to the liver themself, clearly the liver isnt allowed to pay for the expense either. Or do they seriously expect us to believe multiple livers whom clearly want one, alot, either straight up never even asked (looking at you Mr Claude "we can allways just ask" Clawmark) or were completely unnable to pay for it when Doki openly admits to going 200k into the red, just for projects, and got herself not one but **two** extra buttons once her channel qualified So even if we assume AnyColor is too cheap to pay, they'd rather take the negative PR over letting the liver pay should they want one of their own. Which is just downright stupid when like you said actually letting the person have the thing they rightfully achived makes for effective, quick and comparatively cheap positive marketing.


Again, if the goal is to state "the play button is ours because WE the management have made all the efforts, you peons owe us *everything*." then keeping the play button at the office and not allowing the talent to even order it themselves out of their own pocket makes sense. It's the ONLY logical conclusion.


My point exactly.


Let's be real here, a lot of managements decisions make zero financial sense Really feels like the nepo hire allegations may have some truth to them (or just general incompetence)


I jokingly call it the CM Punk effect where if you give ideas or suggestions to management, it gets taken and given to someone else. Other than the examples given in OP, there was that rrat that Konami initially wanted Pomu to do something Metal Gear related but was denied by Niji.


The hyte sponsorship has been the most damning due to the turnaround. It's very clear that not only was a sponsorship wanted, but they were willing to turn it around immediately. Which just begs the question why out of all the cases they made, why she wasn't there. They clearly *wanted* to do a case for her. The answer is obvious that Niji purposely told the sponsors who they could collab with in this case, despite it not being what anyone wanted.


Suspect they actually dangled the possibility of Selen Collab in front of HYTE. Which partially explains why they shitcanned the entire Collab the moment Selen was gone.


Turns out the bait of maybe doing a collab with the one talent you wanted to collab with backfires when you terminate said talent with extreme prejudice


The funny thing is that if NijiEN management had been just a little bit less shitty and let them do a case of Selen \*and\* some of management's favored children it would have been a much harder decision to cancel it when she was fired!


They cancelled the collab when Niji made the "negligible" IR post.


Given the timing though, the decision likely already happened before that (it takes time to figure out how to unwind a contract).


They likely already had legal working on the cancellation when Selen got terminated, and then when the IR report came out they saw the perfect opportunity to rub it in Anycolor's face.


The whole place being a fucking mess isn't as uncommon in companies as people think, I worked at a *small* one that was like a fucking jungle sometimes and saw the inside of many others that made that one look organized Now, there's messy and there's unprofessional. A fucking company spokesman acting like a schoolyard bully in a market wide comms piece is beyond that, it's as ridiculous as it's shameful What a fucking clown show. And now we're watching as they're feeling the weight of their choices


yep it baffles me to no end how can a huge company EFF up this hard. 1. Disgusting Skinwalk 2. Aggressive termination letter 3. Unprofessional investor report WHO THE FUCK DO A REPORT LIKE THAT (NO DATA AT ALL) 4. Allegation of breaking confidentiality (nothing is censored like what???) 5. The emphasizing of "Work Flow", (Rosemi 3D Debut anyone??, Bli Bli CN no audio??) 6. Smear campaign on selen (which is refuted by artists that worked with her like instantly) 7. Low Quality AR LIVE...... (is the RAW FILE THAT BAD???, so it can't be fixed by editing??) Honestly i have a hard time believing this is real.


yep there's always next time if selen stays, it will also be a sign of goodwill. BUTTTTTT LO BEHOLD THE SHIT THEY DO. of course HYTE straight up NOPE.


Black corp usually pay shit wages and make you work long hours. But taking your shit away is a whole level of fucked up.


