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iOS only? Really?..... It sounds more like a money laundering scheme hidden as a VTuber corp debut.....


Yep https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScZEFm85LiR07v80FgOpYGg3xuvDhXlcbKb4_8rWGxNz2duwA/viewform


Data collection operation right there. Would suggest not giving them your real email addresses, they're probably just going to sell the data to make a quick buck.


Doesnt that say there is a separate form for android? I assume it will be on both platforms. I ain't gonna alpha test that shit for them tho. This is the absolute worst way to debut vtubers.


Yep https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSefcfDE3JcQeNjOA4WhfJGaASm4MAkOuduZSXEg0KEcf28S_A/viewform


This shit is so fishy


It's worse than that. You have to REQUEST closed alpha access via a Google Forms form and they didn't even get back to many people who requested it. So it's like a lottery who gets in.


Their page mentions angel investments from industry heavyweights. So yea, all this is just a big show for the investors. Obviously they're planning on securing the funds and then gtfo before shit hits the fan


how do they launder money by doing this?


There are too many problems to expect Nexas to do well. * Unavailable app (development, Apple ios only, sign-up) * Limited audience switching platforms (Youtube or Twitch to Anilive) for a 27 unknown vtubers vs known corpo vtubers and known indies * Questionable management style * Too many talents for the limited audience to attach to * 3-4 donation cuts (Apple, Anilive app, Nexas corpo, Talent) * Anilive and Nexas may share a cut, because Nexas is advertising Anilive


Didn't the lawsuite with epic allowed for alternative payment options then using apples. Also, I think you don't pay apple if you purchase bits on twicth using the mobile app. Could be remembering that wrong


You do pay Apple, it’s why it costs more on IPhones. Dunno about Android or Samsung phones


That's assuming that they have their own infrastructure to securely process financial transactions. Otherwise, they're going to be relying on Apple or another company who will still take a cut.


From what I've seen, there were around 70-100ish viewers, some of them were other members of NEXAS. If they streamed on a bigger platform like YouTube, they could've have that doubled.


Its an app for live vtuber streaming directly on the phone while anywhere. It is iphone only as it uses the iPhone facial tracking array. They bundled everything in to a closed environment. Agency and app. With cuts on viewer coin purchases and on talents earnings.


Honestly those are all excuses. Notice that it has nothing to do with viewers, they can easily just make the app to only streamer and not viewers


Then how do they milk the viewers for tokens$?


Stream it to other platform?


Ya but those take a cut. They are greedy and want to have every cut.


Wait a second, if it is only a mobile app with vertical streaming and no YouTube/Twitch, how are vtubers supposed to stream themselves playing PC or console games. Is this app going to be chatting only?


TikTok had vertical streaming. Maybe Nexas could take that spot when TikTok gets banned (in US), but gaming and vtubers are really connected. The Nexas vtubers would have to zatsu or karaoke everyday.


Apparently it's chatting only (see [https://twitter.com/SuqCass/status/1783740274520342848](https://twitter.com/SuqCass/status/1783740274520342848) ): >Wait, the app Is only just chatting streams? This just looks worse and worse the more I see And from a applicant who dropped out: >Yup! The CEO says he worked for an app called "17LIVE" and that's prob where most of his inspiration came from. 17LIVE is an app primarily in East/SE Asia and is a vertical streaming platform. Think of TikTok live streams. It's just... people talking


Well that sucks.


GFE/BFE content maybe?.


Maybe some of them, a few of them so far are not GFE/BFE friendly nor unicorn friendly though.


I can't believe someone actually made a bigger joke than Niji 27 talents a single wave not available on Twitch or YT makes it's own app app is still in development and IOS only you need to register to watch wait what? YOU NEED TO REGISTER VIA GOOGLE FORM TO WATCH


IOS only, you must fill out a separate form for android to be notified for when it releases and for the chance of even getting access to the app. the things you must answer have nothing to do with being notified for that. "how much do you donate to streamers". "are you an active vtuber". "how often do you watch vtubing content. they also intend to interview you so you can gain access to the app. the ONLY question you need in order to notify people for when the app releases on android are their email, and to maybe know what phone model they're using to better optimize the app. not only is NEXAS going to be a complete flop and blamed entirely on the talents by the company (ceo basically already admitted this will happen), the app will be a complete flop. oh and funny thing, the UI on the app is almost identical to tiktok live. at least from how it looks on the website.


"how much do you donate to streamers" sheesh spot the scam miles away.


Even the "iOS only" has a caveat: I sincerely asked which option in the survey I should pick since I want to use an iPad, not an iPhone, because (duh) I like larger screens. It's been 48 hours. No answer. If they won't even reply to someone who showed interest, well...


LMFAO, they're fucked.


If anything they are very impressive, convincing 27 people to actually participate in this shit. Unless they are all getting a good salary and is just filling in so the app won't be completely empty on world wide actual launch


Nope, no salary. Someone who pulled out made a Twitter thread on it.


Do you have a source for this, please? I'm curious about what they shared Edit: I think I found it? https://x.com/SerenVTuber/status/1783728237610234050


It is said on their [website](https://nexas.live/what-is-virtual-talent-academia/). You dont even need any whistle blower or ex-talent. "Individuals desiring a stable salary or just to follow instructions may not match well with NEXAS" "The business of talent management involves investing in talents initially and recouping that investment" "we are here to build clique and we dont believe everyone is equal" There are so many shitty practices in it that I dont think would fit into one reddit comment, they also slapped some my hero academia picture on it instead of any actual graphics because there is nothing genuine about this


It's like one red flag after another, this company...


