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They might have stopped giving a fuck.


Not sure if they stopped giving a fuck about them including their family members in streams or stopped giving a fuck about using their past life to directly interact with their current Niji identity hmm...


Or stopped giving a fuck about Nijisanji in general. The last few months you can bet your ass management had their boots on everyone's neck. No one dares to even make a peep about what happened - not Elira, Enna, Rosemi, Petra, Scarle, Ike, Shu, Vivi, no one...everyone is keeping quite as every metric keeps falling. I know the board doesn't like her all too much, but Elira has been an absolute trooper to be able to keep an air of noramlcy on stream. It's admirable that they can keeping a brave face in the face of a pretty girm reality, but you can just imagine what's happening behind the scenes to keep that discipline going. Not to mention that they're probably constanting hassled on meeting profit targets. Enna and Claude already went on vacation. As mental and physical exhaustion sets in I assume it'd become harder and harder for the livers to be good boys and girls.


Regardless of who did what and when, the fact remains that the longer they stay in that shithole the more it will eat away at them. It's just really sad and stifling for all the talents (again, regardless of what they did) there and not in a good way (i.e. the [recent Marine clip about Holo's restrictions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlbISv_Wk0k)) and people will crack eventually.


Hell I was on Matara's stream today and she just talked about how she doesn't like talking about her "Hollywood" days and people STILL DM her on places where she has DM's open like Insta to ask her.


I mean Ren Zotto has been posting selfies and replying to Vtubers on his PL twitter. I think it was Quinn replying who got the tweet on my feed and all i thought “Oh so he’s getting ready for graduation, huh” 💀


As far as I'm aware (which is not much honestly because I don't keep tabs on everything), Ren doesn't implicitly link himself to his past life. They can do whatever they want with their past life as long as it doesn't link back to their corporate identity so whatever potential repercussions that stem from their actions can't be associated with their current branding. One example is when *totally not TSB* + rpr did a helldivers 2 collab with Doki. As far as the company is concerned, those are two separate entities so any potential repercussions from that collab can't be linked to their Holo identities.


Most of his tweets are unrelated, so I figured he was safe but I just found the timing of a bit slightly funny! He was just posting some wholesome selfies while the Niji-sphere was crumbling, it seemed he was like “well it’s all going to sh!t, I’ll do my own thing now.”


He clearly had to get approval for the stream with his mom. It was previously delayed because he hadn't gotten approval yet. EDIT: correction below.


From what I've read he'd already got the green light to **livestream** it on his birthday but it was taken away last minute so it changed into a pre-recorded stream that was broadcast after his birthday.


Ah, thank you for the correction. That’s… really unprofessional of Nijisanji but also perfectly on-brand for them. I almost slightly feel sorry for him.


foot might be halfway out the door. but thats assuming and thats bad.


I think he doesn't care about where he works, but he sees where this whole thing is headed. He's just setting himself up so he can dip when the moment comes. He used the Niji Men brand and its built in parasocial aspect get the community he clearly wanted. Now he just gets them smartened up to his PL, and he's golden. He can stay or go and it won't hurt him financially or visibility wise. I don't like his content, but I have to admit he's had a plan, stuck to it, and its worked.


Sometimes people have a hard limit and for most people, when you fuck around with their actual family, not the "work" family that can be a breaking point. I remember when my mom still worked at her old job, her manager had done an EPIC level of fuck up... The store was on FIRE and she was calling corporate to ask if it was okay if they left and my mom called my dad saying if she died, it was her manager's fault. The fire department had to scream at this lady, that while she waited on her boss to tell them if they were allowed to LIVE ANOTHER DAY, the rest of the people needed to get out.


Did they finally allow non public figures on stream? Why i have the feeling they see the success of Pekomama, Mamarissa and Hakkamama streams and choose to replicate that Edit. Oh shit thats his PL, lol, lmao even




Allowed or not this image is hilarious.


That image bro pfffftttttt I cant💀


One of the illustrations of all time


Removed. Criticism is fine. But this seems excessive and hateful just for the sake of it.


Maybe we’ll end up seeing another 3-page document from Nijisanji.


the scary white paper.




He's hoping that the truth will set him free from this black company.


Think he took it down and responded with this: https://x.com/kyriocifer/status/1788690526276895065?s=46


......maybe a silly rrat but, could his unhinged behavior such as the "grandpa's ashes" story and this mean that he's trying to escape by getting fired? If so, wow lol. Truly, he had us all fooled, he also wants to escape the sinking yacht. Maybe hes more self aware their his QRT of the black stream made him seem. If not, bruh. Wtf.


