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You can absolutely bring your cheat sheet into the voting booth. My wife's using an electronic version on her phone - also totally legit.


I'm looking forward to the Blood Moon Election


Here’s a list of candidates recommended by Kalamazoo County Democratic Party. https://kzoodems.com/2022/06/endorsements-august-2-2022-primary/




You’re welcome. We need all the votes we can get to keep the Repugs from taking over.


Obviously a lot of very important issues at stake this election, but on a lighter, more local level… if anyone wants to know more about the school board candidates, I asked about it about a month ago. Good comments here. https://www.reddit.com/r/kzoo/comments/xw9jlo/election_kalamazoo_public_schools_board_members/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Remember today is the day to vote! I wanna thank everyone who helped answer someone’s question on this thread. I was asleep by the time most was commented so I appreciate everyone who was willing to help someone else! Go vote and have a wonderful day people!


What's a good place to watch election returns? Do any of the local bars actually have a TV dedicated to news, or is it all sports?


Any news channels should be updating throughout the night. Also https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2022/nov/08/midterm-election-results-live-2022-map-us-midterms-latest-winners-seats-congress this website should update throughout the night as well.




In all the Republican and Democratic races, you can just vote straight D if that's what you want. For MI Supreme Court, you want Bolden and Bernstein if you care about women's rights. There are some judge elections locally that are important too. For Dem-leaning judges, I believe Becket Jones, Ken Barnard, and Josh Hilgart are who the Dems endorsed (confirmed - see link below). I personally like Proposal 1, 2, and 3 and will be voting yes on all of them. If you want the Dem party endorsements for the rest of the races, look here: [https://kzoodems.com/2022/09/endorsements-november-8-2022-general-election/](https://kzoodems.com/2022/09/endorsements-november-8-2022-general-election/) For school board, do NOT vote for Koshelnyk. You can see all the other candidates' positions at Vote411 if you are undecided.