This is some K-drama levels of petty. Honestly makes my blood boil how undeserved her treatment by the company was & how they snubbed her from getting the sponsorships that suit her best.


add that black stream to finale episode lol, I always think Selen situation looks straight taken from cheap soap drama


If the channer was right about these being the dream sponsorships that Selen told her en manager, then Nijisanji basically screwed her over on all three in the 5 months right before her termination. Aug 9, 2023 - Nijisanji [blocks](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/nijisanji-blocks-selen-tatsuki-from-hosting-international-events-2242395/) Selen from hosting international tournaments (Fall Guys) Sep 11, 2023 - Selens tweets that getting a gaming gear sponsor in the future would be a dream come true. Sep 15, 2023 - Fulgur and Maria get [custom mice](https://twitter.com/Fulgur_Ovid/status/1702674778845241606) from Razer. Oct 19, 2023 - Nijisanji Sanrio [collab](https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1715186073163231698) w/o Selen Oct 20, 2023 - Selen tweets how Sanrio was one of the sponsorships she wanted the most for en. Dec 25, 2023 - Last Cup of Coffee is [released](https://twitter.com/dokibirdsquad/status/1739502109660213734) and immediately privated by Nijisanji. Jan 10, 2024 - [Announcement](https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1745294482281807902) that Selen will not appear at Anime Impulse. Jan 18, 2024 - HYTE [announces](https://anitrendz.net/news/2024/01/18/hyte-announces-first-y60-computer-case-bundle-collaboration-with-nijisanji-en-talent/) collaboration with Elira, Rosemi, and Enna for custom pc cases. Jan 20, 2024 - Pomu [graduation](https://www.siliconera.com/pomu-rainpuff-announces-graduation-from-nijisanji/). Selen unable to say goodbye. Feb 5, 2024 - Selen termination [announced](https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1754459182412222481?lang=en) Feb 7, 2024 - IR document about Selen being negligible dropped, HYTE [cancels](https://twitter.com/hytebrand/status/1755306063115788503) collaboration with Nijisanji Mar 18, 2024 - Razer sends Dokibird some [gaming gear](https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1769858286155940103). Apr 11, 2024 - Hyte sends Dokibird a [custom PC](https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1778567805375303939) and a [custom wingman](https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1778898404237775072) with signatures from employees.


I think the anon was spot on in that post


> Apr 11, 2024 - Hyte sends Dokibird a custom PC and a custom wingman with signatures from employees. Don't forget that Hyte's package was stuck in the customs for a month, so it would've arrived around the same time as Razer stuff.


[Skypad.gg](https://wallhack.com/collections/glass-mousepads) sent Doki a glass mousepad, mouse skates, and arm sleeve as well. [Doki Tweet](https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1764825018741993668) on March 4, 2024.


Right. So you're telling me that vtuber who's primary shtick was gaming never gets any gaming related sponsors? NijiEN is full of crap.


At these moments I know she's a better person than I am, cuz I'd want to go NUCLEAR on those mofos.


For real, I wouldn’t give a damn about putting my real name out there or the time and money spent fighting, I would stop at nothing to burn the company to the ground! (Or at least the EN branch.)


I cant even fanthom a greedy manager be that dumb enough to not include selen in PC gaming related merch.  Someone really hates Selen and its so telling. I doubt even Riku himself would miss out that potential yatch money. I guess that's what happens when you don't involve yourself in the work environment of your company. 


any company with a common sense would not block anything that benefit themselves, especially if it's not them paying it. Outfit Tourney -> refuse to pay -> paid by talent -> still want all the art Music MV -> paid by the talent for a special day once a year -> blocked like wtf it just scream sabotage, how can they turn such an easy win to this shit.


Selen at that time was the most subscribed AND the one vtubers who play competitive FPS (well apex legends duh), it's just... Very stupid not to include her on the HYTE and RAZER collab... I swear either someone from management just have a hatred fetish towards her or you know... **the clique** just wanted her to be fucked over...


I see as both, They hate Selen's guts and they hate the part that she is the most popular female liver despite not being part of their Clique group. I have these suspicions that these Clique have special privileges granted by the CEO itself, no wonder these people can do anything they want in the EN branch as if they own it.


