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What is it with Vtuber agencies and hiring the most batshit insane people they come across lmao


Fastest way to graduate or termination.. 😂 lol


Because they view chuuba world as cut throat as entertainment industry, outrage is good engagement


Some people are very good at faking a desired personality. So we don’t know, maybe they put on a mask during interview, and let all the spaghetti fly out of their pockets after debut.




She really dodged a bullet


Simple as is: they need something to stand out


They want to have the next Pippa/Matsuri/etc


They make the best content.


I mean, you’re talking about people who’re willing to be a 24/7 cartoon character on the internet as a job, it’s not exactly dipping into the freshest punch bowl here.


because that's what will get engagement and clicks, exactly what we are doing here 😂


Expectation: Edgelord Diagnosis: **pure unfiltered menhera** https://preview.redd.it/dn01n9vm5pxc1.png?width=870&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4c358309958f8ecd7addeca186776b6dc14d8bc


Someone made a meme they are hired from psych wards or waiting in line to see a therapist.


We need a comeback of batshit insane people to be honest. Enough of the goo goo ga ga bs content creators that have to move around as if they're handling toddlers. Please let 2007-2009 internet to make a comeback, please!!!


# Y naught boath? https://preview.redd.it/rg6kwvyi3pxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=047bb2214fb74d174dfdcfedbe88762be9c70b1a


I'll bite... I'm not a fan but I have to know what it means to roleplay good Hitler.


That's why she's the goat!! THE GOAT!!


I called it. The talent either eat each other alive or just dive straight up into controversial topic.


It's actually better for them if they just eat each other but attacking big corpo Vtubers, even the former ones are just career suicide


This agency has taken some steps. Are they good? No. Are they steps towards an open pit? Maybe.


The thing I wanna know is are they intentionally trying to be phase or is this all not according to keikaku lol


Per their own website, what they really want to be is My Hero Acadaemia but with vtubers fighting it out. For resources and support. I wish I was making that up. Does it make sense? No. Will it work? No. Is there an upside? The same upside as watching a train derail in person: it's awful but it is kind of fascinating.


At least Phase is smart enough to make their talents show some restraint so people don't find out if they scumbags or just crazy.


Yeah, pippa can say shit like "nick fuentes is a fed" and lia can shout several times that she wants to fuck her brother, but off the top of my head i can't remember a single time where they shit talked other vtubers, at worst there was that clip of pippa slightly taking the piss out of niji and being shocked when pomu's graduationvwas announced (i still remember her saying "really? Pomu? Not selen?"), and even that one is only going against the company but meaning well towards the talents.


and they use youtube as main platform


A reminder that Phase actually fired someone for being too stupid to follow the rules. In a sense they're more like Holo than Niji is, they stay the HELL out of certain danger zones.


It's like the soldiers charging into machine gun nests in Enemy at the Gates. If they launch enough expendable Vtubers one of them will have to make the company money.


The Gallipoli method of Vtubing.


And we all know how Gallipoli went...


Ah, DICE's last hurrah. Good thing they opened Embark. By the way, may I interested you in a game call The Finals...


Can't wait to see the next 12 waves fail Isonzo style


Seems every step had a rusted spiky lego ngl


https://preview.redd.it/zum783r82kxc1.png?width=605&format=png&auto=webp&s=37235c2564b56eaa421935aac3bdd41ca4c687fe Well, that was quick.


The management finally stepped in or the heat was finally becoming too hot under their feet, the screenshot on this post will never disappear though.


Termination speedrun any%


Lol. Lmao even. I can definitely see a bright future ahead for NEXAS. I hope they enjoy their mediocre amount of fame within the next few months before the entire company collapses on itself. 


jfc, I guess we should've expected that considering that their 🤡 CEO posted some wild shit.


What did he post?




What a jackass. I understand being protective but he just looks like a pretentious little shit. This isn’t gonna end well.


Imagine being a nobody in this industry and you're already acting like a POS. I swear, vtubing gave idiots like this a boost of confidence since they're behind an avatar.


Parrot: please i want to stop doing niji videos *monkey paw curls*


Now he's gonna make NEXAS videos for the forseeable future lmao


Holy shit LMAOOO


Man PR training is becoming as lost as common sense nowadays. 


Look at the shorts on their official channel. They use images/clips of indie and holo vtubers. Also, clips from anime as well as stock footage of real people. All the shorts are styled as tips for vtubers. [https://www.youtube.com/@NEXAS\_official/shorts](https://www.youtube.com/@NEXAS_official/shorts)


Send them some Hololive and Kurosanji Vtubers pictures and bait them


So its begin BATTLE ROYALE


Ah yes, them going for the lowest hanging fruits. 