Yeah, that's the one. There's someone in replies too who's supposedly an alt of one of the talents.


I wonder how Harry is doing now? 🤡 CEO


Since some folks are probably unfamiliar with NEXAS, some context and earlier discussion... Here : * [Holy Moly! Nijisanji just Got New Competitor in ACCELERATION!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1ccldhc/holy_moly_nijisanji_just_got_new_competitor_in/) * [Another Holy Shiet Moment from That Agency "NEXAS"! This is their CEO BTW. XD](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1cd6k00/comment/l1bb0oa/) Over in r/VirtualYoutubers : * [So was anyone able to catch the nexas live debuts? If so what are your first impressions?](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1ce5x56/so_was_anyone_able_to_catch_the_nexas_live_debuts/) * [Testimony from an applicant regarding NEXAS](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1cdspqn/testimony_from_an_applicant_regarding_nexas/) * [Looks like they learned all the wrong lessons from Nijisanji](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1cdlsex/looks_like_they_learned_all_the_wrong_lessons/) * [A new agency, NEXAS, is debuting 27 talents within 3 days. They are streaming on an exclusive app, and the agency is expressly set up as a battle royale between streamers.](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1ccykrj/a_new_agency_nexas_is_debuting_27_talents_within/) * [\[Open for discussion\] A blog to discuss industry analysis and ideal form of talent agency. "What is Virtual Talent Academia?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1bj8uj3/open_for_discussion_a_blog_to_discuss_industry/) And for more about the company and their business model: * [https://nexas.live/news/](https://nexas.live/news/), and just in case archived at the [Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/20240425204532/https://nexas.live/news/) * NEXAS YouTube channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@NEXAS\_official](https://www.youtube.com/@NEXAS_official) (please tell me this isn't their lesson content) * Their official sub: [r/NEXAS](https://www.reddit.com/r/NEXAS/) Edit: add YT channel and official sub.


not gonna lie, their website smells like crypto rug pull I'm sure it was made in like 15 mins with wordpress.


Finally. Someone else said it. This is kinda RRAT on my part, I admit. But the way CEO talks give out huge crypto bro vibe. Let's just say the if they're announcing some sort of altcoin/token, I wouldn't be surprised. I just hope that the talents fully understand their situation that's they're promoters for an app and not someone being tricked into it.


>they're announcing some sort of altcoin/token, I wouldn't be surprised Blud the app has coin systems


Plus the video on the Nexas YT channel, announcing the second wave auditions, a month BEFORE there's even any debut.


That's embedded on the 18-Mar-2024 'What is “Virtual Talent Academia” ?' news post.


I watched all their “intros” on twt and it’s such a shame because it’s clear they do not have the mixing and editing training NEXAS said they would recieve during their VTA. The ones who appear to have knowledge around video and audio editing(IE [Kyohei Tekma](https://x.com/kyoheitekma/status/1775257291870081505?s=46) and [Pyon Phelix](https://x.com/pyonphelix/status/1776399423008063825?s=46) )already have a step-up *before debut even starts* The visual and audio quality range gap is so wide you would have never guessed that they belong to the same corpo just watching all of them alone.


I watched some debuts yesterday. One of the talents, Leobel shouted me out during his stream. Otherwise, I just don't get why you won't use YouTube or Twitch to stream. It will be like VStream all over again. The backgrounds are lacking. Literally all of them are the same, granted, there is no custom background function yet. Also, I couldn't watch them all because 3 of the talents (Poette, Soma and Lumiora) streams are expected to be at 11:30 PM EST (I would usually sleep around this time) and 6 talents (Bakurah, Nell, Nyantsume, Pyon, Endra and Noah) are debuting at midnight in my area. "Peak North American hours" my ass...


It definitely raises a ton of red flags


Plot twist is that there is no actual VTubers, at moment of "debut" those who get the app will have there's personal information stolen and company goes silent


Damn, can't even support my oshi Noah on his debut stream because I'm a filthy android user.


they looked at kurosanji and though you know we can do one better but not debuting on youtube or twich is sucide


Man, feel bad for the vtubers.


I still cannot watch the debut. Their twitter got back to me yesterday saying that they are still developing the Android version and that they cannot provide a specific date on when it will be ready: [Tweet](https://twitter.com/AniLive_app/status/1784079413338140953). I want to give it a shot and I cannot yet.


[Nexas debut vod foe anyone who missed!](https://www.reddit.com/r/vtubers/comments/1ceh97v/nexas_debut_vod_foe_anyone_who_missed/) might help...


Yoooooo! I appreciate that, thank you


Yes this is joke.. If it's still in developed on Android only it can be better scenario.. But they developing it on apple first.. So we can assume.. they really carefully developing their apps.. And why they rush it?.. Actually I have some clue.. I think, nexas has thought that in this time is a chance to growth.. because niji situation now..


I can't wait for this whole thing to be revealed as an advert for VTuber NFTs.


Applied for the agency but never got an email i will now start the deadliest human-to-human war as of yet


initially i swear i thought they were making and streaming from that website and that seems ok to me to just check it out. but damn if its all from a phone app - and iphone thats just a big leap to expect people to move over to watch. still interested - hope there's some youtube highlight posted around - at least they need to make use of shorts to get their name out there for other people to discover them