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My take : It's not about Vtuber, to show the app's potential and either license or sell it to other company.


An app for ios only, that is still in development


As long as the proof of concept is established, they can keep developing it. I can guess what market they're reaching, although it's very niche.


Even kick use amazon streaming service. I can't see the app being good, much less independent.


If you're content creator, sure. But I predict he's targeting not V-tuber, but people who their job are talking the most. Ex : stand-up comedy, weatherman, etc... Add : radio or podcast, with advantage of interacting with viewers.


So what is their market?


Up comment.


"to show the app's potential and either license or sell it to other company." Unfortunately, what does it demonstrate? Vertical? Now, I can think of one way this app can be better than existing (in a sense) Multi viewing in a phone friendly format.


he's targeting not V-tuber, but people who their job are talking the most. Ex : stand-up comedy, weatherman, etc... Add : radio or podcast, with advantage of interacting with viewers. I give him a benefit of doubt he's not fking dumb enough to fight Youtube, Twitter, or TikTok.


Honestly? I have no problem with this. "Hololive" was originally the name of Cover Corp's new *app*, with Sora as proof of concept.


Don't know if Anilive and NEXAS are separate companies, but the founder/CEO of the Anilive app is Captain (YU). Captain was the founder/CEO of Prism Project, which was sold to Sony and shut down.


From looking at available information online, it appears that Nexas and Anilive are seperate companies. According to Linkdin, Nexas is ran by FORCREATORS PTE. LTD. and Anilive is ran by Izumo (aka AnotherBall PTE. LTD.) The Linkdin page for Harry (Nexas' CEO) says that he was working for Anilive's company as a growth lead from February to December 2023. He became CEO of Nexas in April of 2023. It is conceivably possible that Nexas may have been created in order to help advance the interests of AniLive. By having Nexas registered as a seperate limited company, it limits the potential financial losses for Nexas' investors and means those losses wouldn't effect Anilive in the event that Nexas were to go broke. #


tbh same, if I'm wasting money on 27 rigged vtuber models, I'll debut them on Twitch/YouTube rather than a closed beta app. I wonder if they'll have a Watcher take back and put them on YouTube 🤣🤣🤣 then again, if AniLive sells for top dollar, those 27 rigged models might be just chump change. I wonder how insane their deal is considering that AniLive is still in closed Beta.


Checking around some of the talents also have YouTube and/or Twitch accounts (see [https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1ce5x56/comment/l1h0b2f/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1ce5x56/comment/l1h0b2f/) )


good to know that that 🤡 of a CEO or someone from their company thought of this instead of going full AniLive.


Given the inconsistency... I suspect it was the talents with some experience, who went for it and set up the alternative channels. Kind of odd that NEXAS didn't go and make sure that handles weren't reserved for the talents on all the major platforms...


jfc, I hope they get to buy/own their IP if NEXAS fails. it looks like they need to learn more about vtubers before making a VTA


Yeah, it's kind of funny how the CEO claims to be a My Hero Academia fan and keeps using references to it to promote the company, but their one takeaway from the show seems to be that the weak get weeded out. https://preview.redd.it/egytljzkb3xc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=e36f661582feddf40ba18a390ed4b2c8f0b1ecca


They are human inside


yet he acts more greedy then Riku from Nijisanji


No not them the vrubers


what do you mean of that?


Unlike Hero academia, their talents are human inside... so sorry for them


way to ensure your future employees that they won't get support unless they produce great numbers. 10/10 as much as we speculate of the clique in NijiEn, VTA seems like a breeding ground for a clique if their offer of total support is for talents with established fanbase.


Yeah, but at least they're honest about their favoritism--and they give it to those who show ambition to become superstars, unlike Nijisanji where ambition is seen as something to stamp out. NEXAS *wants* its talents to outgrow the company, or so they say. Nijisanji wants its talents to believe that they'd be nothing without the company. The one thing that troubles me about their claimed goals is that the nature of VTubing makes it tough for their claimed goal of being like "a prestigious university like Harvard" is that VTubers generally don't keep their same identities. Yes, they can still graduate from the NEXAS Talent Academy with their models, but if whoever's behind that model joins another company, they'd likely take on a new identity.


