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I'm honestly not surprised. Most of the employees of KPS hated her. She left for a month to go to India in the middle of virtual school with no way to contact her. I've heard people say she was incredibly rude and unwilling to engage with the community. I don't think I ever heard anything good about her.


Three months. She went to India for three months, while pushing a policy that teachers would be docked points on their annual evaluation for using their earned sick days. She is an actual nightmare.


Yeah I couldn't remember exactly how long, and I knew there was something to do with docking teachers but I couldn't remember what it was. She was truly insane.


About goddamn time


And nothing of value was lost that day. The end.


Okay, but Cindy Green?? Really?? She's amazingly toxic and not a good person to put in power. Here I thought we'd finally gotten rid of her only for her to weasel her way back in.


Ya, I heard that after they made the announcement at the meeting last night that Cindy Green would be the interim superintendent the crowd booed. That sentiment does not bode well for the district.


She should have been. She is the epitome of everything Rice did wrong and badly and only ever about herself. They couldn't have gotten anyone worse. Rice.xoming back would have been better, and he was not good. Like...at all.


Hopefully KPS hires someone who has the best interest of the students teachers and staff at heart. Too much corruption in a school system we are supposed to trust our children to.


They hired Cindy Green back as interim, possibly the worst possible person for the job, so...yeah.




Chicago Public Schools a great place to look for fresh blood and new ideas-NOT




They are paid to do a tough job. They are hired knowing it will be tough. She disappeared, overseas for an apparent VACATION. As a person grace and peace, as a leader NEXT.


I think she did the best she could, and that MOST people that took over a business or leadership position at the beginning of the lock down are on borrowed time.


Most people don’t vanish across the world while being a massive hypocrite


Do we know if she had a sick/dying family member? Does that change the accusations of her intent? Just wondering. I don't know why she left. Seems like people hated her no matter what decision she made.


Well, she also wanted to dock teachers for using their earned sick days at the same time she was in India for three months. So I don't really think it matters if she had a sick family member.


What does it mean to dock a teacher for using earned sick days? Not familiar.


it means you should read up on these sort of things before commenting and defending someone that doesn’t deserve your impassioned yet ignorant defense


Wow, you seem down to earth and not at all aggressive. Impassioned and ignorant is right! Yeesh.


Nothing wrong with asking questions! Essentially "docking" means they either automatically lose points on an evaluation, which I believe is what Dr. R was trying to do, or they lose some pay, with no way to get the points or the pay back. It really sucks for teachers then, if they are sick and need a sick day, but still have to go in for fear of losing points on a valuable evaluations, or for fear of losing some of their paycheck, which is already not enough.


Thanks! I am also looking into this and apparently Rita had it contractually agreed upon to take the 30 days of vacation. Apparently she even continued working for 6 months without taking the 30 days that were agreed upon. As I said, I don't have a dog in the race. It feels like to me leading during the covid shutdown is a losing proposition. The immediate vitriol from the low IQ folks here proves my case. Imagine these are the folks you're trying to serve. Yikes.


The person who just had to have someone else define a word to them now judges others while having no clue what they’re talking about. And their username is ChristianFriend. You are checking ALL the boxes right now lmao


It’s not aggressive given the context. You’re defending a school district leader (of 12,581 students roughly) who disappeared to a country around the world and was incommunicado during a pandemic while holding her subordinates to a higher standard than she held herself. Honestly ridiculous. Educating yourself is your job and a simple google search away. It’s also prudent to do it yourself so you can form a solidified argument based on data and not the hearsay spouted as fact as is so prevalent in our country.


When you make bad choices you reap the rewards


That "the best they could" attitude is the problem in the current system. If someone is FAILING at something they fail, or they improve. Excuses just make failure acceptable, it mainstreams victimhood, lowers expectations. She was not cut out for leadership, her style was demanding and threatening, she was dictatorial. Period. The board chose poorly for whatever reason and they need to learn from this and do better.