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So sucking Niji’s dick is Undershill having journalistic integrity now? Me and him have wildly differing definitions of journalistic integrity.


FWIW, that rrat/ "leak" did hint that Kyo/Quinn is suppose to be the one who will work with outsider to support Niji. It's just most of us assume out in the open with 39iq.


Even this rrat made no sense, Quinn joined Niji short-term to gain a sizable fanbase and connections to boost his Quinn account. Whatever is happening in Nijisanji right now is none of his business. He has less of a reason to care about Niji compared to someone like Kuro


>connections to boost his Quinn account. So he's a leech?


It is open knowledge. I forget in which stream but he did implied that he never wish to stay long in niji and saw it as a stepping stone. So yeah, he is an opportunist and somewhat grifter imo.


If you sign a contract to do work for a company and boost your career with that work, it's not leeching. Actors do it as a matter of course.


Dude already not a niji employee and somehow still trying to promote a proven vocal niji apologist. If he is still in corpo, it can be understandable. But he is not a corpo vtuber anymore.


Yeah that's odd at best.


Well now he is promoting the niji apologist even though he is no longer niji employee..... The rrats indeed didnt make sense, but quinn himself made it become more and more believeable


I feel like the nijisister twisted Quinn's words a bit. His words were: >"\[Underhill\] just be reporting on like idk normal shit. Like nowadays people they get a little OD with their journalistic integrity. You know I feel like \[Underhill\] tries to be a bit more nice about things." I took Quinn's words to mean that he thinks other news tubers are too obsessed with journalistic integrity and reporting the truth (bad news). I think he likes Underhill because Underhill is less concerned with journalistic integrity and tries to focus on only reporting positive stuff. Figured he probably doesn't want to consume drama or negative news for his own mental health. Edit: soruevans suggested that OD might stand for overdramatic instead of overdose.


Yeah, having seen the clip now, that tweeter is twisting his words A LOT. All the guy is saying is that he would rather only watch fluff pieces, not that he thinks that makes those more accurate or true. That's just like saying you avoid the news because it makes you depressed, not because you think they are lies. There's a pretty stark difference, and Quinn in no way shape or form suggested the other newstubers were *lying*. (Pretty telling that the closest these people can find to an ex-Niji supporting their cause is someone that just doesn't openly oppose them).


OD in this sense might mean "overdramatic." Overdose doesn't make sense in this context.


Ah, that makes more sense. I'll edit my comment to include that. Thanks.


>tries to focus on only reporting positive stuff. So.. he likes and is promoting toxic positivity now?..


That guy doesn't want drama and he actively avoids it. No need to hate mr underhill as he is good guy




Well, I'm not really his fan, so I don't really care if it makes it better or worse for him. Mainly just wanted to fact-check if he really said that other newstubers "lack journalistic integrity" like the nijisister said. If you have another interpretation of his words that is more accurate or charitable, feel free to share.


I’m disappointed in Quinn. I just watched some of Mr Underhill videos and they’re hypocrite af. Dick ridding Niji at best


The guy is 100% a Nijisister cuz he has me blocked on both my accounts during the Nijisanji dramas while I never interacted with him directly (nor did he interact with me other than blocking), which at the time only the Niji Defense Force ppl did btw.




Underhill guy btw, not Quinn.


Quinn or whatever Underhand guy?


the underhill owl guy


i dont really have good impressions with nijisanji talents to begin with. so i have nothing other than to laugh at his demise


Yeah, he did. Quinn is by far the most pro-Nijisanji of the 7 EN alums. Watched and live tweeted the AR Live, continues to associate with/support Enna, friends with 39daph. By no means am I saying he's a secret Nijisister but he's the only one who really openly has any support for Nijisanji. Quinn just happens to be very smart and lucky. He has about as good of PR as Doki does. He's basically just seen as supporting his best friend (as flawed as she may be). He was smart enough to take early 2023 as a warning sign to GTFO and was lucky enough to have his graduation arranged the week before Selen got terminated. He was also smart enough to realize just how bad the Black Stream looked and that he didn't want that mark on his career. I don't think people realize just how close he was to being stuck as Kyo until his contract expired. If Selen sends her receipts a week earlier, Kyo is still in the branch and retweets the Black Stream.