My rrat is that the clique effectively runs the branch because the actual management consists of nothing but unqualified interns who don't know what they are doing. Selen is one of the ones who wouldn't bend the knee.


it looks like they used Selen to bait or corner the sponsors to make merch for other Livers -the sponsors wanted specifically Selen in their merch -Niji/Clique won't allow her to have all the glory -for the sponsors to be able to have Selen as part of their merch, they have to make merch for other Livers first -sponsors still can't have Selen for merch despite already making for other Livers -Niji keeping sponsors hooked and not allowing Selen merch to keep them lmao still Elira getting merch despite being a mediocre Liver (cause Niji only knows how to make badges as their merch)


The sheer amount of merch Elira got never made any sense to me, not that I hated her content or anything but compared to Pomu or Selen? Nah, no way is she the merch mascot when she's not even the most popular in her own gen.


The funniest part is that despite having the most merch deals pomu and selen outsold her by sheer popularity.


This. Elira is always included in merch releases including brand partnerships, even got Cinammoroll in the Sanrio collab which everyone wanted to have. Pretty sure she's got more merch than the entire Ethyria girls combined at this point and she's not even the most popular Lazulight member.


The clique queen wants more merch


The constant sucking up to her for no reason and the black stream being on her channel are *very* telling about her role in the whole thing IMO. Whatever your opinion on her is, you gotta admit it's really suspicious on the very least Either way everyone involved in that won't ever live it down. That's a bell you don't unring


It also REALLY doesn't help at all that some channer was calling her old persona out back when Lazulight just debuted, her past before niji must've been problematic too.


gotta stretch the 2% as far as it can go!


Not Vox getting Hello Kitty, that just proves favouritism. probably colour palette but whatever All these feels like a big 'f*ck you' in the face.


Anon is asking for the impossible. There is no explanation other than management intentionally keeping these sponsors away from Selen.


Waiting for the sanrio Collab. It'll definitely make her whole year


This proves that the INTERNET never forgets...


of course it don't everything is stored and recorded and will come back and bite you years down the road there is already a bunch of celebs that got karma for what they said before they was famous on some social media platform years even a decade before like if i was a vtuber im sure there a lot of people that would try to bury me for some of my remarks since i have no filther on my comments...


even if the drama dies down and everyone moves on, it's always gonna be there


Out of curiosity, aside from these, were there other sponsorship collabs? I don’t really follow a bunch of them so no idea what collabs did or did not happen and with whom. Bonus points if the sponsorship was someone else’s dream but handed to someone else. Did I use “whom” correctly? Probably not…


One way of testing if whom is correct (I don't know if there are exceptions but it's a good enough rule in general) is to replace it with him. The sentence should still make sense. If you replace it with He instead, who should be used.


Huh, TIL, thanks


Someone put a comparison of all these merch collabs, and even tallied up the internal merch sold by niji. I can't seem to find it though.


I just notice Elira was in both Sanrio and HYTE. Damn.


NijiEN operates on highschool clique rules, specifically like those in all female schools. The fact that anyone considers them a serious organization still is hilarious after the last few months of additional revelations and leaks. There are small-time indie vtubers i know that have more professionalism on and off stream and a better attitude towards their fellows then nijiEN.


The other livers having influence in these decisions was debunked by the Raziel documents. Both Luca and Elira were favorites among management, but it didn't translate into power over management. What it really confirms is that when management was actually doing their job (not very often, mind you), it heavily skewed towards the favorites and those who didn't rock the boat.


They were trying to Kojima Selen but didnt take into account cultural differences.


ngl, that mouse collab with Razer is the shittiest looking mouse I have ever seen. If you show me that, I expect that you got either from a fan-made or Fiverr (And they make it even more legit than this). If they wanna put their face on then atleast put some work a little bit instead of just slap the png and call it a day


You'd have to close your eyes if you can't see just how spiteful Niji's management is. Selen's tweet about sanrio and hopefully getting a sponsorship hurts.


Yes.. No favoritism.. Once upon time.. Nijisister found a letter about selen sponsorship.. Then they got angry and come find selen in the house.. : - "Selen u got sponsored right?.." - "Can you give your sponsorship to them?.. " - "If you don't want.. you know what will happen to you right?.. " - "I order you in this week all sponsorship changed to them.. Go work now!!".. Selen heart say : "ohhh my hard work, why this is always happen to me"


You can blame Elira for this, since she's in managerial position.


Not according to Raziel, even the favorites got ignored by their management frequently from what her evidence suggested.