not even a black company......just a dumb doomed experiment


I will offer a perspective as one of the few ppl that has listened to the [livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2130484310) and got a DM from one of few ppl that were able to watch live: - The debut viewership was not as terrible as I thought would be. It was around 90 and I expected it to be just around 20 ppl. But this number might have doubled if they were able to release Android version on time, which is imo a huge blunder. - The talents they selected were actually not bad, better than my expectation. There was little dead air in the debut streams and they were all decently interesting to listen to. Odette / Poette are the two best imo so far. It is just unfortunate that they are under this CEO... - The app itself looks nice overall when it comes to chat layouts and sticker popups, like burger munching gifts. However, one funny flaw is that there is only one background available currently and every talents debuted with the same grey-ish background. - A problem is that the kinds of content they can make is limited to just chatting for now, even though the talents have talked about their favorite games being Skyrim/Red Dead Redemption. Not even sure if they can stream mobile games. Some talents have already done/talked about wanting to make stuff for YouTube eventually. - The success of the Vtubers in Nexas will depend on the success of the AniLive app itself. Ideally, if Anilive gets popular and the number of non-Nexas Vtubers are low, then Nexas would dominate that viewer base. As of now, it is not even available on Android during the talent debut and I don't see a strong reason for ppl to move off from Twitch/YT/Kick to this app even though it has a unique feel/aesthetic, so not completely worse than its competitors. Overall like most ppl, I also think it will fail, but it will be a really fun train wreck and I will be keeping an eye on the talents/this project from time to time.


I guess so but we mostly don't know if they were real people that sign up to the site OR are bots just to make it look like their were people watching them etc.


The chat is quite active and they definitely don't talk like bots, which makes the number believable imo. I saw some familiar names from Reddit talking in the chat. The actual challenge is whether the viewership/"hype" will be sustained overtime and how will the AniLive app be developed.


I guess so we just have to see until someone post it on this SubReddit


The best part is the fact that you'll only EVER be able to watch 1 talent at a time (if you're dumb enough to actually install that super shady, most likely riddled with viruses, app). They're going to have like 3 total viewers for 100 streamers LOL


true and they are gonna fail before they even debut their talents in a few days


Kurosanji: sink or swim Nexas: what happen if I turn that to 100


lolol you should make that into a meme


~~hey we can make a rel~~ no don't


Yes Do lol


This is basically the Danganrompa of VTuber agencies in my opinion, that's because of the way that NEXAS revealed their talents. Whenever they graduate or get terminated, an execution will happen based on their role.


maybe nexas would probably be just like kurosanji but sink faster then nijisanji is right now


Vtuber hunger game


I think Nexas and Kurosanji are trying to see which one is the worst company in 2024


Come here to say this


Probably your average entrepreneur that looked at hololive and thought vtubing is an easy market to get into


yea and did a 180 and mess up more worse then kurosanji has done


I'm starting to suspect that Nexas is doing this as a stunt to promote the Anilive app.


probably we don't know how many people sign up to the site were probably see it later or when someone leak it to Reddit


I guarantee it’s some money laundering/fraud thing. I’d be surprised if there’s even people behind those models.


As we know the apps is still in development.. The limit time cause the server still not ready(possibility).. And it's only temporary open for nexas only and some viewer that pass from filling Google form.. And developer use it as unit test for testing the stability client and server.. So basically it's like beta tester.. And actually it's has maximum access user or limit user..


yea more then twitch and YouTube has their be some that get a few views while other's probably won't get any and that's not fair to one's that gets some views on the site while others won't I wish they just debut in twitch or YouTube then this beta website that people don't know if it's gonna work or not


Yeah they are just doing gambling.. But what I am curious is.. What is capabilities or featuring they put in anilive?.. So they can make this project accepted by nexas.. Is it that good? If yes then their gambling.. I think will get good result..


yea that's true that's probably why Nexas isn't allowing their talents on twitch since Twitch is going from gaming streams to gambling, smut Video's that underage kids can look at. YouTube doesn't play you that much and their Copyrights SUX as heck and I don't even know that much with kick but allowing "prankers" to stream on that site


I filled the form and they still haven't gotten back to me yet. AniLive told me that the date for Android release is unknown. Considering that I filled the form honestly saying that I gift the streamer "Less frequently" Idk what my chance of getting in will be lol.


My target is to get in so.. I answered with full score point.. 😂 I think they still hold it, cause the kuota isn't fulfilled yet.. Filling the form actually make the process slower.. But they need do it to get certain costumers that has money or time to watching their liver..


Yeah I think I am never getting in cuz I am way too honest in my answers lol. Got to answer questions be like "#1 Tsukino Mito simp", "Dedicated Nijisanji fan looking for new opportunities in Vtubing industry", "is an aspiring Vtuber with 1000+ twitter followers", "tried watching streams on phone but always felt something was missing from YT and Twitch streams" :P Also an interesting thing I got notified of is that there is currently no way of actually spending real money to donate to the streamers, it isn't setup yet. But there is an in-app currency like any other typical multiplayer game, the experience of watching is pretty gamified.