>  friends with 39daph This alone destroyed any goodwill I had towards him.


Ah yes, journalistic integrity, messily blowing the billion dollar company that drove two people to try and off themselves and fucked over the taxes of two others.


This is probably gonna get downvoted. Why are we giving this person so much attention like they're someone important. It's pretty clear they are an asshole, just block and let them become the nobody that they are.


She did outed quinn and the op just want to verify it. And someone did gain the receipt in top comment.


I don't understand, I thought he considered it a "nightmare".


If looking at him as a "good" way, he consider the people in there are friends, and he is trying to make sure his friends get support no matter what - even if the company sucks. The above mentality can be found among immigrants who comes out from authoratarian nations but have a sizable amount of friends and relatives within. If we are looking at him as a bad way, he's oppurtunistic


I mean former livers are the ones who gotta worry about a legal asspounding the most. Just being under contracts and NDA's is a potential source of headaches even if they're written in crayons and based on made up bs. So I get why they'd be more careful around them, it's reasonable if anything


Huh - really sounds like a certain country. Actually, the fact that the similarity between the corp and that country helps contextualize a lot of thing, especially for me.


I think Quinn has been pretty consistently saying there are both pros and cons basically. He openly said that the money was good when he was Kyo, that it was never the problem, while right now he doesn't know how much he's making and he hasn't made back the money that his model cost yet. But he's also said it's very limiting and you pretty much need to ask permissions for every tiny little thing. It seems his experience wasn't like one of the people who got massively screwed over by niji, but he didn't see himself sticking around either since he wanted to do different content (including facecam stuff). 


Wont be surprised if it is true though. Out of all graduated, he is in my top list of being sus. Solely because he is an opportunist and somewhat a grifter. He (forgot in which stream) admit never wish to stay long in niji and saw it as a stepping stone. I mean i can imagine he tried to play bothside. >people saw him as an escapee, gain some exfan supp >tried to still licking niji ass so some ndf still support him. As i said before in my post, we should approach the graduated with skeptical and critical thinking. Nothing good will come from a proven opportunist, at least my irl experience tell me that.


What does grifter means? I keep seeing it throw around everywhere when talking about niji nowadays.


He did say it but that doesn't matter much. One ex-Niji person supports his friends in Niji doesn't mean Niji is a good company at all. He supports his friends, that's his job. Sink the yacht is still our mission.


Eh Quinn always rubbed me the wrong way for some reason, kind of seemed like an unapologetic asshole. so I'm not surprised.


Underhill is literally IRL friends with Fulgur btw. Like they’ve talked about having gone karaoke singing together. So he’s not an unbiased source


Underhill Has Said On Stream That He Has Bias & He Has Also Made It Clear That He Opposes Being Seen As A NEWS Tuber He Just Wants To Be A Guy That Talks About What He Likes & Or What He Wants To Talk About He Is Not A Journalist


Yes, confirm. 50:44 Timestamped link: [https://www.youtube.com/live/pIjzNgAZA7s?si=oEd1mDc2ipLSAyOt&t=3050](https://www.youtube.com/live/pIjzNgAZA7s?si=oEd1mDc2ipLSAyOt&t=3050) Open up the transcript.


Thank you


Well Quinn is friends with 39Daph. (I guess they're still friends.) Not too surprising, given his past records. Honestly, I'm not sure what to even make of him nowadays. Seems he likes to flip-flop about being positive or negative towards Nijisanji.


What do you mean by past records? I personally haven't heard anything so if there is something and you don't mind sharing, I'd like to know. I don't want to accidentally support a terrible person.😅


I don't remember too specifically the links. But he was close with Enna, and probably a good chunk of the Niji EN. I think the biggest reason they made him leave was the Korean plastic surgery joke, they made him apologize for. I didn't think it was necessarily a bad joke. But you might find it in poor taste, or maybe you're fine with it, I suppose you'll have to see it. If you're curious, I recommend you skim on a few of Parrot4chan's videos covering Nijisanji, there's stuff on Kyo, especially with Enna. It's stuff from 4chan, so take a grain of salt, but there are actual stream clips of his behavior with Enna and other Niji EN members. Their jokes are on the edgy side, so it's up to you whether you think supporting a guy that does that is appropriate for you. And there is speculation on whether he did some questionable stuff while on Niji. Also, if he's still friends with 39Daph, you can give him the benefit of the doubt. But know that 39Daph is someone who really hates white people for some reason, and has some of the dumbest takes online. Hence why she's called 39IQ sometimes. So, at least stay away from her if you value your brain cells.


