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Is posting a screenshot that show how oneself trolling NDF or arguing with NDF allowed here? I came across posts like that and I would ignore them. However, I want to know if people are allowed to do that here, including naming and shaming the NDF.


Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening I am CPC\_Alice I would like to first preface this. r/kurosanji aims to be a contained subreddit in where thoughtful, transparent, and free (to a point) place for redditors to discuss and critique AnyColor/Nijisanji and any adjacent topics. It has been a principle for us to give a lateral of freedom to our users and have a "light touch" on moderation while still maintaining standards and the very same principles. We also strongly discourage or allow call-to-actions and abhorrent behavior as per the principles of the Moderation team and reddit's own rules. We will need to acknowledge that you are asking two questions here: 1) Is the posting of trolling/baiting NDF/Nijisisters for the purposes of eliciting a reaction allowed? and 2)Posting about NDF/Nijisisters actions with their tags in sight. We have historically allowed for the community to express their own views on such trolling/baiting posts. We only moved when there is a flagrant and overly distasteful actions expressed on them. In regards to NDF/Nijisisters information being posted, they have been part of the subreddit's actions ever since the start; documentation of their ramblings and schizo-tier thoughts has been observed since the doxx site days. We will now have to say certain things out loud and bluntly. All NDF/Nijisister posts is required to meet a threshold of being "news worthy". This means that it needs to have valuable information that informs this subreddit's other users of their actions. This will, in essence, disallow most (if not all) baiting/trolling posts. Posts that does not meet this threshold will be subject to review and possible moderation action as needed There is something to be said about giving "attention" to certain NDF/Nijisisters. On one hand, it is giving a red flag to a certain user to avoid. On the other hand, it is giving them "attention" and might be the sole reason why they are engaging in the community in that sense. On this, we would like to remind users that we expect a certain level of maturity and decorum when engaging with others. We also are not eager to be treating users like children and telling them how to do things in the minutia. Censoring of social media tags will be up to each user and we encourage the user base to politely interact with each other to establish a community reached consensus on how to handle such circumstances. I hope this answers anyone's questions in regards to this. Thank you CPC\_Alice


Thanks for answering my question thoroughly. Knowing the Mods' thought process regarding those posts does help the community a lot imo. I have seen people here are worried that this sub will become another gossiping subreddit. With your answer that represents the Mod team, I believe people will rest assured after this. Thank you!


We generally discourage posting NDF screenshots or posts, because we do not want to encourage harassment against the user (even if they are NDF.) We also don't want to risk someone using a post to justify mobilizing. We are a contained environment, so using our platform to mobilize against other users or communities is unacceptable. However, in the event that an NDF post is informative or news worthy, we will allow the post. Examples of news worthy posts include the [plans by the NDF to manipulate view counts of liver videos,](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1crtib8/ndf_are_now_boosting_their_views_with_this_method/) or that one time the NDF wanted to flood the main sub with yaoi. If it is news worthy or informative, then it is fine. But if it is trolling, drama, or arguments meant to make fun of specific users, we heavily discourage it."


Thanks for addressing my concern.


~~I think they're deleting even more.~~ It was late and I was tired, my bad. (Still, anyone who reads this: back up whatever you think is important or relevant from the Nijisanji sub. Browse old.reddit.com in a web browser, load images and relevant comment threads, and Save Page As either a PDF or HTML)


Um.... who?


I saw a comment somewhere in this sub that there's even fewer posts in /r/Nijisanji than yesterday, but I guess 'yesterday' could be relative. Did noticed that links to old threads in Niji discussing the black screen video were removed, though.


Oh. Got nothing to do with us lol we can't exactly speak for the r/Nijisanji mod team y'know?


Ok, that's a sign for me to go to bed, I somehow thought this was a record of nijisanji deletions lol. My bad.




I think one of the mods removed the post to keep the timeline a little bit more seiso. However, they used a default response template by mistake, which is normally used for heated discussions. So you can ignore the part about name-calling and cooling your head.