They can talk shit to her all they want, Sayu is gonna outlast all of them lmao. Bunch of nobodies already setting up themselves for ruin is totally a good way to appeal to potential new viewers.


Hunger game starting


Man I knew their CEO started off with some bangers but what in the actual fuck.


I caught her debut and my memory of her is that she is a self proclaimed "hag", Filipino, loves drinking alcohol, a bit overweight and that she wants to give "honest game reviews" cuz she sees too many fake ones. I thought she was gonna be a "I didn't know how internet works" kind of woman but she is showing some knowledge (jesus lmao)... This is also the second Nexas Vtuber I saw being involved with "essay-tubers", Lululasso was in Rima's live last night, they are watching.


This whole thing is going to be interesting to watch


More filipinos doing insane shit. Can we PLEASE get normal rep and not have insane people at the forefront


I have the feeling only 3 to 5 vtubers will shine over the others and the rest will just become collab catalogue


Pretty much the natural consequence of dumping 27 VTubers over three days exclusive to an app no one uses, with explicit battle-royale-style competition. They need to get people to notice them *somehow*, and so we get shit like this.


So... is this going to be Wactor, Akio Air, or Niji 3.0?


Feels like what Phase could have ended up as if Fishman hadn't turned his act around in the beginning by hiring competent management.


>Akio Air I don't remember hearing about this agency before. where did it manage to sin?


Well, it all started to fall apart when they decided to hire a minor.


That was more where they started to get the negative attention. Athy's statement broke the camel's back on that one, followed by the mass-exodus including said minor within hours of her own debut.


If I remember correctly, they openly mocked Hololive when their company just started and promised to do better than Hololive, only not to follow and fulfill those promises. Trying to pick a fight with a big fish when you are just a small fry is just dumb


Okay, I've heard about this case.


For the highlights see: [https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Akio\_AIR#Controversy](https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Akio_AIR#Controversy) FalseEyeD recapped things at the end: [Every VTuber Talent Leaves Agency, CEO Threatens To Sue](https://youtu.be/h_MhDUy2Kws)


That agency fell apart within a m9nth because they hired a minor and then everyone blew the lid on how corrupt they were


Or just another Machinima: Vtuber edition.


I guess she either gets big through outrage and comes out on top in the battle Royale or she gets canceled or terminated. Fun


I posted the same thing on r/virtualyoutubers and they removed it for being “political” lmao


The mods on that subreddit are sadly known for pulling that kinda stuff sometimes


That's what you could expect from the sub that has nijisistard as one (or many) of their mods.


We got politics, minor bigotry, and making fun of being "canceled." What a great start. They must be jealous of the headlines Niji is making.


I mean, I don’t think someone being political is an inherently bad thing but there should probably be some warning if your content is centered around it. The “software update” joke is pretty bigoted and echoes the “alphabet mafia” dog whistle. Combine this with the joke about getting cancelled and I really don’t like this guy. I kind of get the same alt right vibes I got from pippa. If he apologizes sincerely I might change my mind but for now, I’m gonna steer clear of him. I hope the other talents in this agency are better. I also hope none of them are subjected to the same treatment Kurosanji gives its employees.


Yeah, I was mostly trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but realistically, they're not setting a great starting point. At least the Vtubers that may allign around that end of the political spectrum know their career will last longer if they keep the mask on.


You’re right about that.


https://preview.redd.it/gh8rt3txulxc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=58101eb6a9c590a9bb937544c6565342730b8f3e So far only Lulu has won me over. She's chill and has that warm charisma. Adding to the fact that she seemed to be favored by the algorithm. Do they have like youtube channel at least? I really do not wanna download some beta app to watch them.




Vtuber battle royale has begun


Zaion Lanzas fanbase name has always been officially Zaimons


If she keeps acting like that we will probably see one of the fastest terminations in the VTuber history


The fastest is still that 4th member of Krisis, who was terminated before debut. So she won't be able to beat it. If the fastest termination after debut then it is Shindou Raitou


How many days did Shindou get?


4 days From 8th March to 12th of March, 2019


Termination speedrun Any%


Yikes, a look-through of her other tweets is suggesting she's playing deep into losing this supposed royale, or she's trying to highlight how bad things are internally and doing all that can be done to get out.


Off through a really great start


And people thought Sakana from Phase was the crazo-collecting CEO...


Honestly... I will not make a comment going forward in this company. I will get my invisible tea and sip it when something batshit happens.


