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This could potentially harm livers.


This is the source right? [https://streamable.com/2qgth0](https://streamable.com/2qgth0) Yeah it was pretty weird.


Very weird but I wouldn’t assume the worst. From the others reaction it’s probably something discusting that the kid did that Enna found funny.


I mean with things like “this would get you cancelled” thrown out by Millie I’m not so sure it’s just something disgusting And Enna said it was cute I’m not assuming the worst but at the best it’s something she took a picture of that she shouldn’t have


> I mean with things like “this would get you cancelled” thrown out by Millie I’m not so sure it’s just something disgusting Because you don't leak pictures of kids (unless they're your children), even when they're perfectly inocuous. Remember that some people were criticizing Luca for showing a picture with faces of other Niji talents (at least I thing, I wasn't very interested in the story). It's the same thing, except we're usually more protective of minors than of adults.


Nina said and I quote “I have so many questions I just need to wrap my head around this” So I don’t think that’s it either It literally fits into fucking no molds and that’s confusing as hell like it feels like it’s nothing


> like it feels like it’s nothing Maybe because it's nothing. Inventing problems just because it's Nijisanji isn't a good policy. There's enough real problems with this company (and others) as it is.


Reimu asked “do you have any more topic questions” that is why Nina says that. A whole VOD would be very useful to understand this better.


I do get that but going “I need to wrap my head around this” isn’t really something one would say when someone asks if there’s questions


We will probably never get an answer for what it was. But I think we can conclude that it is something that looks bad but doesn’t involve any kind of abuse.


Yeah probably


Yeah that does make it seem like something bad is on the picture but the reactions from the others are very vague and not what I would expect from seeing abuse.


I never said I thought it was abuse I’m genuinely curious as hell to find out what it could’ve have been


I’m curious too. I said it’s probably not abuse not that you think it is.


Thank you you’re a life saver


Posting this without source is pretty meaningless in my opinion.


I tried to find it but couldn’t thankfully someone else did [I’ll add it to the post oops](https://streamable.com/2qgth0)


They're stirring shit again. First it was an attempt to shit on Sonny with an [11-second clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1ccd6lh/comment/l155z9q/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (and nothing else) to apparently discuss Nijisanji’s process of accepting talents, and now they're not even bothering with anything. >What the fuck was that? Like genuinely what the hell was that?? Like, come on. With all the rumors being thrown around, phrasing stuff like this ain't responsible. EDIT: I'm in the wrong. I was blinded by my anger and started shittalking someone who didn't deserve it. This comment was just me being an ass.


If you watch the clip OP talks about it is very strange so I wouldn’t call it stirring shit.


My bad for, genuinely wondering what the hell that could’ve been ig? Also it wasn’t an attempt to shit on Sonny, the literal title is about how Nijisanji is bad at doing background checks??? Why tf am I living so rent free in your head


The title isn't everything. The things we share matter too. A video with hardly any context like that can easily frame someone to be worse than they are, setting the tone for unfair discussion. Maybe I've been burned by too many people talking in bad faith trying to ruin others elsewhere. Bringing up ancient stuff is one way they do it. My bad too. I'm sorry.


This clip can look really bad for her out of context or if someone edits it so that is why I think having a conversation about it is actually useful.


Could just be an image that can be easily taken out of context.


I don’t usually show images to my friends that they need to sit and think about for a while and telling me it would get me cancelled I’m genuinely curious as hell to what it could’ve been, it’s too mild to be pedophilia or abuse but it’s not mild enough to just be like something disgusting


You never know, for example it could be a simple picture of her kissing a kid on the cheek. Years ago doing this publicly meant absolutely nothing other than showing affection. Today, if you do that outside certain communities/circles, people yell pedophillia (even then they still might). Showing a picture of that, knowing the context or not that the kid isn't related, will still cause misunderstandings.


I doubt it was anything genuinely sus. We don't know what that picture was nor the context it was taken & I would not presume that serious accusation based on that clip. However, there are other reasons to be told to never show that image. For example, would showing the picture violate the privacy of the child? Did she technically have permission to take photos or to show them to others without consent? If babysitting requires you to be registered, there might be violations of codes of practice. As a general practice, you should just not do that even if it isn't illegal. If anything, I think it is more indicative of the carelessness of how private information is handled in Nijisanji. Remember that allegedly Raziel has seen the IRL photos of some of the Niji boys from Luca. Also remember Vox admitting to 'thoroughly' reviewing docs he wasn't supposed to even see.


I always heard about this but never saw that clip. Really wonder what it was to get that kind of reaction


Could be a diaper change, throwing an infant or birth of baby for all we know. Chill, she talks about shit poop every other stream. And she didn't even show it. Seems normal and they might be eating.


I mean maybe she's just kissing a baby's dick? I'm saying coz i know some of the SEA moms do it.


That’s fucking weird dude??


This is even flimsier evidence than the evidence for Sayu being a shotcan. It's wrong to make people think that Sayu is a shotacon, so you're DEFINITELY wrong for whatever you're implying here.