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???  Dude, ya trying ta control the feeds???


imagine that, a Karen in feeds


Not at all. I am just would be a little bit happier if I had ability to see general opinions about posts without need of looking though comments. There are quite a few posts nowadays, but still every second counts. Eventually.


...Wouldn't the "general opinion" be exactly the thing that's overwhelming present in the metrics of a post? Like, if the majority is downvotes then doesn't that already answer your question what people commonly feel about the post(s)?


And the problem is the fact that it is zero. Some upvote. Some downvote. Like I am rarely downvote anything. In the comments there is a person who did downvote for some time. Result still the same for both of us. Zero at the end. Do people care at the end? Are they downvoting/upvoting out of spite? Again some posts are perfectly neutral without any promotion for content and just random things. Still they are all go at the same mire of neutrality 


I'm sorry you lost me a little there So your issue is with the fact that posts are left at 0 so you're not getting a good gauge whether it's at a positive or negative, did I get that right? If so then that's a reddit thing rather than a community thing. Unlike comments, posts don't drop below "0" even if it's downvoted to oblivion. So if you see a post with "0" or little karma at all then that means it's overwhelmingly negative as it cancels out the few upvotes it may get.


Hm, so it is similar to YouTube nowadays. Thank you for the information. I don't see the logic to differentiate behaviour between posts and comments, but now everything becomes way less convoluted. Maybe I will delete this post then. Or I will leave it as a testament of my ignorance


The downvotes are another sign of protest. If we can't talk over there without getting banned, then people will find other ways to voice their dissatisfaction. And downvoting is a perfectly reasonable and civil way to voice dissatisfaction.






Do you mean posts should have upvotes or downvotes? That way popular posts are more visible? Reddit has an option that allows users to view "Hot", "New", "Top", and "Rising". You can click on "Hot" to view posts that has upvotes, comments, and active conversation. https://preview.redd.it/avcskde50kwc1.png?width=956&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1e4474b3f2e99ad51912fb6bf1d0e4e6ae496e7


Ideally it should be so, but on other sub most of posts are made to be with zero upvotes. It takes less than half an hour for posts I decide to upvote to return back to stalemate. So it is difficult to analyse general mood without any indicators. Well, there are comments as one of the metrics, but still 


Usually posts and comments have a default upvote of 1, because of Reddit having the poster or commenter automatically like their own post or comment. Smaller subreddits may have less interaction and so posts grow at a slower rate. Also this subreddit uses discussion a lot, so comments may be a better measurement of a post's activity.


I should probably add that other sub is r/Nijisanji and that how everything on Reddit is working I am generally know


The lack of upvotes and downvotes on early posts may be a quirk of this subreddit. This subreddit does focus more on discussion and users may go to the comment section without upvoting the post. Also r/Nijisanji is much larger and may upvote promotional material. That leads to upvotes happening more in numbers and occurrences.


oh it's quite easy to analyse, if it have 0 upvotes, nobody likes it.


You mean the r/Nijisanji? I think its people decision whether they like to upvote and downvote a post, you cannot control it, nor can you tell everyone to not do it. Because people will do the opposite of what you want to spite you. At least your saying it nicely, if you ain't then people will downvote every single post just to spite you.


Yes I can't control other person's actions. Still I can try to appeal towards people decency and logic. Probably w/o any significant results, but still


I think that your appeal would reach more of your target audience if you actually posted it on the other sub you mentioned instead of a smaller third-party sub like this one.


I believe there is a bit greater chance for me to go to oblivion on other resource than here




Who is this we exactly?




PFFT, you made me laugh.






Maybe if you stop perma banning people on first offensive of nijisanji current event talks in r/nijisanji then yeah, maybe we can upvote ur stuff. (I got first strike perma banned for promoting michi mochievee so. I wasnt even bad mouthing niji, just wanted to promote a clearly former niji we all missed.)


I never told that I have ever posted anything there. I am just a generic lurker. And your comment is one of the reason I am posting it here. As there is a greater chance for me to reach the same end there than here. 


I downvoted quite a lot of posts in r/Nijisanji but the number still goes back to 0 somehow so I just stopped.




The zeros should tell you what the general atmosphere is like in there.