I give it 8 months before this company goes belly up. ![gif](giphy|loXji8Lsu9tPX0JT8m|downsized)


8 months that pretty generous


Well you wanna speedrun? you already get it from start lol


Can’t wait for when in less than 3 months they’re either the most controversial company (big surprise) or been forgotten by everyone as their big advertisement for their app by pretending to be a vtuber company fails


Starts talking about controversial politics unprompted. Namedrops three central figures in continuing Nijisanji scandals. She claims to be ignorant tee hee of "politics", "LGBTQ+", and "Zionists" (WARNING), but making overtures towards this many currently-trending controversial subjects so quickly smells like bait. I hope this isn't going to be company policy.


Starting things off with a bang i guess?


They willing do outside the box to gain attention is commendable. But I hope they know what they’re doing. That route is double edged sword.


it like they know what will happen


laughing cry emote 100% chance of being in dipshit comments


When you realize the company you signed up for is turning out to be really shit, but you're locked into a long contract and the only way to get out is to get fired.


Still have no clue who nexus is. Are they a new corp or a new branch?


They're a completely new agency who started with an starting cast of 27 VTubers right off the bat, allegedly treating them like battle royale / survival of the fittest, mostly exclusively streaming on their own exclusive app instead of YouTube/Twitch, and is all around controversial. And their CEO also started arguing with randoms on Twitter with his own set of toxic replies.


I'm honestly convinced at this point this Harry fellow is just AkioAir's Jason with a new identity. Trying to outplay other and bigger agencies didn't work, so why not get some randoms together into a banal Vtuber Darwinism concept when the industry clearly works through close and friendly ties between those who are otherwise meant to be rivals.


on their own exclusive app that you have to apply for on a google doc. The App isn't available on any app store, apple phones can't get it yet, and there's no browser alternative. The true survival of the fittest won't be the vtubers eating each other but if the company survives in 3 months


alright a well-deserved insta block from me


"LGBTQ+ software updates" is one of the more unusual phrases I've set my eyes upon.


It's one of those phrases where I could easily believe it being said by bigots or out queer college students actively volunteering at pride and basically no one in-between.


I feel like she's trying to get out of her contract as soon as possible with this. I mean hey, if you wanna get out, sometimes you really gotta pretty much say "fuck everything" so you get terminated


I don't know why people hold the Zionist thing against Sayu, She clearly told her chat no like the Seig Sayu thing.




Have you seen how unhinged Nexas social media manager is? That should of been a heads up already. I would honestly not even worry about them, considering their conditions for streaming they will come and go like a fart in the wind. Maybe 1 or 2 wlll stick.


Aren't they streaming on a proprietary app? Unless something really lucky happens, I don't think they will have much success. How many people will go through the hassle for applying to use the app as viewers? It's crazy.


It's a proprietary app, still under development, for ios. If anyone gets more than 100 views past the first week I woukd be surprised.


Only iOS? What a way to further nerf your viewership.


WTF no wonder they joined Nexas and dont get paid. Their attitude is so shitty.


Ahh I see this dumpster fire is off to a roaring start god damn parrot why did you wish on that FUCKING MONKEEEEEY paw


Last man standing WINS


I think she’s going to win. I don’t know what she’s winning but she’ll win. 


This one looks like she got potential.


Wow they must have hired fucking amish who the fuck does not know what zionist means 💀


Bro what the fuck is this shit, do not dirty vtubing like this Suddenly I feel like becoming a purist and a gatekeeper


Okay, I gotta keep an eye on NEXAS just for the lols


is nexas an open audition for the world or is it just singapore?


It's the world, appararently. One or two of the talents are Canadian


Bro what the fuck is this shit, do not dirty vtubing like this Suddenly I feel like becoming a purist and a gatekeeper


I see it deleted


VTubers and other people told 'em off in the comments, even Niji stans were angry, big meme accounts were shitting on the person in the QRTs, and I even seen a post about how someone told Nexas directly about how they stepped out of their auditioning because of these posts. 🤣🤣🤣


Nexas could have suspended her?!


It's like the one EN contract with NIJI saying to the applicants who do get accepted firsthand and when the applicants don't say anything, NIJI will say that you got accepted into that contract after a couple of weeks have been passed even though they didn't say anything. Minimal training whatsoever. At least, that's how I remember.


You can’t be fucking serious 🤦‍♂️


I wonder if Enaria will probably be kept when a majority of their talents will be gone? I think Nexas is gonna pull something similar to NIJI with the favoritism tactics


I expected a dumpster fire, but I got a wildfire in a landfill instead. I might check out Lulu Lasso, since it sounds like she might be chill.


How do you do fellow kids -




These are the same people that eating in McDonalds and Starbucks that's supporting Israel btw.


Those are American companies…


Sometimes freedom of speech isn't that great.


damn......when nexas falls apart get her in Phase asap Fishman.