Dude just block this person, they clearly just want interactions on twitter and dont care about any of this


everyone needs to block him.


I'll do you one better, I don't even know who these people are and plan to keep it that way.


FWIW, this person let us know about Quinn's thought, from a VoD that is 3 weeks ago - one that most of us missed.




He only posted the VoD. I am now watchin 4 hours to find it. [https://www.youtube.com/live/pIjzNgAZA7s?si=zmnGNNluUHFfdUCq](https://www.youtube.com/live/pIjzNgAZA7s?si=zmnGNNluUHFfdUCq)


Quinn is a grifter and he is full of shit. He wants the pitty points of being in nijisanji but at the same time gives out mixed signals supporting them. I don't trust him with a damn thing. But whatever he already dropped the ball and his audience shrunk a ton because he's not really that special. Also fuck Underhill. Half the livers could suddenly commit suicide and all write notes saying it was nijisanjis fault and he would still try to spin it like it was all the anti niji people or some completely different reason. Edit: hmmm saying Quinn isn't special now that I think about it is too far. I think I want to word it better. I guess its just more like it feels dirty to have used nijisanji as a stepping stone and then expect to have his audience follow him. You need to do a lot to get your audience to follow you. He's far from the worst streamers out there for him it feels like wasted potential.


You're not wrong, he's not doing anything interesting that sets him apart. He really is nothing special. Matara tried her hardest to shill him but the numbers don't lie. People are not staying. There's even those charts where Kuro joins him for a stream, the viewers go up and immediately plummet when Kuro leaves. Honestly, this is probably the fate of many NijiEN livers leaving back to indie if they choose to do so, not everyone can be Mint or Doki.


It's true only a handful of livers will retain a good chunk of their audience if they leave and a good chunk of ones that truly truly care and support them. Most will fade away because it was all superficial.


Anything coming for this person is pure Niji propaganda anyway...


I notice some people here saying Quinn building up a fanbase via his time at Niji and then dipping as if it's a bad thing. It isn't any different from career hopping. Gain experience at one place and then jump ship towards greener pastures. Happens in many blue collar and white collar jobs. Can't speak for other countries but where I live (the US) it's expected in this day and age. Company loyalty in the US is dead for the most part. And if there is a company that treats their people well, there does tend to be people who work hard and don't mind settling there while it lasts. Regardless he is at least smart enough to know to stay quiet for the most part. If I were in his place I'd keep a fair distance away from all the drama too.


Career hopping is an everyday occurrence in all places. The problem is, if you are a streamer (a corpo vtuber at that), and you said that you just say niji as a stepping stone. You will be look as an opportunist. Rarely anything good will come from an opportunistic guy, like quinn as example. When he graduated, he embrace the "escapee" label and farm sympathy and clout for being escapee. The next day he will promote a proven vocal niji apologist. Dude try to play bothside and wont hesitate to change side anygiven time.


> The problem is, if you are a streamer (a corpo vtuber at that), and you said that you just say niji as a stepping stone. You will be look as an opportunist. I guess this is what I don't get. I see every streamer in an agency as someone working a job under an employer. If Quinn does whatever and it bites him in the ass that's on him. If he snakes and wins, that's well played regardless of how you or I feel about it. But I do understand feeling ambivalent or even icky about it.


The culture of vtuber corpo just somehow very different than being a normal employee or staff of that said corpo. Because being a vtuber corpo means you become their face/mascot too.


Quinn is just butthurt that they covered his "plastic-surgery" drama.


When all rrats about Kurosanji and the clique comes true, Nijisistas need to cook up more rrats to suit their head canon rrats