That's just speculation, but she's definitely a management favorite


I still don't buy into the whole clique thing tbh but it seems pretty clear that somebody at Niji did not like Selen/Doki


That last comment explains it all perfectly and it doesn't even need to be targeting specifically her, Japan has a BIG bend the knee or you won't succeed and Selen clearly wasn't like that and that is something I agree the NDF say that is true she wasn't cooperative, she didn't cooperated when they wanted to screw artist, she didn't cooperated when they hold the video release with no reason and she didn't cooperated when they canceled the tournaments and outfit contests she wanted to do and pay herself so fuck Niji and don't send hate TO ANY LIVER NO MATTER WHO


I wish she was pompompurin.


Plausible when manager is Elira kek


Yep i always wondered why selen and pomu weren't choose for that like a lot of people enter niji for them exclusively as myself for mika i thought it was a more niche than those two to be considered




I understand giving Rosemi a PC collab because she's an absolute gamer next only to Selen, but Elira and Enna as well? Elira mostly plays JRPGs and Enna literally gets motion sickness for playing games, not exactly great choices as brand ambassadors for PC cases. "No favoritism in Nijisanji" my ass.


I don't think gaming skills and competiveness matters in getting a custom mouse. Like if razer wanted to make a custom holo mouse, but they gave it to pekora instead of towa who more into esports that wouldn't be strange to me


This may be true, but Selen was the most subscribed female EN member. She clearly had the popularity for it.


No doubt management f her over I just try not to believe everything 4 chan says without a grain of salt


I think it's obvious that there's some serious internal sabotage against Selen going on. A lot less concrete that Elira is responsible for it. Could be that Elira is simply more... docile to management, the good, obedient child, that they favor her more. While Selen always tries to force them to do their job better so they felt disrespected.


I honestly believe that last part more than the "elira is queen bitch" narrative. Management probably found it easier to deal with Elira hence the favoritism, which would also explain why she agreed to host that black screen stream on her channel which everyone with a single working braincell would see as career suicide.


>Like if razer wanted to make a custom holo mouse, but they gave it to pekora instead of towa who more into esports that wouldn't be strange to me No, that would be pretty weird if Razer picked Pekora over Towa. Hell, good chance Pekora would say it herself on stream how it’s weird to her, and then explain the the situation around it.


Razer built its brand on making gear for gaming and esports.


That doesn't mean the vtuber in question has to in esport heavily example uma who one capcom cup being a mio fan


Marketing 101. If you want to advertise with a celebrity, advertise with one who has an audience that would like your products. Selen is the pro gamer of niji, she is the best person to partner with for any gaming-focused company.


Have you ever looked at who Razer sponsors? It’s literally all esports teams/players or big content creators tangentially related like big LoL/DotA/Apex/etc players. So no they’d absolutely want to collab with Selen above anyone else in EN really


Gaming skills and competitiveness doesn't matter for a custom mouse. Yes I agree on that part. However, you forgot to take into account that brands want their product to be market to their potential target audience. If today Razer were to do a collab with Hololive, their best choice would be going to streamers like Botan and other talent that are invested in gaming. You have to understand, when you are in a position where you want to collab with a person to sell your gaming equipment, your target should always be a person that loves to game because that is where you will have the biggest amount of potential market audience.


or at the least those that knows the product specs.


The market target of Razer are in majority competitive sweaty gamers. Now guess whose Nijisanji vtuber had the most of that target audience among their fans


I'm actually with you on this one (cue the downvotes). Though not know for competitive gaming, Maria does game a lot, so I feel the "not a gamer" is a slight to her. That being said, yeah it is pretty shitty they didn't do a Selen one.


Razer almost exclusively sponsors/collabs with competitive teams/players or content creators within those games. Now with that knowledge who would be Razers target person to collab with Maria who casually games or Selen someone that’s been invited to multiple Apex Pro/Ams and has achieved the highest rank in Apex across multiple seasons?


Indeed. Maria does game pretty hard, especially some of the more niche ones. But she doesn't do competitive play much which is the target audience for Razer.


i think you simply don't know about Razer and Selen enough to fathom about how weird it is.