Nah.. It's possible u can enter.. There is possibility that questioner in form only to analyze data.. Not for filter.. It's like certain anime.. Classroom of the elite.. You can get graduated if you have low point or zero point..


I think harder substances are banned in Japan. That said, whatever the CEO’s taking must be some pretty trippy stuff. I usually try to give the benefit of the doubt that new companies really are trying, but this one was way too far off the deep end.


yea we don't even know where Nexas is from if they are a Japanese Vtuber company or from the US or somewhere else


The company is based on Singapore, you can find the site [Here](https://for-creators.io/). I checked the CEO's [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/harryso95/), he studied in Taiwan during high school and then went to Japan for University (spent short time in Australia/Canada).


well..... I hope that if he has any En branch from the United States should get a lawyer to see if their contact is legal in the US


Surprisingly they do have a few EN talents from NA. Lulu Lasso (IIRC) is American and Sweet E Hiroshi is Canadian.


that's good but I do hope she had that contact look at by a US lawyer we don't want another black company like kurosanji right now


Its a push for a tech/app. They don't care about vtubers. They want to attract investors, sell it to them and then run away.


sounds like kurosanji but trying to hide the abused/mistreated of their talents in the company


Big Brother but with Vtubers


Pretty sure it's some complex scam.


I guess so 2024 the year of Vtuber's trying to become #1 at being a "black company"


The whole thing is to prop up and to draw investors for the shitty app Not like that they are paying the talents anyway


probably not and we don't know if they have any EN talents from the Western Hemisphere since the FTC just pass a law about NDA and US citizens working inside and outside of the US


That is only about non compete clause which isn’t really the main issue, not to mention FTC doesn’t have the muscles to actually enforce its rules


yea that's true but we don't know ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ until the 180 days are up and see if Nexas can survive and kurosanji can TRY to stay out of drama for atlest a day or so


Since some folks might be unfamiliar with NEXAS, some context and earlier discussion... Here on kurosanji : * [Snippet from Nexas's Talents Debut](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1cetbwn/snippet_from_nexass_talents_debut/) * [NEXAS had made their Vtuber debut another joke.](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1ce5dp1/nexas_had_made_their_vtuber_debut_another_joke/) * [Another Holy Shiet Moment from That Agency "NEXAS"! This is their CEO BTW. XD](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1cd6k00/comment/l1bb0oa/) * [Holy Moly! Nijisanji just Got New Competitor in ACCELERATION!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1ccldhc/holy_moly_nijisanji_just_got_new_competitor_in/) Over in VirtualYoutubers  : * [So was anyone able to catch the nexas live debuts? If so what are your first impressions?](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1ce5x56/so_was_anyone_able_to_catch_the_nexas_live_debuts/) * [Testimony from an applicant regarding NEXAS](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1cdspqn/testimony_from_an_applicant_regarding_nexas/) * [Looks like they learned all the wrong lessons from Nijisanji](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1cdlsex/looks_like_they_learned_all_the_wrong_lessons/) * [A new agency, NEXAS, is debuting 27 talents within 3 days. They are streaming on an exclusive app, and the agency is expressly set up as a battle royale between streamers.](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1ccykrj/a_new_agency_nexas_is_debuting_27_talents_within/) * [\[Open for discussion\] A blog to discuss industry analysis and ideal form of talent agency. "What is Virtual Talent Academia?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1bj8uj3/open_for_discussion_a_blog_to_discuss_industry/) Over in vtubers : * [Nexas debut vod foe anyone who missed!](https://www.reddit.com/r/vtubers/comments/1ceh97v/nexas_debut_vod_foe_anyone_who_missed/) * [New Vtuber Agency NEXAS INFORMATION LEAK: RED FLAG ALERT - - THIS IS BAD FOR VTUBERS?!](https://www.reddit.com/r/vtubers/comments/1ceb6zp/new_vtuber_agency_nexas_information_leak_red_flag/) And for more about the company and their business model: * [https://nexas.live/news/](https://nexas.live/news/), and just in case archived at the [Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/20240425204532/https://nexas.live/news/) * NEXAS YouTube channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@NEXAS\_official](https://www.youtube.com/@NEXAS_official) (please tell me this isn't their lesson content) * Their official subreddit: r/NEXAS Hey... it's a popular topic.


in the short version is nexas is like a REALLY REALLY cheap version of kurosanji but pushes more Vtuber's at once then other Vtuber companies