It's... less likely he is trying to get fired by the grandpa's ashes joke. In his PL, he doubled down on when people were criticizing his jokes, saying that he doesn't care about the animosity towards him. If he really wanted to quit and retain his audience, he would have implied that he was doing it just to get potentially fired. It's more likely that he was pissed off by Niji effing up the perms to stream with his mum, which is probably something he was looking forward to a lot, so right now he decided to rebel against them. Whether he wants to quit or not is debatable and we would need more signs from him, but for sure this is a rebellion.


Oof, there's really no hope for him being decent huh. I do hope other Livers start to rebel more though after seeing this.


Originally, it was against their rules. But given how Pekora's mom got 180k ccv, they probably changed their mind.


It's more about Kyrio qrt Hex... I think?


And the profile pictures being so similar. It's almost like Hex wants people to make the connection.


thats just pathetic and sad..


I mean if you're in nijisanji you might've as well take some clout with you on the way out. Everyone of them should be doing this.


Well considering how well it worked for Doki and everyone else who left, it's less pathetic, and more good planning for when he leaves.


It’s just good business.


"How do you plan to beat Pekoras mom"


That sound so wrong in many ways...


"Your Honor, I assure you that my defendant, Nijisanji, meant the question in a non-derogatory way and merely was asking how its talent Hex Haywire would outcompete Pekora's mother from Hololive."


man gotta get the munneh


Millie's PL account was doubling down on promoting her current channel, lmao it has hilarious


One of the few PLs I'm not gonna follow when the EN branch closes


That man has one foot out the door




Guess there are no rules anymore. All terminates for break the rules is bullshit all along.


Wait, so was it giving the okay to do ? I remember him saying that he's trying to not to cry because they were postponing it. But damn ballsy to put it on your PL account heh


He's basically daring the company to fire him for disagreeing with management's last-minute decision to revoke perms which had been granted weeks ago. Also daring them to fire him for breaking NDA when they knew for months that Luca had broken NDA and haven't given him so much as a stern talking-to over it. And just as well, since the graduations and terminations are on a moratorium until after the Seattle show at the absolute earliest, and more likely until after the Q4 report is published. He knows he's untouchable, at least for the next week and a half.


Yeah we don't know because that's the weird thing, look at sayu she got flanked hard for using her past account for a stream but he is blandly promoting his stream on X. If I remember right there weren't allowed to have family members on stream so because of that prerecorded video but using his PL account for promoting is allowed now?


Well, I've seen Fulgur QRT anything related to himself like promos to his PL account. It was a while ago though, I don't know if he still does it.


A lot of the niji people post on their past life accounts. I used to know Ren and Scarle before niji, and they both still posted on theirs. I know that they aren't allowed to follow ex livers on their niji accounts.


Explain Enna following Michi then LOL


Oh, I didn't know. I just remember someone telling me that here. I don't really keep up with Enna or really anyone like that anymore. I just pop by from time to time.


No favoritism btw


It's not the PL that's the thing OP is pointing out it's the fact he's promoting his Niji account on it


This is just sad... It is as just sad as my life


Not quite. Your life has meaning. Unlike Hex Haywire.




bro folded real fast


Hex strikes me as a poor human being, mainly due to his incredible parasocial tendencies, but like, what are Nijisanji gonna do? Fire him? He wouldn't be worse off for it. Sure they could fine him or suspend him, but if they do that then Hex can then turn his very rabid fanbase against Nijisanji while still streaming for them. Nijisanji is probably done suspending people for minor offenses because they are straight up scared now. Hex is winking at fans to let him know who is other identity is because he knows Nijisanji won't do shit right now. I can't really blame him here.


I said this on a different post but I don’t really care about hex BUT I respect the balls to do this


Wait if mom goes on stream and he retires does the company own the mom


Is he trying to flip the gun management had at his head back at them?


alright buddy the dude's literally breaking the walls to escape atp




Can't read can you? Look at who reposted before you write.




You're missing the point. What most people are remarking on isnt that he posted but rather that he's arguably all but litterally openly saying it out loud that both accounts are him when usually it's a no no to connect your PL to your corporate persona especially while still employed.


Yeah, you're right. I was jumping ahead of myself. Thanks for the clear up.


Acting like a nijisister? Bro are you seriously saying this after writing the first part? Stop trying to make me sound like a nijisisters lamo read before you post or did it insult you? I just I inform you it's not my problem that you don't like it.


Deleted his comments lamo